2,811 research outputs found

    The Magnetic Ordering of the 3d Wigner Crystal

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    Using Path Integral Monte Carlo, we have calculated exchange frequencies as electrons undergo ring exchanges of 2, 3 and 4 electrons in a ``clean'' 3d Wigner crystal (bcc lattice) as a function of density. We find pair exchange dominates and estimate the critical temperature for the transition to antiferromagnetic ordering to be roughly 1×1081 \times 10^{-8}Ry at melting. In contrast to the situation in 2d, the 3d Wigner crystal is different from the solid bcc 3He in that the pair exchange dominates because of the softer interparticle potential. We discuss implications for the magnetic phase diagram of the electron gas

    Intracranial Aspergillus Granuloma

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    Intracranial fungal granulomas are rare and of the histologically verified granulomas, Aspergillus spp. is the commonest causative fungal pathogen. Most of the reported large series of aspergillus granulomas are from countries with temperate climate like India, Pakistan, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. In contrast to disseminated aspergillosis that occurs in immunosuppressed individuals, most of the intracranial aspergillus granulomas are reported in immunocompetent individuals. The temperature, humidity, high spore content in the atmosphere during ploughing, and occupation as agricultural worker are implicated in the pathogenesis. The sinocranial spread is the most common route of intracranial extension. Extracerebral firm fibrotic lesions and skull base lesions are common. Extensive fibrosis and large number of multinucleated giant cells are the characteristic histological features and these pathological features have therapeutic relevance

    Optical Response of Grating-Coupler-Induced Intersubband Resonances: The Role of Wood's Anomalies

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    Grating-coupler-induced collective intersubband transitions in a quasi-two-dimensional electron system are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Far-infrared transmission experiments are performed on samples containing a quasi-two-dimensional electron gas quantum-confined in a parabolic quantum well. For rectangular shaped grating couplers of different periods we observe a strong dependence of the transmission line shape and peak height on the period of the grating, i.e. on the wave vector transfer from the diffracted beams to the collective intersubband resonance. It is shown that the line shape transforms with increasing grating period from a Lorentzian into a strongly asymmetric line shape. Theoretically, we treat the problem by using the transfer-matrix method of local optics and apply the modal-expansion method to calculate the influence of the grating. The optically uniaxial quasi-two-dimensional electron gas is described in the long-wavelength limit of the random-phase approximation by a local dielectric tensor, which includes size quantization effects. Our theory reproduces excellently the experimental line shapes. The deformation of the transmission line shapes we explain by the occurrence of both types of Wood's anomalies.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Physical Review B , in pres

    Quantized Orbits and Resonant Transport

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    A tight binding representation of the kicked Harper model is used to obtain an integrable semiclassical Hamiltonian consisting of degenerate "quantized" orbits. New orbits appear when renormalized Harper parameters cross integer multiples of π/2\pi/2. Commensurability relations between the orbit frequencies are shown to correlate with the emergence of accelerator modes in the classical phase space of the original kicked problem. The signature of this resonant transport is seen in both classical and quantum behavior. An important feature of our analysis is the emergence of a natural scaling relating classical and quantum couplings which is necessary for establishing correspondence.Comment: REVTEX document - 8 pages + 3 postscript figures. Submitted to Phys.Rev.Let

    Semiclassical description of multiphoton processes

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    We analyze strong field atomic dynamics semiclassically, based on a full time-dependent description with the Hermann-Kluk propagator. From the properties of the exact classical trajectories, in particular the accumulation of action in time, the prominent features of above threshold ionization (ATI) and higher harmonic generation (HHG) are proven to be interference phenomena. They are reproduced quantitatively in the semiclassical approximation. Moreover, the behavior of the action of the classical trajectories supports the so called strong field approximation which has been devised and postulated for strong field dynamics.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental Characterisation of GLass Aluminum REinforced (GLARE™) laminates

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    Fibre metal laminates such as GLARE™ have found promising application in the aerospace industry. These laminates were developed at the structures and materials laboratory of Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. GLARE™ is a material belonging to the family of Fibre Metal Laminates consisting of thin aluminum layers bonded with unidirectional S2-Glass fibres with an adhesive. Aluminum and S2-Glass when combined as a hybrid material can provide best features of the both metals and composites. These materials have excellent fatigue, impact and damage tolerance characteristics and a lower density compared to aluminum. GLARE™ has found major application in front and aft upper fuselage, leading edges of empennages of advanced civil aircrafts like A380. This document looks into the evaluation of two configuration of GLARE™ for its mechanical and impact characteristics. The mechanical characterisation was carried out for tensile, compression, Flexure, ILSS, Open Hole Tension, Open Hole Compression and Shear (Iosipescu). The impact behaviour were characterised based on a low velocity drop weight impact carried on these laminates. The study shows that the basic properties evaluated were more dictated by the property of the S2-Glass used. The studies show that GLARE™ laminates posses’ high impact damage resistance compared to other composite material. All the test datas generated for this study will be brought out in this document

    Advanced photovoltaic power systems using tandem GaAs/GaSb concentrator modules

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    In 1989, Boeing announced the fabrication of a tandem gallium concentrator solar cell with an energy conversion efficiency of 30 percent. This research breakthrough has now led to panels which are significantly smaller, lighter, more radiation resistant, and potentially less expensive than the traditional silicon flat plate electric power supply. The new Boeing tandem concentrator (BTC) module uses an array of lightweight silicone Fresnel lenses mounted on the front side of a light weight aluminum honeycomb structure to focus sunlight onto small area solar cells mounted on a thin back plane. This module design is shown schematically. The tandem solar cell in this new module consists of a gallium arsenide light sensitive cell with a 24 percent energy conversion efficiency stacked on top of a gallium antimonide infrared sensitive cell with a conversion efficiency of 6 percent. This gives a total efficiency 30 percent for the cell-stack. The lens optical efficiency is typically 85 percent. Discounting for efficiency losses associated with lens packing, cell wiring, and cell operating temperature still allows for a module efficiency of 22 percent which leads to a module power density of 300 Watts/sq. m. This performance provides more than twice the power density available from a single crystal silicon flat plate module and at least four times the power density available from amorphous silicon modules. The fact that the lenses are only 0.010 ft. thick and the aluminum foil back plane is only 0.003 ft. thick leads to a very lightweight module. Although the cells are an easy to handle thickness of 0.020 ft., the fact that they are small, occupying one-twenty-fifth of the module area, means that they add little to the module weight. After summing all the module weights and given the high module power, we find that we are able to fabricate BTC modules with specific power of 100 watts/kg