12 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Model Problem Based Learning Dalam Mengatasi Permasalahan IPA Tematik Di SD

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    Pemblajaran tematik merupakan pembelajaran yang menggabungkan beberapa mata pelajaran yang saling berkaitan satu sama lain yang digabungkan dalam satu tema pembelajaran. Pembelajaran IPA adalah  salah mata pelajaaran yang terkait dalam pembelajara tematik. Pembelajaran IPA merupakan ilmu yang berhubungan dengan alam dan kebendaan, yang disusun secara sistematis melaui percobaan dan pengamatan sehingga dapat memecahkan suatu masalah dan memperoleh hasil yang berlaku tidak hanya pada satu orang melainkan pada beberapa percobaan dengan hasil yang sama dan konsisten. Dalam pelaksanaan pembejaaran IPA tematik terdapat beberapa kendala yang memunculkan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran, sehingga dibutuhkan model pembelajaran yang cocok untuk dapat mengatasi permaslahan tersebut. Salah satu model pemblajaran yang digunakan adalah model problem based learning, yang berbasis masalah, yang melibatkan siswa untuk menemukan pemecahan masalah


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    The purpose of this study is to describe the teachers’ skill development of creating problem-based learning tools. The subject of this study were 32 students of the PPG study program that has reached the phase of developing teaching and learning tools.  The research instruments were an observation sheet, interview, and documentation taken from the lesson plan developed by the students-teacher. The results show a good improvement from cycle one to cycle two. Learning tools consisting of lesson plans, teaching materials, media, LKPD and assessment instruments produced by participants demonstrate the application of collaborative learning models (PBL and PjBL), contextual teaching materials and up-date internet-based learning media (application Word Wall, Quizizz), interesting worksheets and assessment instruments that are in accordance with KD and GPA that have been set at the beginning. &nbsp


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    Descriptive survey research has been carried out on the analysis of the level of knowledge of Biology teachers at junior high School in Ternate City about Dyslexia syndrome in junior high school students. The objective  of this study was to determine the profile of the level of knowledge of Biology teachers at the SMP in Ternate about dyslexic syndrome in middle school students. The results of this study indicate that in general the level of knowledge of Biology teachers about general Dyslexic syndrome in junior high school students in Ternate in the category of Very Good, this can be seen in the teacher's answer choices most answered on a scale of 5 (strongly agree) as much as 61.3%, scale 4 (agree) as much as 24%; scale 3 (quite agree) of 8.1%; and scale 2 (disagree) of 5.6% and scale 1 (strongly disagree) of 1%. The results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration in the handling of students with special needs appropriately especially for students with problems reading difficulties at the junior high school level.Keywords: profile, knowledge, syndrome, dyslexia, difficulty, readin


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    Technological developments encourage libraries to go with the flow, one of which is through an open access repository in supporting the dissemination of scientific work by academics to achieve high utility. In its application, open access repository requires clear policy support in writing. Writing this article aims to identify the alignment of institutional repository policies in the UMMI library with user needs and the constraints they face. The results found that the access restriction policies applied were quite in contrast to the views of service users who needed unrestricted access. This can be seen from the performance of the top 10 pages on downloadable pages and the large number of service users accessing scientific papers during a pandemic. There is concern that the practice of plagiarism in the framework of protecting academic works is an issue that is considered as open access is still limited. Therefore, it is necessary to harmonize views regarding open access repositories between policies, technical implementers, and service users


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    The reading effectiveness of academicians needs to be measured so that they can be evaluated together, so the researchers have an interest in analyzing the level of reading interest at the Muhammadiyah University of Sukabumi (UMMI). With the purpose of knowing the level of reading interest at UMMI, as a reference for compiling an information literacy class curriculum, to support the latest library accreditation instruments, and to find out strategies for increasing a culture of reading interest at UMMI. The research method used is a quantitative approach with descriptive research method. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to UMMI academics and limited to 100 people. After that, calculations were carried out using the formula for calculating the level of reading interest and adjusted to the scale table. The results obtained are the score for the UMMI Reading Interest Level in 2023, namely at 56.97. This value is in the medium category. Of course this is become pretty good result to build a culture of loving to read can be even better


