72 research outputs found

    Properties of Sobolev-type metrics in the space of curves

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    ©2008 European Mathematical SocietyDOI: 10.4171/IFB/196We define a manifold M where objects c Ï” M are curves, which we parameterize as c : SÂč → R ⁿ (n ≄2, SÂč is the circle). Given a curve c, we define the tangent space TcM of M at c including in it all deformations h : SÂč → R ⁿ of c. We study geometries on the manifold of curves, provided by Sobolev–type Riemannian metrics H[superscript j]. We initially present some mathematical examples to show how the metrics H[superscript j] simplify or regularize gradient flows used in Computer Vision applications. We then provide some basilar results of Hj metrics; and, for the cases j = 1, 2, we characterize the completion of the space of smooth curves; we call this completion(s) “HÂč and HÂČ Sobolev–type Riemannian Manifolds of Curves”. As a byproduct, we prove that the FrĂ©chet distance of curves (see [MM06b]) coincides with the distance induced by the “Finsler L H [superscript ∞] metric” defined in §2.2 in [YM04b]

    The insurance landscape for implant- and autologous-based breast reconstruction in the United States

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    UNLABELLED: Insurance coverage of postmastectomy breast reconstruction is mandated in America, regardless of reconstructive modality. Despite enhanced patient-reported outcomes, autologous reconstruction is utilized less than nonautologous reconstruction nationally. Lower reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid may disincentivize autologous-based reconstruction. This study examines the impact of insurance and sociodemographic factors on breast reconstruction. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project National Inpatient Sample Database from 2014 to 2017 was performed. International Classification of Diseases Clinical Modification and Procedure Coding System codes were used to identify patients for inclusion. De-identified sociodemographic and insurance data were analyzed using RESULTS: In total, 31,468 patients were identified for analysis and stratified by reconstructive modality, sociodemographics, insurance, and hospital characteristics. Most patients underwent nonautologous reconstruction (63.2%). Deep inferior epigastric perforator flaps were the most common autologous modality (46.7%). Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression identified Black race, urban-teaching hospitals, nonsmoking status, and obesity to be associated with autologous reconstruction. Publicly-insured patients were less likely to undergo autologous reconstruction than privately-insured patients. Within autologous reconstruction, publicly-insured patients were 1.97 ( CONCLUSIONS: Breast reconstruction is influenced by insurance, hospital demographics, and sociodemographic factors. Action to mitigate this health disparity should be undertaken so that surgical decision-making is solely dependent upon medical and anatomic factors

    A Fisher-Rao Metric for curves using the information in edges

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    Two curves which are close together in an image are indistinguishable given a measurement, in that there is no compelling reason to associate the measurement with one curve rather than the other. This observation is made quantitative using the parametric version of the Fisher-Rao metric. A probability density function for a measurement conditional on a curve is constructed. The distance between two curves is then defined to be the Fisher-Rao distance between the two conditional pdfs. A tractable approximation to the Fisher-Rao metric is obtained for the case in which the measurements are compound in that they consist of a point x and an angle α which specifies the direction of an edge at x. If the curves are circles or straight lines, then the approximating metric is generalized to take account of inlying and outlying measurements. An estimate is made of the number of measurements required for the accurate location of a circle in the presence of outliers. A Bayesian algorithm for circle detection is defined. The prior density for the algorithm is obtained from the Fisher-Rao metric. The algorithm is tested on images from the CASIA Iris Interval database

    War Specials of Vallal Athiyaman Neduman Anji

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    Sangam Literature one of the ancient Tamil literature is a golden treasure to know tradition, culture and war specials of ancient Tamil people. One of the ancient well known tamil king was Vallal Athiyaman Neduman Anji, who ruled Thahadoor which is Dharmapuri now and know for his vallal and generosity. The present study aims to find out the uniqueness of Athiyaman’s war specials from the rest of the wars that happened during the contemporarytime. The study explores how Vallal Athiyaman was patriotic, courageous, never bent his head or never been a slave, lived with dignity and self righteousness. He was a brave warrior and at the same time a kind hearted king who helped people with at most care and affection. The study includes the analysis of vallal Athiyaman’s appearance, nature of his soldiers, war with seven enemies, war of Kovalur, war of Thahadoor and the season for the war, It includes how the concept of war in the present scenario similar to the wars of the past with the motto of expanding the kingdom

    New possibilities with Sobolev active contours

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    Abstract. Recently, the Sobolev metric was introduced to define gradient flows of various geometric active contour energies. It was shown that the Sobolev metric out-performs the traditional metric for the same energy in many cases such as for tracking where the coarse scale changes of the contour are important. Some interesting properties of Sobolev gradient flows are that they stabilize certain unstable traditional flows, and the order of the evolution PDEs are reduced when compared with traditional gradient flows of the same energies. In this paper, we explore new possibilities for active contours made possible by Sobolev active contours. The Sobolev method allows one to implement new energy-based active contour models that were not otherwise considered because the traditional minimizing method cannot be used. In particular, we exploit the stabilizing and the order reducing properties of Sobolev gradients to implement the gradient descent of these new energies. We give examples of this class of energies, which include some simple geometric priors and new edge-based energies. We will show that these energies can be quite useful for segmentation and tracking. We will show that the gradient flows using the traditional metric are either ill-posed or numerically difficult to implement, and then show that the flows can be implemented in a stable and numerically feasible manner using the Sobolev gradient.

    Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation and Tracking Using Sobolev Active Contours

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.70751Recently proposed Sobolev active contours introduced a new paradigm for minimizing energies defined on curves by changing the traditional cost of perturbing a curve and thereby redefining gradients associated to these energies. Sobolev active contours evolve more globally and are less attracted to certain intermediate local minima than traditional active contours, and it is based on a wellstructured Riemannian metric, which is important for shape analysis and shape priors. In this paper, we analyze Sobolev active contours using scale-space analysis in order to understand their evolution across different scales. This analysis shows an extremely important and useful behavior of Sobolev contours, namely, that they move successively from coarse to increasingly finer scale motions in a continuous manner. This property illustrates that one justification for using the Sobolev technique is for applications where coarse-scale deformations are preferred over fine-scale deformations. Along with other properties to be discussed, the coarse-to-fine observation reveals that Sobolev active contours are, in particular, ideally suited for tracking algorithms that use active contours. We will also justify our assertion that the Sobolev metric should be used over the traditional metric for active contours in tracking problems by experimentally showinghow a variety of active-contour-based tracking methods can be significantly improved merely by evolving the active contour according to the Sobolev method

    Sobolev active contours

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    All previous geometric active contour models that have been formulated as gradient flows of various energies use the same L 2-type inner product to define the notion of gradient. Recent work has shown that this inner product induces a pathological Riemannian metric on the space of smooth curves. However, there are also undesirable features associated with the gradient flows that this inner product induces. In this paper, we reformulate the generic geometric active contour model by redefining the notion of gradient in accordance with Sobolev-type inner products. We call the resulting flows Sobolev active contours. Sobolev metrics induce favorable regularity properties in their gradient flows. In addition, Sobolev active contours favor global translations, but are not restricted to such motions; they are also less susceptible to certain types of local minima in contrast to traditional active contours. These properties are particularly useful in tracking applications. We demonstrate the general methodology by reformulating some standard edge-based and regionbased active contour models as Sobolev active contours and show the substantial improvements gained in segmentation

    New possibilities with Sobolev active contours

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    Abstract. Recently, the Sobolev metric was introduced to define gradient flows of various geometric active contour energies. It was shown that the Sobolev metric outperforms the traditional metric for the same energy in many cases such as for tracking where the coarse scale changes of the contour are important. Some interesting properties of Sobolev gradient flows include that they stabilize certain unstable traditional flows, and the order of the evolution PDEs are reduced when compared with traditional gradient flows of the same energies. In this paper, we explore new possibilities for active contours made possible by Sobolev metrics. The Sobolev method allows one to implement new energy-based active contour models that were not otherwise considered because the traditional minimizing method render them ill-posed or numerically infeasible. In particular, we exploit the stabilizing and the order reducing properties of Sobolev gradients to implement the gradient descent of these new energies. We give examples of this class of energies, which include some simple geometric priors and new edge-based energies. We also show that these energies can be quite useful for segmentation and tracking. We also show that the gradient flows using the traditional metric are either ill-posed or numerically difficult to implement, and then show that the flows can be implemented in a stable and numerically feasible manner using the Sobolev gradient

    Tracking deforming objects by filtering and prediction in the space of curves

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    ©2009 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.Presented at the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009 held jointly with the 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference ( CDC/CCC 2009) 15-18 December 2009.DOI: 10.1109/CDC.2009.5400786We propose a dynamical model-based approach for tracking the shape and deformation of highly deforming objects from time-varying imagery. Previous works have assumed that the object deformation is smooth, which is realistic for the tracking problem, but most have restricted the deformation to belong to a finite-dimensional group, such as affine motions, or to finitely-parameterized models. This, however, limits the accuracy of the tracking scheme. We exploit the smoothness assumption implicit in previous work, but we lift the restriction to finite-dimensional motions/deformations. To do so, we derive analytical tools to define a dynamical model on the (infinitedimensional) space of curves. To demonstrate the application of these ideas to object tracking, we construct a simple dynamical model on shapes, which is a first-order approximation to any dynamical system. We then derive an associated nonlinear filter that estimates and predicts the shape and deformation of a object from image measurements
