5 research outputs found

    Influence of Government Policy on Highland Agriculture Development in Enrekang Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    Upland agriculture faces threats in the ecological crisis that will affect the sustainability of highland communities. The process lasts quite long because of external and internal influences, leading to ecological exploitation. Agricultural development, is closely related to the influence of government policy. Research focuses on discussing aspects of policy influence on the development of upland agriculture. The research is a qualitative study, using an inductive approach, the case of ethnic thorn communities in Enrekang Regency. The results of the study indicate that the three main policies that influence the development of upland agriculture are: 1). Political policy and government system, 2). Rural development policies and infrastructure, 3). Decentralization or regional autonomy, 4). Economic policies, especially investment and markets. The conclusion is that the development of agriculture is economically progressing in the shadow of the ecological crisis, drought, flooding and impact on humanitarian crisis, because it needs arrangements in land management and the application of technology for agricultural development

    Rancang Model Rantai Pasok Benih Kentang Granola Produksi Laboratorium Bioteknologi Pertanian Universitas Hasanuddin Dalam Rangka Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani

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    Long-term goal of this research are: (1) to support the development of granola potato seed supply chain production of Hasanuddin University Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory that will contribute to the increase of farmers income particularly in the province of South Sulawesi, and (2) to design a model of supplies chain granola potatoes seed production of Hasanuddin University Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory strategically and competitively to increase potato production in the new area of centers of production and sustainable development in South Sulawesi. Specific targets are: (1) to enhance innovative approach in the supply chain of granola potato seed production of Hasanuddin University Agricultural Biotechnology Laboratory, and (2) to design a necessary condition of potato farmers in terms of technology and institutional innovation to improve competitiveness and market access for small farmers in South Sulawesi Province. This research is a qualitative-descriptive research. Survey method is used as the basis of design research. The data was collected using individual interview and in-depth interview through FGDs (focus group discussion) for financial institutions, policymakers and stakeholders. For individual interview, respondents were categorized into groups of farmers, traders, processors. Locations were selected intentionally (purposive sampling) on the grounds that the area chosen is the area of potato production center using the seed potatoes product in South Sulawesi Province, then set 2 (two) regions namely Tinggi Moncong sub-district in Gowa District, and Alla sub-district in Enrekang District. This study is expected to provide benefits to stakeholders, namely: (1) to build effective and efficient institutions of farmers??? partner participatory of granola potatoes seed supply chain of agricultural biotechnology-based, and (2) to offer alternative policy in granola seed potato supply chain particularly in South Sulawesi Province. Conclusions drawn from this study: (1) Division of Agricultural Biotechnology Hasanuddin University can not provide potato seeds - especially granola variety - in large numbers to meet the needs of South Sulawesi seeds since the basic tasks and functions of the Division of Agricultural Biotechnology Hasanuddin University focused only on research; (2) The problems at potato farmer in level are: (a) high seed prices and high labor costs that made farmers using random (uncertified) seed, (b) the unavailability of seed potatoes in sufficient quantity and quality, and (c) insufficient number of experts for the transfer of technology to potatoes seed farmers; (3) Farmers seed breeders and traders have not been able to produce seed potatoes in large numbers and quality, (4) There is no financial institution in the supply chain of potatoes seed that help farmers to access potato seeds and labor, (5) Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA) Bulu Ballea in Region Malino ??? Gowa- is not functioning optimally. The research recommendations are: (1) Division of Agricultural Biotechnology Hasanuddin University should increase its duties and functions for the field of community service, together with stakeholders in South Sulawesi, to improve the synergy and create the conditions for a sufficient supply of seed potatoes to meet the needs of the seeds at the farm in time and at reasonable price, (2) In the supply chain model of seed potatoes in South Sulawesi there is a need to involve Regional Company (Perusda) and or Agricultural Cooperatives (Koptan) to provide funds to help farmers in accessing potatoes seeds and labor needed in potato farming, (3) If the Agricultural Cooperatives have not been able to be a major funder of the early period goes seed potato supply chain model in South Sulawesi, it is necessary for Regional Company (Perusda) in conjunction with the Agricultural Cooperatives (Koptan) becomes' safety valve 'in addressing the needs fresh funds for potato growers, and when Koptan been able to handle capital problem at the farm level, then and Perusda can concentrate on the downstream agribusiness potato especially in of post-harvest technology and marketing, (4) Regional Company (Perusda) and or Agricultural Cooperatives (Koptan) should actively assist in providing capital for seed breeders and potatoes farmer group through direct cash assistance system, or in the form of credit, or revolving funds (revolving fund), (5) Agribusiness Sub Terminal (STA) needs to be optimally used by merchants and potato growers to become venue of transactions and market information sharing of various types of agricultural commodities, especially for high plateau horticultural commodities such as potatoes

