97 research outputs found

    Performance and Meat Cholesterol Content of Broiler Chickens Fed Pluchea Indica L. Leaf Meal Reared Under Stress Condition

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    This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary addition Pluchea indica L. leaf meal on performances and meat cholesterol content of broiler. One hundred sixty two DOC CP707 strain were reared for four weeks in high stocking density of 15 birds/m2. The birds were fed experimental diets consisted of R1 (commercial feed + Vitastress), R2 (commercial feed + 2% P. indica leaf meal), R3 (commercial feed + 4% P. indica leaf meal), R4 (commercial feed + 6% P. indica leaf meal), and R5 (commercial feed + 8% P. indica leaf meal). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and any significant differences were further tested using least significance difference (LSD) test. The treatment significantly increased (P < 0.05) final body weight, body weight gain, feed and water intake, and decreased (P < 0.05) feed conversion ratio. It is concluded that P. indica leaf meal could be added into a diet at the level of 2%. P. indica leaf meal addition at the level of 2% into a diet is also able to decrease the cholesterol content of broiler meat up to 8%

    Performance of Broiler Chickens Offered Drinking Water Contained Water Extracted Beluntas (Pluchea Indica L.) Leaf and Sugar Cane

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    Our previous study showed that the addition of water extracted beluntas leaf into drinking water could be used as an anti-stress and improved performance of broiler chicken. However, the addition was only up to 10% of drinking water. The objective of this experiment was to study whether the addition of sugar and water extracted beluntas leaf in levels higher than 10% of drinking water can give greater benefit on performances and meat cholesterol content of broiler. Two hundred sixteen DOCs CP707 strain were reared for four weeks in high stocking density of 15 birds/m2. The birds were subjected to experimental drinking waters with or without water extracted beluntas leaf (v/v) and sugar which is consisted of T1 (only drinking water), T2 (drinking water + commercial antistress), T3 (drinking water + 10% extract of beluntas leaf ), T4 (drinking water + 20% extract of beluntas leaf), T5 (drinking water + 40% extract of beluntas leaf), T6 (drinking water + 80% extract of beluntas leaf), T7 (drinking water + 40% extract of beluntas leaf + 1.6% sugar), and T8 (drinking water 80% extract of beluntas leaf + 3.1% sugar). The results showed that water extracted beluntas leaf addition higher than 10% significantly reduced (P < 0.05) body weight gain, final body weight, and increased (P < 0.05) feed conversion ratio. It is concluded that the addition of water extracted beluntas leaf more than 10% into drinking water cannot give greater benefit on performances as an antistress of broiler. Sugar addition cannot help the disadvantage due to the bitter taste of higher level of water extracted beluntas leaf addition

    Egg Production and Physical Quality in Cortunix Cortunix Japonica Fed Diet Containing Piperine as Phytogenic Feed Additive

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    The objective of this study was to determine the effect of piperine as a phytogenic feed additive on quail performances and egg quality. The experiment used a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications and used ten quails with one week of age in each replication. The piperine was added to the diets at concentrations of 0 (T0), 15 (T1), 30 (T2), 45 (T3), and 60 mg/kg body weight (T4) for 8 consecutive weeks. The results showed that addition of 60 mg/kg body weight (T4) of piperine significantly (P<0.05) reduced feed consumption, egg production, egg mass, income over feed cost (IOFC), and increased water consumption as compared to the other treatments. The addition of 15-60 mg piperine/kg body weight significantly (P<0.05) reduced eggshell weight and increased egg yolk color score. The conclusion of this experiment was that the addition of piperine at 15-45 mg/kg body weight could be used as phytogenic feed additive to improve performance, IOFC, haugh unit, and yolk color

    Cholesterol and Malondialdehyde Contents of Broiler-Chicken Meat Supplemented with Indigofera Zolingeriana Top Leaf Meal

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    This research aimed to increase functional value of broiler-chicken meat containing high antioxidant and low cholesterol through substitution of soybean meal (SBM) with Indigofera zollingeriana top leaf meal (ILM). The experiment used 160 day old broiler chicken (Cobb strain). The experimental chicken were provided dietary treatments when they were 15-days old (initial body weight of 460.5±1.56 g/bird) and terminated on day 35. A completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and four replications and ten birds in each replication was used in this experiment. Dietary treatments were: R1= diet containing 20% soybean meal (SBM) without I. zollingeriana top leaf meal (ILM); R2= diet containing 16% SBM and 5.9% ILM; R3= diet containing 12% SBM and 11.8% ILM; R4= diet containing 8% SBM and 17.74% ILM. Variables measured were performances (feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion) and the quality of broiler meat (cholesterol, fat content, and malondialdehyde [MDA] concentration). The results showed that supplementation of 17.74% ILM (R4) as the substitution of 60% soybean meal protein produced the same performances of broilers as those of control diet (R1). Supplementation of 11.8% ILM as the substitution of 40% soybean meal protein (R3) decreased meat cholesterol by 34.70%, meat fat content by 52.93%, and MDA concentration by 62.52%. The conclusion of this study was that supplementation of 17.74% ILM produced the same performances as that of control diet, increased antioxidant content of the meat, indicated by a lower MDA concentration, and decreased cholesterol, as well as fat content of broiler-chicken meat

