52 research outputs found

    Development of students’ subject position in the process of internship in an inclusive school

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    Introduction. The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for the training of teachers and teachers-psychologists determine the list of competencies in the field of education of children with special educational needs, including the organisation of their joint activities with peers in an inclusive education institution. The implementation of inclusive principles is associated with the development of innovative ways for individualising the pedagogical process, creative nature of mastering learning strategies and socialising children with atypical development, which actualises the problem of transformation of pedagogical thinking stereotypes. In this regard, the professional training of students in the field of inclusive education requires searching for factors aimed at increasing personality subjectivity, development of abilities to demonstrate an active, transformative position, synthesis of know-ledge from various scientific fields, modeling of variative solutions to non-standard situations of inclusive process. An important component of a future teacher education is internship in inclusive schools, in the course of which direct interactions with children with different physical and intellectual capabilities actualise own resources of students and acquisition of required skills.The aim of the experimental work presented in this publication is to identify the development factors and characteristics of a student’s subjective position in the process of continuous internship in inclusive education institutions.Methodology and research methods. The present research is based on the methodological principles of the subjective and learner-centred approaches, as well as the provisions of the concept of transformability focused on the principle of permanent multiplication of success of each participant of the educational process. The questionnaire “Level of Personality Subjectivity” by M. A. Schukina and the questionnaire revealing a model of teacher-child interaction developed by V. G. Maralov, V. A. Sitarov were used as diagnostic tools. The method of qualitative analysis of students’ reflexive judgments was applied. The data was processed in the SPSS programme using mathematical statistics methods (Mann – Whitney U-test).Results and scientific novelty. A working definition of the subject position of the teacher is given. The teacher’s subject position consists not only in the complex of specific knowledge and competencies learned and applied in practice, but also, and above all, in a high level of self-organisation and self-determination of the individual in non-standard situations. For the first time in the Russian education system, the authors of the present research made an attempt to implement the idea of future teachers’ preparation for activities in an inclusive environment through the formation of the subject position. The factors, influencing the development of student’ subjective position, are determined; the peculiarities of its manifestations are analysed.Practical significance. The results of this experimental study could be of interest to teachers of higher education, teachers and heads of educational organisations, working in the conditions of inclusive education.Введение. В требованиях федеральных государственных стандартов подготовки педагогов и педагогов-психологов содержится перечень компетенций, относящихся к области обучения и воспитания детей с особыми образовательными потребностями, в том числе при организации их совместной деятельности со сверстниками в инклюзивном учебном учреждении. Реализация принципов инклюзии предполагает инновационные способы индивидуализации педагогического процесса, творческий характер освоения стратегий обучения и социализации детей с нетипичным развитием, что актуализирует проблему трансформации стереотипов мышления учителей. В связи с этим для профессиональной подготовки студентов педагогических специальностей, соответствующей инклюзивной модели, нужен поиск механизмов и средств усиления субъектности личности, формирования способностей к проявлению активной, преобразующей позиции, синтезу знаний из различных научных областей, моделированию вариативных решений нестандартных задач инклюзивного процесса. Важным компонентом такой подготовки будущего учителя является практика в инклюзивных школах, в ходе которой при непосредственных интеракциях с детьми, имеющими разные физические и интеллектуальные возможности, происходят мобилизация собственных ресурсов студента и приобретение им необходимых навыков и умений.Целью представленной в публикации опытно-экспериментальной работы было выявление факторов становления и развития субъектной позиции студента во время прохождения непрерывной стажерской практики в инклюзивных образовательных организациях.Методология и методы. Основу исследования составили методологические принципы субъектного и личностно ориентированного подходов, а также положения концепции «трансформируемости» (concept of transformability), базирующейся на максиме перманентного приумножения успешности каждого участника учебного процесса. В качестве диагностического инструментария использовались опросник «Уровень развития субъектности личности» М. А. Щукиной и опросник В. Г. Маралова и В. А. Ситарова, позволяющий определить предпочтения педагога в выборе стиля взаимодействия с учениками. Рефлексивные суждения респондентов подвергались качественному анализу. Данные обрабатывались в программе SPSS с помощью методов математической статистики (непараметрического теста Манна – Уитни). Результаты и научная новизна. Дано рабочее определение субъектной позиции педагога, которая заключается не только в комплексе усвоенных и применяющихся им на деле определенных знаний и компетенций, но и, прежде всего, в высоком уровне самоорганизации и самоопределения личности в нестандартных ситуациях. Описана впервые предпринятая в отечественной системе образования попытка реализации идеи подготовки будущих учителей к деятельности в инклюзивной среде посредством формирования у них субъектной позиции. Обозначены факторы развития этой позиции, рассмотрена специфика ее выражения. Практическая значимость. Результаты опытно-экспериментального исследования могут быть интересны преподавателям высшей школы, педагогам и руководителям образовательных учреждений, работающим в условиях инклюзивного обучения

