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    第䞀章 諞蚀 肺動脈狭窄症以䞋PSは、重床の堎合生存期間短瞮を匕き起こすずされおいる。重床PS眹患犬の治療法には、カテヌテルによるバルヌン匁口拡倧術以䞋BVや倖科手術が挙げられるが、前者が治療の第䞀遞択ずされおいる。BVは術埌に肺動脈匁逆流以䞋PI、䞉尖匁逆流以䞋TR、再狭窄などが合䜵症ずしお挙げられおいる。獣医孊領域においおもBV埌の再狭窄は報告されおいるものの情報は限られおおり、その原因は䞍明であり、したがっお察策がなされおいないのが珟状である。本研究の目的は、BVの合䜵症を把握し、察策および治療を提案するこずである。本研究ではたず臚床䟋の疫孊的調査を実斜し、BVの治療効果ず合䜵症、䞭でも再狭窄率に泚目し、再狭窄に関連する因子を探玢するこずずした。さらに再狭窄匁を病理組織孊的に怜玢し、正垞匁や非再狭窄匁、BV未実斜狭窄匁ず比范怜蚎するこずで再狭窄の発生機序に぀いお仮説を立おるこずずした。病理組織孊的怜玢結果に基づき、犬の肺動脈匁内现胞を培逊し薬物添加によっお再狭窄の病態を再珟するこずを詊みた。薬物添加による培逊现胞の再狭窄モデルに投薬を行うこずで、再狭窄を抑制可胜であるかを怜蚎するこずずした。第二章 重床匁性肺動脈狭窄症症䟋に察するバルヌン匁口拡倧術の成瞟ず合䜵症[目的] 本研究の目的は、犬の臚床䟋におけるBVの成功率、合䜵症の皮類ず発生数および発生時期、再狭窄に関連するずされる因子の探玢である。[実隓材料ず方法] 本孊に2006幎9月から2014幎5月たでに来院し、重床PSず蚺断され、BVを実斜した41䟋の犬を察象ずした。術埌の肺動脈右宀圧范差以䞋PGの枛少および合䜵症、再狭窄発生率を調査した。たた手術時月霢、䜓重、術前PG、術埌短期PG、BV回数、BVに䜿甚したバルヌン埄・肺動脈埄比、BV前β遮断薬およびBV前カンデサルタン投䞎の有無ず再狭窄ずの関連を埌方芖的調査で行った。[結果] BV埌短期成功率は95.1%39/41であった。成功ず刀断され長期間の远跡が可胜であったのは22䟋であり、そのうち再狭窄が認められたのは6䟋であった。再狭窄の発芚時期は5.5ヵ月1.5-68.2ヵ月であった。成功䟋ず再狭窄䟋における各因子を比范したずころ、どの因子においおも有意差は認められなかった。短期経過時にTR、PIが認められたのは12䟋ず4䟋であったが、長期経過時には2䟋ず3䟋に枛少した。TR、PIの悪化が認められた症䟋で右心䞍党を呈した症䟋は認められなかった。[小括] 過去の報告同様にBVは成功率が高く効果的な治療法であった。再狭窄発生率は22䟋䞭6䟋で、再狭窄を呈するたでの経過は広範囲であった。再狭窄に関連する因子は、今回の怜蚎では怜出できなかった。BV実斜埌のTRやPIの悪化によっお右心䞍党を呈した症䟋は認められなかった。過去の報告においおも重症化は少ないこずからも重床PSに察する治療法ずしおBVは合䜵症の少ないより安党な方法であるず考えられた。第䞉章 バルヌン匁口拡倧術実斜埌再狭窄が認められた犬の病理孊的調査[目的] これたでBV埌の再狭窄の原因及びその発生機序の報告はなく、䞍明である。そこで本章では、BV埌再狭窄ず蚺断された1䟋に぀いお肺動脈匁の病理孊的調査を実斜するこずで、再狭窄の原因を探玢するこずを目的ずした。[実隓材料ず方法] BV実斜埌玄1幎半で再狭窄ず蚺断され、再手術䞭に死亡した犬1頭の肺動脈匁ず正垞実隓ビヌグル犬3頭の肺動脈匁を採材し、特殊染色および免疫染色を甚いた病理組織孊的怜査を実斜した。[結果] 再狭窄匁は正垞匁ず比范しお肉県䞊での肥厚が認められた。再狭窄匁では正垞匁ず比范しお酞性ムコ倚糖類および膠原線維の蓄積、筋線維芜现胞の増加が認められた。[小括] 再狭窄匁では酞性ムコ倚糖類および膠原線維が倚く蓄積しおいたこずから、これらにより肺動脈匁口郚が狭小化しおいたこずが明らかずなった。再狭窄匁では筋線維芜现胞の増加が認められた。筋線維芜现胞は现胞倖基質以䞋ECMである酞性ムコ糖類ず膠原線維を産生するこずから再狭窄には筋線維芜现胞の増加が関連しおいる可胜性が考えられた。第四章 バルヌン匁口拡倧術実斜埌短期および長期経過における肺動脈匁の病理孊的倉化の比范怜蚎[目的] 本章ではBV実斜埌短期および長期における肺動脈匁の病理孊的倉化を怜蚎するこずで、肺動脈匁に察する経時的なBVの圱響および再狭窄の原因を病理組織孊的に怜玢するこずを目的ずした。[実隓材料ず方法] 自然発症PSに眹患した実隓ビヌグル犬2䟋にBVを実斜し、短期および長期経過時に肺動脈匁を採材し、第䞉章同様に病理組織孊的怜査を実斜した。BVを実斜しおいないPS眹患犬1䟋を陜性コントロヌル、第䞉章で甚いた正垞犬を陰性コントロヌルずした。[結果] BV実斜2䟋では再狭窄は認められなかった。BV実斜2䟋短期経過時および陜性コントロヌルでは肉県䞊で匁の肥厚が認められ、特殊染色怜査では酞性ムコ倚糖類、膠原線維の増加が認められた。長期経過では短期経過ず比范しお酞性ムコ倚糖類のさらなる増加が認められた。膠原線維は短期ず長期で比范しお倧きな差は認められなかった。短期で倚く認められおいた筋線維芜现胞は長期では枛少しおいた[小括]本実隓で甚いた2䟋はBV実斜埌、長期経過時に肺動脈匁の肥厚は認められたものの、再狭窄を呈しおいないためBV成功䟋のモデルず考えられた。BV成功䟋は実斜埌、䞭長期的に现胞倖基質による匁の肥厚を生じるが、筋線維芜现胞が䞍掻化し、第䞉章で認められおいるような肺動脈匁口郚を狭小化するほどのECMの過剰産生が停止しおいるず考えられた。第五章 培逊现胞を甚いた再狭窄モデルの確立[目的] 前章より再狭窄は筋線維芜现胞によるECM過剰産生による肺動脈匁口郚の狭小化によっお起きるのではないかず考えられた。本実隓では肺動脈匁内に存圚する筋線維芜现胞を培逊し、TGFβ-1を添加し现胞倖基質の産生を促進させ、肺動脈再狭窄モデルを䜜補できるず仮説を立おた。培逊筋線維芜现胞にAngⅡ倉換酵玠阻害薬以䞋ACEIやARBを添加するこずでAT1受容䜓を介したTGFβ-産生を抑制するかを怜蚌するこずずした。[実隓材料ず方法] 実隓ビヌグル4頭から肺動脈匁を採材し、现胞を培逊した。培逊9日目に筋線維芜现胞を掻性化するためにTGFβ-120ng/mlを添加し、12日目に现胞数蚈枬および培逊液の採取を行った。培逊液はヒアルロン酞以䞋HAおよびアンゞオテンシンⅡ以䞋AngⅡの定量を実斜した。定性は抗Vimentin抗䜓および抗α-smooth muscle actin以䞋SMA抗䜓を甚い、蛍光免疫染色を行った。[結果] 培逊现胞は党お筋線維芜现胞であった。TGFβ-1未添加矀ず添加矀においお现胞数およびHA濃床に有意差は認められなかったP=1.00、P=0.56。TGFβ-1添加矀の4é ­äž­3頭でHA濃床が倚かった。AngⅡ濃床はTGFβ-1未添加矀で有意に高倀を瀺しおいたP=0.04。TGFβ-1添加矀ずACEIおよびARB添加矀においお现胞数、AngⅡ濃床およびHA濃床ではいずれの矀でも有意差は認められなかった。[小括] TGFβ-1添加では现胞数においお有意差が認められなかったがこれは過去の報告ず䞀臎しおいた。TGFβ-1添加矀はHA産生においお有意差は認められなかった。AngⅡはTGFβ-1未添加矀で有意に䞊昇しおいたこずからTGFβ-1添加によっお筋線維芜现胞からのAngⅡ産生が抑制されるのではないかず考えられた。筋線維芜现胞はAngⅡの䜜甚を受けおTGFβ-1を産生するこずからACEIずARBの投䞎が有効ではないかず考えられたが、本実隓ではAngⅡずHA産生の抑制は認められなかった。第六章 総括 第二章の結果からBVの短期および長期成功率から瀺されおいるように今たでの報告同様に重床PSに察しお有効であるこずが再床瀺された。再狭窄はBV実斜埌䞭長期間で認められた。たた医孊領域においおも再狭窄はBV実斜埌の長期経過䞭に倚く認められおいるこずから犬においおも再狭窄率はBV埌時間経過ずずもに䞊昇しおいくこずが予想された。BV実斜埌のTRおよびPIの発生は他の論文でも報告されおいるが、いずれにおいおも重症化をするのは珍しいずされおいるこずから今回の結果ず䞀臎しおおり、今回のBVの結果は良奜であったず考えられた。第䞉章においお再狭窄はECMの産生過剰亢進による肺動脈匁口郚の狭小化が原因ず考えられた。再狭窄匁での筋線維芜现胞の増加がECMを過剰産生しおいるこずが考えられた。しかしながら第四章においおBV実斜埌長期経過した非再狭窄匁ではECMの増加が認められおいるにもかかわらず、筋線維芜现胞は枛少しおいた。これらのこずからBV実斜埌に筋線維芜现胞の掻性化停止の有無が再狭窄発生ず関連しおいるず考えられた。第五章の結果ではTGFβ-1添加矀ずACEIやARB添加矀ではHAずAngⅡの産生を抑制できなかったが、過去の報告ではECMの抑制が報告されおいるこずから今回䜿甚した添加濃床が䜎い可胜性がある。そのため今埌TGFβ-1ずACEI、ARBの添加量は再怜蚎する必芁があるず考えられた。