38 research outputs found

    The Effect of Utilization of Sweet Potato Flour as Energy Source of Broiler Feed at Finisher Period to Carcass Weight, Chest Weight, Thigh Weight and Abdominal Fat

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    The objective of current research is was to know the effect of feeding sweet potato flour as a source of energy to carcass weight, chest weight, thigh weight, and abdominal fat.The material of the research were 80 finisher male broiler with initial weight of 963.37 ± 31.23 g. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) used for research method which consisted of 4 treatment, namely feeding without sweet potato flour (P0), with concentration of sweet potato flour of 10% (P1), 20% (P2) and 30% (P3).The parameter of research were carcass weight, chest weight,thigh weight and abdominal fat. The results showed that the gift effect of sweet potato flour to carcass weight were P0 1199.4%; P1 1138.98%; P2 1076.6; P3 1038.2; chest weight of P0 358.08; P1 366.6; P2 337.8; and P3 323.4%; thigh weight of P0 479.8; P1 472.94; P2 468.4; and P3 442; and abdominal fat of P0 33.2; P1 35.6; P2 25.4; P3 27.8. It could be concluded that the concentration of 10% sweet potato flour from total feeding gave the best treatment.   Keywords : sweet potato flour, carcass weight, chest weight, thigh weight, abdominal fa


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    The experimental methods and design was carried out by Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments, replicated five times and 21 day long fermentation process. Based on analysis of variance showed that average DM (Dry Matter) content in each treatment amounted were: P0 = 22,83%; P1 = 23,58%; P2 = 25,12% and P3 = 26,95%. Average OM (Organic Matter) content were: P0 = 91,05%; P1 = 91,01%; P2 = 90,59% and P3 = 91,74%. Average CP (Crude Protein) content were: P0 = 20,91%; P1 = 21,08%; P2 = 22,33% and P3 = 22,81%. Based on analysis of variance showed that different level of onggok gave significant difference (

    Peer Review Local Alginate As A Food Additive And Nutritional Improvement For White Bread

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    Alginate extracted from brown seaweed derived from rocky coastal area of Yogyakarta Indonesia has been proven non-toxic and has a hypocholesterolemic effect. This research aims to get the type and concentration of alginate extracted from Sargassum sp. and Turbinaria sp. derived from rocky coastal area of Yogyakarta to produce white bread with the best quality in nutrition. The results showed that the use of 1.5% alginate extracted from Turbinaria sp., has ability to produce white bread with the best nutritional and physical quality. The protein content, fat, water, ash, carbohydrates, total fiber, total salt and total sugars of bread with the best formulations respectively 9%; 5.93%; 27.84%; 1.42%; 55.81%; 2.91%; 0.64%; and 8.92%. That bread is contains soluble dietary fiber (32.52%), which is very good to be consumed daily


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    The aim of this research are (1) to know the best composition of snail as duck’s feed supplementation with bran and parcher rice; (2) to know responses of snail as duck’s feed supplementation in feed consumption, digestibility, convertion, IOFC and also duck’ productivity of egg. This research held at Simorejo village, Bojonegoro. Materials used were 18 layer ducks. Method used were completely randomized design with 6 treatments which 3 repeats and 18 duck’s layer for each treatment. The treatments were A0B1 = bran + 25% of snail; A0B2 = bran + 35% of snail; A0B3 = bran + 45% of snail; A1B1 = parcher rice + 25% of snail; A1B2 = parcher rice + 35% of snail; and A1B3 = parcher rice + 45% of snail. Variabels measured were feed consumption, digestibility, convertion, IOFC and also duck’ productivity of egg.The result showed that the best composition is parcher rice + 45% of snail which gave responses low consumption (266,67 ± 61,10) gr/tail with the best convertion rate (3,74 ± 1,16) and percentage of egg production (80,00 ± 17,32)% with egg weight (54,17 ± 7,22) g

    Identifikasi Jenis Ektoparasit Pada Ayam Petelur (Gallus Gallus) (Studi Kasus Milik Peternakan Rakyat Di Desa Gadingkulon Kabupaten Malang)

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    Jenis ektoparasit yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan kematian pada ternak ayam. Kurangnya penelitian mengenai ektoparasit membuat informasi jenis ektoparasit yang menyerang ayam serta dampak ektoparasit terhadap ternak maupun peternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui jenis ektoparasit yang terindentifikasi pada ayam petelur dan afkir. (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menangani ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi pada ayam petelur dan afkir di peternakan rakyat dI Desa Gadingkulon Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Data dipilah dalam bentuk presentase dengan cara mengelompokkan kutu yang dikoleksi berdasarkan genus, bagian tubuh inang. Selanjutnya dibuat dalam bentuk presentase dominasi dan presentase sebaran kutu pada ayam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 100% ayam terinfeksi ektoparasit. Pada ayam produksi ditemukan 4 spesies kelompok kutu yaitu Menopon gallinae, Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes, Lipeurus caponi. sedangkan pada ayam afkir ditemukan 4 spesies kelompok kutu yaitu Menopon gallinae, Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes, Lipeurus caponis. Jumlah ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi pada ayam produksi lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan ektoparasit yang ditemukan pada ayam afkir. pada ayam produksi jumlah keseluruhan ektoparasit yang teridentifiksi  di Desa Gadingkulon Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Jawa Timur yaitu 352 genus. Sedangkan pada ayam afkir jumlah keseluruhan ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi yaitu 357 genus.Jenis ektoparasit yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan kematian pada ternak ayam. Kurangnya penelitian mengenai ektoparasit membuat informasi jenis ektoparasit yang menyerang ayam serta dampak ektoparasit terhadap ternak maupun peternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui jenis ektoparasit yang terindentifikasi pada ayam petelur dan afkir. (2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana cara menangani ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi pada ayam petelur dan afkir di peternakan rakyat dI Desa Gadingkulon Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Jawa Timur. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Data dipilah dalam bentuk presentase dengan cara mengelompokkan kutu yang dikoleksi berdasarkan genus, bagian tubuh inang. Selanjutnya dibuat dalam bentuk presentase dominasi dan presentase sebaran kutu pada ayam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 100% ayam terinfeksi ektoparasit. Pada ayam produksi ditemukan 4 spesies kelompok kutu yaitu Menopon gallinae, Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes, Lipeurus caponi. sedangkan pada ayam afkir ditemukan 4 spesies kelompok kutu yaitu Menopon gallinae, Goniocotes gallinae, Goniodes, Lipeurus caponis. Jumlah ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi pada ayam produksi lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan ektoparasit yang ditemukan pada ayam afkir. pada ayam produksi jumlah keseluruhan ektoparasit yang teridentifiksi  di Desa Gadingkulon Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang. Jawa Timur yaitu 352 genus. Sedangkan pada ayam afkir jumlah keseluruhan ektoparasit yang teridentifikasi yaitu 357 genus

