831 research outputs found

    Dependence of recombination mechanisms and strength on processing conditions in polymer solar cells

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    Charge carrier recombination due to carrier trapping is not often considered in polymer based solar cells, except in those using non-fullerene acceptors or new donor polymers with limited short-range order. However, we show that even for the canonical poly(3-hexylthiophene): phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) system, relative strengths of bimolecular and trap-assisted recombination are strongly dependent on processing conditions. For slow-grown active-layers, bimolecular recombination is indeed the major loss mechanism under one sun illumination. However, for fast-grown active-layers, trap-assisted recombination dominates over bimolecular recombination by an order of magnitude, and recombination strength at short-circuit condition is 3-4 times higher, leading to loss of photocurrent and lowering of fill factor

    Fourier Transform-Plasmon Waveguide Spectroscopy: A Nondestructive Multifrequency Method for Simultaneously Determining Polymer Thickness and Apparent Index of Refraction

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    Fourier transform (FT)-plasmon waveguide resonance (PWR) spectroscopy measures light reflectivity at a waveguide interface as the incident frequency and angle are scanned. Under conditions of total internal reflection, the reflected light intensity is attenuated when the incident frequency and angle satisfy conditions for exciting surface plasmon modes in the metal as well as guided modes within the waveguide. Expanding upon the concept of two-frequency surface plasmon resonance developed by Peterlinz and Georgiadis [Opt. Commun. 1996, 130, 260], the apparent index of refraction and the thickness of a waveguide can be measured precisely and simultaneously by FT-PWR with an average percent relative error of 0.4%. Measuring reflectivity for a range of frequencies extends the analysis to a wide variety of sample compositions and thicknesses since frequencies with the maximum attenuation can be selected to optimize the analysis. Additionally, the ability to measure reflectivity curves with both p- and s-polarized light provides anisotropic indices of refraction. FT-PWR is demonstrated using polystyrene waveguides of varying thickness, and the validity of FT-PWR measurements are verified by comparing the results to data from profilometry and atomic force microscopy (AFM)

    Computational characterization of bulk heterojunction nanomorphology

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    The bulk heterojunction (BHJ) nanomorphology in organic solar cells strongly affects the final efficiency of the device. Progress in experimental techniques now allows visualization of the complex 3D BHJ morphology. It is, therefore, important to characterize the topological properties of the morphology in order to quantify the link between morphology features and performance. Here, we introduce a suite of morphology descriptors which encode the complex nature of the multi-stage photovoltaic process in the BHJ. These morphology descriptors are easily determined using an approach based on converting the morphology into an equivalent weighted, labeled, undirected graph. We show how these descriptors can be used to interrogate BHJ morphologies, allow identification of bottlenecks in the photovoltaic process, and conduct quantitative comparison between morphologies with respect to each sub-process in the photovoltaic phenomena. This framework provides a simple and easy-to-use characterization tool that can be used to unravel the impact of morphology on complex transport phenomena

    A graph-based formulation for computational characterization of bulk heterojunction morphology

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    To improve the efficiency of organic solar cells, it is essential to understand the role of morphology and to tailor fabrication process to get desired morphologies. In this context, a comprehensive set of computational tools to quantify and classify the 2D/3D heterogeneous internal structure of thin films is invaluable. We present a graph-based framework to efficiently compute a broad suite of physically meaningful morphology descriptors. These morphology descriptors are further classified according to the physical subprocesses within OSCs – photon absorption, exciton diffusion, charge separation, and charge transport. This approach is motivated by the equivalence between a discretized 2D/3D morphology and a labeled, weighted, undirected graph. We utilize this approach to pose six key questions related to structure characterization. These questions are the basis for a comprehensive suite of morphology descriptors. To advocate the appropriateness of the formulated suite, we correlate these morphology descriptors with analysis using a excitonic-drift–diffusion-based device model. A very high correlation between the fast graph-based approach and computationally intensive full scale analysis illustrates the potential of our formulation to rapidly characterize a large set of morphologies. Finally, our approach is showcased by characterizing the effect of thermal annealing on time-evolution of a model thin film morphology

    Quantitative Comparison of Organic Photovoltaic Bulk Heterojunction Photostability Under Laser Illumination

