86,603 research outputs found

    Detection of a single-charge defect in a metal-oxide-semiconductor structure using vertically coupled Al and Si single-electron transistors

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    An Al-AlO_x-Al single-electron transistor (SET) acting as the gate of a narrow (~ 100 nm) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) can induce a vertically aligned Si SET at the Si/SiO_2 interface near the MOSFET channel conductance threshold. By using such a vertically coupled Al and Si SET system, we have detected a single-charge defect which is tunnel-coupled to the Si SET. By solving a simple electrostatic model, the fractions of each coupling capacitance associated with the defect are extracted. The results reveal that the defect is not a large puddle or metal island, but its size is rather small, corresponding to a sphere with a radius less than 1 nm. The small size of the defect suggests it is most likely a single-charge trap at the Si/SiO_2 interface. Based on the ratios of the coupling capacitances, the interface trap is estimated to be about 20 nm away from the Si SET.Comment: 5 pages and 5 figure

    Coulomb blockade in a Si channel gated by an Al single-electron transistor

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    We incorporate an Al-AlO_x-Al single-electron transistor as the gate of a narrow (~100 nm) metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). Near the MOSFET channel conductance threshold, we observe oscillations in the conductance associated with Coulomb blockade in the channel, revealing the formation of a Si single-electron transistor. Abrupt steps present in sweeps of the Al transistor conductance versus gate voltage are correlated with single-electron charging events in the Si transistor, and vice versa. Analysis of these correlations using a simple electrostatic model demonstrates that the two single-electron transistor islands are closely aligned, with an inter-island capacitance approximately equal to 1/3 of the total capacitance of the Si transistor island, indicating that the Si transistor is strongly coupled to the Al transistor.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; typos corrected, minor clarifications added; published in AP

    Distribution of extremes in the fluctuations of two-dimensional equilibrium interfaces

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    We investigate the statistics of the maximal fluctuation of two-dimensional Gaussian interfaces. Its relation to the entropic repulsion between rigid walls and a confined interface is used to derive the average maximal fluctuation 2/(πK)lnN \sim \sqrt{2/(\pi K)} \ln N and the asymptotic behavior of the whole distribution P(m)N2e(const)N2e2πKm2πKmP(m) \sim N^2 e^{-{\rm (const)} N^2 e^{-\sqrt{2\pi K} m} - \sqrt{2\pi K} m} for mm finite with N2N^2 and KK the interface size and tension, respectively. The standardized form of P(m)P(m) does not depend on NN or KK, but shows a good agreement with Gumbel's first asymptote distribution with a particular non-integer parameter. The effects of the correlations among individual fluctuations on the extreme value statistics are discussed in our findings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version in PR

    Binomial coefficients, Catalan numbers and Lucas quotients

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    Let pp be an odd prime and let a,ma,m be integers with a>0a>0 and m≢0(modp)m \not\equiv0\pmod p. In this paper we determine k=0pa1(2kk+d)/mk\sum_{k=0}^{p^a-1}\binom{2k}{k+d}/m^k mod p2p^2 for d=0,1d=0,1; for example, k=0pa1(2kk)mk(m24mpa)+(m24mpa1)up(m24mp)(modp2),\sum_{k=0}^{p^a-1}\frac{\binom{2k}k}{m^k}\equiv\left(\frac{m^2-4m}{p^a}\right)+\left(\frac{m^2-4m}{p^{a-1}}\right)u_{p-(\frac{m^2-4m}{p})}\pmod{p^2}, where ()(-) is the Jacobi symbol, and {un}n0\{u_n\}_{n\geqslant0} is the Lucas sequence given by u0=0u_0=0, u1=1u_1=1 and un+1=(m2)unun1u_{n+1}=(m-2)u_n-u_{n-1} for n=1,2,3,n=1,2,3,\ldots. As an application, we determine 0<k<pa,kr(modp1)Ck\sum_{0<k<p^a,\, k\equiv r\pmod{p-1}}C_k modulo p2p^2 for any integer rr, where CkC_k denotes the Catalan number (2kk)/(k+1)\binom{2k}k/(k+1). We also pose some related conjectures.Comment: 24 pages. Correct few typo

