39,824 research outputs found

    Generalized linear isotherm regularity equation of state applied to metals

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    A three-parameter equation of state (EOS) without physically incorrect oscillations is proposed based on the generalized Lennard-Jones (GLJ) potential and the approach in developing linear isotherm regularity (LIR) EOS of Parsafar and Mason [J. Phys. Chem., 1994, 49, 3049]. The proposed (GLIR) EOS can include the LIR EOS therein as a special case. The three-parameter GLIR, Parsafar and Mason (PM) [Phys. Rev. B, 1994, 49, 3049], Shanker, Singh and Kushwah (SSK) [Physica B, 1997, 229, 419], Parsafar, Spohr and Patey (PSP) [J. Phys. Chem. B, 2009, 113, 11980], and reformulated PM and SSK EOSs are applied to 30 metallic solids within wide pressure ranges. It is shown that the PM, PMR and PSP EOSs for most solids, and the SSK and SSKR EOSs for several solids, have physically incorrect turning points, and pressure becomes negative at high enough pressure. The GLIR EOS is capable not only of overcoming the problem existing in other five EOSs where the pressure becomes negative at high pressure, but also gives results superior to other EOSs.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Toward precision mass measurements of neutron-rich nuclei relevant to rr-process nucleosynthesis

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    The open question of where, when, and how the heavy elements beyond iron enrich our Universe has triggered a new era in nuclear physics studies.\ Of all the relevant nuclear physics inputs, the mass of very neutron-rich nuclides is a key quantity for revealing the origin of heavy elements beyond iron.\ Although the precise determination of this property is a great challenge, enormous progress has been made in recent decades, and it has contributed significantly to both nuclear structure and astrophysical nucleosynthesis studies.\ In this review, we first survey our present knowledge of the nuclear mass surface, emphasizing the importance of nuclear mass precision in rr-process calculations.\ We then discuss recent progress in various methods of nuclear mass measurement with a few selected examples.\ For each method, we focus on recent breakthroughs and discuss possible ways of improving the weighing of rr-process nuclides.Comment: 10 figures, review articles in Frontiers of Physic

    Digital/Social Media and the Chinese Community in Australia

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    Quantum decoherence of excitons in a leaky cavity with quasimode

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    For the excitons in the quantum well placed within a leaky cavity, the quantum decoherence of a mesoscopically superposed states is investigated based on the factorization theory for quantum dissipation. It is found that the coherence of the exciton superposition states will decrease in an oscillating form when the cavity field interacting with the exciton is of the form of quasimode. The effect of the thermal cavity fields on the quantum decoherence of the superposition states of the exciton is studied and it is observed that the higher the temperature of the environment is, the shorter the decoherence characteristic time is.Comment: 1 figure, 7 page

    Quantum super-cavity with atomic mirrors

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    We study single-photon transport in an array of coupled microcavities where two two-level atomic systems are embedded in two separate cavities of the array. We find that a single-photon can be totally reflected by a single two-level system. However, two separate two-level systems can also create, between them, single-photon quasi-bound states. Therefore, a single two-level system in the cavity array can act as a mirror while a different type of cavity can be formed by using two two-level systems, acting as tunable "mirrors", inside two separate cavities in the array. In analogy with superlattices in solid state, we call this new "cavity inside a coupled-cavity array" a super-cavity. This supercavity is the quantum analog of Fabry-Perot interferometers. Moreover, we show that the physical properties of this quantum super-cavity can be adjusted by changing the frequencies of these two-level systems.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure