97 research outputs found

    Cell mediated immunity in malaria : 1. Changes in numbers of mononuclear phagocytes during plasmodium vinckei petteri infection in immunized and non-immunized mice

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    Supargiyono -- Immunitas yang diperantarai oleh sel pada malaria: Perubahan jumlah sel fagosit mononuklear selama infeksi Plasmodium vinckei petteri pada mencit yang diimunisasi dan tidak diimunisasi Penelitian bertahap telah dilakukan\u27untuk mempelajari reaksi-reaksi immunitas selular yang terjadi selama infeksi Plasmodium vinckei petteri malaria pada mencit LACA. Fokus kajian pada penelitian tahap pertama ini adalah mempelajari profil perubahan jumlah sel fagosit mononuklear (mononuclear phagocytes) dalam sumsum tulang, darah tepi dan dalam limpa, selama infeksi malaria pada mencit yang diimunisasi dan yang tidak diimunisasi. Imunisasi dilakukan dengan penyuntikan secara intravena 108 parasit stadium darah yang dibebaskan dari eritrosit dengan larutan saponin dan difiksasi dengan larutan formalin. Kedua kelompok mencit, yang diimunisasi dan yang tidak diimunisasi diinfeksi dengan 103 eritrosit terinfeksi, pada hari ke 15 sesudah imunisasi. Jumlah sel fagosit berinti satu beserta sel prekursornya dievaluasi berturut-turut pada hari ke 0, 3, 6, 9 dan 12 sesudah infeksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama infeksi P. v. petteri, jumlah sel fagosit mononuklear meningkat di dalam sumsum tulang, kemudian di dalam darah tepi dan dalam limpa. Derajat peningkatan jumlah sel fagosit tersebut lebih tinggi pada mencit yang telah diimunisasi sebelumnya dibandingkan dengan pada mencit yang tidak diimunisasi. Tingginya peningkatan jumlah sel fagosit mononuklear pada mencit yang diimunisasi tersebut nampaknya berkaitan dengan keberhasilan sistem kekebalan tubuh hospes dalam menurunkan parasitemia. Peningkatan jumlah sel fagosit tersebut didahului dengan peningkatan jumlah sel prekusornya di dalam sumsum tulang, sehingga bisa diantisipasikan bahwa produksi dan proliferasi dari sel prekursor di dalam sumsum tulang juga meningkat dalam usaha memenuhi kebutuhan sel d.ewasa di dalam darah dan jaringan selama infeksi malaria. Key words: Plasmodium vinckei petteri -- malaria -- LACA mice -- mononuclear phagocyte -- cellular immunit

    Proteksi terhadap Infeksi Malaria yang Fatal pada Mencit dengan Vaksin Malaria Stadium Darah

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    keywords: plasmodium vinckei vinckei-plasmodium vinckei pitteri-immune response-cellular immunity-homologous parasite

    Pengaruh Asap Obat Nyamuk Bakar Terhadap Lama Hidup, Kernampu.an Bertelur, Daya Tetas Telur dan Daya Tetas Larva Aedes aegypti

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    Mosquito incense coil had been widely use among the households of Indonesian community as an effort to prevent mosquito bites. Nevertheless, its definite influence to the mosquito\u27s biology is still not yet known. This study was conducted to ensure the influence of mosquito incense coil smoke to the longevity, egg production capability, egg hetching capacity and instar emerging capacity of Aedes aegypli mosquito in Yogyakarta. Aedes aegypli mosquitos were collected either from urban or rural area, reared in the laboratory and prepared for laboratory testing. Incense burning was done in a closed-testing room, in six different periods from 5 minutes to 180 minutes. Some biological aspects such as longevity, egg production, egg hetching and instar emerging were observed. It can be concluded that mosquito\u27s incense smoke has either chase out effect or killing effect to Ae. aegypti mosquitos. It is also clear that with the incense burner period of 30 minutes will prolong the longevity, reduce egg production capability, reduce egg hetching capacity and reduce instar emerging capacity. On the incense burning period of 120 minutes, 81.7% of Ae. aegypti tested were killed, and furthermore, in the incense burning period of 180 minutes, all Ae. aegypti tested were killed. Key Words: egg production capability -- egg hetching capacity â instar emerging capacity chase out effect â mosquito incence coi

    Evaluation of the Performance of Malaria Microscopist in Primary Health Center and Cross Checker in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara.

