117 research outputs found

    G-frames and G-Riesz Bases

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    G-frames are generalized frames which include ordinary frames, bounded invertible linear operators, as well as many recent generalizations of frames, e.g., bounded quasi-projectors and frames of subspaces. G-frames are natural generalizations of frames and provide more choices on analyzing functions from frame expansion coefficients. We give characterizations of g-frames and prove that g-frames share many useful properties with frames. We also give generalized version of Riesz bases and orthonormal bases. As an application, we get atomic resolutions for bounded linear operators.Comment: 19 page

    Multilinear Fourier multipliers on variable Lebesgue spaces

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    In this paper, we study properties of the bilinear multiplier space. We give a necessary condition for a continuous integrable function to be a bilinear multiplier on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces. And we prove the localization theorem of multipliers on variable exponent Lebesgue spaces. Moreover, we present a Mihlin-H\"ormander type theorem for multilinear Fourier multipliers on weighted variable Lebesgue spaces and give some applications.Comment: 16 page

    Weighted estimates for multilinear Fourier multipliers

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    We prove a H\"{o}rmander type multiplier theorem for multilinear Fourier multipiers with multiple weights. We also give weighted estimates for their commutators with vector BMOBMO functions

    Weak and Strong Type Weighted Estimates for Multilinear Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund Operators

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    In this paper, we study the weighted estimates for multilinear Calder\'{o}n-Zygmund operators %with multiple APβƒ—A_{\vec{P}} weights from Lp1(w1)Γ—...Γ—Lpm(wm)L^{p_1}(w_1)\times...\times L^{p_m}(w_m) to Lp(vwβƒ—)L^{p}(v_{\vec{w}}), where 1<p,p1,...,pm<∞1<p, p_1,...,p_m<\infty with 1/p1+...+1/pm=1/p1/{p_1}+...+1/{p_m}=1/p and wβƒ—=(w1,...,wm)\vec{w}=(w_1,...,w_m) is a multiple APβƒ—A_{\vec{P}} weight. We give weak and strong type weighted estimates of mixed ApA_p-A∞A_\infty type. Moreover, the strong type weighted estimate is sharp whenever max⁑ipi≀pβ€²/(mpβˆ’1)\max_i p_i \le p'/(mp-1)
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