10 research outputs found


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    Placental retention is whether or not the placenta is expelled until or more than 30 minutes after the baby is born. Most placental separation disorders are caused by impaired uterine contractions. Objective: to determine the relationship between postpartum hemorrhage and retained placenta. The design of this study is an analytical study with a cross sectional method approach, this study uses secondary data with a population of 955 mothers who gave birth and the number of samples taken from simple random sampling, namely simple random sampling with a sample of 90 people. Respondents who experienced Placental Retention as many as 7 respondents (7.4) fewer than those who experienced Placental Retention 87 respondents (92.6%). Respondents with shorter pregnancy intervals were 13 respondents (86.7%), compared to 74 respondents (93.7%). Based on bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test, it shows a value of 0.169 <0.05, this means that there is a relationship. Respondents who experienced postpartum hemorrhage were 9 respondents (8.3%), compared to respondents who did not experience postpartum hemorrhage as many as 78 respondents (91.8%). meaning. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant relationship between Pregnancy Distance and Postpartum Bleeding with the incidence of retained placenta.  Keywords: Pregnancy Distance, Post Partum Bleeding, Placenta Retenti


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    Adolescent girls are susceptible to infection of reproductive organs caused by inappropriate behavior in maintaining personal hygiene, especially during menstruation (Handayani, 2018). Some teenagers do not know how to do personal hygiene during menstruation that is good and right, when to change sanitary napkins, and how to wash sanitary napkins (Dewi A.L, 2014), this is due to the lack of information that teenagers get. The phenomenon of menstrual hygiene practices in adolescents is still relatively low. Aim: to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge about personal hygiene and the behavior of adolescent girls during menstruation. Methods: This research is a quantitative with descriptive correlation. The design of this study used a cross sectional approach. . The number of research samples is 113 students women in the SMP IT Assu’adaa. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data analysis technique using Chi-square. Results: showed that the majority of respondents had poor personal hygiene knowledge as many as 65 respondents (57.5%), while most respondents had poor personal hygiene behavior as many as 59 respondents (52.2%). There is a significant relationship between knowledge of personal hygiene and hygiene behavior of adolescent girls during menstruation (p value = 0.002). Conclusion: adolescent girls who have poor personal hygiene knowledge are likely to have poor hygiene behavior during menstruation. Suggestion: teenagers are expected to start looking for information about good personal hygiene during menstruation. and parents and health workers can provide information related to this, so that hygiene behavior during menstruation can be carried out properly and correctly.Remaja putri rentan terkena infeksi organ reproduksi yang disebabkan oleh kurang tepatnya perilaku dalam merawat kebersihan diri terutama saat mengalami menstruasi (Handayani, 2018). Sebagian remaja belum mengetahui cara personal hygiene saat menstruasi yang baik dan benar, kapan harus mengganti pembalut, dan cara mencuci pembalut (Dewi A.L, 2014), hal tersebut dikarenakan kurangnya informasi yang remaja dapatkan. fenomena praktik hygiene menstruasi pada remaja masih tergolong rendah. Tujuan penelitian: untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan tentang personal hygiene terhadap perilaku remaja putri saat menstruasi. Metode : penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif korelasi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional.  Jumlah sampel penelitian 113 siswi di SMP IT Assu’adaa. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik analisa data menggunakan Chi-square. Hasil penelitian : menunjukan bahwa mayoritas responden memiliki pengetahuan personal hygiene yang tidak baik sebanyak 65 responden (57,5%), sedangkan sebagian besar responden memiliki perilaku personal hygiene yang tidak baik sebanyak 59 responden (52,2%) . Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan personal hygiene dengan perilaku hygiene remaja putri saat menstruasi (Nilai p value = 0,002). Kesimpulan : remaja putri yang memiliki pengetahuan personal hygiene yang tidak baik maka kemungkinan memiliki perilaku hygiene yang tidak baik pula saat menstruasi. Saran : diharapkan remaja mulai mencari informasi mengenai personal hygiene yang baik saat menstruasi. dan orang tua serta tenaga kesehatan dapat memberikan informasi terkait hal tersebut, agar perilaku hygiene saat menstruasi dapat dilakukan dengan baik dan benar