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    ABSTRACTIntroduction: It was reported that error rate of malaria microscopic examination of microscopist at Primary Health Center and District Health of fice of Belu, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) was high (45-100%). These high level of error rate might becaused by several factors such as lack of qualified personnel, lack of technical skills in the microscopic slide preparation (blood smear) or incompetency in parasite identification on bloods mear preparation.Objectives: To evaluate the performance of malaria microscopists at Primary Health Centers and cross checker in Belu District and determining the factors that contribute to those condition.Methods: The study was an observational and exploratory research with cross sectional approach. The competency of the malaria microscopist at the primary health center and district health office in examining malaria blood smears were evaluated using standard bloods mears and the one from Passive Case Detection (PCD) activities. Performance in preparing bloods mear were evaluatied by observation and filling the checklist. The study was conducted in December 2012 – March 2013 in Belu District, NTT.Results: The competency of the microscopists to identify malaria in fection was low.The error rate in examining PCD bloods mears ranged from 20 - 100%. The error rate of the microscopic reading at district level reached 52%, with a kappa value between 0.41 to 0.60. There was different levels of the error rate using standard and PCD bloods mears. Error rate in diagnosing malaria on PCD blood smears was higher than those on gold standard blood smears. Accuracy to identify P.falciparum was high (100%) than those to identify P.vivax (0 - 75%). False-positive diagnosis is as high as 90% when examining PCD blood smears. Missed diagnosis of malaria parasite also occure in around 60% of personnel when examining blood smears with low density of less than 1000 parasites/ìl of blood)Conclusion: The accuracy of malaria diagnosis by microscopist in the Health Center in District of Belu is low. The factor that might contribute is the ability of the microscopist to produce a good quality of malaria blood smears. Working experience of the health center microscopist is statistically significant to correlate with accuracy of malaria diagnosis.Keywords: Errorrate, the performance evaluation of microscopists, microscopic examination, blood smear Bel

    The Effect of Pandanus conoideus Lamk Extract to the Serum Level of TNF-α, IL-10 and Parasitemia of Plasmodium berghei Infected in Mice

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Study on the effects of red fruit (Pandanusconoideus Lamk) has been conducted with various result.Objectives: In this study, the effect of red fruit extract on the level of cytokines TNF-α, IL-10 and the parasitemia of Plasmodium berghei infected Swiss mice were evaluated.Methods: Quasi-experimental design with pre and post test only control group was applied. Sixty male Swiss mice of 8 weeks old and weighs 20-30 g, was simply randomized into four treatment groups. Group I (K1) was stimulated with the extract for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after infection with P.berghei. K2 was stimulated with the extract for 2 weeks before infection, K3 was stimulated with the extract for 2 weeks after infection and K4, negative control, was given 0.6% tween 40. The dose of the extract was 7.8 mg/30g mice BW, intra gastric once a day. Serum level of TNF-α and IL-10 was measured by ELISA Sandwich methods and the number of parasitemia were examined microscopically. The difference level of TNF-α, IL-10 and parasitemia of each treatment group were analyzed by t-test, one way anova, honestly significant different (HSD) and multivariate analysis (manova).Results: There were significan cedifferences of parasitemia in K3 group compared to others. Parasitemia on day-3 was 18.464% and reduced to 1.054% on day-9. Parasitemia of K2 group was 13.204% on day-3 and 32.455% on day-9. Parasitemia of negative control group was 27.304% on day-3 and 78.506% on day-9. The TNF-α level of K3 group decreased along with the infection, it was 26.985 pg/Ml on day-0 and 22.244 pg/mL on day-6. The IL-10 level increased at all groups and the highest level was on K3 group.Conclusion: Effect of red fruit extract on P.berghei infected mice was reduced both parasitemia and TNF-α level but increased of IL-10 level.Keywords : Pandanus conoideus Lamk, Malaria, Parasitemia, TNF-α, IL-

    Correlation Between Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) Infection and Eosinophil Score on Residents Around Landfill of Mojosongo Village, Jebres Sub-District, Surakarta City

