103,473 research outputs found

    Why isolated streamer discharges hardly exist above the breakdown field in atmospheric air

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    We investigate streamer formation in the troposphere, in electric fields above the breakdown threshold. With fully three-dimensional particle simulations, we study the combined effect of natural background ionization and of photoionization on the discharge morphology. In previous investigations based on deterministic fluid models without background ionization, so-called double-headed streamers emerged. But in our improved model, many electron avalanches start to grow at different locations. Eventually the avalanches collectively screen the electric field in the interior of the discharge. This happens after what we call the `ionization screening time', for which we give an analytical estimate. As this time is comparable to the streamer formation time, we conclude that isolated streamers are unlikely to exist in fields well above breakdown in atmospheric air.Comment: Changed citation information. 6 pages, 4 figures, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 2417-2422, 201

    A performance measure for manual control systems

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    A new performance measure is introduced for multivariable closed loop experiments with a human operator. The essential feature of the phase margin performance measure (PMPM) is that the performance of each control loop can be determined independently, with prescribed disturbance and error levels. A variable filter parameter is used as the PMPM within the loop and it assures a high workload at the same time. There is a straightforward relationship between the PMPM and the inner loop feedback augmentation that can be utilized in trade-off studies. An adjustment scheme that seeks the PMPM automatically is described as employed in a single loop control task. This task applies directly to the experimental study of displays for helicopters and VTOL aircraft

    Slip energy barriers in aluminum and implications for ductile versus brittle behavior

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    We conisder the brittle versus ductile behavior of aluminum in the framework of the Peierls-model analysis of dislocation emission from a crack tip. To this end, we perform first-principles quantum mechanical calculations for the unstable stacking energy γus\gamma_{us} of aluminum along the Shockley partial slip route. Our calculations are based on density functional theory and the local density approximation and include full atomic and volume relaxation. We find that in aluminum γus=0.224\gamma_{us} = 0.224 J/m2^2. Within the Peierls-model analysis, this value would predict a brittle solid which poses an interesting problem since aluminum is typically considered ductile. The resolution may be given by one of three possibilites: (a) Aluminum is indeed brittle at zero temperature, and becomes ductile at a finite temperature due to motion of pre-existing dislocations which relax the stress concentration at the crack tip. (b) Dislocation emission at the crack tip is itself a thermally activated process. (c) Aluminum is actually ductile at all temperatures and the theoretical model employed needs to be significantly improved in order to resolve the apparent contradiction.Comment: 4 figures (not included; send requests to [email protected]

    Transport properties in resonant tunneling heterostructures

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    We use an adiabatic approximation in terms of instantaneous resonances to study the steady-state and time-dependent transport properties of interacting electrons in biased resonant tunneling heterostructures. This approach leads, in a natural way, to a transport model of large applicability consisting of reservoirs coupled to regions where the system is described by a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. From the mathematical point of view, this work is non-rigorous but may offer some fresh and interesting problems involving semiclassical approximation, adiabatic theory, non-linear Schr\"odinger equations and dynamical systems.Comment: 25 pages including 9 postscript figures; requires REVTeX 3.0, psfig; uuencoded gz-compressed .tar file; preprint 1133 April 96 Ecole Polytechnique to be published in J. Math. Phys. october 199

    Characterization of Thin Film Materials using SCAN meta-GGA, an Accurate Nonempirical Density Functional

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    We discuss self-consistently obtained ground-state electronic properties of monolayers of graphene and a number of beyond graphene compounds, including films of transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), using the recently proposed strongly constrained and appropriately normed (SCAN) meta-generalized gradient approximation (meta-GGA) to the density functional theory. The SCAN meta-GGA results are compared with those based on the local density approximation (LDA) as well as the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). As expected, the GGA yields expanded lattices and softened bonds in relation to the LDA, but the SCAN meta-GGA systematically improves the agreement with experiment. Our study suggests the efficacy of the SCAN functional for accurate modeling of electronic structures of layered materials in high-throughput calculations more generally

    Bipolar High Field Excitations in Co/Cu/Co Nanopillars

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    Current-induced magnetic excitations in Co/Cu/Co bilayer nanopillars (\sim50 nm in diameter) have been studied experimentally at low temperatures for large applied fields perpendicular to the layers. At sufficiently high current densities excitations, which lead to a decrease in differential resistance, are observed for both current polarities. Such bipolar excitations are not expected in a single domain model of spin-transfer. We propose that at high current densities strong asymmetries in the longitudinal spin accumulation cause spin-wave instabilities transverse to the current direction in bilayer samples, similar to those we have reported for single magnetic layer junctions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures+ 2 additional jpg figures (Fig. 2d and Fig. 3) high resolution figures and recent related articles are available at: http://www.physics.nyu.edu/kentlab/news.htm

    Toward precision mass measurements of neutron-rich nuclei relevant to rr-process nucleosynthesis

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    The open question of where, when, and how the heavy elements beyond iron enrich our Universe has triggered a new era in nuclear physics studies.\ Of all the relevant nuclear physics inputs, the mass of very neutron-rich nuclides is a key quantity for revealing the origin of heavy elements beyond iron.\ Although the precise determination of this property is a great challenge, enormous progress has been made in recent decades, and it has contributed significantly to both nuclear structure and astrophysical nucleosynthesis studies.\ In this review, we first survey our present knowledge of the nuclear mass surface, emphasizing the importance of nuclear mass precision in rr-process calculations.\ We then discuss recent progress in various methods of nuclear mass measurement with a few selected examples.\ For each method, we focus on recent breakthroughs and discuss possible ways of improving the weighing of rr-process nuclides.Comment: 10 figures, review articles in Frontiers of Physic

    Constant-temperature molecular-dynamics algorithms for mixed hard-core/continuous potentials

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    We present a set of second-order, time-reversible algorithms for the isothermal (NVT) molecular-dynamics (MD) simulation of systems with mixed hard-core/continuous potentials. The methods are generated by combining real-time Nose' thermostats with our previously developed Collision Verlet algorithm [Mol. Phys. 98, 309 (1999)] for constant energy MD simulation of such systems. In all we present 5 methods, one based on the Nose'-Hoover [Phys. Rev. A 31, 1695 (1985)] equations of motion and four based on the Nose'-Poincare' [J.Comp.Phys., 151 114 (1999)] real-time formulation of Nose' dynamics. The methods are tested using a system of hard spheres with attractive tails and all correctly reproduce a canonical distribution of instantaneous temperature. The Nose'-Hoover based method and two of the Nose'-Poincare' methods are shown to have good energy conservation in long simulations.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure