4 research outputs found

    Optimization of exposure parameters in automatic optimization of exposure parameters (Aop) mode of full field digital mammography (FFDM) system: breast phantom study / Hairenanorashikin Sharip and Rafidah Supar

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    This experimental study investigated the significant different in image quality and dose between different automatic exposure of exposure parameter (AOP) mode in full field digital mammography (FFDM) system. CIRS012A and PMMA breast phantom (4cm, 5cm and 6 cm thickness) were used as subject using Senographe Essential FFDM system. TLD chip was used as dose measurement tool. Exposures were taken in cranio-caudal projection. 2 radiographers with more than 10 years of working experience in performing mammography scored the image independently. Kappa finds a good agreement between raters (kappa value=0.9, p0.05). DOSE mode is the preferred selection in optimizing between dose and image quality

    Effect of compressed breast thickness on average glandular dose (AGD) during screening mammography using full-field digital mammography (FFDM) / Nur Izzati Najwa Suliman, Rafidah Supar and Hairenanorashikin Sharip

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    Application of compression during mammography is crucial to reduce breast thickness and reducing average glandular dose (AGD). With increasing participation in regular breast screening programmes, the total AGD received by patient remains a concern. Therefore, this paper aimed to evaluate the effect of compressed breast thickness (CBT) on the AGD during screening mammography using full field digital mammogram (FFDM). This study involved retrospective collection of mammographic data and reports from 148 women who came for screening mammography. Mammographic parameters which include CBT, AGD, compression force and breast density for both breast on craniocaudal (CC) view and mediolateral oblique (MLO) view were recorded and analysed. There was statistically significant variation in the mammographic parameters value between CC and MLO projections but no significant variation between right and left breasts. For CC projection, a weak positive correlation was identified between CBT and AGD (r=0.115, p=0.049) and between CBT and compression force (r=0.172, p=0.003). In addition, a weak positive correlation was also found between CBT and compression force (r=0.200, p=0.001) and between CBT and AGD (r=0.292, p<0.001) in MLO projection. Reduction in CBTwas found to decrease AGD by approximately 0.007mGy/mm CBT. Adequate compression should be applied as it can reduce the CBT and consequently reduced the AGD to the patient

    Occupational Stress and coping Strategies among Radiographers

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    Radiographer’s ability to execute their jobs well and provide high-quality care to patients may be impacted by stress. Effective interventions to lessen the effects of occupational stress can only be adopted if the stressors and coping mechanisms have been identified. The study aimed to investigate the occupational stress and coping strategies adopted by radiographers in a university teaching hospital. A cross-sectional survey using a five-point Likert scale questionnaire was administered to the respondents. Majority of the radiographers admitted to feeling moderately stressed (73%). Physical exercises and engaging in other activities to divert attention were frequently used to reduce stress

    Students’ Attitudes and Behavior towards Academic Dishonesty during Online Learning

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    Online learning has been an integral part of the educational process in universities, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the popularity of online learning, concerns exist over their level of academic integrity. The aim of this study is to investigate students’ attitudes and behavior towards academic dishonesty during online learning. In total, 319 undergraduate health sciences students at a public university took part in the survey. The online self-administered questionnaire was distributed through a social media platform. Data collected were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 25.0. Majority of the respondents perceived the indicated behavior as serious cheating. However, most respondents (86.2%) self-report that they have engaged in academically dishonest behaviour at least once for the past one year. Furthermore, approximately 77% (n = 246) of respondent has witnessed act of academic dishonesty among their friends for the past one year. Spearman correlation test revealed no association between students’ attitudes and behavior towards academic dishonesty during online learning. The result of this study, in summary, is that students perceive the indicated behaviors as serious cheating and have engaged in academically dishonest behaviors less frequently