186 research outputs found

    Research on the Influence of Ultrasonic Vibrations on Paint Coating Properties

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    The article describes the application of ultrasonic vibrations to the preparation of paint before the coating process. Ultrasonic processing decreases the viscosity of the paint and the size of its particles. Changing the properties of the paint has a positive influence on the parameters of torch spraying. The results of using ultrasound during the preparation of the paint before the coating process are improved properties of the coating in comparison with those of the coating applied by using the paint without the application of ultrasound

    Оптимистический и пессимистический сценарии формирования транспортных подходов к Арктической транспортной системе на основе достижения целевых показателей

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    The relevance of the article is determined by the increasing role of the Arctic transport system in the economy of the Russian Federation: involvement of territories of the Arctic zone of the country in economic activities, an increase in their social and economic potential. The development of the northern territories is directly related to existing and future capabilities of the Arctic transport system, for successful functioning of which it is necessary to provide it with feeder transport network.The objective of the work is to determine the scenarios according to which development of these feeder roads can be carried out. When writing the article, the methods of systemic, comparative, and statistical analysis were particularly used.The paper clarifies the definition of the Arctic transport system. It is noted that scenarios for development of feeder routes to it should be linked to its general development, as well as to the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The European and Ural Arctic subregion is highlighted, where development of feeder routes is most important in connection with the growth of economic activity on Yamal Peninsula. With reference to the works of domestic and foreign authors, strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation, it is assumed that according to the degree of achievement of target indicators of traffic volumes along the Northern Sea Route, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for formation of feeder network can be activated. The final implementation of one of those scenarios is determined by political, natural, and other risks.When developing scenarios for formation of transport feeder network to the Arctic transport system, the emergence of new modes of transport should be considered. New modes of transport can provide linking of remote objects to the trunk transport networks or eliminate the gaps emerging in them.The use of new modes of transport in the Russian Arctic should be carried out only after testing at specialized test sites, where their safety for transportation of passengers and goods, as well as for the environment, will be determined.The work was carried out within the framework of the comprehensive program of fundamental scientific research of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences for 2018–2020 and is associated with the need to increase the capacity of the main ports of the European and Ural Arctic and the volume of traffic along the Northern Sea Route.Актуальность статьи определяется возрастающей ролью Арктической транспортной системы в экономике Российской Федерации: вовлечением территорий Арктической зоны страны (АЗРФ) в хозяйственную деятельность, увеличением их социального и экономического потенциалов. Развитие северных территорий напрямую связано с имеющимися и перспективными возможностями Арктической транспортной системы, для успешного функционирования которой необходимо обеспечить её транспортными подходами.Целью работы является определение сценариев, по которым может осуществляться развитие и формирование этих подходов. При написании статьи использованы методы системного, сравнительного и статистического анализа и др.В работе уточнено определение Арктической транспортной системы. Отмечается, что сценарии формирования транспортных подходов к ней следует увязывать с её развитием, а также развитием Арктической зоны Российской Федерации. Выделен подрегион – Европейская и Приуральская Арктика, где развитие транспортных подходов наиболее актуально в связи с ростом экономической активности на полуострове Ямал. Со ссылкой на работы отечественных и зарубежных авторов, документы стратегического планирования РФ полагается, что по степени достижения целевых показателей объёмов перевозок по Северному морскому пути могут активироваться оптимистический и пессимистический сценарии формирования транспортных подходов. Какой из них будет реализован, определяется политическими, природными и другими рисками.При разработке сценариев формирования транспортных подходов к Арктической транспортной системе следует учитывать появление новых видов транспорта, которые могут обеспечивать привязку удалённых объектов к магистральным транспортным сетям или ликвидировать возникающие в них разрывы. Использование новых видов транспорта в АЗРФ следует осуществлять только после испытаний на специализированных полигонах, где будет определена их безопасность для перевозок пассажиров и грузов, а также для окружающей природной среды.Работа выполнена в рамках комплексной программы фундаментальных научных исследований УрО РАН на 2018–2020 гг. и связана с необходимостью увеличения мощностей основных портов Европейской и Приуральской Арктики и объёмов перевозок по Северному морскому пути