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    The photostability of bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic films containing a polymer donor and a fullerene-derivative acceptor was examined using resonance Raman spectroscopy and controlled laser power densities. The polymer donors were poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT), poly[[9-(1-octylnonyl)-9Hcarbazole-2,7-diyl]-2,5-thiophenediyl-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole-4,7-diyl-2,5-thiophenediyl] (PCDTBT), or poly({4,8-bis[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene-2,6- diyl}{3-fluoro-2-[(2-ethylhexyl)carbonyl]thieno[3,4-b]thiophenediyl}) (PTB7). Four sample preparation methods were studied: (i) thin or (ii) thick films with fast solvent evaporation under nitrogen, (iii) thick films with slow solvent evaporation under nitrogen, and (iv) thin films dried under nitrogen followed by thermal annealing. Polymer order was assessed by monitoring a Raman peak’s full width at half-maximum and location as a function of illumination time and laser power densities from 2.5 × 103 to 2.5 × 105 W cm−2 . Resonance Raman spectroscopy measurements show that before prolonged illumination, PCDTBT and PTB7 have the same initial order for all preparation conditions, while P3HT order improves with slow solvent drying or thermal annealing. All films exhibited changes to bulk heterojunction structure with 2.5 × 105 Wcm−2 laser illumination as measured by resonance Raman spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy images show evidence of sample heating that affects the polymer over an area greater than the illumination profile. Photostability data are important for proper characterization by techniques involving illumination and the development of devices suitable for real-world applications

    Transcription Factors and MicroRNA Interplay: A New Strategy for Crop Improvement

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and transcription factors are master regulators of the cellular system. Plant genomes contain thousands of protein-coding and non-coding RNA genes; which are differentially expressed in different tissues at different times during growth and development. Complex regulatory networks that are controlled by transcription factors and microRNAs, which coordinate gene expression. Transcription factors, the key regulators of plant growth and development, are the targets of the miRNAs families. The combinatorial regulation of transcription factors and miRNAs guides the appropriate implementation of biological events and developmental processes. The resources on the regulatory cascades of transcription factors and miRNAs are available in the context of human diseases, but these resources are meager in case of plant diseases. On the other hand, it is also important to understand the cellular and physiological events needed to operate the miRNAs networks. The relationship between transcription factors and miRNA in different plant species described in this chapter will be of great interest to plant scientists, providing better insights into the mechanism of action and interactions among transcription factors (TFs) and miRNA networks culminating in improving key agronomic traits for crop improvement to meet the future global food demands

    Utilizing Wide Band Gap, High Dielectric Constant Nanoparticles as Additives in Organic Solar Cells

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    We experimentally and theoretically investigate the effects of utilizing BaTiO3 nanoparticles as additives in polythiophene/fullerene solar cells. BaTiO3 nanoparticles were chosen because of their multifaceted potential for increasing exciton dissociation (due to their high dielectric constant) and light scattering. To achieve stable suspensions for device fabrication, the nanoparticles were functionalized with organic ligands. Solar cells fabricated in air showed ∼40% enhancement in the photocurrent primarily due to string-like aggregates of functionalized BaTiO3 particles that increase light absorption without hindering charge collection. Solar cells fabricated in an inert atmosphere yielded overall more efficient devices, but the string-like aggregates were absent and enhancement in photocurrent was up to ∼6%. Simulations with the excitonic drift-diffusion model demonstrate that a bare nanoparticle significantly increases exciton dissociation, whereas the functional group negates this effect. Simulations utilizing the scattering matrix method reveal that absorption enhancements caused by light scattering increase as the nanoparticles aggregate into string-like structures. These results offer insights for morphological design of ternary-blend bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells

    Green Approach for Next Generation Computing: A Survey

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    In the past few years, the Information and Communication Technology sector have made a significant advancement in Cloud Computing technology. The world wide acceptance of Cloud technology can be credited to the various benefits a Cloud offers to its users. The Cloud technology helps in preventing resource wastage to a much greater extent. The authors of this paper wish to explore the concept behind cloud computing, its strategy, and benefits. This paper presents some facts and figures related to cloud and green computing which will help in obtaining the gist of Cloud Computing and in understanding the need of going green in computing
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