19 research outputs found

    Analisa Pendapatan USAha Nelayan Perahu Motor di Desa Selubuk Kecamatan Air Napal Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara

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    Fishery sector represent very important sector to be developed beside agricultural sector of ranch and food crop. Development in fishery sector to date remain to be aimed at a contribution improvement sub of fishery sector in guaranting available of protein hewani food substance, industrial raw material, improvement export, pushing opportunity and employment extension try, increased fisherman earnings and also support area development. this Spacious college aim to to know mean earnings accepted by speed boat fisherman. activity college field executed in Countryside of Deep Hollow of Subdistrict Irrigate Napal Regency North Bengkulu. Analysis Method used is earnings analysis. Result college field indicate that earnings flatten to flatten month fisherman of speed boat is Rp1.586.001,00. This Circumstance mirror that individualness earnings accepted by fisherman a high relative

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Ikan Mas Sistem Keramba Jaring Apung dan Pemasarannya di Kabupaten Simalungun

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    This research was aimed at estimating the level of earnings and efficiency obtained by farmer of goldfish with floating net cage system and to investigating the form of marketing channel from floating net cage system from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe Kabupaten Karo. This research executed in Kelurahan Haranggaol, Kecamatan Haranggaol Horisan, Kabupaten Simalungun, North Sumatera. Fourty samples of goldfish farmer with floating net cage system were slected using simple random sampling method. R/C ratio marjin marketing analysis were used to answer the research purposes. Research resulted farmer carred Rp 107.461.246,06 per season or with R/C ratio of 1,83. The marketing channel from Kelurahan Haranggaol to consumer in Kabanjahe is identified one channel pattern, that is, compiler merchant to dealers on Kabanjahe and than to Consumer in Kabanjahe. The marjin of marketing is equal to Rp 900 at merchant of compiler and Rp 1.850 at dealer.Total of marketing marjin is equal to Rp 2.750

    Kajian Sosial-ekonomi dalam Pelaksanaan Sistem Integrasi Sapi-kelapa Sawit (Siss) di PT Agricinal Kab. Bengkulu Utara

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    The research was conducted to study factors that correlated with harvest labours' motivation to join the program of systematic cow cattle integration in oil palm plantation (SISS), to investigate the harvest labours' net income from SISS and its contribution to family income, and to examine factors that were influencing the return rate of credit. The research was conducted in PT Agricinal, an oil palm plantation in North Bengkulu Regency. The respondents for the research consisted of 83 harvest labours were selected from 3 afdellings proporsionally using simple random sampling method. Data were analyzed using Spearman's Rank-Order correlation coefficient and multiple linear regressions. Harvest labours' age, net income from SISS, the number of dependency family, empathi, and dogmatism were significantly correlated with the labours' motivation to join the program of SISS. The average of harvest labours' monthly net income from SISS was Rp. 1.23 million and its contribution to family income was 98.71 percents. While the return rate of credit was only 43.27 percent and it was significantly influenced by the harvest labours' education and the total of credit. PT Agricinal should be maintaining the harmony relationship with harverst labours in order to improve their work motivation. In addition, the regulation of SISS program should be conveyed not only in oral but also in writing in order to guarantee the harvest labours to do their job

    Kajian Peningkatan Pendapatan Pengrajin Gula Kelapa di Desa Purbosari Kecamatan Seluma Barat Kabupaten Seluma

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    Coconut sugar is one commodity that has potential importance in the composition of the food in the community. Viewed in terms of quality, the quality of the products are still not equal among the producers. This causes the bargaining position of producers becomes weak and coconut sugar prices tend to be low. Seluma Regency especially Western Seluma District has fertile lowland areas and is one of the main producers of coconut sugar precisely in Purbosari village. This study aimed to determine the income level and income-raising efforts of coconut sugar producers in the Purbosari village, Western Seluma District, Seluma Regency. Location of the study was set intentionally (purposive). Data taken in this study were derived from the primary data (interviews) and secondary data (through literature). This study used survey method and the method of selecting the sample in this study was calculated using census. The data analysis used in this study were a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative analysis was used to calculate the income of coconut sugar producers and qualitative analysis conducted through a descriptive approach. Based on the research discovered that the average income of coconut sugar producers was Rp715.569,60 per week / 40 trees. Common difficulties faced by coconut sugar producers were capital, production engineering, business management and marketing network. Seluma local governments can play a role in efforts to increase the income of coconut sugar producers by providing them with capital, appropriate technology, improved knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as business management assistance

    Sistem Portable Dashboard Berbasis Android untuk Mobil Listrik

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    In the development of an electric car, many things should be considered for making it an environmentally friendly vehicle and therefore it is suitable for public use, one of them is the dashboard system. A dashboard is an interface device that connects the driver with the electrical and mechanical systems of the vehicle. In this study a dashboard system was developed to display information about electrical aspects of electric cars. The dashboard system is packaged in an Android-based smartphone that is placed on the steering wheel of the car using Bluetooth transmission. The system that is made is portable and universal on all Android smartphones so that with this system the driver can monitor the electrical condition easily and conveniently. The parameters displayed are battery voltage and capacity, current consumption, BLDC motor rotational speed, motor temperature, battery temperature, car speed and energy consumption. This system creates a reading value for each parameter that corresponds to the ratio of the standardized measuring instrument with an average error of 0.38% for the voltage sensor, 1.06% for the current sensor, 1.21% and 2.98% for the temperature sensor, 0.07% for the speed sensor and the use of the coulomb counting method for reading the state of charge (SoC) value produces an average error of 1.57%. By comparing the value of energy consumption reading with a standard wattmeter, we obtained an average difference of 1.69%