    Species and Genetic Diversity of Representatives of the <i>Anaplasmataceae</i> Family Found in the Sympatry Zone of the <i>Ixodes, Dermacentor</i> and <i>Haemaphysalis</i> Genera Ticks

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    Introduction.On the territory of the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district of the Irkutsk region zones of sympatry of four Ixodes ticks species are found, where the species and genetic diversity of infectious agents transmitted through tick bites may be more pronounced than in foci with a mono-dominant type of ticks’ population. In this connection, the study of the species and genetic diversity of representatives of the Anaplasmataceae family in the sympatry zone of the Ixodes ticks of closely related species was of scientific interest.Objective: To study the species and genetic diversity of members of the Anaplasmataceae family in the zones of sympatry of Ixodes ticks Ixodes persulcatus, Dermacentor silvarum, D. nuttalli and Haemaphysalis concinna, to identify the main carriers and potential reservoir hosts of ehrlichia and anaplasma.Methods. In the course of the study, 1106 specimens of adult ticks and 49 samples of small mammalian livers from the Ekhirit-Bulagatsky area were analyzed. Anaplasma and ehrlichia DNA were detected by two-round PCR in the presence of genus- and species-specific primers from the 16S rRNA gene region. The nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene and the fragment of the groESL operon were identified in some samples. Sequencing was carried out according to the Sanger method. Comparative analysis was performed using the BLASTN program and ClustalW method. Epidemiological data analysis was performed using parametric methods of statistical processing of the material.Results. The DNA of Ehrlichia muris and Anaplasma phagocytophilum were detected in all studied species of ticks in their sympatry area. However, the rate of infection of taiga ticks was significantly higher than that of H. concinna and Dermacentor spp. Potential reservoir hosts of the Anaplasmataceae family members can be classified as Microtus oeconomus, M. gregalis, Myodes rutilus and Sorex spp. When analyzing the nucleotide sequences of the 16S rRNA gene, three genetic variants of anaplasma were detected. The nucleotide sequences of the A. phagocytophilum groESL operon belonged to two genetic groups

    Молекулярный дизайн экстрагентов фенольного типа

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    A method of optimization of new extractants' structure with the use of desirability function has been developed. The desirability function had been proposed before by Harrington for optimization of processes with several response functions. This method has been used for the design of phenolic type extractants.Разработан метод оптимизации структуры новых экстрагентов с использованием функции желательности, предложенной ранее Харрингтоном для оптимизации процессов, характеризующихся несколькими функциями отклика. Разработанный метод использован для конструирования экстрагентов фенольного типа

    Epizootic Situation on Anaplasmosis of Small Ruminants in the Irkutsk Region

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    Anaplasmosis of ruminants is a group of natural focal infections caused by bacteria from the genus Anaplasma of the Anaplasmataceae family. The main etiological agent of anaplasmosis in sheep, goats, and wild ruminants is Anaplasma ovis, which parasitizes in the erythrocytes of these animals. The purpose of this study was the finding and identification of Anaplasma spp. in the blood of small ruminants using genetic methods and obtaining data on the distribution of anaplasmosis in the Irkutsk region. 20 goat blood samples, 611 sheep blood samples and 209 Dermacentor nuttalli ticks from 12 districts of the Irkutsk region were examined for the presence of Anaplasma spp. Only one type of anaplasma, A. ovis, was found among the genotyped samples. A. ovis was found in the blood of sheep and goats in all of the studied districts of the Irkutsk region. The proportion of sheep blood samples containing anaplasma DNA varied from 30 % to 85 %, in goats – from 10 % to 100 % in different districts, and averaged 57.8 % in sheep and 55,0 % in goats. Frequency of infection of D. nuttalli ticks with A. ovis was 5.7 %. The nucleotide sequences of the samples detected in the blood of small ruminants on the territory of the Irkutsk region differed from each other by a single nucleotide substitution and were identical to the sequences of the type strain Haibei, as well as the sequences of A. ovis previously found in the blood of sheep from Mongolia, deer from China, and Dermacentor niveus and Dermacentor nuttalli ticks from China. These sequences were also identical to the sequences previously found in the blood of sheep from Altai and in Dermacentor nuttalli ticks from Tuva, which indicates the wide distribution of these A. ovis genovariants in Siberia and the probable role of D. nuttalli as a carrier of the agent of anaplasmosis of small ruminants in the Irkutsk region