    Sizes and Kinematics of Extended Narrow-Line Regions in Luminous Obscured AGN Selected by Broadband Images

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    To study the impact of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback on the galactic ISM, we present Magellan long-slit spectroscopy of 12 luminous nearby type 2 AGN (L_bol~10^{45.0-46.5} erg/s, z~0.1). These objects are selected from a parent sample of spectroscopically identified AGN to have high [OIII]{\lambda}5007 and WISE mid-IR luminosities and extended emission in the SDSS r-band images, suggesting the presence of extended [OIII]{\lambda}5007 emission. We find spatially resolved [OIII] emission (2-35 kpc from the nucleus) in 8 out of 12 of these objects. Combined with samples of higher luminosity type 2 AGN, we confirm that the size of the narrow-line region (R_NLR) scales with the mid-IR luminosity until the relation flattens at ~10 kpc. Nine out of 12 objects in our sample have regions with broad [OIII] linewidths (w_80>600 km/s), indicating outflows. We define these regions as the kinematically-disturbed region (KDR). The size of the KDR (R_KDR) is typically smaller than R_NLR by few kpc but also correlates strongly with the AGN mid-IR luminosity. Given the unknown density in the gas, we derive a wide range in the energy efficiency {\eta}=dot{E}/L_bol=0.01%-30%. We find no evidence for an AGN luminosity threshold below which outflows are not launched. To explain the sizes, velocity profiles, and high occurrence rates of the outflows in the most luminous AGN, we propose a scenario in which energy-conserving outflows are driven by AGN episodes with ~10^8-year durations. Within each episode the AGN flickers on shorter timescales, with a cadence of ~10^6 year active phases separated by ~10^7 years.Comment: 32 pages, 21 figures, ApJ in revie

    Electrically driven magnetism on a Pd thin film

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    Using first-principles density functional calculations we demonstrate that ferromagnetism can be induced and modulated on an otherwise paramagnetic Pd metal thin-film surface through application of an external electric field. As free charges are either accumulated or depleted at the Pd surface to screen the applied electric field there is a corresponding change in the surface density of states. This change can be made sufficient for the Fermi-level density of states to satisfy the Stoner criterion, driving a transition locally at the surface from a paramagnetic state to an itinerant ferromagnetic state above a critical applied electric field, Ec. Furthermore, due to the second-order nature of this transition, the surface magnetization of the ferromagnetic state just above the transition exhibits a substantial dependence on electric field, as the result of an enhanced magnetoelectric susceptibility. Using a linearized Stoner model we explain the occurrence of the itinerant ferromagnetism and demonstrate that the magnetic moment on the Pd surface follows a square-root variation with electric field consistent with our first-principles calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Molecular production at a wide Feshbach resonance in Fermi-gas of cooled atoms

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    The problem of molecular production from degenerate gas of fermions at a wide Feshbach resonance, in a single-mode approximation, is reduced to the linear Landau-Zener problem for operators. The strong interaction leads to significant renormalization of the gap between adiabatic levels. In contrast to static problem the close vicinity of exact resonance does not play substantial role. Two main physical results of our theory is the high sensitivity of molecular production to the initial value of magnetic field and generation of a large BCS condensate distributed over a broad range of momenta in inverse process of the molecule dissociation.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    A Millikelvin Scanned Probe for Measurement of Nanostructures

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    We demonstrate a scanning force microscope, based upon a quartz tuning fork, that operates below 100 mK and in magnetic fields up to 6 T. The microscope has a conducting tip for electrical probing of nanostructures of interest, and it incorporates a low noise cryogenic amplifier to measure both the vibrations of the tuning fork and the electrical signals from the nanostructures. At millikelvin temperatures the imaging resolution is below 1 um in a 22 um x 22 um range, and a coarse motion provides translations of a few mm. This scanned probe is useful for high bandwidth measurement of many high impedance nanostructures on a single sample. We show data locating an SET within an array and measure its coulomb blockade with a sensitivity of 2.6 x 10^-5 e/Hz^1/2.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to RS