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Batu Kapur Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Halus Pada Campuran Aspal Beton (Ac-bc)

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    Asphalt Concrete - Binder Course (AC-BC) merupakan salah satu bagian dari perkerasan yang berfungsi sebagai lapis antara yang menahan beban maksimum akibat beban lalu lintas. Batukapur merupakan salah satu bahan mineral industri yang banyak digunakan oleh sektor industri, tapi belum termanfaat secara optimal sebagai bahan penstabilan jalan raya. Selama ini sebagai bahan pengisi pada aspal beton biasanya digunakan batupecah, oleh sebab itu pada kesempatan ini penggunaan batupecah sebagai agregat halus akan diganti dengan batukapur.Dengan membuat benda uji marshall dengan variasi batu kapur sebagai pengganti agregat halus pada kadar 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% serta kadar aspal yang direncanakan adalah 4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%, 11%,12%, dan 13% yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan aspal beton lapis AC-BC yang menggunakan agregat halus batu pecah, maka akan diketahui Kadar Aspal Optimum, stabilitas, kelelehan, VIM, VMA, VFA, dan MQ pada campuran aspal beton AC-BC yang menggunakan batu kapur sebagai pengganti agregat halus.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian Marshall diperoleh KAO dengan proporsi batu kapur 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% adalah 6,5%, 7,4%, 7,55%, 8,05%, 9,25%, dan 10,05%. Nilai untuk stabilitas proporsi batu kapur 0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, dan 100% adalah 2400kg, 2600 kg, 2700 kg, 3200 kg, 2800 kg dan 2750 kg. Setelah dianalisa tentang kadar Aspal Optimum, stabilitas, kelelehan, VIM, VMA, VFA, dan MQ, bahwa penggunaan batu kapur sebagai pengganti agregat halus pada aspal beton AC-BC maksimum pada kadar 50%

    Suplementasi Kolin Klorida Dalam Ransum Untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ayam Broiler

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    Cholin (B-hydroxyethyl-trimethylammonium hydroxide) is a constituent of phospholipids, can interfere the metabolism process that affects the growth. Sometimes cholin in a diet does not meet the animal requirement because of its low availability. The objective of the research was to study the effect of cholin chloride supplementation in the diets on broiler performance. A completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications were used in the experiment on broiler chicks reared up to 6 weeks of age. The treatment diets were R1 (control), R2 (R1 + 750 mg cholin chloride/kg diet), R3 (R1+ 1,500 mg cholin chloride/kg diet), R4 (R1+ 2,250 mg cholin chloride/kg diet). All of the prestarter diets (0-2 weeks of age) contained isocaloric (3,000 kcal ME/kg) and isoprotein (24.8% crude protein). The starter-finisher diet (2-6 weeks of age) contained 3,000 kcal ME/kg and 20% crude protein. Supplementation of 750 mg cholin chloride/kg diet (R2) increased (P < 0.01) body weight gain and final body weight. Supplementation of 1,500 mg cholin chloride/kg diet (R3) and 2,250 mg cholin chloride/kg diet decreased (P < 0.01) body weight gain, final body weight, as well as feed efficiency. It was concluded that supplementation of 750 mg cholin chloride/kg diet (containing 1,956 mg cholin/kg in prestarter diet and 1,791.3 mg cholin/kg in starter-finisher diet) yielded the best performance of the broilers

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Membaca Lancar Menggunakan Metode Latihan (Drill) di Kelas II Sekolah Dasar

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    The goal of this research is to get the real informations about the increasing of reading skill fluently by using drill method in the second grade of elementary school. The method that is used is descriptive method. In the first cycle, there is an increasing of reading skill fluently base lane that is 23,33% with low category, increased to 43,33% with middle category, from baselane to first cycle increased 20% whereas in the second cycle increased to 68,33% with high category, from the first cycle to the second cycle increased to 25%. Then in the thirt cycle increased to 83,33% with the highest category, from the second cycle to the third cycle increased to 15%.

    Manajemen Strategi Sop (Standar Operational Prosedur) Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Kompetetif Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Di Era Modern

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    Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis  Manajemen Strategi Sop (Standar Operational Prosedur) Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Kompetetif Pendidikan Islam Di Era Modern. Penelitian ini merujuk pada pendekatan kualitatif dimana penelitian mengacu pada metode diskriptif lebih menekankan pada studi kepustakaan. Sumber data penelitian terdiri atas peristiwa, serta dokumen. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi, dan Fokus Group Discussion. Validitas data menggunakan triangulasi, mencocokan pada teori serta sumber, teknik, dan peneliti. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menggali informasi tentang Manajemen Strategi Sop (Standar Operational Prosedur) Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Kompetetif Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Di Era Modern. Karena di era modern ini apapun persoalan yang dihadapi umat manusia dengan menjadikan pendidikan dan Islam sebagai jalan (alternatif) memanusiakan manusia