691 research outputs found

    Open String/Open D-Brane Dualities: Old and New

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    We examine magnetic and electric near horizon regions of maximally supersymmetric D-brane and NS5-brane bound states and find transformations between near horizon regions with worldvolume dual magnetic and electric fluxes. These point to dual formulations of NCYM, NCOS and ODpp theories in the limit of weak coupling and large spatial or temporal non-commutativity length scale in terms of weakly coupled theories with fixed worldvolume dual non-commutativity based on open D-branes. We also examine the strong coupling behavior of the open D-brane theories and propose a unified web of dualities involving strong/weak coupling as well as large/small non-commutativity scale.Comment: 33 pages, Latex, 8 diagrams, added references and a remar

    Higher Spin N=8 Supergravity

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    The product of two N=8 supersingletons yields an infinite tower of massless states of higher spin in four dimensional anti de Sitter space. All the states with spin s > 1/2 correspond to generators of Vasiliev's super higher spin algebra shs^E (8|4) which contains the D=4, N=8 anti de Sitter superalgebra OSp(8|4). Gauging the higher spin algebra and introducing a matter multiplet in a quasi-adjoint representation leads to a consistent and fully nonlinear equations of motion as shown sometime ago by Vasiliev. We show the embedding of the N=8 AdS supergravity equations of motion in the full system at the linearized level and discuss the implications for the embedding of the interacting theory. We furthermore speculate that the boundary N=8 singleton field theory yields the dynamics of the N=8 AdS supergravity in the bulk, including all higher spin massless fields, in an unbroken phase of M-theory.Comment: 64 pages, latex, considerably expanded version, submitted for publicatio

    Towards Massless Higher Spin Extension of D=5, N=8 Gauged Supergravity

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    The AdS_5 superalgebra PSU(2,2|4) has an infinite dimensional extension, which we denote by hs(2,2|4). We show that the gauging of hs(2,2|4) gives rise to a spectrum of physical massless fields which coincides with the symmetric tensor product of two AdS_5 spin-1 doubletons (i.e. the N=4 SYM multiplets living on the boundary of AdS_5). This product decomposes into levels \ell=0,1,2,..,\infty of massless supermultiplets of PSU(2,2|4). In particular, the D=5, N=8 supergravity multiplet arises at level \ell=0. In addition to a master gauge field, we construct a master scalar field containing the s=0,1/2 fields, the anti-symmetric tensor field of the gauged supergravity and its higher spin analogs. We define the linearized constraints and obtain the linearized field equations of the full spectrum, including those of D=5,N=8 gauged supergravity and in particular the self-duality equations for the 2-form potentials of the gauged supergravity (forming a 6-plet of SU(4)), and their higher spin cousins with s=2,3,...,\infty.Comment: 36 pages, late

    Doubletons and 5D Higher Spin Gauge Theory

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    We use Grassmann even spinor oscillators to construct a bosonic higher spin extension hs(2,2) of the five-dimensional anti-de Sitter algebra SU(2,2), and show that the gauging of hs(2,2) gives rise to a spectrum S of physical massless fields with spin s=0,2,4,... that is a UIR of hs(2,2). In addition to a master gauge field which contains the massless s=2,4,.. fields, we construct a scalar master field containing the massless s=0 field, the generalized Weyl tensors and their derivatives. We give the appropriate linearized constraint on this master scalar field, which together with a linearized curvature constraint produces the correct linearized field equations. A crucial step in the construction of the theory is the identification of a central generator K which is eliminated by means of a coset construction. Its charge vanishes in the spectrum S, which is the symmetric product of two spin zero doubletons. We expect our results to pave the way for constructing an interacting theory whose curvature expansion is dual to a CFT based on higher spin currents formed out of free doubletons in the large N limit. Thus, extending a recent proposal of Sundborg (hep-th/0103247), we conjecture that the hs(2,2) gauge theory describes a truncation of the bosonic massless sector of tensionless Type IIB string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 for large N. This implies AdS/CFT correspondence in a parameter regime where both boundary and bulk theories are perturbative.Comment: 31 pages, late

    New classes of bi-axially symmetric solutions to four-dimensional Vasiliev higher spin gravity

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    IndexaciĂłn: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.We present new infinite-dimensional spaces of bi-axially symmetric asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions to four-dimensional Vasiliev higher spin gravity, obtained by modifications of the Ansatz used in arXiv: 1107.1217, which gave rise to a Type-D solution space. The current Ansatz is based on internal semigroup algebras (without identity) generated by exponentials formed out of the bi-axial symmetry generators. After having switched on the vacuum gauge function, the resulting generalized Weyl tensor is given by a sum of generalized Petrov type-D tensors that are Kerr-like or 2-brane-like in the asymptotic AdS(4) region, and the twistor space connection is smooth in twistor space over finite regions of spacetime. We provide evidence for that the linearized twistor space connection can be brought to Vasiliev gauge.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FJHEP01%282017%2904

    Codimension One Branes

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    We study codimension one branes, i.e. p-branes in (p+2)-dimensions, in the superembedding approach for the cases where the worldvolume superspace is embedded in a minimal target superspace with half supersymmetry breaking. This singles out the cases p=1,2,3,5,9. For p=3,5,9 the superembedding geometry naturally involves a fundamental super 2-form potential on the worldvolume whose generalised field strength obeys a constraint deducible from considering an open supermembrane ending on the p-brane. This constraint, together with the embedding constraint, puts the system on-shell for p=5 but overconstrains the 9-brane in D=11 such that the Goldstone superfield is frozen. For p=3 these two constraints give rise to an off-shell linear multiplet on the worldvolume. An alternative formulation of this case is given in which the linear multiplet is dualised to an off-shell scalar multiplet. Actions are constructed for both cases and are shown to give equivalent equations of motion. After gauge fixing a local Sp(1) symmetry associated with shifts in the Sp(1)_R Goldstone modes, we find that the auxiliary fields in the scalar multiplet parametrise a two-sphere. For completeness we also discuss briefly the cases p=1,2 where the equations of motion (for off-shell multiplets) are obtained from an action principle.Comment: 38 pages, latex, cover page correcte
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