48 research outputs found

    Emerging Linguistic Functions in Early Infancy

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    This paper presents results from experimental studies on early language acquisition in infants and attempts to interpret the experimental results within the framework of the Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition (ETLA) recently proposed by (Lacerda et al., 2004a). From this perspective, the infant’s first steps in the acquisition of the ambient language are seen as a consequence of the infant’s general capacity to represent sensory input and the infant’s interaction with other actors in its immediate ecological environment. On the basis of available experimental evidence, it will be argued that ETLA offers a productive alternative to traditional descriptive views of the language acquisition process by presenting an operative model of how early linguistic function may emerge through interaction

    Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition

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    This poster outlines an Ecological Theory of Language Acquisition (ETLA). The theory views the early phases of the language acquisition process as an emergent consequence of the interaction between the infant and its linguistic environment. The newborn infant is considered to be linguistically and phonetically naïve but endowed with the ability to register a wide range of multi-sensory inputs along with the ability to detect similarity between the multi-sensory stimuli it is exposed to. The initial steps of the language acquisition process are explained as unintended and inevitable consequences of the infant’s multisensory interaction with the adult. The theoretical model deriving from ETLA is tested using the experimental data presented in the two additional contributions from our research team (Gustavsson et al, “Integration of audiovisual information in 8-months-old infants”; Lacerda, Marklund et al. “On the linguistic implications of context-bound adult-infant interactions”). The generality of the ETLA’s concept is likely to be of significance for a wide range of scientific areas, like robotics, where a central issue concerns addressing general problems of how organisms or systems might develop the ability to tap on the structure of the information embedded in their operating environments

    On the linguistic implications of context-bound adult-infant interactions

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    This poster presents a study of the linguistic information potentially available in adult speech directed to 3-month-old infants. The repetitive nature of the speech directed to young infants and the ecological context of the adult-infant natural interaction setting are analyzed in the light of the “Ecological theory of language acquisition” proposed by Lacerda et al. (2004, this volume). The analysis of transcripts of adult-infant interaction sessions suggests that enough information to derive general noun associations may be available as a consequence of the particular context of the adult-infant interactions during the early stages of the language acquisition process

    Integration of audio-visual information in 8-months-old infants

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    The results from a series of perception experiments designed to test 8-month-old infants’ ability to derive linguistic information from audio-visual events are reported in this presentation. Using a visual preference technique, groups of 8-month-old infants were tested on their ability to extract linguistic information implicit in short video sequences where the images displayed different puppets and the audio tracks presented sentences describing the puppets in naturalistic infant-directed speech style. To assess the relative importance of memory and attention factors, the prosodic and syntactic structure of the speech materials was systematically changed across different groups of subjects. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of the emergentistic acquisition model discussed in the paper presented by Lacerda et al. (“Ecological theory of language acquisition”)

    Cargo Traffic on the Helsinki-Tallinn Route

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    The twin-city model has found to increase economical activity and well-being. The similar economical, social and cultural background of Finland and Estonia as well as the EU integration give good preconditions to create a twin-city of Helsinki and Tallinn. The relatively long distance between Helsinki and Tallinn is challenging. Therefore, good transport infrastructure and functioning connections are required to form a twin-city of Helsinki and Tallinn. The connections between these cities can be considered also in broader perspective than only from the viewpoint of the twin-city concept. New markets areas have been emerged in Europe due to collapse of planned economy and integration of Europe. Also the transport routes to the markets are changing. The Hel-sinki-Tallinn sea route can be considered as a fast route to the new markets in the Cen-tral and Eastern Europe. The Helsinki-Tallinn sea route is also a potential route to the Western European markets. This study provides an analysis of transport and cargo flows between Finland and Esto-nia for regional and local planners. The main purpose of the study is to clarify the pre-sent situation of the seaborne cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route and how the cargo flows will develop in the future. The study focuses on the following thematic enti-ties: the Finnish and Estonian seaborne transport system and cargo flows, the structure and volume of the cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route, the hinterland cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route and the transport methods used on the Helsinki-Tallinn route. The study was carried out as a desk research, a statistical analysis and an inter-view study during the spring–autumn 2011. The study reveals that during the period 2002–2010 the volume of the seaborne cargo traffic between Finland and Estonia has increased significantly while the trend of the trade volume between Finland and Estonia has remained nearly constant. This indicates that the route via Estonia is increasingly used in the Finnish foreign trade. Because the ports of Helsinki and Tallinn are the main ports in the cargo traffic between Finland and Estonia, the role of the Helsinki-Tallinn route as a sea leg in the hinterland connections of Finland has increased. The growth of the cargo volume on the Helsinki-Tallinn route was estimated to continue on the annual level of 10 % during the next couple of years. In the long run the growth of the cargo volumes depends on the economical and indus-trial development of the former Eastern European countries. If the IMO’s sulphur regu-lations will come in force, the Helsinki-Tallinn route will become one of the main routes also to the Western European markets, besides of the route via Sweden. The study also shows that the fast and reliable connections year round on the Helsinki-Tallinn route have made it possible for service and logistics companies to reconsider their logistics strategies in a new way in the both side of the Gulf of Finland. Anyway, the ropax concept is seen as the only economical profitable solution on the Helsinki-Tallinn route because cargo and passenger traffic are supporting each other. The trucks (vehicle combinations) will remain the main mode of transport on the Helsinki-Tallinn route because general cargo is the main commodity on the route. IMO’s sulphur regula-tions and the changes in the structure of the Finnish industry may create prerequisites for rail road transport in the hinterland connections of Finland. The twin-city model has found to increase economical activity and well-being. The similar economical, social and cultural background of Finland and Estonia as well as the EU integration give good preconditions to create a twin-city of Helsinki and Tallinn. The relatively long distance between Helsinki and Tallinn is challenging. Therefore, good transport infrastructure and functioning connections are required to form a twin-city of Helsinki and Tallinn. The connections between these cities can be considered also in broader perspective than only from the viewpoint of the twin-city concept. New markets areas have been emerged in Europe due to collapse of planned economy and integration of Europe. Also the transport routes to the markets are changing. The Hel-sinki-Tallinn sea route can be considered as a fast route to the new markets in the Cen-tral and Eastern Europe. The Helsinki-Tallinn sea route is also a potential route to the Western European markets. This study provides an analysis of transport and cargo flows between Finland and Esto-nia for regional and local planners. The main purpose of the study is to clarify the pre-sent situation of the seaborne cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route and how the cargo flows will develop in the future. The study focuses on the following thematic enti-ties: the Finnish and Estonian seaborne transport system and cargo flows, the structure and volume of the cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route, the hinterland cargo flows on the Helsinki-Tallinn route and the transport methods used on the Helsinki-Tallinn route. The study was carried out as a desk research, a statistical analysis and an inter-view study during the spring–autumn 2011. The study reveals that during the period 2002–2010 the volume of the seaborne cargo traffic between Finland and Estonia has increased significantly while the trend of the trade volume between Finland and Estonia has remained nearly constant. This indicates that the route via Estonia is increasingly used in the Finnish foreign trade. Because the ports of Helsinki and Tallinn are the main ports in the cargo traffic between Finland and Estonia, the role of the Helsinki-Tallinn route as a sea leg in the hinterland connections of Finland has increased. The growth of the cargo volume on the Helsinki-Tallinn route was estimated to continue on the annual level of 10 % during the next couple of years. In the long run the growth of the cargo volumes depends on the economical and indus-trial development of the former Eastern European countries. If the IMO’s sulphur regu-lations will come in force, the Helsinki-Tallinn route will become one of the main routes also to the Western European markets, besides of the route via Sweden. The study also shows that the fast and reliable connections year round on the Helsinki-Tallinn route have made it possible for service and logistics companies to reconsider their logistics strategies in a new way in the both side of the Gulf of Finland. Anyway, the ropax concept is seen as the only economical profitable solution on the Helsinki-Tallinn route because cargo and passenger traffic are supporting each other. The trucks (vehicle combinations) will remain the main mode of transport on the Helsinki-Tallinn route because general cargo is the main commodity on the route. IMO’s sulphur regula-tions and the changes in the structure of the Finnish industry may create prerequisites for rail road transport in the hinterland connections of Finland.Siirretty Doriast

