3 research outputs found

    Pientalon yläpohjarakenteet

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on perehtyä Suomessa rakennettavien pientalojen yläpohjarakenteisiin. Työssä tarkastellaan yläpohjiin kohdistuvien kuormitusten syntymistä, tyypillisiä rakenneratkaisuja, suunnittelu- ja mitoitusperusteita, sekä rakennusfysikaalisten rasitteiden syntymistä ja hallintaa. Työ tehtiin kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka pääasiallisina lähteinä toimivat Eurokoodit sekä kotimainen alaa koskeva kirjallisuus. Työn avulla lukija saa yleiskäsityksen pientalojen yläpohjien rakenteesta ja rakenneosista. Lisäksi lukija ymmärtää perusteet yläpohjien rakennesuunnittelun lähtökohdista, kuten kuormitusten laskennasta, kantavien rakenteiden mitoituksesta sekä yläpohjan toiminnallisuudesta kokonaisuudessaan.Roof structures of a detached house. Abstract. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide an overview of roof structures in detached houses made in Finland. This thesis examines the development of loads to supporting roof structures, typical structure solutions, design- and sizing criteria along with development and management of a building’s physical burden. The thesis was made as a literary review, where the main sources were Eurocodes and domestic literature in the field. This thesis explains the basics of a roof structure and its structural components. The reader will further understand the fundamentals of a structural designing basis as calculation of loads, sizing of supporting structure and the roof structure functionality in its entirety

    Feasibility and patient acceptability of a commercially available wearable and a smart phone application in identification of motor states in parkinson’s disease

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    Abstract In the quantification of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD), healthcare professional assessments, patient reported outcomes (PRO), and medical device grade wearables are currently used. Recently, also commercially available smartphones and wearable devices have been actively researched in the detection of PD symptoms. The continuous, longitudinal, and automated detection of motor and especially non-motor symptoms with these devices is still a challenge that requires more research. The data collected from everyday life can be noisy and frequently contains artefacts, and novel detection methods and algorithms are therefore needed. 42 PD patients and 23 control subjects were monitored with Garmin Vivosmart 4 wearable device and asked to fill a symptom and medication diary with a mobile application, at home, for about four weeks. Subsequent analyses are based on continuous accelerometer data from the device. Accelerometer data from the Levodopa Response Study (MJFFd) were reanalyzed, with symptoms quantified with linear spectral models trained on expert evaluations present in the data. Variational autoencoders (VAE) were trained on both our study accelerometer data and on MJFFd to detect movement states (e.g., walking, standing). A total of 7590 self-reported symptoms were recorded during the study. 88.9% (32/36) of PD patients, 80.0% (4/5) of DBS PD patients and 95.5% (21/22) of control subjects reported that using the wearable device was very easy or easy. Recording a symptom at the time of the event was assessed as very easy or easy by 70.1% (29/41) of subjects with PD. Aggregated spectrograms of the collected accelerometer data show relative attenuation of low (<5Hz) frequencies in patients. Similar spectral patterns also separate symptom periods from immediately adjacent non-symptomatic periods. Discriminative power of linear models to separate symptoms from adjacent periods is weak, but aggregates show partial separability of patients vs. controls. The analysis reveals differential symptom detectability across movement tasks, motivating the third part of the study. VAEs trained on either dataset produced embedding from which movement states in MJFFd could be predicted. A VAE model was able to detect the movement states. Thus, a pre-detection of these states with a VAE from accelerometer data with good S/N ratio, and subsequent quantification of PD symptoms is a feasible strategy. The usability of the data collection method is important to enable the collection of self-reported symptom data by PD patients. Finally, the usability of the data collection method is important to enable the collection of self-reported symptom data by PD patients

    Forest management is associated with physiological stress in an old-growth forest passerine.

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    We investigated how physiological stress in an area-sensitive old-growth forest passerine, the Eurasian treecreeper (Certhia familiaris), is associated with forest fragmentation and forest structure. We found evidence that the concentrations of plasma corticosterone in chicks were higher under poor food supply in dense, young forests than in sparse, old forests. In addition, nestlings in large forest patches had lower corticosterone levels and a better body condition than in small forest patches. In general, corticosterone levels were negatively related to body condition and survival. We also found a decrease in corticosterone levels within the breeding season, which may have been a result of an increase in food supply from the first to the second broods. Our results suggest that forest fragmentation may decrease the fitness of free-living individual treecreepers