7 research outputs found

    Islam dan Politik Kenegaraan Perspektif Muhammad Arkoun

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    Abstrak: Tulisan ini  akan menggambarkan tentang konsep negara Islam dari pemikiran Muhammad Arkoun. Untuk menata masa depan hubungan antar agama dan Negara di negeri-negeri Muslim tampaknya perlu dilakukan berapa hal penting: pertama, kaum politisi santri perlu terus meningkatkan kualitas pengalaman berpolitik (political experience) mereka di arena politik kenegaraan di masing-masing Negara. Terutama Negara yang bercorak nation-state. Kedua, pola pemikiran (etika) politik Islam yang masih berkutat pada landasan epistemologi klasik perlu ditransformasikan ke arah pemikiran yang secara epistemologis lebih bercorak sosial-empiris sesuai dengan tantangan zaman yang ada. Ketiga, umat Islam khususnya para politisi Muslim harus terus berupaya melepaskan diri dari kungkungan berpikir historis-romantis dan normatif-teologis-apologis, serta harus berani melakukan terobosan kontekstual yang antisipatif dengan masa depan peradaban dunia. Keempat, isu-isu politik khilãfah dan penegakan syariat Islam harus dikaji ulang, baik secara konseptual maupun relevansinya dengan konteks zaman, lebih khusus dengan realita sistem nation-state yang ada di berbagai belahan dunia Islam. Bukankah konsep khilafah pada hakikatnya lebih bersifat historis belaka, bukan sesuatu yang secara normatif Islam harus diwujudkan. Kata Kunci: Islam, Politik, Khilafah, Negara, Pemerintaha

    Political Culture of Madurese Community in Marriage Law: from the Perspective of Utilitarianism and Structuration Theories and Maqasidi Interpretation

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    This research delves into marriage law of Madurese community seen from the purview of its culture and nature. The practice of such marriage contravenes the formal restrictions of the legislation concerning marriage as ruled by the state. Several facts show that some marriage norms were spoiled, sparking the popularity of sirri (unregistered) marriage which further leads to istbat nikah and underage marriage that triggers an exemption. This research employed a qualitative method by garnering information from the judges of a religious court, kiai (a respected and religious Javanese expert in Islam), and the members of the public. The primary data were collected from data on unregistered marriage and exemption in marriage. The data were reductively analyzed, discovering that, first, the political culture of the marriage in Madurese community is captured in a particular pattern: 1) political administration is a measure taken to manipulate the administrative process; 2) political prevention is defined as a legal objective (maslahah, avoiding the likelihood of sharia violations with the basis of hifdz an-nasb) which is a milestone of a legal politics referred to by people, 3) political family and political culture were shaped by the people’s view believing that securing familial relationships from breaking is far more important than what the legislation regulates, 4) political authority represents the presence of a kiai that works like a shield and an escape thoroughfare from the law of the state for the sake of the tradition; second, 1) from the aspect of utilitarianism, there is a point at which political culture of Madurese community and justice meet, 2) the structuration theory views political culture in Madurese community as inevitability, involving religious roles, public, and legal materials, and 3) within maqasidi scope, a law enforcement is seen as preventive (dar’u al-mafasid) as congruent with the aspect of lawmaking objective.

    Penilaian Kondisi Bangunan Gedung Sekolah Dasar Negeri Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Se-Kabupaten Madiun

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    Facilities and infrastructure are important elements to achieve the successful education and teaching process. The procurement of adequate and standardized buildings become an effort to comply with the minimum standards of infrastructure required by the government. This study focus on conducting an analyzis the damage level at State Primary School (SDN) buildings in Madiun regency.Building condition assessment conducted through a direct surveys and then proceed by weighting the data to obtain the level of damage categorized as good, minor, moderate and heavily damaged . Among the 431 of state primary school buildings surveyed, 36.53% of the classrooms in a minor damage while 25.42% others considered heavily damaged. For the teacher's office, 38.04% were in a minor damage, while 23.23% others considered heavily damaged. For  the library buildings, 38.14% of them considered in a minor damage and 24.53% others heavily damaged. For teacher latrines condition, 49.53% of teacher latrines considered heavily damaged, while 24.03% were moderate damage. While 49.82% of student latrines were heavily damaged and 23.49% others considered in a moderate damage.From the assessment, it can be concluded that the latrines facility repairment, both for teachers and students, should become top priority for the local government in the implementation of school quality improvement programs.buildings condition, level of damage, primary school buildingFacilities and infrastructure are important elements to achieve the successful education and teaching process. The procurement of adequate and standardized buildings become an effort to comply with the minimum standards of infrastructure required by the government. This study focus on conducting an analyzis the damage level at State Primary School (SDN) buildings in Madiun regency.Building condition assessment conducted through a direct surveys and then proceed by weighting the data to obtain the level of damage categorized as good, minor, moderate and heavily damaged . Among the 431 of state primary school buildings surveyed, 36.53% of the classrooms in a minor damage while 25.42% others considered heavily damaged. For the teacher's office, 38.04% were in a minor damage, while 23.23% others considered heavily damaged. For  the library buildings, 38.14% of them considered in a minor damage and 24.53% others heavily damaged. For teacher latrines condition, 49.53% of teacher latrines considered heavily damaged, while 24.03% were moderate damage. While 49.82% of student latrines were heavily damaged and 23.49% others considered in a moderate damage.From the assessment, it can be concluded that the latrines facility repairment, both for teachers and students, should become top priority for the local government in the implementation of school quality improvement programs. buildings condition, level of damage, primary school building <w:LsdException Locked="false" Priority="21" QFormat="true" Name="Intense Emphasis