    Generalized concentration dependence of makromolecule selfdiffusion coefficients in polyethyleneoxide solutions

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    The polyethyleneoxide (PEO) macroraolecule translational mobility in dioxane and benzene solutions was studied by pulsed field gradient nmr. The generalized dependence describing the macromolecule translational mobility in solutions - invariant with respect to the polymer molecular mass, solvent,as well as to temperature - was obtained. © 1985 Springer-Verlag


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    In the article presents results of complex research of vibration .state of the differential reducer of turboprop engine on the basis statistics of products with repaired reducers and delivered in for repair. The conducted researches have allowed to establish a source of resonant oscillations of design elements of the compressor, leading to their brea¬kage. It is established that this source is determined by the kinematics of the reducer and is associated with the wear of the teeth of its gears. Based on the work carried out the norms on intensity of the corresponding discrete component of the spectrum of vibration of the reducer and on the amount of permissible wear are substantiated and established. Identified the complex of diagnostic parameters of wear based on intensity components of the auto-spectrum and spec-trum of maxima, the depth of amplitude modulation in some narrow-band processes, their characteristics based on the parameters of the current frequency and mutual characteristics. It is shown that for the whole complex of received diagnostic parameters their dependence on the wear value is satisfactorily approximated by a linear characteristic. The obtained results can serve as a basis for development of complex vibration diagnostic methods of differential reducers

    Identifying earthworms (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) of the Southern Kuril Islands using DNA barcodes

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    Identificación de las lombrices (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) del sur de las Islas Kuriles utilizando códigos de barras de ADN Las Islas Kuriles forman un archipiélago volcánico situado entre Hokkaido y Kamchatka. En este estudio analizamos las lombrices de tres de las Islas Kuriles meridionales: Kunashir, Shikotan y Yuri, utilizando el análisis morfológico y los códigos de barras de ADN. Nuestros resultados ponen de relieve el potencial de los códigos de barras de ADN para estudiar las lombrices: si bien en estudios anteriores solo se habían registrado seis especies y subespecies de lombriz en las Islas Kuriles meridionales, nosotros detectamos 15 grupos genéticos. Seis de ellos son especies cosmopolitas europeas; seis, especies asiáticas; y tres, sin determinar. A pesar de que no se encontraron lombrices europeas en Yuri, que está deshabitada desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, estas especies dominaron en las islas Kunashir y Shikotan, que son más grandes y están habitadas, lo que sugiere que se trata de especies invasoras recientes. De las seis especies asiáticas, cinco tenían secuencias cox1 idénticas o muy emparentadas con las secuencias publicadas encontradas en el continente o en las islas del Japón y, por tanto, se trata de invasoras recientes.The Kuril Islands are a volcanic archipelago located between Hokkaido and Kamchatka. In this study we investigated earthworm fauna of three of the Southern Kuril Islands, Kunashir, Shikotan, and Yuri, using both morphological analysis and DNA barcoding. Our results highlight the potential of DNA barcoding for studying earthworm fauna: while previous studies reported only six earthworm species and subspecies on the Southern Kurils, we detected 15 genetic clusters. Six of them correspond to European cosmopolites; six, to Asian species, and three, to unidentified species. While no European earthworms were found on Yuri that is uninhabited since WWII, they dominated on larger and inhabited Kunashir and Shikotan, suggesting that they are recent invaders. Of the six Asian species, five had cox1 sequences identical or very closely related to published sequences from the mainland or the Japanese islands and thus are recent invaders.Identificación de las lombrices (Oligochaeta, Megadrili) del sur de las Islas Kuriles utilizando códigos de barras de ADN Las Islas Kuriles forman un archipiélago volcánico situado entre Hokkaido y Kamchatka. En este estudio analizamos las lombrices de tres de las Islas Kuriles meridionales: Kunashir, Shikotan y Yuri, utilizando el análisis morfológico y los códigos de barras de ADN. Nuestros resultados ponen de relieve el potencial de los códigos de barras de ADN para estudiar las lombrices: si bien en estudios anteriores solo se habían registrado seis especies y subespecies de lombriz en las Islas Kuriles meridionales, nosotros detectamos 15 grupos genéticos. Seis de ellos son especies cosmopolitas europeas; seis, especies asiáticas; y tres, sin determinar. A pesar de que no se encontraron lombrices europeas en Yuri, que está deshabitada desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, estas especies dominaron en las islas Kunashir y Shikotan, que son más grandes y están habitadas, lo que sugiere que se trata de especies invasoras recientes. De las seis especies asiáticas, cinco tenían secuencias cox1 idénticas o muy emparentadas con las secuencias publicadas encontradas en el continente o en las islas del Japón y, por tanto, se trata de invasoras recientes


