31 research outputs found

    Planning for Integrated Transport in Indonesia: Some Lessons From the UK\u27s Experience

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    Traffic congestion has been a major problem in many cities in Indonesia, thus requiring abetter transport policy. Many developed countries, including the United Kingdom, has beenimplementing the integrated transport policy to replace traditional transport policy that focuson only building roads to anticipate traffic demand. This paper provides a highlight on theimplementation of integrated transport policy in the United Kingdom. Some key issues thatcan be learnt by the Indonesian government from their experience are discussed. This includesthe integration within and between all types of transport, integration with land use planning,integration with environment policy and integration with policies for education, health andwealth creations. In the implementation, the policy requires continuity and stability inorganization and politics, coordination in local transport plans, more devolution on powerand revenue funding from the government in addition to capital funding

    De-bottle Necking Polyethylene Plant Due to Butene Shortage: a Multi-attribute Decision Analysis Using SMART

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    The E.P Company supplies the customers with varieties of polyethylene products, to increase production capacity on the Low Linear Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) film grade, De-bottle necking in Reactor-2 (reactor dedicated to produce LLDPE grade) done by changing the condensing agent from Isohexane to Isopentane. Due to the production capacity and reliability on the reactor-2 increase, the demand for raw material Butene increase as Butene use as commonomer in the reactor-2 production. In other hand the Butene plant production decrease because of reduction of cooling capacity and efficiency, this condition create gap on the supply and demand for the Butene. The study objective to be achieved is to find the best solution to overcome Butene shortage problem to produce LLDPE polyethylene with considering the decision maker consideration and at optimize the cost. To achieve that objective, the SMART (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique) apply to enable decision maker to gain and increased understanding of his or her decision problem. To fulfill the gap on the supply and demand for Butene, a value tree is created, divided into two component cost and benefit. The study found that the best option for the company is to import Butene from outside (with the condition the new Butene sphere needs to be constructed). This option is recommended for implementation even thought it has the value of benefit at 2nd place (50.9), since a move to the option at 1st place (68.6) is expensive considering that each point increase in the value of benefits would cost USD515,001.4andattotal USD 515,001.4 and at total USD 9,115,524/ year. This option also solves the problem, from attributes view

    Evaluating Contract Negotiation Strategy for PT XYZ

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    Oil and Gas operations are the hazardous operation and need huge amount of capital, since then finding efficient resources for this business is critical to eliminate Non Productive Time (NPT) and incident. NPT is near to cost control failure because operation failure means deviation in cost versus budget. The resources needs in this industry should meet the International standard for Oil and Gas. While for high technology services, this is an oligopoly market as already well-known that there is only small amount of Service Company that able to give that such of services that are worldwide class of Service Company while this Company in the research is not listed in Worldwide Oil and Gas Company. To face that situation, Company needs to have high bargaining position and good negotiation strategy to get the best service to support their operation. This research is focusing on finding out the current negotiation strategy in Company and other Company as reference and also doing case study of contract with 1 (one) Worldwide Service Company that has been Company\u27s partner for a long time. After knowing those, this final project creating initiation material for Company\u27s negotiation guideline based on Company\u27s and other Company\u27s lessons learnt. Next is comparing the current condition with 3-D Negotiation theory to get better strategy in negotiation and higher bargaining position during negotiation with Worldwide Service Company. The results of this final project are recommendations for Company about material of negotiation guideline for Company to get better negotiation strategy and higher bargaining position, supporting tools for negotiators during negotiation preparation process, topic for further study to define the advantages and disadvantages of using existing supplier compare to the new one and enhancing negotiator skill with second and third dimension of 3-D negotiation

    Developing a Differentiation Strategy of a Captive Insurance Companies Case Study of PT XYZ

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    PT. XYZ (XYZ) is an Indonesian captive insurance company which provides various general insurance products. In this research, XYZ's differentiation strategy will be crafted by going through the strategic management process by using SWOT and five forces analysis. Based on the result of the environment analysis, XYZ's differentiation strategy are determined and discussed. In a nut shell, XYZ's strategy is to “achieve its vision e.i. To be The Most Admired General Insurance Company by offering innovative risk protection solutions.

    Aplikasi Norm Game Dan Locus of Control Untuk Pengembangan Kebijakan Penanggulangan Pencurian Listrik

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    Permasalahan pencurian listrik adalah permasalahan yang kompleks karena penyebab maupun modusnya beragam. Untuk mengamati mekanisme terjadinya pencurian listrik, menguji kebijakan penanganan pencurian listrik yang ada saat ini, serta mengetahui kebijakan yang baik untuk mengurangi angka pencurian listrik ini, maka dibangunlah model berbasis agen untuk mensimulasikan pola pencurian listrik ini. Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan agen disini menggunakan permainan norma dari Axelrod (1986) dan learning proses masing-masing agen diadaptasi dari teori lokus kontrol (Rotter, 1966) dimana agen dibedakan menjadi lokus kontrol internal dan lokus kontrol eksternal. Hasil simulasi yang dijalankan menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan penanganan pencurian listrik yang ada saat ini masih tidak dapat mengurangi angka pencurian listrik. Dengan memberikan reward bagi pelapor kegiatan pencurian listrik, jumlah pencurian listrik dapat dikurangi, namun pengurangan daya yang hilang akibat kegiatan pencurian listrik tidak signifikan

    Bagaimana Interaksi Antar Konsumen Dapat Mengakibatkan Suatu Merek Menjadi Generik?

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    . Generic brand merupakan merek yang telah menjadi nama kategori dan telah kehilangan fungsinya sebagai pembeda dan tentunya hal ini sangat merugikan Perusahaan. Pada penelitian ini dibangun suatu simulasi berbasis agen untuk mengetahui mekanisme seperti apa yang dapat menggambarkan proses terjadinya generic brand dan mengetahui bagaimana interaksi konsumen dapat mempengaruhi suatu merek menjadi generik. Studi ini akan mengambil kasus pada produk Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK). Mekanisme yang dihipotesakan kemudian diuji melalui sejumlah eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen dapat disimpulkan kondisi-kondisi yang menyebabkan suatu merek menjadi generik dan kondisi-kondisi yang dapat mencegah agar suatu merek tidak menjadi generik

    Multi-agent learning simulation for a social dilemma of commuters' mode choice

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