4 research outputs found

    Sawdust from spruce (Picea abies) as substrate for production of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus pulmonarius)

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    Sedan slutet av 1900-talet har intresset för matsvamp som en kÀlla till nÀring och nya kulinariska upplevelser stÀndigt ökat, inte bara globalt utan Àven i Sverige. I samband med det ökade intresset för matsvamp har delikatessvamp som ostronskivling, shiitake med flera introducerats direkt till konsumenter och fÄtt ett allt större erkÀnnande av dem. I takt med att intresset för matsvamp har ökat bland konsumenter sÄ har Àven intresset för att odla matsvamp ökat, sÀrskilt intresset för att odla vednedbrytande svamparter. Trots det stora intresset för att odla matsvamp, och en mycket stor tillgÄng pÄ odlingssubstrat i form av sÄgspÄn, finns det idag ingen svensk tillverkning av odlingssubstrat för svampodling. Odlare Àr istÀllet beroende av import av odlingssubstrat bestÄende av material som det redan finns tillgÄng till i Sverige, vilket verkar som ett onödigt transporterande. I denna studie undersöktes möjligheten av att anvÀnda sÄgspÄn av gran (Picea abies) som substrat vid odling av blek ostronskivling (Pleurotus pulmonarius) som hÀr representerar vednedbrytande svampar. Inom svampodlingen idag Àr sÄgspÄn frÄn mÄnga olika lövtrÀd rekommenderade som substrat vid odling av vednedbrytande matsvampar medan barrtrÀd vanligtvis inte rekommenderas. NÄgon vetenskaplig grund till varför barrtrÀd skulle vara sÀmre som odlingssubstrat Àn lövtrÀd tycks inte finnas men slutsatsen tycks vara dragen ur odlingspraxis och tradition. Studien visade att blek ostronskivling gÄr att odla pÄ ett granbaserat odlingssubstrat vilket Àr ett resultat som visar pÄ stora möjligheter för framtiden sÀrskilt med tanke pÄ Sveriges stora tillgÄngar av gran och den svenska trÀindustrin. Fortsatt forskning kommer förmodligen att krÀvas för att verifiera resultaten och utveckla substrattillverkningen för att göra svensk substrattillverkning ekonomiskt lönsam. Om en sÄdan utveckling lyckas finns det potential att mÄngdubbla den svenska produktionen av vednedbrytande matsvampar genom anvÀndning av restprodukter frÄn den svenska trÀindustrin som idag ofta eldas för uppvÀrmning.Since the end of the 18th century the interest for edible mushrooms as a source of nutrients and new culinary adventures has increased, not only internationally but also in Sweden. In connection to the increased interest for edible mushrooms has delicacy mushrooms such as oyster mushrooms and shiitake been introduced to the consumer and they have been appreciated. Parallel with the growing interest for edible mushrooms among consumers the interest for production of edible mushrooms has also gained ground and especially production of wood decaying delicacy mushrooms. Despite the interest in production of edible mushrooms and the large available assets of growing substrate in form of sawdust there exists no, or only very small, production of mushroom substrate in Sweden today. Growers are instead dependent on imported growing substrate. This leads to unnecessary transportation. In this study the possibility of using sawdust from spruce (Picea abies) as a substrate for cultivation of phoenix oyster (Pleurotus pulmonarius), a representative of wood decaying mushrooms, was investigated. Within the general praxis of growing mushrooms today are many common deciduous tree species recommended as substrate for cultivation of edible wood decaying mushrooms and conifer tree species are usually not recommended. The recommendation not to use conifer wood for cultivating edible mushrooms does not seem to have much of a scientific background and is probably a result from growing praxis and traditions. The result of this study demonstrated that phoenix oyster can be grown on a substrate from spruce which gives great opportunities for the future of substrate production in Sweden. Especially if you have in mind the large assets of spruce in Sweden and the Swedish timber industry. Continued research will be needed to verify the results and to improve the design of the substrate before it could be profitable. However, if succeeded sawdust from spruce has the potential to multiply the Swedish production of edible mushrooms many times over

