203 research outputs found

    The Effect of King Grass Silage on the Nitrogen Balance and Hematological Profile of Ettawa Grade Male Goat

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    The aims of this research was to study the nutritional value of ensiled King Grass (Pennisetum purpuphoides) to be applied for goat. Twelve Ettawa grade male (PE), + 10 months old, and with average body weight of 19.45 + 3.03 kg were used to determine the voluntary intake, balance nitrogen and their hematological profile. All of the animals were randomly allotted at individual pens. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance, based on completely randomized design arrangement with four treatments (level of King Grass silage) and three replicates. Treatment means were compared using Duncan multiple range test. The result showed that increasing level of King Grass silage within ration significantly increased the average dry matter (DM) intake per metabolic body weight. In fact, the daily DM intake, nitrogen balance, blood hemoglobin and blood hematocrit of the experimental animals were not affected by level of King Grass silage feed. Experiment had no bad effect on healthy condition of the treated goat, so it implies that conserving grass as silage and then feeding grass silage to goat might be implemented by farmers to secure the continuous supply of green forage to keep the goat production sustainability all year round

    USAha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah sebagai Dinamisator dan Stabilisator Perekonomian Indonesia

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    Indonesia just convalesce from economic crisis and in course of economic growth to pursue various national development left behind effect of economic crisis. For that, challenge enable ness of middle and small micro effort at period to come quicken its enableness by pushing again work infrastructure of economics like bank, financial institution and of a kind to give support to enableness of middle and small micro effort, so that can become resilience bases and growth of economics of Indonesia. Challenge enableness of middle and small micro effort to improve competitiveness and productivity so be able improve its market compartment, and also diversify and its product differentiating in marke

    Kepentingan Politik Penguasa terhadap Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia

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    Kepentingan politik penguasa terhadap Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia dapat dirunut dalam sejarah perkembangan mata pelajaran ini, sejak munculnya dalam sistem pendidikan nasional pada era Orde Lama hingga Orde Reformasi. Mata pelajaran ini muncul pertama kali tahun 1957. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan mempunyai misi yang khas. Mata pelajaran ini menonjol dengan misinya untuk mewujudkan sikap toleransi, tenggang rasa, memelihara persatuan dan kesatuan, tidak memaksakan pendapat dan lain-lain, yang dirasionalkan demi terciptanya stabilitas nasional sebagai prasyarat bagi kelangsungan pembangunan. Di Balik semua itu Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sesungguhnya telah berfungsi sebagai alat penguasa untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan. Sosok Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic atau Citizenship) yang demikian memang sering muncul di sejumlah negara, khususnya negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia

    Mengangkat Kasus Politik Aktual dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

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    Materi untuk pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKN) erat sekali hubungannya dengan kajian dalam bidang politik. Sedangkan kajian dalam bidang ilmu politik sangat dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan realitas politik di suatu negara baik yang masuk dalam wilayah supra struktur politik maupun yang masuk dalam infra struktur politik. Pembelajaran dan kajian PKN yang mengabaikan perkembangan dan dinamika politik akan kehilangan kontektulitas, kehilangan daya tarik, serta kurang bermanfaat bagi peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman dan penguasaan pengampu Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan pada berbagai persoalan politik beserta dinamika dan perkembangannya merupakan suatu keniscayaan

    Penentuan Luas Produksi Optimum pada Perusahaan Manufaktur

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    To determine correct production volume a company needed is assorted of appliance which can be utilized to determine the production volume, one of the utilized by appliance break-even analysis. This analysis is utilized to know how big executed production volume in the company will be able to reach situation break-even. Wide determination of correct production will mean also company has strived more effective in exploiting available production factors. Wide determination of production very holding of important role in reaching target, that is maximum profit. Factors of production which allocation precisely is advantage from wide determination of real correct production, location goodness, raw material and also other factors of production. Other advantage that is can depress extravagance of financial, on that account wide determination of production, observation and planning represent main key. So that production process can be executed, require to be compiled by the way of, technique or method to create or add usefulness a goods by using sources or existing factors of production

    Total Quality Management Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan

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    A company should produce and serve high quality products and services with low prices by an effective promotion and a better service compared in order to develop or even survive in a competition. Many companies in Japan achieve global success as a result of their high quality products. To obtain high profit in a hard competition, however, there is no other way but applying Total Quality Management for the company. There is a close relation in quality of products (good and services), customer satisfaction, and company's profit. The better quality product, will give the higher customer satisfaction. In the meantime, it automatically raises the price, which apparently the production only needs low cost. Thus, quality improvement program is purposed to raise company's profit

    Dinamika Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di Indonesia dari Rezim ke Rezim

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    Kepentingan politik penguasa terhadap Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) di Indonesia dapat dirunut dalam sejarah perkembangan mata pelajaran ini, sejak munculnya dalam sistem pendidikan nasional pada era Orde Lama hingga Orde Reformasi. Mata pelajaran PKn ini muncul pertama kali tahun 1957. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan mempunyai misi yang khas. Mata pelajaran ini menonjol dengan misinya untuk mewujudkan sikap toleransi, tenggang rasa, memelihara persatuan dan kesatuan, tidak memaksakan pendapat, dan lain-lain, yang dirasionalkan demi terciptanya stabilitas nasional sebagai prasyarat bagi kelangsungan pembangunan. Di Balik semua itu Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sesungguhnya telah berfungsi sebagai alat penguasa untuk melanggengkan kekuasaan. Sosok Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic atau Citizenship Education) yang demikian memang sering muncul di sejumlah negara, khususnya negara-negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Cogan (1998)
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