65 research outputs found

    Flecainide reduces ventricular arrhythmias via a mechanism that differs from that of β-blockers in catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia

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    AbstractBackgroundCatecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an inherited arrhythmia syndrome characterized by episodic ventricular tachycardia induced by adrenergic stress. Although β-blockers are used as first-line therapy, their therapeutic effects are largely incomplete. Flecainide has recently been shown to modify the molecular defects in CPVT. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of flecainide as an add-on to conventional therapy on exercise-induced ventricular arrhythmia and compare them with those of conventional therapy alone.MethodsThe study included 5 CPVT patients with a mutation in RYR2. They experienced episodic arrhythmic events despite conventional β-blocker therapy and were therefore given flecainide in addition. The effects of the addition of flecainide therapy on ventricular arrhythmia during exercise testing were compared with those of conventional therapy alone.ResultsBoth β-blockers alone and with additional flecainide increased the maximal workload attained at the onset of ventricular arrhythmia; however, only flecainide increased the sinus rate at the onset of ventricular arrhythmias. Furthermore, flecainide increased the exercise capacity by preventing exercise-induced arrhythmias. During a follow-up period of 17±2 months, 1 patient experienced recurrent arrhythmic episodes that were associated with noncompliance. All patients reported improvements in their ability to perform the activities of daily living.ConclusionFlecainide effectively reduced ventricular arrhythmias via a mechanism that differs from that of β-blockers in genotype-positive patients with CPVT. The specific effects of flecainide may be critical in the improvement noted in the patients' ability to perform daily activities

    Sodium Channelopathy Underlying Familial Sick Sinus Syndrome With Early Onset and Predominantly Male Characteristics

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    Background-Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) is a common arrhythmia often associated with aging or organic heart diseases but may also occur in a familial form with a variable mode of inheritance. Despite the identifcation of causative genes, including cardiac Na channel (SCN5A), the pathogenesis and molecular epidemiology of familial SSS remain undetermined primarily because of its rarity. Methods and Results-We genetically screened 48 members of 15 SSS families for mutations in several candidate genes and determined the functional properties of mutant Na channels using whole-cell patch clamping. We identifed 6 SCN5A mutations including a compound heterozygous mutation. Heterologously expressed mutant Na channels showed loss-of-function properties of reduced or no Na current density in conjunction with gating modulations. Among 19 family members with SCN5A mutations, QT prolongation and Brugada syndrome were associated in 4 and 2 individuals, respectively. Age of onset in probands carrying SCN5A mutations was signifcantly less (mean±SE, 12.4±4.6 years; n=5) than in SCN5A-negative probands (47.0±4.6 years; n=10; P<0.001) or nonfamilial SSS (74.3±0.4 years; n=538; P<0.001). Meta-analysis of SSS probands carrying SCN5A mutations (n=29) indicated profound male predominance (79.3%) resembling Brugada syndrome but with a considerably earlier age of onset (20.9±3.4 years). Conclusions-The notable pathophysiological overlap between familial SSS and Na channelopathy indicates that familial SSS with SCN5A mutations may represent a subset of cardiac Na channelopathy with strong male predominance and early clinical manifestations

    A Connexin40 Mutation Associated With a Malignant Variant of Progressive Familial Heart Block Type I

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    Background-Progressive familial heart block type I (PFHBI) is a hereditary arrhythmia characterized by progressive conduction disturbances in the His-Purkinje system. PFHBI has been linked to genes such as SCN5A that influence cardiac excitability but not to genes that influence cell-to-cell communication. Our goal was to explore whether nucleotide substitutions in genes coding for connexin proteins would associate with clinical cases of PFHBI and if so, to establish a genotype-cell phenotype correlation for that mutation. Methods and Results-We screened 156 probands with PFHBI. In addition to 12 sodium channel mutations, we found a germ line GJA5 (connexin40 [Cx40]) mutation (Q58L) in 1 family. Heterologous expression of Cx40-Q58L in connexin-deficient neuroblastoma cells resulted in marked reduction of junctional conductance (Cx40-wild type [WT], 22.2 ± 1.7 nS, n=14; Cx40-Q58L, 0.56 ± 0.34 nS, n=14; P <0.001) and diffuse localization of immunoreactive proteins in the vicinity of the plasma membrane without formation of gap junctions. Heteromeric cotransfection of Cx40-WT and Cx40-Q58L resulted in homogenous distribution of proteins in the plasma membrane rather than in membrane plaques in ̃ 50% of cells; well-defined gap junctions were observed in other cells. Junctional conductance values correlated with the distribution of gap junction plaques. Conclusions-Mutation Cx40-Q58L impairs gap junction formation at cell-cell interfaces. This is the first demonstration of a germ line mutation in a connexin gene that associates with inherited ventricular arrhythmias and emphasizes the importance of Cx40 in normal propagation in the specialized conduction system