    Kelayakan Finansial Replanting Tanaman Karet di Desa Batumarta 1 Kecamatan Lubuk Raja Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    This research aim to: 1) to analyze the amount of financial worthiness of rubber plantation as long as economic age in Batumarta 1 Lubuk Raja Ogan Komering Ulu regency. 2) To know the level of sensitivity in replanting rubber to several dominant factors related to finance and advantage in Batumarta 1 Lubuk Raja Ogan Komering Ulu regency. 77 respondents are chosen, about 30 % from 258 population which have represented population, because the population in Batumarta1 homogeneously relative in rubber plantation system, that is rejuveration system. The sample was chosen by using Simple Random Sampling Method. The research methodology is Survey. While the data is analyzed by worthiness count criteria which consist of Net B/C ratio, Gross B/C ratio, Provitability ratio, Net Present value (NPV), Internal Return Rate(IRR), this valuation done to know the worthiness off rubber replanting. Otherwise, also done the counting of sensitivity experimental. The result shows that rubber replanting in Batumarta 1 can be properly applied and the most sensitive factor is the decresing of selling price, increasing of production cost (fertilizer and total cost before tax

    Analisis Perkembangan Kinerja Keuangan pada PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya (Persero) Pemasaran Pusri Daerah (Ppd) Bengkulu

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    PT. Pupuk Sriwijya Pemasaran Pusri Daerah (PPD) Bengkulu is one suboffice of PT. Pusri Palembang. It has contribution to local government of Bengkulu in the term of channeling and distribution fertilizer to farmer and plantation companies. As the biggest fertilizer marketing company PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu uses operating funding. Each company has objective to maximize profit and minimize cost. The financial ratio minimize cost depicts the financial performace in exploiting its assets, in other words, shows the financial of company. Main aspect in the assessment of financial performance is represented by good balance attainment between debt and assets. The results show that the financial performace of PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu for 10 year (1997-2006) period in term of liquidity ratio is likuid, , in term of solvability ratio, the ratio above standard or it is solvable, looking at activity ratio, the company experience to continunes improvement every year, Then rentability ratio show the trend improvement every year and it has the high mean improvement. Base on these findings financial performace of PT. Pupuk Sriwijaya PPD Bengkulu shows a healthiness

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Upkd Pasca Proyek Brdp (Studi Kasus Upkd Sidodadi di Desa Sidodadi Kec. Pondok Kelapa Kab. Bengkulu Utara)

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    This research aimed to knowthe class of participated member sidodadi UPKD pasca BRDP and to know the factors related to participated from the customers of Sidodadi UPKD pasca BRDP in North Bengkulu, by using primary and secondary data. Data was taken from 71 samples of costumers by using Simple Random Sampling. The analysis data which been used in this research was Spearman Rank by using two tail of t-test by confidence level of 95 % (a=0,025). The research result shows that variable of education, the long time as member and household income show significanly with class partitipation, while the other of variabels are family members and perception were not significantly to class participatio

    Peran Penyuluhan dalam Pemberdayaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Swadaya di Kecamatan Kubu Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The purpose of this research are: (1) To identify the role of extension on independent small holder farmers of oil palm; (2) To know empowerment level of the farmers; (3) To analyze the aims of extension; (4) To analyze influence the role\u27s of extension toward empowerment and influence empowerment toward the aims of extension. This research is implemented in ‘Desa Teluk Merbau\u27 and ‘Desa Sungai Segajah Makmur\u27. Kubu Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir District. This research was conducted at Betung Village and Batang Kulim Village in Kubu Sub District Pelalawan District. Research\u27s respondent was determined by purposive sampling methods with number of respondent were 120. The location is chosen considering that there is a Counseling Institution, Active Counseling and Farmers Group. Validity, Realibility, Outliers, Normality, and Multikolinearity Analysis has been done on measuring treatment. To answer objectives number 1,2, and 3, use the “Scale Likert\u27s Summated Rating” (SLR) and to answer objectives numbr 4, use the “Strucutral Equation Modeling” with AMOS program. Research results shows: (1) Counseling role is very less in independent smallholder farmers of palm oil, that is viewed from counselour role giving education, information dissemination, facility, concultation, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation (2) farmers empowerment rates occur on less powerful level, viewed on human resources empowerment, productive economy, and institutions. (3) counseling objectives is sufficiently achieved that is viewed from better farming, better business dan better living; (4) role of counseling doesn\u27t influence directly toward farmers empowerment, and the farmer empowerment directly doesnt\u27s influence toward counseling objectives achievement

    Analisis Biaya, Pendapatan dan Efisiensi USAhatani Sayuran Dataran Tinggi dengan Berbagai Pola Tanam di Desa Sumber Urip Kecamatan Selupu Rejang Kabupaten Rejang Lebong

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    This research was aimed at estimating production cost, income and economic eficiency of various patterns of high land vegetables farming. This research was carried out on August until September 2004 in Sumber Urip village subdistrict Selupu district of Rejang Lebong. Stratified Random Sampling with equal alocation of 63 respondents was apllied. These respondents then be stratified into 7 strata based on their cultivation patterns. This research resulted the highest the average total cost of monoculture patterns is farmed with cabbage pattern while for polyculture pattern is cabbage inter cultivated with onion leaves The highest income on the monoculture crop pattern, is cauliflower cultivation with onion leaves is the highest for policultuere the highest eficiency for monoculture pattern of cultivate was on cauliflower and for polyculture is onion leafes farming