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    During the transition from the pandemic to the COVID-19 endemic, the Library of UMMI needs to analyze the use of available information sources so that it can be considered for collection developments in the future. This research used a quantitative approach with a survey method using a closed direct questionnaire. The 109 respondents were gathered by using a non-probability method. The data were analyzed using IPA (Importance Performance Analysis), and statistical descriptive to show analysis of IKP, radar chart method, and priority scale of improvement. IPA results show the level of information source’s importance and satisfaction is 4.10 and 2.63 (gap: -1.47). The IKP results are worth 53%, meaning that users fall into the medium category. The results of the radar chart show that the average library information source’s satisfaction is below the interest of the user. The results of the improvement priority scale show that the Online Journal System (OJS) (gap: -1.81) is a priority for improvement. Overall, the use of information sources in the UMMI library is quite good

    Implementing Health Protocol in University Libraries of Muhammadiyah –‘Aisyiyah

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    Background of the study: Libraries have an important role in supporting the online learning process during a pandemic. Several university libraries provide services to meet the information needs of the academic community. The library provides services by implementing a health protocol. Objective: To discuss the extent of the implementation of health protocols in the Muhammadiyah 'Aisyiyah College Library (PTMA). Research Methods: This research was conducted with a quantitative descriptive approach using a semi-open questionnaire method. Respondents in this study consisted of 126 PTMA libraries from a total of 174 PTMA libraries throughout Indonesia. Results: Several protocols implemented in the PTMA Library include: implementing physical distancing, using masks, providing hand sanitizer, checking body temperature, limiting the number of users to the library, preparing hand washing stations, sterilizing booths, treatment of returned collections, and using gloves. . Conclusion: PTMA libraries during the pandemic have carried out library services by following the health protocol standards applied in each library

    Nilai-Nilai Sosial dalam Novel “Genduk” Karya Sundari Mardjuki

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    Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam novel Genduk karya Sundari Mardjuki. Data dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa kutipan kata-kata, frasa, kalimat, dan penggalan-penggalan dialog tokoh yang berkenaan dengan aspek nilai-nilai sosial seperti nilai kasih sayang, nilai tanggung jawab, nilai keserasian hidup. Yang menjadi sumber data adalah novel Genduk karya Sundari Mardjuki. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan yaitu menganalisis data yang berkaitan dengan nilai-nilai sosial dalam novel. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik studi dokumenter, teknik baca dan catat dengan alat berupa dokumen dan kartu pencatat data. Pengecekan keabsahan data yang dilakukan dengan cara ketekunan pembacaan, triangulasi, dan kecukupan referensi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh yaitu sebanyak 37 data. Nilai kasih sayang yang terbagi menjadi lima yaitu, berupa pengabdian 3 kutipan, berupa tolong-menolong 3 kutipan, berupa kekeluargaan 7 kutipan, berupa kesetiaan 1 kutipan, dan berupa kepedulian 7 kutipan. Nilai tanggung jawab yang terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu, berupa rasa memiliki 4 kutipan, berupa disiplin 3 kutipan, dan berupa empati 3 kutipan. Nilai keserasian hidup yang terbagi menjadi empat yaitu, berupa keadilan 1 kutipan, berupa toleransi 3 kutipan, berupa kerjasama 1 kutipan, dan berupa demokrasi 1 kutipan. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diasumsikan pada kurikulum 2013 dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di sekolah yaitu pada satuan pendidikan SMA kelas XII semester II pada KD 3.3 “Menganalisis teks novel baik melalui lisan maupun tulisan” dan KD 4.3 “Menyunting teks novel sesuai dengan struktur dan kaidah teks baik secara lisan maupun tulisan”