2,686 research outputs found

    Elongation Modeling and Compensation for the Flexible Tendon-Sheath System

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    In tendon-driven systems, the elongation of the tendon would result in inaccuracy in the position control of the system. This becomes a critical challenge for those applications, such as surgical robots, which require the tendon-sheath system with flexible and even time-varying configurations but lack of corresponding sensory feedback at the distal end due to spatial restrictions. In this paper, we endeavor to address this problem by modeling the tendon elongation in a flexible tendon-sheath system. Targeting at flexibility in practical scenarios, we first derived a model describing the relationship between the overall tendon elongation and the input tension with arbitrary route configurations. It is shown that changes in the route configuration would significantly affect the tendon elongation. We also proposed a remedy to enhance the system tolerance against potential unmodeled perturbations along the transmission route during operation. A scaling factor S was introduced as a design guideline to determine the scaling effect. A dedicated platform that was able to measure the tensions at both ends and the overall tendon elongation was designed and set up to validate the new findings. Discussions were made on the performance and the future implementation of the proposed models and remedy.published_or_final_versio

    Factors influencing consideration of dental specialisation: a survey of current dental students at the University of Western Australia

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    Aim. At present, little research exists regarding factors that influence dental students and recent graduates to pursue specialist training. Through the provision of a questionnaire, the study investigated student's perceptions of dental specialities and factors impacting specialisation.Methods. Questionnaires (n=65) were undertaken by Doctor of Dental Medicine students in year three (n=34) and four (n=31) through paper means. An analysis was undertaken of the knowledge of speciality courses, speciality preferences and the main motivating and deterring factors influencing specialisation.Results. A response rate of 70% was observed, revealing that 13% of all participants correctly identified the speciality courses available in Western Australia, with 6% of students wanting to specialise in the long term. Altruistic factors were most motivating and financial most deterring when considering specialisation. Speciality preferences also varied between cohorts.Conclusions. Findings highlight that a small proportion of students want to pursue specialisation and the majority of students are unaware of the speciality courses available in Western Australia. This emphasises the need for greater exposure and education in dental specialties. Further research is advised in this field to better understand factors involved in the pathway to dental specialisation and how to encourage specialisation

    Cathodic bacterial community structure applying the different co-substrates for reductive decolorization of Alizarin Yellow R

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    Selective enrichment of cathodic bacterial community was investigated during reductive decolorization of AYR fedding with glucose or acetate as co-substrates in biocathode. A clear distinction of phylotype structures were observed between glucose-fed and acetate-fed biocathodes. In glucose-fed biocathode, Citrobacter (29.2%), Enterococcus (14.7%) and Alkaliflexus (9.2%) were predominant, and while, in acetate-fed biocathode, Acinetobacter (17.8%) and Achromobacter (6.4%) were dominant. Some electroactive or reductive decolorization genera, like Pseudomonas, Delftia and Dechloromonas were commonly enriched. Both of the higher AYR decolorization rate (k(AYR) = 0.46) and p-phenylenediamine (PPD) generation rate (k(PPD) = 0.38) were obtained fed with glucose than acetate (k(AYR) = 0.18; k(PPD) = 0.16). The electrochemical behavior analysis represented a total resistance in glucose-fed condition was about 73.2% lower than acetate-fed condition. The different co-substrate types, resulted in alteration of structure, richness and composition of bacterial communities, which significantly impacted the performances and electrochemical behaviors during reductive decolorization of azo dyes in biocathode. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.11116Ysciescopu

    Unique Carboniferous-Permian tectonic-metallogenic framework of Northern Xinjiang (NW China): Constraints for the tectonics of the southern Paleoasian Domain

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    The late Paleozoic tectonic-metallogenic framework of North Xinjiang of the southern Paleoasian Domain was characterized by a serious of Carboniferous-Permian events, including: (1) late Carboniferous-Permian Chinese Altay island arc and its metamorphism, granulite in the Chinese Altay, radiolarian chert and high-pressure/ultra-high-pressure metamorphism; (2) late Carboniferous-early Permian adakites, Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic complexes, and calc-alkaline magmatism, together with porphyry copper deposits, which occurred in the North Xinjiang; and (3) late Carboniferous ophiolite and island arc volcanic rocks located in the Tian Shan. Combined with the facts that there was no typical foreland basin, no typical collisional-type granitoid, and there were large amount of strike-slip faulting, it is suggested that in the Carboniferous-early Permian North Xinjiang was characterized by the coexistence of compression-extension-strike-slip structures with active magmatism and metallogeny. These phenomena all indicate that there were active margins during the late Carboniferous-early Permian, leading to the notion that the complicated accretionary orogeny along the southern Paleoasian Domain may have lasted to the latest Carboniferous-Permian.新疆北部晚古生代独特的构造一成矿作用以发育大量石炭纪一二叠纪构造一成矿事件为特征, 其中包括: (l) 发育于晚石炭世一二叠世的阿尔泰岛弧及其变质事件、阿尔泰麻粒岩与基性杂岩、西南天山放射虫硅质岩和高压一超高压一低压麻拉岩相变质事件; (2 )北疆发育的石炭纪(一二叠世)埃达克岩一高镁安山岩一富N d 玄武质岩组合、阿拉斯加型基性一超基性杂岩和大量的与俯冲相关的钙碱性岩浆活动与斑岩型铜矿床成矿作用; (3) 天山晚石炭世晚期蛇绿岩与岛弧火山岩等。结合北疆地区相关的前陆盆地发育不明显、碰撞型花岗岩欠发育与大量发育平行造山带大型走滑构造等现象, 可以认为新疆北部在石炭纪一二叠纪挤压一伸展一走滑并存, 岩浆活动与成矿作用活跃。这些新进展表明新疆北部在晚石炭世一二叠纪可能仍存在活动陆缘, 因此, 古亚洲洋构造域南部复杂增生造山作用最后延至晚石炭世晚期一二叠纪。published_or_final_versio

