50 research outputs found


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    To overcome the problem of the limited supply of process water because of its dependence on groundwater due to reducing its discharge, stricting provision of government permits in the depthening of bore wells and increasing the cost of retribution for extracting groundwater, an experimental investigation was conducted to explore the possibility of recycling waste water from the preparation textile process namely Relaxing-Desizing-Scouring (simultaneous), in order to be reused as water for similar process and moreover for dyeing process possibility. The method was coagulation-floculation with Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) with concentration variation of PAC 0.5; 0.7; 0.9; 1.1; 1.3; 1.5 (g/l) analyzed, in condition pH 8 where larger floc size is produced at pH 7-9 (Taki Chemical Co.LTD, 1992), and continuing with testing COD, BOD, pH, total hardness, total suspended solid (TSS), chloride levels, and turbidity. In this study, the optimum PAC concentration was obtained, which was 1.3 g / l to meet the requirement. The further process was conducted both Relaxing-Desizing-Scouring (simultaneous) and dyeing by using water after treatment, before treatment and waterground from factory to be compared their results. And to determine the success of the water treatment, tests for weight reduction, white degrees and color differences were carried out. Keywords: Coagulation-Floculation, recycling, waste water, Poly Aluminium Chlorid


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    Hanakau Village, Sukau District, West Lampung Regency is a village where most people depend on agriculture for their livelihoods. The main commodities grown in Hanakau Village are carrots, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and other types of vegetables such as mustard greens, tomatoes, peanuts, beans and chillies. Farmers there need chemical fertilizers, manure or animal dung in large quantities to fertilize the growth of vegetable crops. The use of chemical fertilizers in the village of Hanakau on agricultural land has continuously had a negative impact on the soil and the environment. Animals that are kept and used for manure in Hanakau Village are goats and rabbits. Rabbit urine has the highest nitrogen content compared to manure and urine of other livestock such as horses, buffaloes, cows, and sheep, because it is customary to never drink water and only consume green leaves and carrots. This study aims to see how far the difference between carrots and what are the economic benefits of using organic fertilizer (rabbit urine) and inorganic fertilizer (NPK Mutiara). The parameters observed in this study were plant height, number of leaf segments, measuring the diameter of the base of carrot tubers ready for harvest at 3 months. And the analysis used is to see an overview of the components of costs incurred and the benefits to be gained. The conclusion obtained is the growth of carrot plants using rabbit urine organic fertilizer and non-organic NPK Mutiara is not too significant difference. But there is a significant difference in net income for rabbit urine. The use of rabbit urine organic fertilizer is more profitable in terms of lower production costs (IDR 70,000) and higher income (IDR 130,000) compared to inorganic fertilizers (NPK Mutiara) Keywords: Organic fertilizer, inorganic fertilizer, rabbit urine, NPK Mutiara, carro


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    The race chicken eggs are one of the commodities that have an important role in supporting the availability of animal protein for the community. The average price of egg is unstable, the length of the supply chain affects the price until to the final consumer. The research with the title of Supply Chain Analysis and Cost of Goods Sold of chicken egg at Way Halim market Bandar Lampung, it has problems : (1). How the supply chain of chicken egg at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung, (2). How much the Cost of Goods Sold of chicken egg at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung. This study aims (1). To know the supply chain of chicken egg at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung, (2) to know how much the Cost of Goods Sold of chicken egg at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung. The determination of location is selected purposively, that is at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung. And the sample determination is taken by random sampling method to determine the sample of supply chain players where research respondents are the players who involve in the supply chain activity of chicken egg at Way Halim market in Bandar Lampung. And the data collection was conducted during early March 2018 with the results of the research are (1).The Chain of chicken egg supply that occurs in Way Halim Bandar Lampung market is relatively short, that is from chicken egg breeder supplier to agent, to trader and trader to end consumer. (2).The amount of profit earned by depends also on the price set by Pinsar (Association of People's Poultry Insan). Keywords: Race Chicken Egg, Way Halim Market Bandar Lampung, Supply chain, Cost of Goods Sold

    Implementasi Metode Fuzzy Time Series Untuk Meramalkan Jumlah Ekspor Produk Kopi Dari Indonesia

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    The current trade era opens up opportunities for trading Indonesian coffee in the international market. The number of future exports can be predicted by knowing past export prices. The method that can be used to predict the number of Indonesian coffee exports to various countries is the Fuzzy Time Series method. The Fuzzy Time Series method, the forecasting technique, utilizes fuzzy sets as the basis for the prediction process. In this study, the forecasting stages include defining Xmax and Xmin, determining how many and how long class intervals are, defuzzification and defining fuzzy sets, fuzzifying data on the number of coffee exports, determining fuzzy logic relationships (FLR), establishing fuzzy logical groups (FLRG) relationships, defuzzification, and perform forecasting calculations. Using the Fuzzy Time Series Method, the results of forecasting Indonesia's coffee exports for the following year are 376371.3 tons of coffee products to be exported so that exporters can see this opportunity Keywords: Coffee, export, forecasting, fuzzy time serie


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    This study discusses the measurement of egg hatching machine productivity at PT. Malindo Feedmill.Tbk, in Peninjauan, Bumiagung Village, Tegineneng District, Pesawaran Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine how much productivity from the hatching results of broiler chicken eggs with Petersime and Chickmaster hatching machines. The method used in this study is to use the OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) method. Besed on the best results obtained on the Petersime type hatching machine than the Chickmaster in percentage calculation Availability Rate (91,13%), Performance Rate (11,37%), and Rate of Quality (99,53%). So that the average value of overall equipment effectiveness or effectiveness of the use of manufactured machines of (OEE=97,53%). The conclusion of this study is the OEE value achieved by the Petersime type hatching machine has met the set standards for the effectiveness of an equipment of 85% (JIPM) whereas on the Chickmaster type hatching machine does not meet the OEE standard value because it is still below 85%, in the analysis of Six Big Losses it is known that the engine breakdown factor (Break Down Losses) is the dominant factor as the cause of production equipment not operating normally either on the Petersime type hatching machine and Chickmaster.    Keywords: Productivity, OEE, Hatching Machine, Petersime, Chickmaste

    Transfer pricing practices: empirical evidence from manufacturing companies in Indonesia / Batsyeba Sundari and Yugi Susanti.

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    This study aims to analyze the whether tax, foreign ownership, bonus plans and debt covenants effects to transfer pricing in the multinational manufacturing companies in Indonesia. This study uses audited financial statement of the manufacturing companies’. The research sample used in this study is the multinational manufacturing company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2012-2014 periods, amounting to 111. The analysis technique used in this research is a logistic regression. The results of this study showed that the taxes and foreign ownership have a significant positive effect on the company's decision to transfer pricing while the bonus plan and debt covenant do not significantly influence the company's decision to transfer pricing


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    This study discusses work posture analysis using the rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) method at Kerupuk Kemplang 32 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), Bumi Waras District, Bandar Lampung. The purpose of this study was to determine unsafe work postures for workers, and to minimize injuries to the skeletal system and nervous system caused by repetitive movements (Cumulative Trauma Disorders), how the influence of work attitudes or postures of workers and the workplace, provide recommendations for appropriate work postures. safe based on the upper limb assessment (RULA) method. This research is a descriptive study with data analysis using the RULA method. The data collection method uses primary data in the form of worker posture data which includes upper arms, forearms, wrists, hands, neck, back and legs. The results of this study indicate that the working posture of making kemplang cracker dough is divided into two activities, namely taking sago water and making the dough, both of which have a score of 7 which indicates Action Level 4 and the roasting section of kemplang crackers has the same score, 7 indicating Action Level 4. From these data, it can be concluded that this work posture needs to be improved in the near future

    Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Jenis Gelas 240 mL dengan Metode EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) di PT. Trijaya Tirta Dharma

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    PT. Trijaya Tirta Dharma is an industrial company who produces products in form of the bottled drinking water. In produces several types of drinking water such as glass 150 mL and 240 mL, bottles of 600 mL and 1500 mL and the final product is gallon 19 L. Analysis of cup material inventory control by using method EOQ in PT. Trijaya Tirta Dharma is to reduce production cost, especially in the cost of materials infentory type 240 mL glass tipe. Raw material inventory control have a functions to avoid shortage or excess. The less quantity of inventory make it loss of the opprtunity to get the benefit when demand more than the supply make of material inventory is buildup the materials of 240 mL glass in the material warehouse. The material inventory control basically is to achieve the afficiency level of the cost in the inventory. The other way to control the supplay of materials is make the purchase according to the production plan with the accurate calculations in order not to deficient and excess of inventory materials. PT. Trijaya Tirta Dharma can save on fees amounted to Rp. 59.730.000 in 2011 with total inventory Rp. 4.956.487.000 whereas in 2012 can save the ordering fee Rp. 52.710.000 with a total inventory Rp. 3.718.612.000, in 2013 the company could save the ordering fee Rp. 152.315.000 with a total inventory Rp. 5.107.466.000 whereas in 2014, PT. Trijaya Tirta Dharma can save the ordering fee Rp. 152.100.000 with a total inventory Rp. 8.169.420.000. the survey results is known that the purchase of materials by using EOQ method is more effective and efficient than without EOQ. So, the purchase by using this method make frequency of purchase materials is more less. Keywords: 240 mL Glass Raw Material, Control Analysis, Inventory of Raw Material

    Strategies for Developing Tapis Craft Tourism Villages and Supply Chain in Creative Industries in Negeri Katon Village of Pesawaran, Lampung

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    This research discusses the strategy of developing a Tapis craft tourism village and the tourism supply chain in Negeri Katon village, Pesawaran district. The purpose of this study is to identify tourism potential and formulate strategies for developing Tapis craft tourism villages and tourism supply chains. The method used in this study is to use SWOT analysis which includes IFAS, EFAS, IE and SWOT matrices. Based on the results of the research conducted, there are several tourism potentials that can be developed. The IFAS matrix analysis produces 5 strengths and 4 weaknesses, while based on the EFAS matrix analysis there are 3 opportunities and 2 threats. The IE matrix shows that the development of tourist villages is in quadrant one position. The conclusion of this research is that based on the SWOT analysis, there are several alternative strategies that are produced including involving the community in the development of tourist villages starting from planning, implementing and evaluating, making tour package programs, making photo spots for tourists, assisting the community to ensure the program runs well, increasing human resource capabilities, taking advantage of technological developments to maximize promotions, forming tourism management institutions, encouraging people to become entrepreneurs in the culinary field, utilizing and managing people's homes as homestays, building tourist facilities and infrastructure, creating Tapis culture week activity programs, involving the younger generation in exhibition activities, forming the Tapis community, including Tapis lessons in formal schools, improving coordination between craftsmen and the government as well as providing counseling and education to the community