    Pemanfaatan Maggot Untuk Pengolahan Sampah Organik Di Kecamatan Kedungkandang, Kota Malang

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    Pupa Maggot memiliki potensi yang luar biasa dalam pengelolaan Sampah Organik Dapur (SOD). Sebagai bentuk kerjasama dengan pengelola Bank Sampah M-230 di Kelurahan Cemorokandang, Kecamatan kedungkandang Kota Malang, peneliti dalam hal ini membantu pewujudkan redesign kandang budidaya lalat black soldier sebagai bagian dari indukan dalam siklus budidaya maggot yang terkendala adanya kerusakan kandang. Sebagai bentuk implementasi terkait kepeduluan terhadap pengurangan timbunan sampah organik dapur, peneliti besama pemilik Bank Sampah M-230 memberikan pemahaman terkait penggunaan tong dekomposer dengan memanfaatkan maggot untuk melakukan biokonversi sampah organik menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan, sekaligus memberikan tong dekomposer kepada perwakilan POKJA. Hasil dari pengelolaan sampah menggunakan maggot ini dapat juga dapat diaplikasikan menjadi pupuk organik yang dapat diterapkan pada tanaman rumah tangga yang dimiliki di lingkungan Kelurahan Cemorokandang tersebut


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    The aim of this research to examine feed nutrients of market waste processed as hen feed supplementation and to identify the best processed of market waste as hen feed supplementation. This research held at Field Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Tlogomas, Malang for processed the market waste and at Feed Nutrition of Animal Husbandry Faculty Brawijaya University, Veteran Street, Malang. Materials used were vegetables and fish waste from the local market which classified in the waste group of green vegetables, tomatoes, sprouts and fish bone. Each of groups treated with under siege processed treatment, sun-dried processed treatment, boiled processed treatment and steamed process treatment. Each of group treatments used durability checked of feed supplementation by organoleptic inspection. This inspection is done for every 2 hours for 6 hours a day. This inspection done during 20 days. The result concluded that under siege processed treatment of market waste was the best process for durability feed supplementation. The boiled processed treatment was the worst processed for durability feed supplementation.

    Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Pengelolaan Sanitasi Lingkungan Kerja dan Penggunaan APD pada UKM Grand Larva Maggot Kota Malang

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    Grand Larva merupakan UKM (Usaha Kecil Menengah) yang berusaha dalam bidang pengolahan sampah organik menggunakan maggot. Selama ini Grand Larva belum mengetahui dan memahami tentang pentingnya sanitasi lingkungan dan penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD), padahal sampah merupakan sumber penularan penyakit yang potensial terhadap pekerja. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pemahaman pentingnya penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) oleh pekerja selama beraktivitas. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini tim melakukan edukasi kepada pengelola dan pekerja Grand Larva agar mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya sanitasi lingkungan dan penggunaan APD. Metode yang digunakan penyuluhan, praktek langsung, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Hasil yang diperoleh mitra telah dapat memahami tentang sanitasi lingkungan dan penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD). Namun dalam kepatuhan penggunaan APD masih perlu ditingkatkan


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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of two commercial feed and feed the rational against the appearance of chicken. One hundred and twenty chickens unsexed placed randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups feed with four replications, each repeat of the three feed treatments, a commercial broiler starter feed (BR-I) production Japfa Comfeed Indonesia (P1), the commercial broiler starter feed (Br IA) Charoend production Pokphand Indonesia (P2), and a rational feed prepared with crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME) commercial feed (P3). Feed and water were given ad libitum. Data observed were feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion, protein consumption, balance efficiency of protein, and amino acid consumption. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance of a completely randomized design unidirectional pattern, if there are differences in test followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. From the results of this study concluded that the two types of commercial diets produce feed intake and higher weight gain and feed conversion efficiency and balance of feed protein is better than rationa


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       This study aimed to determine the effect of the level and type of shellfish flour in feed formulations to increase egg production and quality. The method used was a nested complete randomized design consisting of 3 treatments and three replications, each replication using three chickens. The treatment used was several sources of calcium in the basal diet, namely without a calcium source 0%, green clamshell flour 1% 2% 3%, and scallop shell flour 1% 2% 3%. The variables observed were feed consumption, FCR, HDP, hen mash, whole egg index, white egg index, egg yolk index, egg yolk weight, eggshell thickness, and eggshell weight. The results showed that the treatment gave a very significant difference (P0.01) in feed consumption, and significantly different (P0.05) on the egg yolk index and eggshell weight and did not provide a significant difference (P0.05). on FCR, HDP, and hen mash