    Оценка риска рецидивирования в органосберегательном лечении рака молочной железы в соответствии с биологическими подтипами опухоли

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    In this study, based on the results of IHC of patients with reсurrence of breast cancer, the most often found molecular subtypes were analyzed and assessed their role in the development of local recurrence. Analysis of risk of recurrence of breast cancer was conducted in accordance with the molecular features of the tumor, which include the expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor gene and the expression of human epidermal growth factor – HER2 / neu and proliferation activity index Ki 67. The study found that the majority of primary tumors, followed by recurrence are triple negative type (42%). Also we found the change in morphological parameters of recurrent tumor. Thus, in most cases of recurrence proliferative activity index increases by an average of 12%, about 30% of tumors have changed their morphological status.В данном исследовании на основании результатов ИГХ исследования группы пациенток с выявленным рецидивом произведен анализ наиболее часто встречающихся молекулярных подтипов РМЖ и оценка их роли в развитии местных рецидивов. Анализ риска рецидивирования РМЖ проводился в соответствии с молекулярными особенностями опухоли, которые включают экспрессию рецепторов к эстрогену, прогестерону и экспрессию гена рецептора человеческого эпидермального фактора роста – HER2/ neu и индекс пролиферативной активности Ki 67. В ходе исследования выяснилось, что большинство первичных опухолей с последующим рецидивом трипл-негативного типа (42%). Также удалось проследить изменение морфологических параметров рецидивирующей опухоли. Так, в большинстве случаев рецидива индекс пролиферативной активности возрастает в среднем на 12%, около 30% опухолей изменили свой морфологический статус

    Anthropourgic Foci of Plague in Vietnam: Past and Present

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    The review contains the results of ecological-epizootiological and epidemiological investigations of plague in the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1989-2012. Studied has been the structure of epizootic triad - carrier-vector-pathogen. There is a low probability of plague foci occurrence in zones of tropical forests and savanna under the conditions of humid subequatorial climate. Main plague agent carrier on the Thai Nguyen Plateau is the synanthropic little rat, Rattus exulans . Specialized fleas species are absent on wild-living rats Rattus genus, as well as mice, and bandicoots, and the abundance of other species is small. It has been demonstrated that all the elements of the parasitic plague system are classified as introduced species. Thereupon it is inferred that plague foci in Vietnam are anthropourgic and are of anthropogenic origin solely. Plague cases in humans across the territory of the country were registered between 1898 and 2002. The most persistent ones functioned on the Thai Nguyen Plateau. Although epizootic activity of the foci in territory of the former endemic provinces has decreased, it is necessary to continue epizootiological monitoring further on in the modern period

    The distribution of tick-borne encephalitis virus genotypes in different types of landscapes of Eastern Siberia

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    To find out what is the role of some environmental factors in the formation of a heterogeneous viral population, the analysis of the distribution of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) genotypes in different types of landscapes of Eastern Siberia has been carried out. In our study, it was shown that TBEV area in all investigated landscapes of Eastern Siberia is represented not only by TBEV of genotype 3, absolute dominance of which is noted in the studied regions, regardless the landscapes where the foci are located, but also by strains of other genotypes. The relationship between genotypes 1,3 and "polytypic" strains with a certain type of landscape and the degree of their development by man has not been established. The prevailing number of strains of TBEV genotype 5 is isolated from the material collected in the Transbaikalia, in the landscapes of the mountain taiga. They, as well as the strain of genotype 4, are found in the foci, where joint circulation of several TBEV genotypes is noted. The strains of TBEV genotype 2 were revealed in the landscapes of plains and plateaus taiga and insular steppes and forest steppes of the southern part of the Baikal region. Moreover, the detection of RNA of TBEV genotype 2 in the "polytipic" 763-87 and 765-87 strains isolated in the floodplain and forest-steppe landscapes of the Barguzin hollow does not exclude the possibility of circulation of TBEV genotype 2 in the Transbaikalian foci. The greatest genetic heterogeneity of TBEV is observed in natural foci located along Lake Baikal and in the southeastern part of Transbaikalia

    Разработка Telegram-бота «Определение уровня готовности технологии»

