5 research outputs found

    Hubungan Tingkat Penerapan Teknologi Dengan Pendapatan Pada Peternak Anggota Gabungan Kelompok Tani Ternak Itik Purwadiwangsa Kota Tegal

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    This study aims to determine the application of the technology in the Gapoktan Purwadiwangsa, Knowing whether a business carried on by farmers earn a minimum profit and whether there is a relationship between the level of technology adoption by farmers income Gapoktan Purwadiwangsa. The benefit of this research as a recommendation for farmers and local governments to develop a farm laying ducks in Tegal. The method used in this study is a survey method. Methods to determine respondents conducted by random. Methods of data collection are observation and interview methods directly to the farmers. Primary data were obtained from field observations. Secondary data were obtained from the books of the department of Animal Husbandry and from a variety of sources of Gapoktan. Data analysis using SPSS 17 to test One sample t-test to compare the UMR pendapatn Tegal breeders as well as with multiple regression to analyze the relationship between income level of technology implementation. The results demonstrate the applicability of the technology in the majority of farmers do Gapoktan purwadiwangsa well the application of technology, the amount of income breeders Tegal more than minimum wage is Rp. 975.000.00, simultaneously affect the application of technology (seeds, cages, feed, animal health, and post-harvest) on revenue (Sig <0.05), while only partially seeds and post-harvest only the effect on earnings


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    Abstract. The aim ofthis research is to identify the social-economic structureof the Kalitengah Plantation labour and to reveal the motive of Kalitengah Plantation labour still loyal toKalitengah Plantation as labour despite in low-wage by using historical methodand structural functional teory. The result of this research shows that there are an internal and external motive that makethe labour of Kalitengah Plantation still loyal to the Kalitengah Plantation. Key Words : social-economiclife, Kalitengah Plantation labour, structural functiona

    Peranan Kader dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian pada Orang dengan Gangguan Jiwa

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    Orang Dengan Gangguan Jiwa (ODGJ) mempunyai hak untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan dasar dan hidup layak di masyarakat. Semua pihak seharusnya menghilangkan pandangan negatif terhadap ODGJ. Untuk meningkatkan kemandirian ODGJ dilakukan kerjasama antara kader, keluarga, masyarakat dan petugas. Penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan hasil kegiatan penanganan ODGJ oleh kader, pengetahuan kader tentang ODGJ dan mengetahui peranan kader dalam meningkatkan kemandirian ODGJ di Desa Kaligintung wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas Temon I. Dilakukan wawancara mendalam kepada 2 kader kesehatan jiwa sebagai pendamping ODGJ di wilayah Puskesmas Temon I Desa Kaligintung mengenai pengetahuan, kegiatan dan hasil kegiatan dalam menangani ODGJ di masyarakat. Pengetahuan kader tentang ODGJ sudah cukup. Kegiatan dan ketugasan kader kesehatan jiwa adalah melakukan deteksi dini, rujukan, penggerakan keluarga, kunjungan rumah dan pelaporan. Kader, ODGJ , keluarga dan petugas mengadakan pertemuan untuk terapi aktifitas kelompok secara rutin. Hasil dari penanganan ODGJ ini ada 11 ( 61,1 %) rutin mengikuti kegiatan dari 18 penderita yang ada. Penderita yang rutin minum obat ada 8 ( 44,4 %), yang rajin ibadah ada 5 (27,8%), yang berusaha ekonomi produktif ada 3 (16,7), bahkan sudah ada yang berkerja di dealer motor. Peran kader sudah baik dalam meningkatkan kemandirian ODGJ. Untuk keberlanjutan kegiatan perlu adanya dukungan dan peran dari petugas/pemerintah/LSM, kader, masyarakat dan keluarga ODGJ tersebut

    Environmental Interpretation

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    Environmental Interpretation is one kind of services for the natural park area visitors, that can bridge between the visitors and the environmental and natural resources. The interpretation services include information service, educational service, inspiration service and propaganda. Interpretation programs are expected to develop the knowledge and understanding of the visitors about natural resources and hence, to develop the conscious and wise behaviour toward natural conservation