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    Breast milk is the best nutrition for babies because the composition of nutrients in it is optimally able to ensure the growth of the baby's body, the quality of the nutrients is also the best because it is easily absorbed and digested by the baby's intestines, so the use of breast milk in Indonesia needs to be increased. Basically there are various kinds of breast milk, one of which is colostrum. This research is a quantitative research with an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers who had babies, totaling 40 pregnant women. The sample of this research used systematic random sampling method. The sample of this study amounted to 40 respondents. Data analysis was carried out in two stages, namely univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with Chi-square statistical test. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a relationship of knowledge (p value = 0.002) and there was a relationship of information (p value = 0.001) with giving colostrum to newborns. Suggestions are expected for health workers to provide complete communication, information and education to the community in the work area about giving colostrum to newborns.   Keywords: Giving Colostrum to Newborn

    Literature Review: Efektifitas Metode Moist Wound Healing pada Ulkus Diabetik: Effectiveness of The Moist Wound Healing Method on Diabetic Ulcus: a Literatur Review

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    One of the complications of diabetes mellitus is the presence of ulcer wounds which cause 50% to 75% of amputation. This literature review aims to determine the effectiveness of the Moist Wound Healing method in diabetic wounds. The design of this scientific paper is a literature review search using an electronic database, namely google scholar, semantic scholar, and pubmed. The keywords used in the search were: diabetes mellitus AND moist AND diabetic ulcer. Based on a literature review of 4 articles, significant results were obtained in wound healing, namely 2-3 times faster healing. it can be concluded that the moist wound healing method can affect the healing process of diabetic ulcers and has effectiveness for wound healing

    Faktor- Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Seksual Pranikah pada Remaja

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    Sexuality develops from childhood, adolescence to adulthood. Sexuality can be done in the form of sexual behavior. Many factors cause sexual urges, including using drugs, fantasizing about sex, watching, hearing, and viewing pornographic images. The impact that often occurs from premarital sex is very bad for health, namely the risk of contracting venereal diseases and HIV/AIDS, as well as disturbances in the reproductive organs to the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies, which will encourage abortion and the risk of social and psychological disorders. To determine the relationship between knowledge, family norms, religious norms, and smartphone use in adolescents at senior High School 1 Branchbunign Bekasi Regency. Quantitative research design with a cross-sectional design with a sample size of 166 people. The results of the study using the chi-square statistical method with a maximum value of alpha = 0.05 showing no relationship between knowledge and premarital sexual behavior with p-value = 0.036 > alpha = 0.05 and there is no relationship between family norms and premarital sexual behavior with a p-value value = 0.365 > alpha = 0.05 and there is no relationship between religious norms and premarital sexual behavior with p-value = 1.000 > alpha = 0.05 and there is no relationship between smartphone use and premarital sexual behavior with p-value = 1.000 > alpha = 0.05. Adolescents in high school were at the highest risk of premarital sexual behavior

    Pelatihan Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Ketrampilan Siswa LPK Majime Indonesia dalam Perawatan Dasar Lansia di Kelurahan Jatimulya Tambun Selatan

