494 research outputs found

    Acute Spontaneous Subdural Hematoma of Arterial Origin

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    Acute spontaneous subdural hematoma (SDH) of arterial origin is very rare. We report a case of acute spontaneous SDH that showed contrast media extravasation from cortical artery on angiograms. A 58-year-old male patient developed sudden onset headache and right hemiparesis. Brain CT scan demonstrated acute SDH at left convexity. The patient was drowsy mentality on admission. He had no history of head trauma. Cerebral angiography was performed and revealed a localized extravasation of the contrast media from distal cortical MCA branch. After angiography, the patient deteriorated to comatose mentality. Decompressive craniectomy for removal of SDH was performed. We verified the arterial origin of the bleeding and coagulated the bleeding focus. The histological diagnosis was aneurysmal artery. He recovered after surgery with mild disability. In a case of acute spontaneous SDH, the possibility of a cortical artery origin should be considered


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    In the title amide, C16H15F2NO3, the dihedral angle between the benzene rings is 53.7 (1)°. Mol­ecules are linked in the crystal structure by an inter­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond involving N—H and C=O functionalities of the amide group. A one-dimensional network is thus formed along the [001] direction. No significant inter­chain contacts are observed

    Use of Nafamostat Mesilate as an Anticoagulant during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

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    Although the incidence of bleeding complications during extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) support has decreased in various trials, bleeding is still the most fatal complication. We investigated the ideal dosage and efficacy of nafamostat mesilate for use with ECMO in patients with acute cardiac or respiratory failure. We assessed 73 consecutive patients who received ECMO due to acute cardiac or respiratory failure between January 2006 and December 2009. To evaluate the efficacy of nafamostat mesilate, we divided the patients into 2 groups according to the anticoagulants used during ECMO support. All patients of nafamostat mesilate group were male with a mean age of 49.2 yr. Six, 3, 5, and 3 patients were diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, septic shock, and acute respiratory distress syndrome, respectively. The mean dosage of nafamostat mesilate was 0.64 mg/kg/hr, and the mean duration of ECMO was 270.7 hr. The daily volume of transfused packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma, and cryoprecipitate and the number of complications related to hemorrhage and thrombosis was lower in the nafamostat mesilate group than in the heparin group. Nafamostat mesilate should be considered as an alternative anticoagulant to heparin to reduce bleeding complications during ECMO

    Specific Radius Change of Quantum Dot inside the Lipid Bilayer by Charge Effect of Lipid Head-Group

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    We studied the quantum dot-liposome complex (QLC), which is the giant unilamellar vesicle with quantum dots (QDs) incorporated in its lipid bilayer. A spin coating method in conjunction with the electroformation technique yielded vesicles with highly homogeneous unilamellar structure. We observed QD size dependence of the QLC formation: QLCs form with blue, green and yellow-emission QD (core radius ~1.05 nm, 1.25 nm and 1.65 nm) but not with red-emission QD (core radius ~2.5 nm). In order to explain this size dependence, we made a simple model explaining the QD size effect on QLC formation in terms of the molecular packing parameter and the lipid conformational change. This model predicts that QDs below a certain critical size (radius ≈ 1.8 nm) can stably reside in a lipid bilayer of 4 - 5 nm in thickness for Egg-PC lipids. This is consistent with our previous experimental results. In the case of red-emission QD, QD-aggregations are only observed on the fluorescent microscopy instead of QLC. We expected that the reduction of packing parameter (P) would lead to the change of specific QD radius. This prediction could be verified by our experimental observation of the shift of the specific QD size by mixing DOPG

    Asymptomatic Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infection using a serologic survey in Korea

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    OBJECTIVES The rates of asymptomatic infection with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus vary. A serologic study was conducted to determine the asymptomatic MERS infection rate in healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers by exposure status. METHODS Study participants were selected from contacts of MERS patients based on a priority system in 4 regions strongly affected by the 2015 MERS outbreak. A sero-epidemiological survey was performed in 1,610 contacts (average duration from exposure to test, 4.8 months), and the collected sera were tested using an enzyme-linked immunespecific assay (ELISA), immunofluorescence assay (IFA), and plaque reduction neutralization antibody test (PRNT). Among the 1,610 contacts, there were 7 ELISA-positive cases, of which 1 exhibited positive IFA and PRNT results. RESULTS The asymptomatic infection rate was 0.060% (95% confidence interval, 0.002 to 0.346). The asymptomatic MERS case was a patient who had been hospitalized with patient zero on the same floor of the hospital at the same time. The case was quarantined at home for 2 weeks after discharge, and had underlying diseases, including hypertension, angina, and degenerative arthritis. CONCLUSIONS The asymptomatic infection was acquired via healthcare-associated transmission. Thus, it is necessary to extend serologic studies to include inpatient contacts who have no symptoms


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    The Hg atom in the title complex, [HgCl2(C12H13N3)], adopts a square-pyramidal geometry, being ligated by three N atoms of the tridentate bis­(2-pyridylmeth­yl)amine ligand and two Cl atoms, with one of the latter occupying the apical position. Disorder is noted in the amine portion of the ligand and this was modelled over two sites, with the major component having a site-occupancy factor of 0.794 (14)