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    Introduction: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) infected more than one million people all over the world. In Indonesia, the prevalence of STH infection is still high in a few places, some of them are 40-60 % of all ages, with different species of helminth and intensity. Citizens around landfills usually has unhealthy  sanitary and life style. Some data indicated that they often suffer  alergic symptoms, like itchy on the skin and chronic coughing which could be due to STH infection.Objectives: This study was held to know the relationship between STH infection and eosinophil score at citizens around landfills of Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia.Methods: Stool and blood sample from 96 citizens of study site who agreed to participate (by informed consent) were collected. Kato-Katz method was used to determine the helminths infection intensity. Eosinophil count was done on thin blood smear stained with Giemsa to identify the percentage of eosinophil among other cells on the blood smear subjects. .Results: Prevalence of STH infection was 7,29% (7/96) with egg density of 61 Eggs Per Gram Feses (EPGF). Single type of helminth infection occured among the participants and there was no co-infection. Hookworm infection was 6,25% (6/96) and Trichuris trichiura infection was 1,04% (1/96). There was no Ascaris lumbricoides infection. All of them were fall into catagory of light infection. The prevalence of eosinophilia was 27,8% (26/96) with 2,63% mean osinophil percentage. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032).Conclusion: The prevalence of STH infection of the population around landfills of Mojosongo, Surakarta was 7,29% and predominated by Hookworm. There was a very weak association between STH infection intensity and eosinophil score (r=0,190; p=0,032). Keywords: STH infection, STH infection intensity, eosinophil score, Kato-Katz, eosinophiliaINTISARIPendahuluan: Soil-Transmitted Helminth (STH) menginfeksi lebih dari satu milyar orang di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia, prevalensi STH di beberapa tempat juga masih tinggi, ada diantaranya dengan prevalensi 40-60 % pada semua umur, dengan jenis cacing dan intensitas yang berbeda-beda. Masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Tempat Pembuangan sampah Akhir (TPA) biasanya sanitasi lingkungan dan kebiasaan hidupnya tidak sehat. Beberapa data menunjukkan bahwa mereka biasanya mengeluhkan adanya  gejala alergi seperti gatal-gatal pada kulit dan batuk kronis yang sangat mungkin disebabkan olef infeksi STH.Tujuan: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui hubungan infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil pada masyarakat di sekitar TPA Kelurahan Mojosongo Kecamatan Jebres Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia.Metode : Sampel tinja dan darah dikoleksi dari 96 warga yang bersedia berpartisipasi (dengan informed consent). Metode Kato-Katz digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya infeksi STH dan mengetahui intensitas infeksinya. Hitung eosinofil dilakukan pada sediaan apus darah tipis yang dipulas dengan Giemsa untuk mengetahui persentase eosinofil pada penderita.Hasil: Prevalensi infeksi STH secara keseluruhan sebesar 7,29% (7/96) dengan rata-rata jumlah telur 61 telur per gram feses. Semua menderita infeksi tunggal dan tidak ada yang infeksi campuran. Infeksi hookworm sebesar 6,25% (6/96) dan infeksi Trichuris trichiura sebesar 1,04% (1/96). Tidak ditemukan infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides. Semuanya menderita infeksi ringan. Prevalensi eosinofilia adalah 27,8% (26/96) dengan rata-rata persentase eosinofil 2,63%. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032).Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara intensitas infeksi STH dengan angka eosinofil, dengan kekuatan sangat lemah (r=0,190; p=0,032). Kata kunci : infeksi STH, intensitas infeksi STH, angka eosinofil, Kato-Katz, eosinofili

    Measurement of Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity using serological cohort data from Indonesian schoolchildren.

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    BACKGROUND: As malaria transmission intensity approaches zero, measuring it becomes progressively more difficult and inefficient because parasite-positive individuals are hard to detect. This situation may arise shortly before achieving local elimination, or during surveillance post-elimination to prevent reintroduction. Antibody responses against the parasite last longer than the infections themselves. This "footprint" of infection may thus be used for assessing transmission intensity. A statistical approach is presented for measuring the seroconversion rate (SCR), a correlate of the force of infection, from individual-level longitudinal data on antibody titres in an area of low Plasmodium falciparum transmission. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 160 Indonesian schoolchildren every month for six months. Titres of antibodies against AMA-1 and MSP-1(19) antigens of P. falciparum were measured using ELISA. The distribution of antibody titres among seronegative and -positive individuals, respectively, was estimated by comparing the titres from the study data (a mixture of both seropositive and -negative individuals) with titres from a (unexposed) negative control group of Indonesian individuals. Two Markov-Chain models for the transition of individuals between serological states were fitted to individual anti-PfAMA-1 or anti-PfMSP-1 titre time series using Bayesian Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC). This yielded estimates of SCR as well as of the duration of seropositivity. RESULTS: A posterior median SCR of 0.02 (Pf AMA-1) and 0.09 (PfMSP-1) person(-1) year(-1) was estimated, with credible intervals ranging from 1E-4 to 0.2 person(-1) year(-1). This level of transmission intensity is at the lower range of what can reliably be measured with the present study size. A Bayesian test for seroconversion of an individual between two observations is presented and used to identify the subjects who have most likely experienced an infection. Furthermore, the theoretical limits of measuring transmission intensity, and how these depend on duration and size of a study as well as on transmission intensity itself, is illustrated. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis shows that it is possible to measure SCR's from individual-level longitudinal data on antibody titres. In addition, individual seroconversion events can be identified, which can be useful in assessing interruption of transmission. Analyses of further serological datasets using the present method are required to improve and validate it. This includes measurement of the duration of antibody responses, how it depends on host age or cumulative exposure, or on the particular antigen used