    Tallens produktionspotential pÄ dikad och gödslad torvmark i Sverige

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    Produktionen av tall (Pinus sylvestris) pÄ torvmark, mÀtt i m3sk/Är, undersöktes och jÀmfördes med den förvÀntade produktionshöjningen som kan ske dÄ de bonitetshöjande ÄtgÀrderna dikning och gödsling tillÀmpas i större omfattning Àn vad som sker idag. För berÀkning av arealer Àr data frÀmst hÀmtad frÄn Riksskogstaxeringens inventeringar under perioderna 197888, 19972001 och 20032007. Ett klassificeringssystem (HÄnell, 2008) som anger torvmarkernas dikningsbonitet, anvÀndes för att faststÀlla den förmodade produktionsökningen. PÄ grund av skiftande vÀxtförutsÀttningar delades landet in i fyra regioner med olika genomsnittliga vÀrden pÄ temperatursumman, sÄ att en rÀttvisande bild kunde ges av de naturgivna produktionsförutsÀyyningarna. För gödslingseffekten anvÀndes vÀrden utarbetade av Holmen (1980). Resultaten visar att en stor produktionsökning Àr möjlig efter bÀsta tÀnkbara behandling, d.v.s. vÀl utförd drÀnering och tillförsel av behövliga vÀxtnÀringsÀmnen. Produktionen blir totalt cirka 3,5 gÄnger sÄ stor jÀmfört med nuvarande nivÄ. Störst absolut och relativ ökning uppnÄddes i Norra Norrland, dÀr effekten av behandlingarna visserligen Àr mindre, men dÀr ocksÄ arealerna torvmark Àr betydligt större Àn i resten av landet.The growth and yield of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) on peatland, expressed as m3sk/yr, was tested and compared with the forecasted growth increase following drainage and fertilization when these two measures were applied in a larger scale than today. Area calculations were based on Swedish National Forest Inventories (SNFI) data from 197888, 19972001 and 20032007. Postdrainage forest productivity was determined via the site classification system for peatlands (HÄnell, 2008). A slight modification of the grouping of site types was required due to the classification used by the SNFI. The country was divided into four temperature sum regions in a northsouth gradient, with varying conditions for forest growth, For calculation of fertilization effect, values prepared by Holmen (1980) were used. The results show that a large production increase can be achieved after best possible treatment, i.e. well performed drainage and amendment of reguired plant nutrients. The production will be about 3,5 times greater then the current growth level. The largest absolute and relative increase was achived in Northern Norrland where growth responses to treatments are smaller, but where the peatland areas are considerably larger than in other regions

    The conceptual imperfection of aquatic risk assessment tests : highlighting the need for tests designed to detect therapeutic effects of pharmaceutical contaminants

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    Standardized ecotoxicological tests still constitute the fundamental tools when doing risk-assessment of aquatic contaminants. These protocols are managed towards minimal mortality in the controls, which is not representative for natural systems where mortality is often high. This methodological bias, generated from assays where mortality in the control group is systematically disregarded, makes it difficult to measure therapeutic effects of pharmaceutical contaminants leading to lower mortality. This is of concern considering that such effects on exposed organisms still may have substantial ecological consequences. In this paper, we illustrate this conceptual problem by presenting empirical data for how the therapeutic effect of Oxazepam-a common contaminant of surface waters-lower mortality rates among exposed Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) from wild populations, at two different life stages. We found that fry hatched from roe that had been exposed to dilute concentrations (1.1 +/- 0.3 mu g l(-1)) of Oxazepam for 24 h 3-6 days prior to hatching showed lower mortality rates and increased activity 30 days after hatching. Similar effects, i.e. increased activity and lower mortality rates were also observed for 2-year old perch exposed to dilute Oxazepam concentrations (1.2 +/- 0.4 mu g l(-1)). We conclude that therapeutic effects from pharmaceutical contaminants need to be considered in risk assessment assays to avoid that important ecological effects from aquatic contaminants are systematically missed

    The conceptual imperfection of aquatic risk assessment tests : highlighting the need for tests designed to detect therapeutic effects of pharmaceutical contaminants

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    Standardized ecotoxicological tests still constitute the fundamental tools when doing risk-assessment of aquatic contaminants. These protocols are managed towards minimal mortality in the controls, which is not representative for natural systems where mortality is often high. This methodological bias, generated from assays where mortality in the control group is systematically disregarded, makes it difficult to measure therapeutic effects of pharmaceutical contaminants leading to lower mortality. This is of concern considering that such effects on exposed organisms still may have substantial ecological consequences. In this paper, we illustrate this conceptual problem by presenting empirical data for how the therapeutic effect of Oxazepam-a common contaminant of surface waters-lower mortality rates among exposed Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) from wild populations, at two different life stages. We found that fry hatched from roe that had been exposed to dilute concentrations (1.1 +/- 0.3 mu g l(-1)) of Oxazepam for 24 h 3-6 days prior to hatching showed lower mortality rates and increased activity 30 days after hatching. Similar effects, i.e. increased activity and lower mortality rates were also observed for 2-year old perch exposed to dilute Oxazepam concentrations (1.2 +/- 0.4 mu g l(-1)). We conclude that therapeutic effects from pharmaceutical contaminants need to be considered in risk assessment assays to avoid that important ecological effects from aquatic contaminants are systematically missed