17 research outputs found

    Pengerajin Tradisional di Daerah Bali

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    Indonesia termasuk kategori negara sedang berkembang dalam struktur kependudukan, penduduknya mayoritas memiliki okupasi petani. Dalam bidang produksi pertanian secara kuantitas jelas sumber daya manusia sangat dominan. Disamping unsur budaya petani, sub unsur budaya lainnya seperti kerajinan tradisional sebagai kegiatan tambahan atau pengisi luang waktu juga tidak kalah pentingnya dengan hasil produksi pertanian dipandang dari sudut kepentingan atau kebutuhan hidup manusia secara mendasar. Begitupula dengan struktur masyarakat dan kebudayaan orang Bali, unsur budaya petani menempati posisi paling mendasar, bertalian erat dengan sistem kepercayaan atau keagamaan, siklus, dan rentangan waktu serta alam lingkungan, yang perkembangannya mengakar sejak masa prasejarah

    Pengrajin tradisional di daerah Bali

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    Dengan me,ngucapkan puji syukur kehadapan Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa (Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam tahun anggaran 1995/1996 melalui Bagian Proyek Pengkajian Dan Pembinaan Nilai Nilai Budaya Bali telah dapat menerbitkan buku berjudul : "PENGERAJIN TRADISIONAL DI DAERAH BALI "

    Senjata tradisional daerah Bali

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    Senjata adalah salah satu alat yang sangat penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia. Manusia mempunyai kebutuhan pokok, seperti sandang, pangan, dan papan. Kebutuhan manusia tersebut perlu diusahakan dengan berbagai pengetahuan dan teknik untuk mengatasi keterbatasan kemampuan manusia yaitu dengan membuat senjata untuk menyerang atau berperang, senjata untuk membela diri, dan senjata untuk berburu. Ruang lingkup materi yang akan direkam dalam penelitian senjata tradisional di daerah Bali adalah meliputi sistem teknologi, tujuan, fungsi, arti simbolik

    Utilization of Communication Strategy for Improving Communication Process Simantri Program in Province of Bali

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    The process of communication between facilitators and farmers do not result in behavioral changes especially in the aspect of the application, so the success rate Simantri program has not been in line with expectations. Based on these problems, need to be designed model of communication strategies to improve the effectiveness of the communication process Simantri Program. The design strategy based communications analysis unit executing Simantri farmer groups totaling 50 groups. From farmer groups that sample set 100 farmers and 50 facilitators as respondents using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using survey method with interview techniques and in-depth interview. The design of the communication strategy model using PLS-SEM models with specific analytical tools, namely SmartPLS version 2.0 M3. Presentation of the research results using descriptive method. Design of communication strategy models have compatibility and a high level of relevant predictive. The communication strategy has a positive relationship with the communication process, communication processes influencing behavior changes of farmers, and the farmers' behavior determines the success Simantri The communication strategy can improve the communication process Simantri Program by following the activities of the communication resource planning, communication resource management and operational tactics of communication. Keywords: communication resource planning, communication resource management, operational tactics of communication


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    This study aims to determine the effect of transformational leadership on organizational commitment and OCB. This research was conducted at PT. Regional Development Bank Branch Renon Bali. Sampling method used in this study sample is saturated. Data were collected using interviews and questionnaires. The respondents of this study were 89 employees of PT. Regional Development Bank Branch Renon Bali. Data analysis techniques used in this research is path analysis path. The results of transformational leadership and significant positive effect on organizational commitment with a beta value of 0.579. The results of transformational leadership and significant positive effect on OCB with a beta value of 0.504. The results of organizational commitment and significant positive effect on OCB with a beta value of 0.359


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    The Right on Land for Foreigner and Foreign Legal Entity Tourism Investasion Perspective, Participation and Nominee Practice Prevention

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    Bali is one of the national cultural heritages, which is endlessly praised in various essays and research results, then becomes a reference and promotion as an exotic island that inspires the rise of world tourism. Tourism encourages investment in hospitality, restaurants, transportation, trade, property, the creative economy sector and others. Investment, changing the function of agriculture into hospitality and transforming the work of farmers into services. Major changes in the mind-set of rural farmers to urban services. This change is not accompanied by a significant expansion of public participation, because tourism is concentrated in capital due to legal limitations that favoring on investors. The government is trying to make corrections, through the following steps, namely: (1) through ASEAN economic cooperation, Indonesia-Australia bilateral cooperation (IA-CEPA) and other countries, (2) deregulation in the fields of investment, land by granting usufructuary rights over land; and (3) encourage community participation through agrarian reform. These steps are important means, as a trigger for the awakening of the awareness of the basis of national economic development which Article 33 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, determines that "The economy is organized as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship". The constitution requires collective ownership of a company, mutual benefit. The national economy is designed as a joint effort based on the "family principle", in the form of cooperatives, which put the emphasize on the element of participation rather than the concentration of capital. Article 2 of the Bacis Agrarian Law (BAL) constitutes the implementing regulation of Article 33 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution, explaining the control of natural resources by the state, namely "Earth and water and the natural resources contained therein are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people Article 33 paragraph (4) The national economy is organized based on a democratic economy based on the principle of togetherness, so conceptually it can be formulated that community participation in provision of Foreigner Housing is a form of empowerment, recognition of community rights in efforts to improve community welfare and as mandates for the implementation of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, Articles 42 and 45 of the BAL in granting usufructuary rights to foreigners/ Foreign Legal Entity


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    Bali is one of the national cultural heritages, which is endlessly praised in various essays and research results, then becomes a reference and promotion as an exotic island that inspires the rise of world tourism. Tourism encourages investment in hospitality, restaurants, transportation, trade, property, the creative economy sector and others. Investment, changing the function of agriculture into hospitality and transforming the work of farmers into services. Major changes in the mind-set of rural farmers to urban services. The purpose of this study is to find out the concept of norms and substance of the basic Agrarian Law and the laws and regulations in land ownership/ Provision of Residential for foreigners/Foreign Legal Entity. This research applies a socio-legal approach. This change is not accompanied by a significant expansion of public participation, because tourism is concentrated in capital due to legal limitations that favoring on investors..The results of the study are expected to encourage the weight of the substance of the Foreigners Residential Provision legislation, containing the substance of the Foreigners Residential Provision regulatory norms carrying the message of community participation as social engeeneer and community expectations (das sollen), global