127 research outputs found

    Relasi Semantik Bahasa Melayu Dialek Ketapang

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    Abstrack This study deals with the linguistic field. Researchers focus on semantic research issues that are relationships between forms and meanings that involve synonyms and polysemics, relations between two meanings involving hyponim and antonyms, and relations between two forms involving homonyms. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative research form. Sources of data in this study are native speakers Ketapang dialect Malay language obtained through observation and recording field directly. The data in the study are related to synonyms, antonyms, polysemics, hyponimes, and homonyms. The technique used in this research is direct technique that is simak method, skill method and documentary study. The data collection tools used in this research are questionnaires, picture lists, and folklore. Based on the results of existing data analysis, it can be concluded that in Ketapang dialect Malay language there are 157 words containing semantic relation, 52 synonyms consist of 13 complete and total synonyms, 21 complete but not total synonyms, 10 synonyms incomplete but total, 8 synonyms Complete and not total. 65 antonyms consisting of 30 twin antonyms, 13 polar antonyms, 11 relational antonyms, 5 hierarchial antonyms, and 6 compound antonyms. 13 polysemics, 13 hyponimes, and 14 hyponimes

    Increasing Laying Performances and Egg Vitamin a Content Through Zinc Oxide and Phytase Enzyme Supplementation

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan performan ayam petelur dan kandungan vitamin A dalam telur ayam yang diproduksi dari ayam yang diberi ransum berkadar asam fitat tinggi yang berasal dari dedak padi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 162 ekor ayam petelur strain ISA-Brown umur 18 minggu dan dipelihara sampai umur 33 minggu. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial dengan 3 ulangan, masing-masing ulangan terdiri atas 6 ekor ayam. Faktor pertama (A) adalah suplementasi Zn dalam bentuk ZnO (0, 252 dan 567 mg ZnO/kg ransum), faktor kedua (B) adalah suplementasi enzim fitase (0, 300 dan 400 unit fitase/kg ransum). Data performan ayam petelur dianalisis sidik ragam (analyses of variance/ANOVA), sedangkan data vitamin A dalam telur dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi ZnO maupun enzim fitase dalam ransum tidak mempengaruhi produksi telur hen day, konsumsi ransum, konversi ransum dan berat telur. Suplementasi ZnO maupun enzim fitase dalam ransum meningkatkan kandungan vitamin A dalam telur. Telur ayam yang diberi ransum dengan perlakuan suplementasi 252 mg ZnO/kg ransum mengandung vitamin A paling tinggi

    Ngundhakake Katrampilan Nulis Sandhangan Aksara Jawa Kanthi Metodhe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) Siswa Klas VIII G SMP Negeri 2 Pace Kabupaten Nganjuk Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Sumiati, Prof. Dr. Murdiyanto, M. Hum. Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Daerah (Jawa) Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya [email protected] Abstrak Panliten nulis sandhangan aksara Jawa kerep ditindakake dening para guru.  Nanging panliten kasebut durung ana sing mligi ngenani nulis sandhangan aksara Jawa kanthi metodhe Student Teams Achievement Division  (STAD). Panliten kang wis tau ditindakake mung ngandharake motivasi siswa ing sajrone piwulangan nulis aksara Jawa. Adhedhasar bab kasebut, underane panliten, yaiku kepriye undhak-undhakane kaaktivan siswa, guru lan asil pasinaon. Tujuwan panliten iki, yaiku kanggo ngaweruhi undhak-undhakane kaaktivan siswa, guru lan asil pasinaon. Landhesan teori kang digunakake sajrone panliten iki yaiku Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional nomor 20 tahun 2003 njelasake tujuwan pendidikan nasional yaiku kanggo ngembangake potensi siswa supaya dadi manungsa sing iman lan taqwa marang Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, nduweni akhlak mulia, sehat, nduweni ilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandhiri, lan dadi warga negara sing demokratis sarta tangung jawab. Sawise dienekake panliten nulis sandhangan aksara Jawa nganggo metodhe STAD, presentase siswa kang kasil pasinaon nambah saka 71,43% dadi 100%. Ateges asil pasinaon siswa ing jroning piwulangan bisa mundhak 28,5%. Kaaktivan siswa bisa mundhak 6,3% lan kaaktivan guru bisa mundhak 12,5%