    Kuljetusalan ja logistiikan tuotevahingot

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    Suomi eroaa logistisessa mielessä muista Euroopan maista. Kuljetusetäisyydet ovat Suomessa hyvin pitkiä ja ilmasto-olosuhteet asettavat omat haasteensa logistiikan toimivuudelle. Suomen logistiikkakustannukset ovatkin selvästi korkeammat verrattuna eurooppalaiseen tasoon. Kuljetusvahinkokustannusten minimoiminen on yksi keino Suomen logistiikkakustannusten vähentämiseksi. Tämän KUMI-hankkeen 1.väliraportin tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kuljetusvahinkojen esiintyvyyttä, syitä ja kustannuksia Suomessa kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja haastattelututkimuksen avulla. Suomen ulkomaankaupan kuljetuksissa käytetään yleensä useampaa kuin yhtä kuljetusmuotoa. Olosuhteet eri kuljetusmuodoissa poikkeavat toisistaan ja siksi yhdessä kuljetusmuodossa hyväksyttävä lastin kiinnitys ei ole välttämättä riittävä toisessa. Kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti annetuista lastin kiinnitystä eri kuljetusmuodoissa määrittelevistä säädöksistä huolimatta Euroopan Unionin teillä tapahtuu joka vuosi heikosta lastin sidonnasta tai lastauksesta johtuvia onnettomuuksia. Riskien hallintakeinoista merkittävimpänä pidetään riskien pienentämistä. Riskien pienentämisessä tavallisin keino on vahingontorjunta, jonka avulla pyritään joko kokonaan estämään vahingon syntyminen tai pienentämään riskin toteutumisesta aiheutuvaa vahinkoa. Kuljetusvahingoista noin 70 % voidaan ehkäistä vahingontorjuntatoimin ja vain noin 30 % vahingoista on ennalta arvaamattomia. Kuljetusyrityksillä on käytössään laatujärjestelmiä, joiden tarkoituksena on osoittaa yrityksen kelpoisuus lastinantajille. Laatuvaatimusten täyttymiseksi kuljetusyrityksen johtamisjärjestelmään tulisi kuulua laatujärjestelmä, jossa sitoudutaan kuljetusyrityksen jatkuvaan laadun tason kehittämiseen. ”Mitä ei mitata, sitä ei voi johtaa, ja mitä ei johdeta, sitä ei voi kehittää”. Tämän vuoksi kuljetusyrityksen laatujärjestelmään tulisi sisällyttää laadun mittaamiseen tarvittavat tilastointityökalut. Tilastoinnin avulla varmistetaan, ettei vahinkokehitys pääse kasvamaan toimitusketjussa liian suureksi. Vahinko on yleensä yksittäisten osatekijöiden summa ja tapahtumaketjun katkaisu missä vaiheessa tahansa estää vahingon sattumisen. Tilastoiminen on keino havaita riskitekijät ajoissa. Vakuutusyhtiöt korvaavat Suomessa vuosittain tavaravahinkoja 30–40 miljoonan euron arvosta, mutta tämä luku kattaa vain osan kaikista kuljetusvahingoista, sillä monien yritysten pienemmät vahingot jäävät usein tilastoimatta. Sekä kansainvälisissä että suomalaisissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että vakuutusten piiriin kuulumattomat kustannukset ovat selvästi suurempia kuin vakuutusten kattamat kustannukset. Osana tätä tutkimusta tehdyn haastattelututkimuksen perusteella kuljetuspoikkeamista ylivoimaisesti yleisimpiä ovat tuotevahingot (särkyminen tai vaurio). Kuljetusvahinkojen yleisimpiä syitä ovat käsittelyvirheet, sopimaton pakkaus ja puutteelliset merkinnät. Lisäksi asiantuntijahaastatteluissa korostettiin inhimillisten virheiden ja työntekijöiden asenteiden vaikutusta kuljetusvahinkoihin. Arvioiden mukaan käsittelyvirheistä yli 70 % on inhimillistä erehtymistä. Haastattelujen perusteella on todettavissa, että kuljetusvahingot ja niistä aiheutuneet kustannukset riippuvat käsiteltävistä tuotteista ja niiden luonteesta. Merkittävää on, ettei monikaan haastatelluista yrityksistä ole tietoinen tuotevahinkojen kokonaiskustannuksista vaan pelkästään vahinkojen aiheuttamista suorista kustannuksista. Kuljetusalan ja logistiikan tuotevahinkojen vähentämiseksi olisi erityisen tärkeää tuoda yritysten yleiseen tietoisuuteen tuotevahinkojen todelliset kokonaiskustannukset. Tietoisuutta lisäämällä yritysten motivaatio ja asenteet vahingontorjuntatyötä kohtaan kasvavat, millä on suorat myönteiset vaikutukset tuotevahinkojen esiintyvyyteen ja kuljetuskustannusten vähenemiseen.Siirretty Doriast