    Radish microgreens produced without substrate in a vertical multi-layered growing unit are rich in nutritional metabolites

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    Growing microgreens on trays without substrate in a vertical multilayered growing unit offers several advantages over traditional agriculture methods. This study investigated the yield performance and nutritional quality of five selections of radish microgreens grown in sprouting trays, without a substrate using only water, in an indoor multilayer cultivation system using artificial light. Various parameters were measured, including fresh weight, dry matter, chlorophyll, minerals, amino acids, phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, vitamin C, glucosinolates, and antioxidant activity with four different in vitro assays. After ten days, the biomass had increased by 6-10 times, and the dry matter varied from 4.75-7.65%. The highest yield was obtained from ‘Asia red’, while the lowest was from ‘Koregon red’. However, ‘Koregon red’ and ‘Asia red’ had the highest dry matter. ‘Asia red’ was found to have the highest levels of both Chls and vitamin C compared to the other cultivars, while ‘Koregon red’ exhibited the highest levels of total phenolics and flavonoids. Although variations in the levels of individual glucosinolates were observed, there were no significant differences in the total content of glucosinolates among the five cultivars. ‘Asia purple’ had the highest anthocyanin content, while ‘Asia green 2’ had the lowest. The K, Mg, and Na concentrations were significantly highest in ‘Asia green 2’, and the highest Ca was recorded in ‘Asia purple’. Overall, ‘Asia purple’ and ‘Koregon red’ were the best cultivars in terms of nutritional quality among the tested radish microgreens. These cultivars exhibited high levels of dry weight, total phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, essential and total amino acids, and antioxidant activities. Moreover, the implementation of this vertical cultivation method for microgreens, which relies solely on water and seeds known for their tall shoots during the sprouting could hold promise as a sustainable approach. This method can effectively be utilized for cultivar screening and fulfilling the nutritional and functional needs of the population while minimizing the environmental impacts associated with traditional agriculture practices

    Decreased Angiotensin II -Stimulated Aldosterone Production, but Normal Inositol Phosphate Response in Adrenal Glomerulosa Cells from Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats: Role of lnsulin

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    Streptozotocin(SlZ)-induced diabetic rats develop hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism during the progression of diabetes mellitus. However,the nature and mechanism of aldosterone deficiency in diabetic rats still remain unclear and acute effects of insulin on aldosterone production in-vitro are not known. We evaluated the responses of aldosterone production to angiotensin 11 (AlI), potassium (K+), AClH and insulin in adrenal glomerulosa cells prepared from SlZ-induced diabetic rats with and without insulin treatment 2 weeks after diabetes induction. We also measured inositol phosphate<IP) levels in All-stimulated glomerulosa cells labeled with [3HI myoinositol using standardized anion exchange chromatography. Plasma renin activity and aldosterone level were not different among control rats,untreated and insulin-treated diabetic rats. Basal aldosterone production was similar in cells from the three groups. Cells from untreated diabetic rats showed a significant decrease in the maximal All (to-8M)-stimuiated aldosterone production and a tendency to be low in the maximal K+(8.7 mM)-stimulated aldosterone production, compared with control rats (3.2±2.2 \IS 7.7±2.4, P (0.05 and 4.8±1.8 \IS 8.0±3.2 ng/105 cells/hr, 0.05 (P (0.1, respectively). In contrast, there were no differences in All- and K+-stimulated aldosterone production between control and insulin-treated diabetic rats. AClH (to-8M), however, caused a similar effect on aldosterone production and insulin (I mU /ml for 1 hour) did not alter either basal or agonists-stimulated aldosterone production in cells from the three groups. All (to-8M)-induced IP formation among the three groups was similar and did not change with the addition of insulin u mU / ml), These results indicate that reduced response to All in the early phase of SlZ-induced diabetes in rats may be due to the zona glomerulosa dysfunction secondary to chronic lack of insulin and the main defect responsible for altered All effects may be located at some step(s) mediating All action downstream from IP formation

    Stemness Evaluation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Placentas According to Developmental Stage: Comparison to Those from Adult Bone Marrow

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    This study was done to evaluate the stemness of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) derived from placenta according to the development stage and to compare the results to those from adult bone marrow (BM). Based on the source of hMSCs, three groups were defined: group I included term placentas, group II included first-trimester placentas, and group III included adult BM samples. The stemness was evaluated by the proliferation capacity, immunophenotypic expression, mesoderm differentiation, expression of pluripotency markers including telomerase activity. The cumulative population doubling, indicating the proliferation capacity, was significantly higher in group II (P<0.001, 31.7±5.8 vs. 15.7±6.2 with group I, 9.2±4.9 with group III). The pattern of immunophenotypic expression and mesoderm differentiation into adipocytes and osteocytes were similar in all three groups. The expression of pluripotency markers including ALP, SSEA-4, TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81, Oct-4, and telomerase were strongly positive in group II, but very faint positive in the other groups. In conclusions, hMSCs from placentas have different characteristics according to their developmental stage and express mesenchymal stemness potentials similar to those from adult human BMs