6 research outputs found

    3-OST-7 Regulates BMP-Dependent Cardiac Contraction

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    <div><p>The 3-O-sulfotransferase (3-OST) family catalyzes rare modifications of glycosaminoglycan chains on heparan sulfate proteoglycans, yet their biological functions are largely unknown. Knockdown of 3-OST-7 in zebrafish uncouples cardiac ventricular contraction from normal calcium cycling and electrophysiology by reducing <i>tropomyosin4</i> (<i>tpm4</i>) expression. Normal 3-OST-7 activity prevents the expansion of BMP signaling into ventricular myocytes, and ectopic activation of BMP mimics the ventricular noncontraction phenotype seen in 3-OST-7 depleted embryos. In 3-OST-7 morphants, ventricular contraction can be rescued by overexpression of tropomyosin <i>tpm4</i> but not by troponin <i>tnnt2</i>, indicating that <i>tpm4</i> serves as a lynchpin for ventricular sarcomere organization downstream of 3-OST-7. Contraction can be rescued by expression of 3-OST-7 in endocardium, or by genetic loss of <i>bmp4</i>. Strikingly, BMP misregulation seen in 3-OST-7 morphants also occurs in multiple cardiac noncontraction models, including potassium voltage-gated channel gene, <i>kcnh2</i>, affected in Romano-Ward syndrome and long-QT syndrome, and cardiac troponin T gene, <i>tnnt2</i>, affected in human cardiomyopathies. Together these results reveal 3-OST-7 as a key component of a novel pathway that constrains BMP signaling from ventricular myocytes, coordinates sarcomere assembly, and promotes cardiac contractile function.</p></div

    3-OST-7 controls region-specific BMP signaling in differentiating heart.

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    <p>ISH for <i>tbx2b</i> (A and D), <i>notch1B</i> (B and E) showed normal AV-restricted expression, whereas <i>bmp4</i> expression (C and F) showed ectopic expression in ventricular myocardium of 3-OST-7 morphants at 48 hpf (<i>n</i> = 30 for each group). IHC for P-Smad at 48 hpf showed delocalized expression in nuclei of 3-OST-7 morphant ventricle (H) compared to localized AV canal expression in control (G) (<i>n</i> = 10 for each group). (I) Graph depicting increased P-Smad-positive nuclei in the ventricle several unit distances away from the AV in 3-OST-7 morphants compared to P-Smad-positive nuclei localized in the AV for control (error bars, standard deviation). Imaging of live <i>Tg(BRE:d2GFP)</i> fish (J and L) showed GFP expression localized to the AV junction in control (K) and expanded expression in ventricle in morphant (M). V, ventricle; At, atrium; red arrows point to AV; white dashed lines outline the hearts.</p

    Noncontraction is correlated with ectopic <i>bmp4</i> expression.

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    <p>(A) Graph comparing the percentage of normal contraction with 3-OST-7, <i>kcnh2</i>, and <i>tnnt2</i> MO injections. Error bars, SEM (B) Graph comparing patterns of <i>bmp4</i> expression at 48 hpf among control embryos (injected with 3-OST-5 MO), 3-OST-7 morphants, <i>kchn2</i> morphants, and <i>tnnt2</i> morphants. Loss of contraction correlates with ectopic <i>bmp4</i> expression in the ventricle (AV+V) or throughout the entire heart in 3-OST-7, <i>kcnh2</i> and <i>tnnt2</i> morphants.</p

    Model for role of 3-O-sulfation catalyzed by 3-OST-7 in cardiac development.

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    <p>Under normal conditions, specific 3-OST-7-dependent 3-O-sulfation patterns (pink circles) on endocardial HSPGs constrain <i>bmp4</i> in nonchamber (noncontracting) myocardium (AV junction, red compartment), allowing transcription of <i>tpm4</i> in contracting myocardium (ventricle, green compartment). Tpm4 then stabilizes the sarcomere and ensures proper contraction (Tn, troponin). Knockdown of 3-OST-7 results in loss of 3-O-sulfation, expansion of <i>bmp4</i> and BMP signaling and P-Smad delocalization into ventricular myocardium. High levels of BMP signaling lead to reduced levels of <i>tpm4</i> transcripts and Tpm4 proteins, which then disrupt sarcomere assembly and lead to noncontraction.</p

    3-OST-7 regulates <i>tpm4</i>-driven myofibrillogenesis, sarcomere assembly and ventricular contraction.

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    <p>Whole mount IHC was performed on fixed 48(injected with control 3-OST-3Z MO) or 3-OST-7 morphant embryos to detect cardiac sarcomere proteins (<i>n</i> = 30 for each group). The heart was then dissected out of the embryo, mounted on cover slips, and imaged using a confocal microscope (thus, the dorso-ventral orientation of the mounted hearts was random). IHC using anti-Tnnt2 antibody and anti-Tpm antibody revealed levels of these proteins were greatly reduced in 3-OST-7 morphants (B and F, dashed lines outline the hearts) compared to control (A and E) embryos. TEM of control (C) and 3-OST-7 morphant (G) hearts show the presence of organized myofibrils (red arrowheads) in control and absence in morphants. ISH for <i>tpm4</i> showed <i>tpm4</i> transcript levels were decreased in 3-OST-7 morphants (H) compared to control embryos (D) at 48 hpf. (D and H) are ventral views with anterior on top; <i>n</i> = 40 for each group. Overexpression of <i>tpm4</i> rescues the expression of Tnnt2 (I) and Tpm (J) proteins, assembly of myofibrils (K), and the noncontracting ventricle phenotype in 3-OST-7 morphant embryos as assessed by ejection area measurements (L, <i>p</i><0.05, *). The ejection area, a measure of contractility, was obtained by computing the difference between systolic and diastolic area for either atrium or ventricle. At, atrium; V, ventricle; error bars, SEM.</p

    3-OST-7 regulates cardiac contraction by constraining BMP signaling.

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    <p>(A) <i>Tg(hs:bmp2b)</i> heterozygotes were crossed to wild-type zebrafish and embryos were either untreated (no hs) or heat-shocked at 12 hpf. Embryos in each group were scored for ventricular contraction, and then genotyped for presence of heat-shock transgene. Graph depicts percentage contraction of embryos with transgene (green) or without (blue) in each treatment group. Induction of BMP signaling led to ventricular noncontraction. (B) <i>bmp4<sup>st72</sup></i> heterozygotes were crossed and embryos were either uninjected or injected with 3-OST-7 MO. Embryos in each group were scored for ventricular noncontraction, and then genotyped for <i>bmp4</i> mutation (RE, digestion with <i>SpeI</i>). Graph depicts percentage contraction of each genotypic class in uninjected embryos (blue) or embryos injected with 3-OST-7 MO (red). Ventricular noncontraction was rescued in 3-OST-7 morphants by <i>bmp4<sup>st72</sup></i> mutation.</p