    ADAM12 induces actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix reorganization during early adipocyte differentiation by regulating beta1 integrin function

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    Changes in cell shape are a morphological hallmark of differentiation. In this study we report that the expression of ADAM12, a disintegrin and metalloprotease, dramatically affects cell morphology in preadipocytes, changing them from a flattened, fibroblastic appearance to a more rounded shape. We showed that the highest levels of ADAM12 mRNA were detected in preadipocytes at the critical stage when preadipocytes become permissive for adipogenic differentiation. Furthermore, as assessed by immunostaining, ADAM12 was transiently expressed at the cell surface concomitant with the reduced activity of beta1 integrin. Co-immunoprecipitation studies indicated the formation of ADAM12/beta1 integrin complexes in these preadipocytes. Overexpression of ADAM12 at the cell surface of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes achieved by transient transfection or retroviral transduction led to the disappearance of the extensive network of actin stress fibers that are characteristic of these cells, and its reorganization into a cortical network located beneath the cell membrane. The cells became more rounded, exhibited fewer vinculin-positive focal adhesions, and adhered less efficiently to fibronectin in attachment assays. Moreover, ADAM12-expressing cells were more prone to apoptosis, which could be prevented by treating the cells with beta1-activating antibodies. A reduced and re-organized fibronectin-rich extracellular matrix accompanied these changes. In addition, beta1 integrin was more readily extracted with Triton X-100 from cells overexpressing ADAM12 than from control cells. Collectively, these results show that surface expression of ADAM12 impairs the function of beta1 integrins and, consequently, alters the organization of the actin cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix. These events may be necessary for early adipocyte differentiation


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    [p.4] Com ens hem de moure?[p.8] Mobilitat, sostenibilitat i solidaritat[p.10] Aprenent a viure d’altra manera[p.14] Sostenibilització curricular: cosa de tots[p.18] Escola-família-barri: nou espai amic[p.20] Universitats sostenibles: utopia inabastable?[p.21] Sa i estalvi[p.40] Ciutats per a cotxes o cotxes per la ciutat?[p.43] El viatge: art i consciència[p.47] Entrevista: Educació política i mobilitat a l’Índia. Ranjit Gadgil[p.50] Explica-m’ho tu![p.54] Entrevista: Ocupació verda per a una societat decarbonitzada. Michael RennerPeer Reviewe

    Functional Analysis of a Breast Cancer-Associated Mutation in the Intracellular Domain of the Metalloprotease ADAM12

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    A recently identified breast cancer-associated mutation in the metalloprotease ADAM12 alters a potential dileucine trafficking signal, which could affect protein processing and cellular localization. ADAM12 belongs to the group of A Disintegrin And Metalloproteases (ADAMs), which are typically membrane-associated proteins involved in ectodomain shedding, cell-adhesion, and signaling. ADAM12 as well as several members of the ADAM family are over-expressed in various cancers, correlating with disease stage. Three breast cancer-associated somatic mutations were previously identified in ADAM12, and two of these, one in the metalloprotease domain and another in the disintegrin domain, were investigated and found to result in protein misfolding, retention in the secretory pathway, and failure of zymogen maturation. The third mutation, p.L792F in the ADAM12 cytoplasmic tail, was not investigated, but is potentially significant given its location within a di-leucine motif, which is recognized as a potential cellular trafficking signal. The present study was motivated both by the potential relevance of this documented mutation to cancer, as well as for determining the role of the di-leucine motif in ADAM12 trafficking. Expression of ADAM12 p.L792F in mammalian cells demonstrated quantitatively similar expression levels and zymogen maturation as wild-type (WT) ADAM12, as well as comparable cellular localizations. A cell surface biotinylation assay demonstrated that cell surface levels of ADAM12 WT and ADAM12 p.L792F were similar and that internalization of the mutant occurred at the same rate and extent as for ADAM12 WT. Moreover, functional analysis revealed no differences in cell proliferation or ectodomain shedding of epidermal growth factor (EGF), a known ADAM12 substrate between WT and mutant ADAM12. These data suggest that the ADAM12 p.L792F mutation is unlikely to be a driver (cancer causing)-mutation in breast cancer