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    The article proposes a Telegram bot to automate the process of assessing the readiness level of the technology. Flowcharts reflecting the algorithm of the bot, and images demonstrating the appearance of its interface are presented. To confirm the correct operation of the Telegram bot, a random project was taken, its main characteristics were highlighted, and based on them, a conclusion about the technology readiness level was made in two ways: by expert evaluation in accordance with the national standard and using a bot running on a personal computer with the Windows operating system and on a mobile device with the Android operating system. With equal input data, the conclusion about the readiness level of the technology obtained at the output of the algorithm coincides with the result of the expert assessment. It is proposed to use the Telegram bot as a source of an additional opinion about the level of technological readiness of the project.В статье предложен Telegram-бот для автоматизации процесса оценки уровня готовности технологии. Представлены блок-схемы, отражающие алгоритм работы бота, и изображения, демонстрирующие внешний вид его интерфейса. Для подтверждения корректной работы Telegram-бота взят случайный проект, выделены его основные характеристики, и на их основе двумя способами сделан вывод об уровне готовности технологии: путем экспертной оценки в соответствии с национальным стандартом и с помощью бота, запущенного на персональном компьютере с операционной системой Windows и на мобильном устройстве с операционной системой Android. При равных входных данных заключение об уровне готовности технологии, полученное на выходе алгоритма, совпадает с результатом экспертной оценки. Предлагается использовать Telegram-бот в качестве источника второго мнения об уровне технологической готовности проекта

    Characteristics of genetic and phenotypic properties of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains isolated from various source on the territory of Eastern Siberia

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    Since ixodid ticks and their feeders (vertebrates) form the basis of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) population, it was interesting to obtain a genetic characteristic of strains isolated from various sources in the territory of Eastern Siberia. In our study, it was found that the circulation of TBEV of genotypes 1, 2, 3, 5 and "polytypic" strains in the territory of Eastern Siberia is maintained both by the main vectors (I. persulcatus ticks) and by their feeders (small and large mammals, birds). The distribution of genotypes in strains groups from ixodid ticks and vertebrates varied. TBEV strains of genotypes 1 and 2 were significantly more often isolated from rodents, and genotype 3 from ixodid ticks (p < 0.05). Isolates of genotype 3 (85.5 %) prevailed in the group of strains isolated from ixodid ticks, of which 29.6 % belonged to "Vasilchenko", and 25.6 % to "Zausaev"subgenotypes. Genotypes 1 and 2 were represented by single isolates (3.3 % and 1.3 %, respectively). Among strains isolated from warm-blooded hosts, the proportion of genotype 1 was 35.3 %, genotype 2 -11.8 %, genotype 3 - 35.3 %. More than half of genotype 3 strains (58.3 %) were related to "Vasilchenko" subgenotype, and the strains of "Zausaev" subgenotype were not detected. The obtained data suggest that ixodid ticks and warm-blooded animals are amplifiers of TBEV of genotypes 3 and 1, respectively. The certain differences in the phenotypic characteristics of strains isolated from ticks and warm-blooded animals have been revealed. It has been found that strains isolated from ticks are more homogeneous in their antigenic characteristics, less heterogeneous in S-feature than strains isolated from warm-blooded sources. The strains isolated from warm-blooded animals demonstrate somewhat greater resistance to warming but reducing the reproduction of the virus at 42 °C, and have greater virulence compared to strains isolated from ticks

    Chimeric Antibody 14D5 Protects Mice against the Far-Eastern, Siberian, and European Tick-borne Encephalitis Virus

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    Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), belonging to the Flaviviridae family, is the most significant pathogen transmitted by Ixodes ticks and causing one of the most severe human neuroinfections. In Russia, serum immunoglobulin produced from the donor blood is currently used for post-exposure prophylactic and therapy of tick-borne encephalitis virus. However, it is known that preparations obtained from donated blood have certain disadvantages, and therefore development of novel preparations for post exposure prophylaxis and therapy of tick-borne encephalitis is required. To develop an alternative preparation, which does not include donor blood, a chimeric antibody ch14D5 against glycoprotein E of TBEV was constructed.This study was aimed to investigate protective efficacy of the chimeric antibody ch14D5 against the Far-Eastern, Siberian, and European subtypes of TBEV in in vivo experiments.A peripheral mouse model of tick-borne encephalitis was used in this study: the chimeric antibody ch14D5 was administrated intravenously in mice one day after their intraperitoneal infection with TBEV strains Sofjin, Vasilchenko, and Absettarov. Anti-TBEV serum immunoglobulin was used as a control preparation, which was administered in the same way. Protective efficacy of the chimeric antibodies 14D5 was assessed using the log-rank test. In the study, the presence or absence of antibody-dependent enhancement of infection (ADE) was examined when mice, infected with different subtypes of the TBEV, got the antibody ch14d5.Obtained results demonstrated high efficacy of the ch14D5 antibody in post-exposure prophylaxis of the disease in mice infected with any of the used TBEV strains, as well as the absence of ADE.It was shown that protective efficacy of antibody ch14D5 is higher than that of the anti-TBEV serum immunoglobulin, and antibody ch14D5 could be used for development of a therapeutic preparation for post-exposure prophylaxis