1,761 research outputs found

    Preparation and some properties of cholesterol oxidase from Rhodococcus sp. R14-2

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    Rhodococcus sp. R14-2, isolated from Chinese Jin-hua ham, produces a novel extracellular cholesterol oxidase (COX). The enzyme was extracted from fermentation broth and purified 53.1-fold based on specific activity. The purified enzyme shows a single polypeptide band on SDS-PAGE with an estimated molecular weight of about 60 kDa, and has a pI of 8.5. The first 10 amino acid residues of the NH2-terminal sequence of the enzyme are A-P-P-V-A-S-C-R-Y-C, which differs from other known COXs. The enzyme is stable over a rather wide pH range of 4.0¿10.0. The optimum pH and temperature of the COX are pH 7.0 and 50°C, respectively. The COX rapidly oxidizes 3ß-hydroxysteroids such as cholesterol and phytosterols, but is inert toward 3¿-hydroxysteroids. Thus, the presence of a 3ß-hydroxyl group appears to be essential for substrate activity. The Michaelis constant (Km) for cholesterol is estimated at 55 ¿M; the COX activity was markedly inhibited by metal ions such as Hg2+ and Fe3+ and inhibitors such as p-chloromercuric benzoate, mercaptoethanol and fenpropimorph. Inhibition caused by p-chloromercuric benzoate, mercuric chloride, or silver nitrate was almost completely prevented by the addition of glutathione. These suggests that -SH groups may be involved in the catalytic activity of the present CO

    Functional Diversity of Microbial Communities in Sludge-Amended Soils

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    AbstractThe BIOLOG method was applied to exploration of functional diversity of soil microbial communities in sludge-amended soils sampled from the Yangtze River Delta. Results indicated that metabolic profile, functional diversity indexes and Kinetic parameters of the soil microbial communities changed following soil amendment with sewage sludge, suggesting that the changes occurred in population of the microbes capable of exploiting carbon substrates and in this capability as well. The kinetic study of the functional diversity revealed that the metabolic profile of the soil microbial communities exhibited non-linear correlation with the incubation time, showing a curse of sigmoid that fits the dynamic model of growth of the soil microbial communities. In all the treatments, except for treatments of coastal fluvo-aquic soil amended with fresh sludge and dried sludge from Hangzhou, kinetic parameters K and r of the functional diversity of the soil microbial communities decreased significantly and parameter S increased. Changes in characteristics of the functional diversity well reflected differences in C utilizing capacity and model of the soil microbial communities in the sludge-amended soils, and changes in functional diversity of the soil microbial communities in a particular eco-environment, like soil amended with sewage sludge

    Immunohistochemical localization of glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide on rat endocrine pancreas: coexistence in rat islet cells

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    We used immunofluorescence double staining method to investigate the cellular localization of glucagon and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) in rat pancreatic islets. The results showed that both A-cells (glucagon-secreting cells) and PP-cells (PP-secreting cells) were located in the periphery of the islets. However, A-cells and PP-cells had a different regional distribution. Most of A-cells were located in the splenic lobe but a few of them were in the duodenal lobe of the pancreas. In contrast, the majority of PP-cells were found in the duodenal lobe and a few of them were in the splenic lobe of the pancreas. Furthermore, we found that 67.74% A-cells had PP immunoreactivity, 70.92% PP-cells contained glucagon immunoreactivity with immunofluorescence double staining. Our data support the concept of a common precursor stem cell for pancreatic hormone-producing cells

    Variable metric proximal stochastic variance reduced gradient methods for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization

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    We study the problem of minimizing the sum of two functions. The first function is the average of a large number of nonconvex component functions and the second function is a convex (possibly nonsmooth) function that admits a simple proximal mapping. With a diagonal Barzilai-Borwein stepsize for updating the metric, we propose a variable metric proximal stochastic variance reduced gradient method in the mini-batch setting, named VM-SVRG. It is proved that VM-SVRG converges sublinearly to a stationary point in expectation. We further suggest a variant of VM-SVRG to achieve linear convergence rate in expectation for nonconvex problems satisfying the proximal Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality. The complexity of VM-SVRG is lower than that of the proximal gradient method and proximal stochastic gradient method, and is the same as the proximal stochastic variance reduced gradient method. Numerical experiments are conducted on standard data sets. Comparisons with other advanced proximal stochastic gradient methods show the efficiency of the proposed method

    PCV25 A Pharmacoeconomic Assessment of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in a Tertiary Hospital in China

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    3D visualization and 3D printing in abnormal gastrointestinal system manifestations of situs ambiguus

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    Situs ambiguus is a rare congenital condition whereby sufferers have abnormally positioned viscera (1,2). In such cases, it is dangerous to perform traditional diagnostic examinations, such as colonoscopy, thus anatomy is explored through invasive surgeries instead. By reconstructing a patient’s viscera three-dimensionally, it is possible to trace the physical origins of the patient’s symptoms, while eliminating the necessity for invasive surgery. We present a case of situs ambiguus with use of a combination of different approaches including 3D visualizations and patient-specific 3D printing technique to assist clinical diagnosis and patient management. This case highlights the potential value of utilising the latest visualization tools in the diagnostic assessment of complicated pathologies

    A Review on 3D Printing for Customized Food Fabrication

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    AbstractThis study introduces the first generation food printer concept designs and workable prototypes that target to revolutionize customized food fabrication by 3D printing (3DP). Different from robotics-based food manufacturing technologies designed to automate manual processes for mass production, 3D food printing integrates 3DP and digital gastronomy technique to manufacture food products with customization in shape, colour, flavor, texture and even nutrition. This introduces artistic capabilities to fine dining, and extend customization capabilities to industrial culinary sector.The selected prototypes are reviewed based on fabrication platforms and printing materials. A detailed discussion on specific 3DP technologies and their associate dispensing/printing process for 3D customized food fabrication are reported for single and multi-material applications. Eventually, impacts of food printing on personalized nutrition, on-demand food fabrication, food processing technologies and process design are reported. Their applications in domestic cooking or catering services can not only provide an engineering solution for customized food design and personalized nutrition control, but also a potential machine to reconfigure a customized food supply chain

    Flow-induced elastic anisotropy of metallic glasses

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    As-cast bulk metallic glasses are isotropic, but anisotropy can be induced by thermomechanical treatments. For example, the diffraction halo in the structure function S(Q) observed in transmission becomes elliptical (rather than circular) after creep in uniaxial tension or compression. Published studies associate this with frozen-in anelastic strain and bond-orientational anisotropy. Results so far are inconsistent on whether viscoplastic flow of metallic glasses can induce anisotropy. Preliminary diffraction data suggest that the anisotropy, if any, is very low, while measurements of the elastic properties suggest that there is induced anisotropy, opposite in sign to that due to anelastic strain. We study three bulk metallic glasses, Ce65Al10Cu20Co5, La55Ni10Al35, and Pd40Ni30Cu10P20. By using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to determine the full elasticity tensor, the effects of relaxation and rejuvenation can be reliably separated from uniaxial anisotropy (of either sign). The effects of viscoplastic flow in tension are reported for the first time. We find that viscoplastic flow of bulk metallic glasses, particularly in tension, can induce significant anisotropy that is distinct from that associated with frozen-in anelastic strain. The conditions for inducing such anisotropy are explored in terms of the Weissenberg number (ratio of relaxation times for primary relaxation and for shear strain rate). There is a clear need for further work to characterize the structural origins of flow-induced anisotropy and to explore the prospects for improved mechanical and other properties through induced anisotropy
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