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    ABSTRAK Menurut World Health Organisation (WHO) lansia adalah orang yang telah memasuki usia 60 tahun ke atas. Pada tahun 2000 jumlah penduduk lansia di seluruh dunia sebanyak 426 juta atau 6,8 %, jumlah ini akan meningkat hampir dua kali lipat pada tahun 2025 yaitu sekitar 828 juta jiwa atau sekitar 9,7 % dari total penduduk dunia. Metode yang digunakan berupa Pendidikan  Kesehatan yang dilakukan dengan bantuan leaflet serta metode ceramah, tanya jawab serta diskusi. Dari 30 peserta siswa keterampialn dasar LPK majime Siswa mampu menerapkan budayaan dan komunikasi pada Lansia Anatomi manusia Penyakit yang terjadi pada lansia Aktivitas/mobilisasi Body mekanik Nutrisi Eliminasi Komunikasi Personal hygiene. Kegiatan Pendidikan Kesehatan  ini berjalan kondusif disebabkan peserta memperhatikan materi yang disampaikan oleh penyaji dengan baik. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan,Ketrampilan  Siswa, LPK, Majime  ABSTRACT According to the World Health Organization (WHO) elderly are people who have entered the age of 60 years and over. In 2000 the number of elderly people worldwide was 426 million or 6.8%, this number will almost double in 2025, namely around 828 million people or around 9.7% of the total world population. Implementation. The method used is in the form of Health Education which is carried out with the help of leaflets as well as lecture, question and answer and discussion methods. Of the 30 participants, the basic skills of LPK majime Students were able to apply culture and communication to the elderly Human anatomy Diseases that occur in the elderly Activities/mobilization Body mechanics Nutrition Elimination Communication Personal hygiene. This health education activity runs conducively because the participants pay attention to the material presented by good presenter. Keywords: Knowledge, Student Skills, LPK, Majim

    Perilaku Jajan Pada Anak Sekolah Dasar Kelas IV, V, VI di SDN Sriamur 05 Kab Bekasi

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    ABSTRACTChildren's health is an important part of human quality of life and cannot be separated from the food consumed by children every day. The current child health problem is the large number of school-age children who like to eat snacks in the school environment. The percentage of school snacks is 4.3% which contains hazardous ingredients. Factors that influence the selection of snacks in school-age children are knowledge, attitudes and behavior. Objective To get an overview of snacking behavior towards elementary school children in grades IV, V, VI. Methodology Using a Quantitative Descriptive Design with Univariate Analysis The sample used was random sampling of 176 respondents consisting of 3 classes, class IV, V, VI. The results of this study showed that the respondents were in their early teens (59.1%), female (59.7%), had good snacking behavior (67.6%). Conclusion The researchers concluded that the majority of respondents had good snacking behavior.Keywords: Elementary School Children, Snacking Behavior ABSTRAK Kesehatan anak merupakan bagian penting terhadap kualitas hidup manusia dan tidak lepas kaitannya dengan makanan yang dikonsumsi oleh anak setiap hari. Permasalahan kesehatan anak yang dialami saat ini adalah banyaknya anak usia sekolah yang gemar jajan di lingkungan sekolah. Presentase pangan jajanan sekolah sebesar 4,3% yang mengandung bahan berbahaya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemilihan jajanan pada anak usia sekolah adalah pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku. Tujuan Untuk mendapatkan gambaran perilaku jajan terhadap anak SD kelas IV, V, VI. Metodologi Menggunakan desain Deskriptif Kuantitatif dengan Analisa Univariat Sampel yang digunakan adalah random sampling sebanyak 176 responden terdiri dari 3 kelas, kelas IV, V, VI. Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukan responden pada usia remaja awal (59,1%), berjenis kelamin perempuan (59,7%), perilaku jajan baik (67,6%). Kesimpulan Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa mayoritas responden berperilaku jajan baik.Kata Kunci: Anak Sekolah Dasar, Perilaku Jaja

    Penerapan Pekar (Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kesehatan Keluarga) di Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya Bekasi Selatan

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    ABSTRAK Program Indonesia Sehat (PIS) merupakan salah satu program dari Agenda ke-5 Nawa Cita, yaitu meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Manusia Indonesia, dengan sasaran meningkatnya derajat kesehatan dan status gizi masyarakat. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu-ibu di lingkungan RW 024 Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya agar dapat menjaga, meningkatkan dan memelihara Kesehatan keluarganya. Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan Kesehatan yang dilakukan dengan bantuan leaflet serta metode ceramah, tanya jawab serta diskusi. Dari 65 peserta yang hadir pada penyuluhan seperti stakeholder RW 024 Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya, sebelum dilakukan penyuluhan peserta telah mengetahui tentang Kesehatan reproduksi, perubahan memasuki masa usia lanjut, kebutuhan istirahat dan tidur dan tata laksana tidur ala Rasulullah, kesehatan pada usia lanjut dan tips bahagia diusia lanjut dan Melatih senam relaksasi otot prograsif pada usia lanjut. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini berjalan kondusif disebabkan peserta memperhatikan materi yang disampaikan oleh penyaji dengan baik. Kata Kunci: PIS, Penyuluhan Kesehatan, Senam Otot Progresif,Lansia   ABSTRACT The Healthy Indonesia Program (PIS) is one of the programs from the 5th Nawa Cita Agenda, which is to improve the Quality of Life of Indonesian Humans, with the aim of increasing the health status and nutritional status of the community. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge of mothers in the RW 024 Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya so that they can maintain, improve and maintain the health of their families. The method used is in the form of health counseling which is carried out with the help of leaflets as well as lecture, question and answer and discussion methods. Of the 65 participants who attended the counseling such as the stakeholders of RW 024 Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya, before the counseling was carried out the participants already knew about reproductive health, changes in entering old age, the need for rest and sleep and sleep management a la Rasulullah, health in old age and tips happy in old age and practicing progressive muscle relaxation gymnastics in old age. This counseling activity was conducive because the participants paid attention to the material presented by the presenter properly. Keywords: PIS, Health Education, Progressive Muscle Exercise, The Elderl

    Sinergisitas Akademisi Mewujudkan Anak Sehat (SIMAS) di Paud Ar Rayyan, Kelurahan Kayuringin Jaya, Kota Bekasi

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    ABSTRAK Anak usia dini merupakan periode yang sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak dan ditandai dengan perubahan yang sangat cepat dalam berbagai aspek, namun berisiko tinggi terkena infeksi atau masalah kesehatan lainnya.  Tujuan kegiatan adalah mendapatkan gambaran Kesehatan murid PAUD dan meningkatkan pemahaman orangtua tentang makanan sehat dan Kesehatan. Metode Mengunakan tehnik  wawancara observasi pada para ibu, didapatkan keterangan bahwa mereka bertekad memberikan makanan sehat untuk anak dan menghindari makanan cepat saji, mengajarkan anak perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, para ibu akan menjaga kesehatan dan selalu mengkonsumsi makanan sehat. Hasil dari pelaksanaan SIMAS ini didapatkan jumlah murid 43 orang. sebanyak 90.7% (39 orang) ibu mengikuti kegiatan edukasi kesehatan untuk ibu. Berdasarkan status gizi didapatkan 23.26% (10 anak) memiliki status gizi gemuk, 9.30% (4 anak) dengan status gizi kurus dan 67.44% (29 anak) masuk kategori gizi normal. Hasil tes daya lihat diketahui sebanyak 15.90% (7 anak) mengalami masalah penglihatan dan sisanya 84.1% (37 anak) memiliki penglihatan baik. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini menyarankan kepada pengelola PAUD agar melaksanakan proses skrining secara berkala dan meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu dalam mengasuh dan membesarkan anak mereka. Kata Kunci: Sinergisitas Akademisi, Anak Sehat, Paud.  ABSTRACT Early childhood is a very important period in a child's growth and development and is characterized by very rapid changes in various aspects, but is at high risk of infection or other health problems. The aim of the activity is to get an overview of the health of PAUD students and increase parents' understanding about healthy food and health. Method Using observational interview techniques with mothers, information was obtained that they were determined to provide healthy food for their children and avoid fast food, teach children clean and healthy living behavior, mothers would maintain their health and always consume healthy food. The results of the SIMAS implementation showed that the number of students was 43 people. As many as 90.7% (39 people) of mothers took part in health education activities for mothers. Based on nutritional status, it was found that 23.26% (10 children) had an obese nutritional status, 9.30% (4 children) had a thin nutritional status and 67.44% (29 children) were in the normal nutritional category. The results of the vision test revealed that 15.90% (7 children) had vision problems and the remaining 84.1% (37 children) had good vision. The implementation of this community service suggests that PAUD managers carry out a regular screening process and increase mothers' knowledge in caring for and raising their children. Keywords: Academic Synergy, Healthy Children, Early Childhood Education