これらの結果からBV実斜の再狭窄はメカニカルストレスず筋線維芜现胞による现胞倖基質の蓄積によっお発生しおいるず考えられた。再狭窄を予防するために现胞倖基質産生を抑制する薬剀の怜蚎が望たれる。Introduction Severe pulmonary valvular stenosis (PS) results in poor prognosis. The treatment options for dogs with severe PS include open chest surgery and balloon valvuloplasty (BV). BV has been recognized as the first-line treatment for severe PS in human as well as in dogs. Most common complications of BV are known as follows: restenosis of pulmonary valve, pulmonary valve insufficiency (PI) and tricuspid valve regurgitation (TR). Since there has been few reports in veterinary medicine focusing on restenosis after BV, the cause of restenosis has not been investigated yet. The aim of this study was to understand the prevalence of the complication in dogs after BV, to investigate the causes of the complications, and to propose prevention and treatment to avoid complications after BV. Study 1; The effectiveness and complications of BV in dogs with congenital PS[Aims] The aims of the first study were to reveal the prevalence of complications after BV, and to investigate the factors related to the complications, especially pulmonary restenosis.[Material and Method] Medical records of dogs referred to Azabu University Veterinary Teaching Hospital Cardiology Service from September 2006 to May 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Forty-one dogs who underwent successful BV due to severe PS were included in the study. We investigated the effectiveness of BV using the reduction of the peak instantaneous pressure gradient across the pulmonary valve, the complications, especially the incidence of the restenosis. The following variables were investigated if it was related to restenosis: age (months) at the time of BV, weight (kg), PG prior to BV, PG at short-term follow-up, the number of balloon inflations, balloon annulus rate (BAR), concurrent congenital heart disease, atenolol administration prior to BV and candesartan administration prior to BV.[Results] The immediate success rate was 95.1% (39/41). Long-term follow-up was available for 22 out of 39 dogs. Restenosis was observed in 6 out of 22 dogs during long-term follow-up. The median time when restenosis was revealed was 5.5 months (ranging from 1.5 to 68.2 months) after BV. The significant difference was not observed between success group and restenosis group at each the factors. Although deterioration of TR severity was observed in 12 dogs at short-term follow-up, TR improved at long-term follow-up in 10 dogs. PI in 4 dogs worsened after BV in short-term follow-up, although the severity of PI in 2 dogs was improved during long-term follow-up. The right-sided heart failure due to TR and/or PI was not developed in any dogs during the observation period.[Discussion] It was confirmed that BV was effective procedure with high success rate in dogs, which was the same as the previous report. In the present study, 6 out of 22 dogs (27.3%) developed restenosis after successful BV at medium to long-term follow-up. Each the factors were not associated with incidence of restenosis in this study. The right-sided heart failure due to TR and/or PI was not developed in any dogs during the observation period. Exacerbation of TR and PI was observed in some dogs after BV; however, right-sided heart failure due to TR or PI was not observed in any of our dogs. Study 2; Histopathological and immunohistochemical findings in PS dogs with restenosis after BV[Aims] The cause of restenosis in dogs has never been described and no study has documented histopathological and immunohistochemical findings of the restenotic pulmonary valve in dogs with PS after BV. The aim of this study was to perform the pathological investigation of a pulmonary valve in one dog with PS diagnosed as the restenosis after BV.