    Pengaruh Motivasi Konsumen, Persepsi Kualitas, Sikap Konsumen, dan Brand Image pada Keputusan Pembelian Komputer Tablet Apple Ipad pada Emax Apple Store Surabaya

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    Today, tablet computer business world is growing and developing very rapidly. In Indonesia, the most striking development is the competition of two famous vendors, that be the market leader in table computer market, namely between Apple with its iPad product, and Samsung with its Galaxy tab product that having Android OS. The both tablet computers so steal Indonesian attention, in particular the gadget lovers. With the different OS specifications and uses, of course, each of products has its advantages and disadvantages. Every product has certain uniqueness, which may attract the consumer interest; it also includes the selling price. Likewise with the EMAX Apple Store of Surabaya that always wants to attract the consumer interest to choose the Apple iPad Tablet Computer products.From the result of testing on the model in this research, by using random sampling, structural equation model (SEM) analysis, and the assistance of software Amos 20, on 200 respondents, it has been able to explain the correlation of consumer motivation, quality perception, consumer attitude, and Brand Image, on the decision of Apple iPad Tablet computer buying at EMAX Apple Store of Surabaya.In this research, it was obtained 1) Consumer motivation had positive effect on the decision of Apple iPad tablet computer buying, 2) Quality perception had positive effect on the decision of Apple iPad tablet computer buying, 3) Consumer attitude had positive effect on the decision of Apple iPad tablet computer buying, 4) Brand image had positive effect on the decision of Apple iPad tablet computer buying, 5) Consumer motivation, Quality perception, Consumer attitude, and Brand image simultaneously had positive effect on the decision of Apple iPad tablet computer buying at EMAX Apple Store of Surabaya

    Analisis Manajemen Kelas pada Pembelajaran di Kelompok B Taman Kanak-kanak Suster Pontianak

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    Classroom management is a conscious effort to plan, organize, actualize and to control or supervision of the programs and activities in the classroom so that the learning process can take place in a systematic, effective, and efficient, so all of the potential that learners have can be optimized. The method used in this research is descriptive and using qualitative research approach. The technique used in this research is interview, observation and documentation. Subjects in this study are four classroom teachers of group B Suster Kindergarten Pontianak. From the results of the research and discussion of this study, it can be concluded that 1) In planning the classroom management, the teacher has prepared the classroom well enough, neat and clean. 2) In organizing the classroom the teacher is doing well enough, the teacher has formed a child seat group. 3) When the teachers do the implementation of classroom management is well enough, the teachers interact with all of the children, so the children will be active in following the learning process in the classroom.4) In conducting supervision of classroom management, the teacher has done well enough, because the researcher watches the teacher to supervise each learner. 5) The problem faced was because of the absence of companion teachers who help and lack of learning media

    Pengembangan Lks Dan Penerapannya Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Materi Pokok Stoikiometri Siswa Kelas X Sman 1 Batulayar Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    : The purpose of this study is to know whether the student\u27s worksheet development and its application are able to increase the students\u27 competence of the stoichiometry at the X grade of SMAN 1 Batulayar. The method of study used is class action research in which consists of two cycles and each of them has four steps such as planning, action, observation and reflection. This study focuses on basic laws of chemistry, the mole concept which includes the conversion of the number of moles to the number of particles, the amount of mass and volume number. Data was collected by test, observation and questionnaire. The result of study indicated that there were sifnificant increase of the students\u27 competence and activities. On the second cycles was found that the students\u27 post test result average was 77 and 78.57% student accomplish the topic. In contrast, on the first cycle the students average was 58 and only 54.17% student accomplish the topic. The students respond to the development and application of the students worksheet throughout discussion significantly improved whereas there are improvement in which previously only 18 students active during the leraning process, it increased into 21 students. It can be concluded that the development and application of the students\u27 worksheet gives positive impact to the students\u27 competence of the stoichiometry topic

