115 research outputs found

    Jaminan Sosial Berbasis Komunitas: Respon Atas Kegagalan Negara dalam Penyediaan Jaminan Kesejahteraan

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    Various findings in the research showed that government failed to provide social security as one of strategies to overcome problem of social welfare, especially to people who live under the poverty line. This research showed that there are problems contributing to the government failure in maintaining community welfare through social security. Moreover, due to fulfill of social welfare, this research showed that Lembaga amil zakat infaq sodaqoh Tsalatsatun Kharimah appears as a way to distribute zakat from the have community to the poor in its region since 2006. Institutionalizing process of the zakat distribution may through efforts of building collective awareness by showing positive work for community

    Which Clause Type do You Use in Your Conversation?

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    The objective of this article is to discuss the classification of clause type in English Grammar commonly used for either formal or informal conversation. It cannot be avoided that people always tell, ask, command, request and perform other acts for their daily communicative purpose. These kinds of acts are commonly referred as Clause Type. Basically, there are four terms of clause type in English namely declarative, interrogative, exclamative, and imperative. Those terms of clause type are employed to accomplish different communicative intentions. Moreover, knowing Clause type in English may contribute a clear understanding during having English intercourse with the speakers

    Kebijakan Upah Minimum yang Akomodatif

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    In attempting to mediate conflict of interest between labours and enterprises, the government set up a regional-base minimum wage. Such policy, however suffer from some flows. Having demonstrate the flows, this article offers some measures to improve it


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    AbstractThis study aims to describe the implementation of thematic learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in class VI Elementary School 03 Pontianak City which refers to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. returned by the Education Quality Assurance Institute (LPMP). Data collection techniques used in this study using observation, interviews and documentation. This research is included in the qualitative research used is the interactive model of Miles and Hubermen. The results of the description show that the implementation of thematic learning has been carried out quite well using online methods that are tailored to the needs of students during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the implementation of online thematic learning also has inhibiting factors such as limited student internet networks, and the difficulty of teachers in monitoring students' understanding of the material presented.Keywords: Description, Implementation, Thematic Learning, Online, Pandemic Covid-1

    Analisis Butir Soal Pilihan Ganda Penilaian Tengah Semester Pada Pembelajaran Tematik Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Negeri 39 Pontianak Kota

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    This study aims to analyze the multiple-choice questions for Mid-Semester Assessment in the thematic learning of class V at 39 Pontianak City Elementary Schools based on validity, level of difficulty, discriminatory power, effectiveness of distractors, and reliability. This research is a descriptive quantitative method. The Mid-Semester Assessment Question consists of 2 themes, namely theme 6 (20 points) and theme 7 (19 points). The questions were analyzed based on validity, level of difficulty, discriminatory power, effectiveness of distractors and reliability using Microsoft Excel 2010. The subjects in this study were students of class V. The data collection technique was carried out with documentation techniques. The results of this study indicate that the questions are of good quality. (1) The validity of the theme 6 questions as many as 19 items (95%), theme 7 as many as 18 items (94.74%) is said to be valid. (2) The level of difficulty in theme 6 is 13 items (68.42%) in the easy category, and 2 items (10.53%) in the difficult category, in theme 7 there are 11 items (61.11%) in the easy category, so it includes questions that not of good quality in terms of difficulty level. (3) The distinguishing power of theme 6 is 10 items (52.63%) in the bad category and 1 item (5.26%) in the good category, theme 7 is 6 items (33.33%) in the bad category and 3 items (16.67%) good category so that the questions are of moderate quality in terms of distinguishing power. (4) The effectiveness of distractors for theme 6 is 1 item (5.26%) in very good category, 8 items (42.11%)in good category, 6 items (31.58%) in poor category, theme 7 is 4 items (22 ,22%) in very good category, 4 items (22.22%) in good category, 3 items (16.67%) in poor category, so that the questions are of good quality in terms of distractor effectiveness. (5) The reliability of theme 6 questions is 0.9592, theme 7 is 0.8950 so that the questions are of good quality because of high reliability

    The motives using google classroom as a distance learning media during the covid-19 pandemic at the elementary school level in pontianak

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    The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia since the early March 2020 has change most sectors of human’s life together with  educational activities. Many schools tried to adapt to conduct instructional activities from the distance and students’ learning activities were implemented from home via online. Teachers and students were expected to be able to use online learning flatforms and media to support their activites for the sake of avoiding the spread of the virus. This study aims to investigate the teachers’ motives for using Google Classroom as a media for distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Elementary School Level. This research applied a qualitative descriptive study and   semi-structured interviews was utilized to collect data from eight respondents of three elementary schools who are actively using Google Classroom in teaching and learning activities in Pontianak City. The findings indicate that  there are 5 motives for using Google Classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic at elementary schools in Pontianak City which cover  ease of  access and use,  application shopistiation, availability of  facilities and infrastructure, school policy, and  level of teacher and students' digital literacy skills


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    The problem of this research is what are the errors in the use of capital letters in writing essays of students and what are the spelling errors found in the use of full stop and comma punctuation in writing essays. The purpose of this research is to describe: 1) errors in writing capital letters; 2) spelling errors using periods and punctuation marks in the essays of grade IV students at SD Negeri 26 Pontianak Tenggara. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive research methods with data sources written by 32 students of class IV-A SDN 26 Pontianak Tenggara. The instrument in the research is a human instrument, namely researchers who act as instruments. Data collection techniques with documentation studies and reading & recording techniques. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model technique. The results of this study were 138 capital letter errors with a percentage of 51%, 63 dot errors with a percentage of 23%, and 69 comma errors with a percentage of 26%


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    AbstractThe results showed that the students' learning motivation during the Covid-19 pandemic analyzed was the percentage of persistence indicators in learning with a percentage of 80% high category, consistency towards learning with a percentage of 83% high category, attitude towards learning with a percentage of 82% high category , the duration of learning with a percentage of 79% is high category, loyalty to learning with a percentage of 85% is high category and vision in learning is 85% is high category. The overall average indicator of student learning motivation during the Covid-19 pandemic is 76.65%, which is in the high category.Keywords: Covid-19, Factors Affecting Learning Motivation, Learning Motivatio
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