    Serial Electrocardiographic Changes in Fulminant Myocarditis

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    Device therapy in pediatric and congenital heart disease patients

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    Background: Device therapy is an established therapy for preventing sudden cardiac death or managing refractory congestive heart failure in adults. However, it is performed less commonly in pediatric populations. This review aimed to examine the indications and problems associated with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) device implantations in pediatric and congenital heart disease (CHD) patients. Results: In a multicenter study in Japan, the cardiac condition of CHD patients improved by 83% after CRT device implantation. The need for CRT devices is more common in children than in adults. After ICD implantation, 44% of the patients experienced appropriate shocks, and epicardial lead implantation was performed in one-third of the patients. Nonendocardial electrode placement is mandatory for ICD implantation in small infants and patients with certain CHDs. Although inappropriate ICD discharges due to sinus tachycardia or other supraventricular tachycardias are common in children, the indication for ICD implantation may be higher than that reported in children. Conclusions: Despite the limited experience, limitations of device implantations owing to the size of the devices, and necessity for nonendocardial electrode placement, device implantations are required in more pediatric and CHD patients than expected

    Novel SCN5A mutation (Q55X) associated with age-dependent expression of Brugada syndrome presenting as neurally mediated syncope.

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    Background: An association between Brugada syndrome and neurally mediated syncope has been described. Although mutations in SCN5A have been identified in Brugada syndrome, the genetic link between Brugada syndrome and neurally mediated syncope has not been determined. Objectives: The purpose of the study was to clinically and genetically characterize a man with recurrent syncope that originally was diagnosed as neurally mediated syncope at age 8 years but subsequently manifested as Brugada syndrome at age 17 years. Methods: The proband underwent clinical examination, which included head-up tilt test, sodium channel provocation test, and electrophysiologic study. Genetic screening of SCN5A was performed for the proband and his family members. The biophysical properties of a mutant SCN5A channel in a heterologous expression system were studied using whole-cell, patch clamp technique. Results: The proband showed positive head-up tilt test, coved-type ST elevation recorded from the third intercostal space, and positive pilsicainide provocation test. Ventricular fibrillation was inducible at programmed electrical stimulation, consistent with characteristics of both Brugada syndrome and neurally mediated syncope. A novel nonsense SCN5A mutation (Q55X) was identified in the proband, his mother, and his asymptomatic brother. The heterologously expressed mutant channel was nonfunctional. Conclusion: We genetically determined an SCN5A mutation in a patient showing the combined phenotype of neurally mediated syncope and Brugada syndrome. Neurally mediated syncope and Brugada syndrome may share, at least in part, a common pathophysiologic mechanism

    Analysis of the shape of the T-wave in congenital long-QT syndrome type 3 by geometric morphometrics

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    Abstract The characteristic shape of the T-wave in congenital long-QT syndrome type 3 (LQTS3) is considered a late-onset T-wave. We analyzed the difference in the shapes of the T-waves of V5 in the electrocardiograms (ECGs) of LQTS3 cases and normal subjects using generalized Procrustes analysis. The J and Q points of LQTS3 cases are shifted to the upper left compared to those of normal subjects. SdFmax is the point on the ECG where the second derivative is first maximized. SdFmax is the point where the change in the slope of the ascending limb of the T-wave is maximized. SdFmax in LQTS3 cases is shifted to the lower right compared to normal subjects. The interval from J to SdFmax in LQTS3 cases is expanded compared with that of normal subjects. From principal component analysis of the Procrustes mean shape of the T-wave landmarks, the second principal component shows a shift of SdFmax to the lower right. These results can quantitatively explain why the T-wave of LQTS3 cases looks like a late-onset T-wave. After being fitted to a multivariate logistic regression model, LQTS3 cases and normal subjects can be distinguished by the second independent component