4 research outputs found

    Pengaruh bahan organik dan Trichoderma sp. Terhadap penyakit busuk pangkal batang Lada=Effects of Organic Matter and Trichoderma sp. to Foot Rot of Peppe

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    ABSTRACT Effects of organic matter- Trichoderma sp. mixture on control of foot rot of pepper were studied by using palm oil waste, cow manure, chicken manure, and rice straw mushroom waste. Pepper plant cuttings Lampung Daun Lebar (LDL) variety were transferred into plastic polybag filled with organic matter-Trichoderma sp. mixture. One month after transfer, the base of the plants were inoculated with Phytophthora capsici. The results showed that chicken manure-Trichoderma sp.mixrure proved to have the highest effect in controlling foot rot of pepper. Key words: organic matter, Trichoderma sp.,foot rot of peppe


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    The distribution of nutrients and assimilates in different organs and tissues is in a constant state of flux throughout the growth and development of a plant. At key stages during the life cycle, profound changes occur, and perhaps one of the most critical of these is during tubers filling. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of sources- sink manipulation to related yield and yield components of cassava cultivars Singgah. Experiment manipulation source using number of branches cropping (S) which consists of three levels i.e. S1: 1 branch planting; S2: 2 branches planting; S3: 3 branches planting and manipulation at the bottom of that manipulation of the bottom with the model sliced the bottom of the cuttings (L) which consists of three levels i.e. L1: Sliced flat cuttings; L2: Sliced oblique cuttings; L3: Sliced cuttings of two sloping sides. In the cassava plant there is a relationship between the source and the bottom. Manipulation treatment plant cassava with two branches crop resources, if interaction the bottom with the model manipulation cuttings incision flat base capable of increasing biomass as well as the amount of cassava tuber crop plant varieties Singgah. The diameter of the tubers if interaction with wedge base model of cuttings oblique slices one general interaction and manipulation of two branches crop with all models of the base of the cuttings slice significantly improves weight of tuber crop

    Effect of fungal inoculum application on changes in organic matter of leaf litter composting

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    The decomposition of organic matter on leaf litter substrat runs very slowly in nature resulting in the accumulation of litter in the ecosystem and has even become an organic waste that creates many problems. The research was dealt with the use of lignocellulolytic fungi inoculum consisting of 3 isolates: Aspergillus fumigatus (cellulolytic), A. tubingensis (xylanolytic) and Geotrichium sp (ligninolytic) as starter of leaf litter composting. The purpose of the study is to understand the pattern of humic-fulvat acid and C/N ratio on the process of composting of leaf litter with the addition of inoculum. Observations were made to the chemical changes of compost for 3, 6 and 9 weeks of composting and the data were analyzed in RM-anova (Repeated Measures of anova). The result shows the best pattern of humic acid and fulvic change from the initial to final composting occurs at the Geotrichum sp inoculum of 0.60 or 105.2% and for fulvic are of 0.55 or 56.1% of baseline. The highest ratio value of CHA/CFA at the end of observation was by consortium of A. fumigatus and A. tubingensis inoculums that was 2.94 and the lowest value was at commercial inoculum that was 0.80; and the sharpest change value also occurred in the consortium A. fumigatus and A. tubingensis inoculums of 2.20 or 297.3%. Therefore the consortium isolates were capable of causing the maturity of the compost most rapidly compared to other isolates

    Dampak penerapan teknik konservasi Tanah dilahan kering terhadap Sifat fisik tanah=Impact of Soil Conservation Techniques Practices in Uplands Area on Soil Physical Properties

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    ABSTRACT The uplands area for agricultural development in Special Territory of Yogyakarta Province (DIY) decreases due to increasing land demands for non agricultural sector. On the other hand, part of the uplands area were located in the hilly formation with steep slope (>15%) had been degraded lands and was declined in physical and chemical soil properties. The main problems of degraded uplands in DIY among others were due to the erosion rate was more than the soil formation rate, the lands utilization which was not the land capability, and poor management in soil conservation practices. To improve the degraded uplands and soil conservation techniques practices (as mechanical and vegetatives methods) had been carried out in the three representative uplands location, i.e. in Karangasem, Gunung Kidul District (MAII) on the Lithicllstropeptsin Nawungan, Bantul District (MAIII) on Typic Ustropepts, and in Glagaharjo, Sleman District (MAVa) on Andic Eutropepts. The impact of soil conservation practices during the one and half years since its application, had improved the soil physical (decreased bulk density, increased total pores space, increased aeration pores, increased available water pores, and increased soil permeability). The soil conservation techniques practices had improve the soil structure and significantly different compared to the soil was not conservated. The dispersion ratio value (NPD) decreased 41.97 % in Karangasem site(MAII), decreased 35.94 % in Nawungan site (MAIII) and decreased 52.53 % in Glagaharjo site (MAVa). Cummulativelly, the impact in increasing of the soil physical properties were reached average amount of 38.10 % in Karangasem, reached average amount of 25.59 % in Glagaharjo, and reached average amount of 19.48 % in Nawungan site respectively. Keywords: Uplands degradation - soil conservation - physical soil properties