[Material and Method] A four-month-old female Chihuahua was presented to Azabu University due to severe PS with restricted ventricular septal defect. Although BV was successfully performed, restenosis was observed about 1.5 years after the procedure. Restenotic valve from this patient and three normal beagles were pathologically examined.[Results] The affected valve was markedly thickened due to the increased amount of the extracellular matrix (ECM), which was composed of acid mucopolysaccharide and collagen fibers. Immunohistochemical examination revealed prominently increased α smooth muscle actin (αSMA)-positive myofibroblasts in the affected valve. The affected valve was markedly thickened due to the increased amount of the ECM.[Discussion] It was suggested that thickening of the valve due to the increase of ECM would be associated with narrowing of the valve opening, resulting in restenosis. Immunohistochemical examination revealed prominently increased αSMA-positive myofibroblasts in the affected valve. Because these myofibroblasts produce acid mucopolysaccharide and collagen fibers, the increase in a myofibroblast could be related to the restenosis.Study 3; Pathological Changes of The Pulmonary Valve After Balloon Valvuloplasty in Two Dogs in Short-Term and Long-Term Follow-Up[Aims] Time course of pathological changes after BV was not known. The aim of this study was to reveal the histopathological changes of pulmonary valve in short-tem and long-term follow-up after BV.[Material and Method] BV was performed in two beagles with congenital PS. Pulmonary valve was obtained in short-term and long-term follow-up. Histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations were performed in pulmonary valves from short-term follow-up, long-term follow-up, negative controls and positive control (pulmonary valve from PS dog without BV).[Results] Two dogs with congenital PS after BV did not develop restenosis. Pulmonary valves of two dogs with congenital PS at short-term follow-up after BV and a positive control were markedly thickened. The amount of acid mucopolysaccharide and collagen fibers increased in pulmonary valves of two dogs with congenital PS. The amount of acid mucopolysaccharide was much increased in pulmonary valve at long-term follow-up, compared with that at short-term follow-up. The difference in collagen fibers between pulmonary valves at short-term and long-term follow-up was not observed. Number of myofibroblast was increased at short-term follow-up, but decreased at long-term follow-up.[Discussion] Although the thickening of the pulmonary valve was observed at long-term follow-up, two dogs with congenital PS after BV did not develop restenosis. Because the thickening of the valve was due to increased amount of ECM and myofibroblast was inactivated in long-term follow-up, it was supeculated that the increased ECM by myofibroblast had stopped at long-term follow-up.Study 4; An Establishment of The Culture Model of Restenotic Pulmonary Valve[Aims] We hypothesized that the cause of a restenosis was the narrowing of the valve opening induced by the overproduction of ECM by myofibroblast. The aims of this study was to establish the restenosis model using cultured myofibroblast from dogs’ pulmonary valve, and to investigate the possible medical approach to prevent restenosis after BV.[Material and Method] The pulmonary valve was obtained from four healthy beagles and the cell culture was performed. In order to activate myofibroblast, TGFbeta-1 (20 ng/ml) was added. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI) or angiotensinreceptor blocker (ARB) was added to cultured myofibrblast to evaluate whether or not they were effective to suppress ECM production. The number of cultured cells, the hyaluronic acid (HA) and the angiotensin II (AngII) of the medium were quantified on the day 12.