    Peranan Guru Kelas dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    Guru memiliki tugas yang beragam yang berimplementasi dalam bentuk pengabdian. Tugas tersebut meliputi bidang profesi, bidang kemanusiaan dan bidang kemasyarakatan. Tugas guru sebagai profesi meliputi mendidik, mengajar dan melatih. Mendidik berarti meneruskan dan mengembangkan nilai-nilai hidup dan kehidupan. Mengajar berarti meneruskan dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Sedangkan melatih berarti mengembangkan keterampilan-keterampilan pada siswa. Syarat yang berhubungan dengan pelajaran adalah guru hendaknya mengajarkan pelajaran yang sesuai dengan keahlian, guru hendaknya memiliki amanah ilmiah, guru hendaknya bersikap bijak dalam proses pembelajaran, guru hendaknya berpakaian bersih dan rapi. Syarat yang berkenaan dengan peserta didik maksudnya adalah guru hendaknya bersikap adil terhadap peserta didik, guru sebaiknya motivator bagi peserta didiknya dalam mencari ilmu pengetahuan, guru hendaknya memperhatikan tingkat perkembangan peserta didiknya, guru hendaknya melakukan evaluasi tehadap peserta didiknya. Menurut Undang-undang No. 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional adalah Bab I, pasal I, Ayat 4 dinyatakan bahwa : “Peserta didik adalah Anggota masyarakat yang berusaha mengembangkan potensi diri melalui proses pembelajaran yang tersedia pada jalur, jenjang dan jenis pendidikan tertentu.( UU RI, No.20 Tahun 2003 , 2003; 3). Untuk itu peserta didik harus dipandang secara filosofis menerima keadaan dan keberadaannya. Inilah prinsif dasar pendidikan untuk peserta didik sehingga proses pendidikan dapat berjalan dengan baik. Ada empat sifat anak didik yang harus dimiliki antara lain : 1)Seorang anak didik harus membersihkan hatinya dari kotoran dan penyakit jiwa sebelum menuntut ilmu, 2)Seorang anak didik harus mempunyai tujuan menuntut ilmu, 3) Seorang anak didik harus tabah dalam menimbah ilmu pengetahuan, 4)Seorang anak didik harus menghormati guru. Oleh sebab itu tugas seorang guru tidaklah mudah, mereka yg berprofesi guru harus mampu melaksanakan segala peranannya dalam memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik agar meningkat dan berkembang

    Performance and Meat Cholesterol Content of Broiler Chickens Fed Pluchea Indica L. Leaf Meal Reared Under Stress Condition

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    This experiment was conducted to study the effects of dietary addition Pluchea indica L. leaf meal on performances and meat cholesterol content of broiler. One hundred sixty two DOC CP707 strain were reared for four weeks in high stocking density of 15 birds/m2. The birds were fed experimental diets consisted of R1 (commercial feed + Vitastress), R2 (commercial feed + 2% P. indica leaf meal), R3 (commercial feed + 4% P. indica leaf meal), R4 (commercial feed + 6% P. indica leaf meal), and R5 (commercial feed + 8% P. indica leaf meal). The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and any significant differences were further tested using least significance difference (LSD) test. The treatment significantly increased (P < 0.05) final body weight, body weight gain, feed and water intake, and decreased (P < 0.05) feed conversion ratio. It is concluded that P. indica leaf meal could be added into a diet at the level of 2%. P. indica leaf meal addition at the level of 2% into a diet is also able to decrease the cholesterol content of broiler meat up to 8%
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