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    A stabilizer is described for the current pulses in the inductive loads used in NMR measurements of the self-induction coefficient. Stabilizing the integral value of the pulse of the magnetic field of up to approx. 10** minus **6 to be achieved, while their amplitudes are increased to 50 T/m

    Universal self-diffusion coefficients of macromolecules in polymer solutions and melts as a function of concentration and molecular mass

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    On the basis of an analysis of experimentally determined coefficients of self-diffusion D3 for polystyrene, polyethylene oxide (PEO), polydimethylsiloxane, and dextran in different solvents over a wide range of MM variation and concentrations σ, it is shown that there are universal relations between D3 and between D3 and M. © 1989

    Effect of Microsporida Infection on the Esterases Activities in Agrotis segetum Caterpillars

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    Microsporida infection of Agrotis segetum Schiffermuller larvae causes numerous changes of separate fractions activities belonging to carboxylesterase isoenzyme complex. Such shifts are found to correlate with parasite development stages, activities of several fractions being increased early after Vairimorpha antheraeae incorporation up to the beginning of sporogony. During intensive sporogony and spore forming the enzyme activities are proved to decrease. Activities of multiple esterase molecular forms at different microsporidiosis stages may be correlated with cell pathology patterns and cell compartments damages taking part in the enzymes synthesis and transportation. These described changes may be also due to such Microsporidainduced pathological features as lipid metabolism and hormone balance impair followed by decreased reproductive function.Сопоставлялись уровни суммарной эстеразной активности и активность отдельных эстеразных фракций в брюшных нервных цепочках здоровых и зараженных микроспоридией Vairimorpha antheraeae гусениц озимой совки Agrotis segetum Schiffermьller. Выявлено, что эстеразная активность увеличивается от момента внедрения паразита в ткани хозяина до начала спорогонии. Период наибольшей активности эстераз соответствует вегетативному размножению микроспоридий, а наименьшей - их массовому спорообразованию. Предполагается возможная взаимосвязь между изменением активности эстераз и такими проявлениями патогенеза микроспоридиоза насекомых, как нарушение липидного обмена, гормонального баланса и последующего снижения репродуктивных функций. Обсуждается сопряженность активности эстераз с особенностями патологии клетки и ее компартментов, учавствующих в синтезе и транспорте этих ферментов на разных этапах микроспоридиоза


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    In the article shown that analyzing the signals from the "standard" sensors of rotation speed of gas-turbine en¬gines without the installation of additional converters we can resolve several issues of diagnostics of technical condi¬tion of the reducers. It is established that the component of vibration spectrum, generated by the wear of the gear-teeth of the differential reducer, which causing the resonance oscillations of the turbocharger blades, creating torsional vi¬bration on the appropriate frequency. The analysis of the current rotational speed parameters of the output link by reducers (the shaft of the rear screw) allowed to get several diagnostic parameters values of the wear by the teeth-gear of the reducers. It is established that the connection of the detecteddiagnostic parameters from the wear value is satis¬factorily approximated the corresponding linear dependencies