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    Objective:Genus Garcinia is well-known having rich xanthone compound contents and several of those are having biological activity as antimalarial. The aims of this research wereto determine in vivoantiplasmodialactivityof dichloromethane-ethyl acetate-methanol fractions of Mundu's bark (Garciniadulcis (Roxb.) Kurz) especially fraction Vagainst Plasmodium bergheiand to determineeffective dose.Methods: Making fraction V from ethyl acetate extractsof Mundu's bark with vacuum column chromatographymethod was applied using dichloromethane-ethyl acetate-methanol. The product was monitored by thin layer chromatography using silica gel GF-254 and a mobile phase of chloroform: ethyl acetate (6:4).The same profiles from eluent composed fraction 18 and 19 were categorized as fraction V.Those were tested in each of groups animals with a doseof 12.5; 25; 50 and 100 mg/kg body weight. Antimalarial activityassessments have been performed with the in vivoPlasmodium bergheitest. Plasmodial activity was obtained by calculating percentage of parasitaemia, parasitaemia inhibition and ED50 determination. ED50value determined based on the relationship between dose and the percentage of parasite growth inhibition by probit analysis.Results: In this research, Antiplasmodial activity of fraction V from Mundu's bark displayed in dose of 50 mg/kg bw and 100 mg/kg bw with inhibition parasite growth by values of 47.255% and 12.761%, respectively.Conclusion: According to the research, fraction V of Mundu's bark (Garcinia dulcis (Roxb.) Kurz) had the most potential antiplasmodial activity by in vivo test for male Swiss-Webster mice. The value of ED50 was reached by 47.424 mg/kg bw. Keywords: Mundu's bark, Antiplasmodial activity, ED50

    Study on Chloroquine Resistance Transporter (pfcrt) Gene Polymorphism of Plasmodium falciparum in Malaria Patients in Lampung

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    Introduction: The prevalence of malaria in Lampung Province was increased in the last few years. One of the factors contributes to the increased rate is the widespread of the Plasmodium falciparum resistance to antimalarial drugs. Mutation on the gene encoding Pfcrt protein has been reported to be correlated with this resistance.Objectives: To fi nd out the frequency and distribution of the pfcrt gene polymorphism among Plasmodium falciparum in malaria patients in endemic area at Bandar Lampung and Lampung Selatan, LampungProvince.Methods: Blood samples were collected from malaria falciparum patients in Bandar Lampung and Lampung Selatan by active and passive case detections. Two to three mL of venous blood were collected in tubes with EDTA, and kept in the temperature of -200C before DNA extraction. DNA from each sample was extracted using Guanidine isothiocyanate and Chelex 100 methods. Genes encoding Pfcrt protein were amplifi ed by Nested PCR using TCRP and TCRD primers. The polymorphism of the pfcrt gene was identified by cutting the PCR product using Apo1 restriction enzymes to produce 100bp and 34bp fragments.Results: Forty six samples from P. falciparum-infected patients were collected from the two areas. The genes encoding the Pfcrt protein were succesfully amplifi ed, all 46 PCR products showed 100bp and 34bpfragments after incubation with Apo1 restriction enzyme. It indicated that pfcrt polymorphism was 100%.Conclusion: The frequency of pfcrt gene polymorphisms in patients with malaria falciparum in Bandar Lampung and Lampung Selatan was 100%.Keywords: malaria falciparum, pfcrt, chloroquine, polymorphis
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