120 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Panduan Praktikum IPA SMP Berbasis Model Collaborative Teamwork Learning

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    This study aims to produce a IPA practical guide on junior high school based models collaborative teamwork learning, attractive, easy to use, useful, and effective. This study uses research methods research and development or research development research design One Shot Case Study. Experts have tested the product consisting of design experts with the obtained test score of 3.50 (very decent), expert test material with material already good results. Test of the attractiveness, convenience and usefulness performed by students, attractiveness of the results obtained with a score of 3.14 (interesting), ease with a score of 3.09 (easy to use), and usefulness with a score of 3.17 (useful). Later tests were conducted with the results of product effectiveness 85.71% of students have reached KKM on the assessment of cognitive, psychomotor while at 100% of students have reached KKM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan panduan praktikum IPA SMP berbasis model collaborative teamwork learning yang tervalidasi, menarik, mudah, bermanfaat, dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian research and development atau penelitian pengembangan dengan desain penelitian One Shot Case Study. Telah dilakukan uji ahli produk yang terdiri dari uji ahli desain dengan diperoleh skor 3,50 (sangat layak), uji ahli materi dengan hasil materi sudah baik. Uji kemenarikan, kemudahan, dan kebermanfaatan dilakukan oleh siswa diperoleh hasil kemenarikan dengan skor 3,14 (menarik), kemudahan dengan skor 3,09 (mudah), dan kebermanfaatan dengan skor 3,17 (bermanfaat). Kemudian telah dilakukan uji keefektifan produk dengan hasil 85,71 % siswa telah mencapai KKM pada penilaian ranah kognitif, sementara pada ranah psikomotor 100% siswa telah mencapai KKM

    Faktor Penyebab Rendahnya Partisipasi Pemilih dalam Pemilihan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Pelalawan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kerinci Tahun 2015

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    The regency is a division Kampar, which was established by Act No. 53 of 1999. Initially composed of four sub-district. Subdistrict Pangkalan Kerinci is the capital of Pelalawan. Basically the success of an election is determined by several things these include the voter, which is one characteristic of a democratic government that is a government based on community participation.The concept of the theory that researchers use is participation. said participation comes from the word to Participate, which can be interpreted to participate. According Tosun participation can create community, the various activities, both local and national scale. Participation means participation of a person or group of people in the development process in the form of a statement.This study uses qualitative research methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and studikepustakaan. By using key informants and informant as a supplementary source of information.The results of this study indicate that factors affecting the low turnout in the election of the Regent and Vice Regent in the District of Pangkalan Kerinci Pelalawan are technical factors, employment, socialization, administrative factors and political factors

    Analisis Raskin Dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Susenas 2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the food security determinant of households by household characteristics in Indonesia using descriptive and multinomial logit analyses, and determine the characteristics of households that need intervention of Raskin in Indonesia. Descriptive and multinomial logit analyses found that households more food secure if the education of household head is higher, number of household members is smaller, the household head work in non-agriculture, income per capita is larger, and the area where household live in urban areas. Generally, Raskin relatively on target. Raskin should be prioritized on women-headed households with low education, and work in agriculture/non-agriculture


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    Abstract : Tenses are very important in learning English because they become the basic knowledge in mastering the language skills. To teach tenses, inductive method is considered as an appropriate teaching method because it can make the students’ actively involved in learning tenses and help them more easily understand the subjects. This research was intended to know whether or not there was a significant effect of using the inductive method on the students’ tense achievement. The findings showed that inductive method significantly affected the students’ tense achievement. The mean score of the experimental group was higher than the mean score of the control group (66.9792 ˃ 62.4038). Key Words : tenses, inductive method, students’ tense achievemen

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Bioaktivator Em4 Dan Penambahan Tepung Ikan Terhadap Spesifikasi Pupuk Organik Cair Rumput Laut Gracilaria SP.

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    Setiap tahun ribuan hektar lahan yang subur berkurang akibat penggunaan pupuk kimia, namun pada era sekarang ini, penggunaan pupuk organik makin meningkat sejalan dengan berkembangnya pertanian anorganik. Salah satu kekayaan alam yang dapat diolah menjadi pupuk organik adalah Gracilaria sp. karena mengandung unsur makro dan mikro mineral serta zat pengatur tumbuh yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Penggunaan bioaktivator EM4 selama fermentasi dapat mempersingkat waktu dekomposisi bahan organik menjadi unsur yang dibutuhkan oleh tanaman, selain itu limbah industri perikanan yang diolah menjadi tepung ikan juga berpotensi sebagai pupuk organik karena mengandung unsur nitrogen dan fosfor yang tinggi sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas pupuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan bioaktivator EM4 dan penambahan tepung ikan terhadap kandungan C-organik, nitrogen, fosfor, dan kalium, pH dan kandungan bakteri patogen dalam pupuk organik cair. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 taraf perlakuan yaitu kontrol (A), penambahan EM4 (B), dan penambahan EM4+tepung ikan (C) masing-masing tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan EM4 dan tepung ikan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar C-organik (A=12,480%; B=8,660%; C=14,760%), kadar nitrogen (A=0,350%; B=1,530%; C=4,660%), kadar fosfor (A=0,340%; B=0,360%; C=0,490%), kadar kalium (A=0,575%; B=0,694%; C=0,405%), pH (A=5,5; B=5,1; C=7,2) dan kandungan bakteri patogen E. coli dan Salmonella pada semua perlakuan adalah negatif. Thousand hectares of fertile soil are decreasing due to the use of chemical fertilizer every year, but the use of organic fertilizers is increasing in line with development of inorganic agriculture. Gracilaria sp. is one of natural assets that can be processed into organic fertilizers because it contains macro and micro mineral elements and growth regulator which are necessary for plants. EM4 bio activator USAge can shorten decomposition time of organic substances into necessary substances for the plants. Furthermore, the waste of fishery industry processed into fish flour can be potential organic fertilizer because it contains high nitrogen and phosphorus so that it can increase fertilizer qualities. This research aims to know the effect of EM4 bioactivator USAge and fish flour addition towards C-organic, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH, and pathogen bacteria contents in liquid organic fertilizer. In this research, the writer uses Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three levels of treatments which are controlling (A), adding EM4 (B), and adding EM4 and fish flour (C) in three experiments repeatedly. The results of this research showed that EM4 and fish flour additions giving significant effects (P<0,05) towards the contents of C-organic (A = 12.480%; B = 8.660%; C = 14.760%), the contents of nitrogen (A = 0.350%; B = 1.530%; C = 4.660%), the contents of phosphorus (A= 0.340%; B = 0.360%; C = 0.490%), the contents of potassium (A = 0.575%; B = 0.694%; C = 0.405%), the contents of pH (A= 5.5; B = 5.1; C = 7.2), and the contents of E. coli and Salmonella pathogen bacteria were negative

    Determination Sunscreen Potential of Grapeseed Oil (Vitis Vinifera) in Cream Preparation with Combination of Oxybenzone and Octyl Methoxycinammate by in Vitro Method

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    Grapeseed oil is usually used in cosmetic industry, as anti dandruff, anti microba, antioxidant and sunscreen. The main compound of grapeseed oil is flavonoid, such as proantocyanidine and alfa tocopherol which can protect skin from the impact of ultraviolet radiation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of adding grapeseed oil to increase the effectiveness of sunscreen preparations containing the combination of oxybenzone and octyl methoxycinamate by measuring the SPF (Sun Protecting Factor) value as its parameter. The preparation was made in 5 formulas such as F1 (blank), F2 (2% oxybenzone and 5% octyl methoxycinammate), F3 (1% GSO), F4 (5% GSO), F5 (10% GSO) combine with 2% oxybenzone and 5% octyl methoxycinammate in each formulas. Evaluations conducted on cream homogeneity, pH, and determining the SPF value of the preparations in vitro method by using spectrophotometer UV-Vis. Then, value of SPF will be tested  in One Way Anova and continued with Post Hoc Tukey. The evaluation results showed that all samples were homogen, in range 6.87 – 6.93 pH, and the average SPF value from each formula were: F1 9.23; F2 22.32; F3 26.16; F4 26.95; and F5 27.44. F1 can be used optimally as sunscreen with maximal protection category while F2, F3, F4, F5 were in ultra protection category. From the result of statistic tests, there was a significant difference on the SPF value between F1 and F2, while in F3, F4, and F5 there is no significant difference on value. In conclusion, the addition of grapeseed oil can increase the SPF value but not significantly between each formula combined with oxybenzone and octyl methoxycinammate in cream preparations

    Correlation between sleep quality and physical fitness among medical students of Udayana University

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    Background: The development of era has caused many declines in the quality of human health for all people, especially students. Sedentary behavior plays an important role in affecting sleep quality for a student. Sleep quality has a lot of correlations with various aspects, such as physical fitness. Good quality sleep will give an opportunity for the body to restore muscular strength, prolong the life of body cells, increase well-being, and leading to good physical fitness as well. Objective of the study was to find out the correlation between sleep quality and physical fitness among medical students of Udayana University.Methods: This research was an observational study with a cross-sectional method using the PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaires and HST (Harvard Step Test) to 50 respondents.Results: Fisher's Exact Test results showed no relationship (p>0.05) between sleep quality and physical fitness in medical students. This condition can be influenced by several other factors such as genetic factors, physical activity, nutritional status as seen from the percentage of fat, lifestyle, and psychological conditions.Conclusions: There is no correlation between sleep quality and physical fitness among medical student of Udayana University. Further research is needed related to other factors that affect medical student’s physical fitness.

    Profil Kepatuhan Higiene Perorangan Penjamah Makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi (RSPI) Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    Latar belakang : Salah satu upaya higiene sanitasi makanan yaitu dengan meningkatkan higiene perorangan pada penjamah makanan yang merupakan kunci keberhasilan dalam pengolahan makanan yang aman dan sehat. Higiene perorangan yang terlibat dalam pengolahan makanan akan dapat dicapai, apabila dalam diri pekerja tertanam pengertian tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan dan kebersihan diri. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil kepatuhan higiene perorangan penjamah makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti SarosoMetode : Kajian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif dengan metode potong lintang. Sampel meliputi petugas penjamah makanan di Instalasi Gizi dan Tata Boga - RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso periode tahun 2016.Hasil : Dari 19 penjamah makanan sebagian besar berjenis kelamin perempuan (52.6%), tingkat pendidikan sebagian besar memiliki latar belakang pendidikan setara SMA (78.9%, Kondisi kesehatan penjamah makanan sebagian besar pernah MCU 73.7% dengan hasil sehat bersyarat, dari observasi perilaku diketahui bahwa penjamah makanan berperilaku tidak higienis diantaranya yaitu tidak memakai sepatu tertutup sebanyak 96.5%, tidak memakai baju kerja sebanyak 87.5%, tidak memakai masker sebanyak 77.2%, tidak memakai penutup kepala sebanyak 71.9%, tidak memakai sarung tangan sebanyak 50%, tidak memakai celemek sebanyak 33.3%, bercakap cakap sebanyak 28.1% dan tidak menutup makanan yang matang sebanyak 25.9%, kepatuhan dalam hygiene perorangan sebagian besar 89.5% dengan kepatuhan kategori kurang.Kesimpulan : Penjamah makanan sebagian besardengan kepatuhan kategori kurang 89.5% dan 10.5% dengan kepatuhan kategori sedang
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