    Multi-Actors Collaboration in Ecolabelling Community Teak Forest Management in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    Forest management practice in Indonesia has changed from “the forest first” paradigm to “the forest second” paradigm which emphasis on balancing between ecological dynamics and social dynamics (economy, culture, and politics) in forest management. “The forest second” paradigm have been practiced in HJRE (Hutan Jati Rakyat Ecolabel or Ecolabling Community Teak Forest) program in Konawe Selatan District of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This paper was intended to explain the collaboration of the actors involve in the program at community level. Data used in this paper gathered from in-depth interview of various actors who have involved in this program at community level especially local people who have registered as members of KHJL (Koperasi Hutan Jati Lestari or Sustainable Teak Forest Cooperative) and actively involved in the program. These people selected as informants from 8 villages where this study conducted. Beside that, it was interviewed also other actors involved in the program. This study revealed that the actors involved in collaboration process of HJRE program at community level were householdmembers of KHJL, Management Unit, JAUH (Jaringan Untuk Hutan or Network for Forest), TFT (Tropical Forest Trust), Wood Industry (PT. KJL), Head of Villages, and Head of KRPH (Kesatuan Resort Pemangku Hutan or Forest Functionary Unit). All actors involved in collaboration process contributed R-O-N (Resources-Organization-Norms) capacities in the stage of development of HJRE program. Some actors contributed much or less on R-O-N or its combinations. The capacities contributed of the actors gradually from social initiation/ awareness stage up to expansion and sustainability stage were R/N – O/N – R – R – N/R.Degree of collaboration of the actors involved in the HJRE program were not the same. Some actors have high collaboration and some low collaboration. These situation determined by the power and interest of the actors

    Ponggawaian Problems in Creating Job Opportunities in the Maritime Sector

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    The success of maritime development must be felt by the surrounding coastal communities, most of whom work as fishermen and have low education, so it is necessary to pay attention to efforts to improve the standard of living of the people in coastal areas and overcome the problem of unemployment. The fishing community group which is a Bugis-Makassar fisherman organization has been formed for generations. In general, this Bugis and Makassar fishing organization is referred to as Ponggawa-Sawi with all the problems in it. The purpose of this research is to find out how the problem of professionalism is in job creation. The research method used is qualitative with data collection using the in-depth interview method with key respondents and analyzed using the APPAS method. The results of the study show that 1) the problem of employment in creating employment opportunities has been going on for a long time, both in a structured way, in this case mustard (workers) have a low bargaining position because there are not many alternative job opportunities available; 2) business owners have problems in terms of lacking managerial ability so that business results are less than optimal. The use of the APPAS method recommends several things related to the problems that occur, namely 1) make a clear work contract for workers (sawi); 2) carry out training or assistance related to increasing the managerial capabilities of business owners

    Strengthening of seaweed business institutions through cooperatives in Bulukumba Regency, Indonesia

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    Cooperatives are one of the supporting sectors for the economy based on a people's economy. Therefore, cooperatives can function well, if there is the institutional strengthening of cooperatives in them, especially regarding seaweed cooperative institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential and strategies for strengthening seaweed business institutions through cooperatives. The method was using qualitative approach method using SWOT analysis. The results of this study indicate that the potential for strengthening the economic institutions of seaweed farmers through cooperatives is quite large through the main strategies: Increasing the quantity & quality of production through increasing the area of seaweed cultivation; Developing partnership; Capital accumulation through the addition of cooperative members; implementing innovation; and implementing priority scale