    Kinase inhibit region of SOCS3 attenuates IL6-induced proliferation and astrocytic differentiation of neural stem cells via cross talk between signaling pathways

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    Aims: Efficiency of neural stem cells (NSCs) therapy for brain injury is restricted by astrogliosis around the damaged region, in which JAK2/STAT3 signaling plays a key role. The SOCS3 that can directly inhibit JAK/STAT3 pathway. Here, we investigated the effects of a fusion peptide that combined kinase inhibitory region (KIR) of SOCS3 and virus trans-activator of transcription (TAT) on biological behavior of cultured NSCs under inflammatory conditions. Methods: NSCs were isolated from embryonic brain of SD rats, TAT-KIR was synthesized, and penetration rate was evaluated by flow cytometry (FACS). CCK8, immunostaining, and FACS were used to detected of TAT-KIR on the proliferation of NSCs. The expressions of GFAP and β tubulin III positive cells induced by IL6 with/without TAT-KIR were examined by immunostaining and Western blotting to observe the NSCs differentiation, and the effect of TAT-KIR on signaling cross talk was observed by Western blotting. Results: Penetration rate of TAT-KIR into primary cultured NSCs was up to 94%. TAT-KIR did not affect the growth and viability of NSCs. It significantly reduced the NSCs proliferation that enhanced by IL-6 stimulation via blocking the cell cycle progression from the G0/G1 to S phase. In addition, TAT-KIR attenuated astrocytic differentiation and kept high level of neuronal differentiation derived from IL-6-induced NSCs. The fate of NSCs differentiation under inflammatory conditions was affected by TAT-KIR, which was associated with synchronous inhibition of STAT3 and AKT, while promoting JNK expression. Conclusion: TAT-KIR mimetic of SOCS3 could be a promising approach for brain repair via regulating the biological behaviors of exogenous NSCs

    Effects of Thioglycolic Acid on Parthenogenetic Activation of Xenopus Oocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Existing in Permanent-wave solutions (PWS), thioglycolic acid (TGA) is widely used in hairdressing industry for its contribution to hair styling. However, the toxicity of TGA, especially its reproductive toxicity, gradually calls the attention of more and more researchers. METHOD: In this work, xenopus oocytes were pretreated with different concentration of TGA, and then activated by calcium ionophore A23187. During culture, the oocytes activation rates were taken note at different time after adding calcium ionophore A23187. At the end of the culture period, the nuclear status was detected under confocal microscope. In addition, some other samples were collected for Western-Blotting analysis. RESULT: TGA significantly inhibited the oocytes activation rate and pronuclear formation. It may be resulted from the inhibition of the degradation of p-ERK1, Mos and CyclinB2. CONCLUSION: TGA inhibits in vitro parthenogenetic activation of xenopus oocytes with inhibited the degradation of proteins involved in mitogenic-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and maturation-promoting factor (MPF) pathways

    Architectural Growth of Cu Nanoparticles Through Electrodeposition

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    Cu particles with different architectures such as pyramid, cube, and multipod have been successfully fabricated on the surface of Au films, which is the polycrystalline Au substrate with (111) domains, using the electrodeposition technique in the presence of the surface-capping reagents of dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid and poly(vinylpyrrolidone). Further, the growth evolution of pyramidal Cu nanoparticles was observed for the first time. We believe that our method might open new possibilities for fabricating nanomaterials of non-noble transition metals with various novel architectures, which can then potentially be utilized in applications such as biosensors, catalysis, photovoltaic cells, and electronic nanodevices

    Loess plateau storage of northeastern Tibetan plateau-derived Yellow River sediment

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    Marine accumulations of terrigenous sediment are widely assumed to accurately record climatic- and tectonic-controlled mountain denudation and play an important role in understanding late Cenozoic mountain uplift and global cooling. Underpinning this is the assumption that the majority of sediment eroded from hinterland orogenic belts is transported to and ultimately stored in marine basins with little lag between erosion and deposition. Here we use a detailed and multi-technique sedimentary provenance dataset from the Yellow River to show that substantial amounts of sediment eroded from Northeast Tibet and carried by the river’s upper reach are stored in the Chinese Loess Plateau and the western Mu Us desert. This finding revises our understanding of the origin of the Chinese Loess Plateau and provides a potential solution for mismatches between late Cenozoic terrestrial sedimentation and marine geochemistry records, as well as between global CO2 and erosion records

    Polymorphisms of Glutathione S-transferases Omega-1 among ethnic populations in China

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) is a genetic factor for many diseases and exhibits great diversities among various populations. We assessed association of the genotypes of Glutathione S-transferases Omega-1 (GSTO1) A140D with ethnicity in China.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Peripheral blood samples were obtained from 1314 individuals from 14 ethnic groups. Polymorphisms of GSTO1 A140D were measured using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Logistic regression was employed to adjustment for regional factor. The frequency of GSTO1 140A allele was 15.49% in the total 14 ethnic populations. Compared to Han ethnic group, two ethnic populations were more likely to have AA or CA genotype [odds ratio (OR): 1.77, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 1.05–2.98 for Uygur and OR: 1.78, 95% CI: 1.18–2.69 for Hui]. However, there were no statistically significant differences across 14 ethnic groups when region factor was adjusted. In Han ethnicity, region was significantly associated with AA or CA genotype. Han individuals who resided in North-west of China were more likely to have these genotypes than those in South of China (OR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.21–2.20).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of the GSTO1 140A varied significantly among different regional populations in China, which showed that geography played a more important role in the population differentiation for this allele than the ethnicity/race.</p