3 research outputs found

    Descriptions of strongly multiplicity free representations for simple Lie algebras

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    Let g\mathfrak{g} be a simple Lie algebra over the complex numbers C\mathbb{C}. Let Z(g)Z(\mathfrak{g}) be the center of the universal enveloping algebra U(g)U(\mathfrak{g}). Denote by VλV_\lambda the finite-dimensional simple g\mathfrak{g}-module with highest weight λ\lambda. Lehrer and Zhang defined the notion of strongly multiplicity free representations for simple Lie algebras motivited by studying the structure of the endomorphism algebras EndU(g)(Vλ⊗r)End _{ U(\mathfrak{g})}(V_\lambda^{\otimes r})in terms of the quotients of Kohno's infinitesimal braid algebra. Kostant introduced the g\mathfrak{g} -invariant endomorphism algebras Rλ=(EndVλ⊗U(g))gR_\lambda= (End V_\lambda\otimes U(\mathfrak{g}))^\mathfrak{g} and Rλ,π=(EndVλ⊗π[U(g)])g.R_{\lambda,\pi}=(End V_\lambda\otimes \pi[U(\mathfrak{g})])^\mathfrak{g}. In this paper, we give some other criterion for a multiplicity free representation to be a strongly multiplicity free representation for simple Lie algebras by classifing the pairs (g,Vλ)(\mathfrak{g}, V_\lambda), which are multiplicity free irreducible modules and for such pairs, RλR_\lambda and Rλ,πR_{\lambda,\pi} are generated by generalizations of the quadratic Casimimir elements of Z(g)Z(\mathfrak{g})