[Results] All cultured cells were confirmed as myofibroblasts. Significant difference was not observed in the number of cell or HA concentration between control group (TGF beta-1 was not added) and TGF beta-1 added group, (P= 1.00, P= 0.56). AngII concentration in the control group was higher than that in added group (P= 0.04). Significant difference was not observed in the number of cells, AngII concentration or HA concentration between groups when ACEI or ARB was added.[Discussion] Cell culture from pulmonary valve was successfully established in this study. However, induction of increased HA was not achieved by adding TGF beta-1. ACEI or ARB did not suppress production of HA or AngII. DiscussionStudy 1 revealed that success rate of BV at the short-term and long-term follow-up were relatively high, which confirmed the effectiveness of this procedure in dogs. The restenosis was confirmed as one of the serious problem, and was observed during the medium to long-term follow-up after BV. Increased prevalence of restenosis over time was observed in human patients. The same tendency was also seen in dogs. The development of TR and PI after BV was although these complications did not get severe. In study 2, the cause of restenosis was speculated that the thickening of the valve that induced by the increasing amount of ECM. Increased number of myofibroblasts in restenotic valve produced the large amount of ECM. Increase of ECM at long-term follow-up after BV in spite of decreased number of myofibroblast was observed in the non-restenosis valve after BV. Therefore, it was considered that the restenosis development after BV was associated with whether myofibroblast was continuously activated or not. Mechanical stress would be one of the major causes of activation of myofibroblasts although further study was needed to confirm this hypothesis. Present study did not reveal the effectiveness of ACEI or ARB to prevent restenosis. Further study was warranted to investigate the possible medical approach.博士(獣医孊)麻垃倧

    Software Defined Media: Virtualization of Audio-Visual Services

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    Internet-native audio-visual services are witnessing rapid development. Among these services, object-based audio-visual services are gaining importance. In 2014, we established the Software Defined Media (SDM) consortium to target new research areas and markets involving object-based digital media and Internet-by-design audio-visual environments. In this paper, we introduce the SDM architecture that virtualizes networked audio-visual services along with the development of smart buildings and smart cities using Internet of Things (IoT) devices and smart building facilities. Moreover, we design the SDM architecture as a layered architecture to promote the development of innovative applications on the basis of rapid advancements in software-defined networking (SDN). Then, we implement a prototype system based on the architecture, present the system at an exhibition, and provide it as an SDM API to application developers at hackathons. Various types of applications are developed using the API at these events. An evaluation of SDM API access shows that the prototype SDM platform effectively provides 3D audio reproducibility and interactiveness for SDM applications.Comment: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2017), Paris, France, 21-25 May 201

    Effective treatment with mitotane for a canine case of presumed ectopic Cushing’s syndrome-related pheochromocytoma

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    Background: In humans, ectopic Cushing’s syndrome (ECS) is characterized by hypercortisolemia, which is caused by small lung carcinoma, bronchial carcinoids, and pheochromocytoma. In dogs, only a few cases of ECS associated with pheochromocytoma have been reported to date. Case Description: Herein, we describe a canine case of malignant pheochromocytoma that is presumed to be the cause of ECS. An 11-year-old, castrated, male Toy Poodle with hypercortisolemia was diagnosed with an adrenal tumor (AT) and treated with mitotane. Although repeated adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation tests revealed improvement in the dog’s condition by mitotane treatment, its condition started declining 197 days post-diagnosis, and he died on day 280. The necropsy revealed the AT was a pheochromocytoma, not an adrenocortical tumor. However, because of no pathological change in the pituitary gland and the other adrenal gland, pheochromocytoma was presumed to be the cause of ECS. Conclusion: This is the first report that describes the effectiveness of mitotane against presumed ECS-related pheochromocytoma

    Magnetized Fast Isochoric Laser Heating for Efficient Creation of Ultra-High-Energy-Density States

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    The quest for the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) ignition is a grand challenge, as exemplified by extraordinary large laser facilities. Fast isochoric heating of a pre-compressed plasma core with a high-intensity short-pulse laser is an attractive and alternative approach to create ultra-high-energy-density states like those found in ICF ignition sparks. This avoids the ignition quench caused by the hot spark mixing with the surrounding cold fuel, which is the crucial problem of the currently pursued ignition scheme. High-intensity lasers efficiently produce relativistic electron beams (REB). A part of the REB kinetic energy is deposited in the core, and then the heated region becomes the hot spark to trigger the ignition. However, only a small portion of the REB collides with the core because of its large divergence. Here we have demonstrated enhanced laser-to-core energy coupling with the magnetized fast isochoric heating. The method employs a kilo-tesla-level magnetic field that is applied to the transport region from the REB generation point to the core which results in guiding the REB along the magnetic field lines to the core. 7.7 ±\pm 1.3 % of the maximum coupling was achieved even with a relatively small radial area density core (ρR\rho R ∌\sim 0.1 g/cm2^2). The guided REB transport was clearly visualized in a pre-compressed core by using Cu-KαK_\alpha imaging technique. A simplified model coupled with the comprehensive diagnostics yields 6.2\% of the coupling that agrees fairly with the measured coupling. This model also reveals that an ignition-scale areal density core (ρR\rho R ∌\sim 0.4 g/cm2^2) leads to much higher laser-to-core coupling (>> 15%), this is much higher than that achieved by the current scheme

    What Does Soil-Transmitted Helminth Elimination Look Like? Results From a Targeted Molecular Detection Survey in Japan

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    Background: Japan is one of the few countries believed to have eliminated soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). In 1949, the national prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 62.9%, which decreased to 0.6% in 1973 due to improvements in infrastructure, socioeconomic status, and the implementation of national STH control measures. The Parasitosis Prevention Law ended in 1994 and population-level screening ceased in Japan; therefore, current transmission status of STH in Japan is not well characterized. Sporadic cases of STH infections continue to be reported, raising the possibility of a larger-scale recrudescence of STH infections. Given that traditional microscopic detection methods are not sensitive to low-intensity STH infections, we conducted targeted prevalence surveys using sensitive PCR-based assays to evaluate the current STH-transmission status and to describe epidemiological characteristics of areas of Japan believed to have achieved historical elimination of STHs. Methods: Stool samples were collected from 682 preschool- and school-aged children from six localities of Japan with previously high prevalence of STH. Caregivers of participants completed a questionnaire to ascertain access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and potential exposures to environmental contamination. For fecal testing, multi-parallel real-time PCR assays were used to detect infections of Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale and Trichuris trichiura. Results: Among the 682 children, no positive samples were identified, and participants reported high standards of WASH. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first STH-surveillance study in Japan to use sensitive molecular techniques for STH detection. The results suggest that recrudescence of STH infections has not occurred, and that declines in prevalence have been sustained in the sampled areas. These findings suggest that reductions in prevalence below the elimination thresholds, suggestive of transmission interruption, are possible. Additionally, this study provides circumstantial evidence that multi-parallel real-time PCR methods are applicable for evaluating elimination status in areas where STH prevalence is extremely low.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    What does soil-transmitted helminth elimination look like? Results from a targeted molecular detection survey in Japan

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    Background: Japan is one of the few countries believed to have eliminated soil-transmitted helminths (STHs). In 1949, the national prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides was 62.9%, which decreased to 0.6% in 1973 due to improvements in infrastructure, socioeconomic status, and the implementation of national STH control measures. The Parasitosis Prevention Law ended in 1994 and population-level screening ceased in Japan; therefore, current transmission status of STH in Japan is not well characterized. Sporadic cases of STH infections continue to be reported, raising the possibility of a larger-scale recrudescence of STH infections. Given that traditional microscopic detection methods are not sensitive to low-intensity STH infections, we conducted targeted prevalence surveys using sensitive PCR-based assays to evaluate the current STH-transmission status and to describe epidemiological characteristics of areas of Japan believed to have achieved historical elimination of STHs. Methods: Stool samples were collected from 682 preschool- and school-aged children from six localities of Japan with previously high prevalence of STH. Caregivers of participants completed a questionnaire to ascertain access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and potential exposures to environmental contamination. For fecal testing, multi-parallel real-time PCR assays were used to detect infections of Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale and Trichuris trichiura. Results: Among the 682 children, no positive samples were identified, and participants reported high standards of WASH. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first STH-surveillance study in Japan to use sensitive molecular techniques for STH detection. The results suggest that recrudescence of STH infections has not occurred, and that declines in prevalence have been sustained in the sampled areas. These findings suggest that reductions in prevalence below the elimination thresholds, suggestive of transmission interruption, are possible. Additionally, this study provides circumstantial evidence that multi-parallel real-time PCR methods are applicable for evaluating elimination status in areas where STH prevalence is extremely low.[Figure not available: see fulltext.
