245 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Sundarban estuarine ecosystem: eutrophication induced threat to mangroves

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    Background: Sundarbans is the largest chunk of mangrove forest and only tiger mangrove land in the world. Compared to the rich species diversity and uniqueness, very few studies have so far been conducted here, mainly due to its inaccessibility. This study explores water quality, density of biomass, species diversity, phytoplankton abundance and bacterial population of a tidal creek in Sunderban estuary during the post and pre monsoon period of 2008-09. Results: Phytoplankton community was observed to be dominated by diatoms (Biacillariophyceae) followed by Pyrrophyceae (Dinoflagellates) and Chlorophyceae. A total of 46 taxa belonging to 6 groups were recorded. Other algal groups were Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae and Chrysophyceae. Species diversity was highest in summer (March) and lowest in winter season (November) in all the sample stations indicating its close correlation with ambient temperature. Species evenness was fairly high in all five stations throughout the study period. Present study indicated that dissolved oxygen, nutrients and turbidity are the limiting factors for the phytoplankton biomass. The estuary was in eutrophic condition (Chlorophyll-a ≥10 μg/L) in winter. During the month of May phytoplankton biomass declined and at high salinity level (21.2PSU) new phytoplankton species take over, which are definitely better resilient to the high saline environment. Bio-indicator species like Polykrikos schwartzil

    Physicochemical and biological factors controlling water column metabolism in Sundarbans estuary, India

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    BACKGROUND: Sundarbans is the single largest deltaic mangrove forest in the world, formed at estuarine phase of the Ganges - Brahmaputra river system. Primary productivity of marine and coastal phytoplankton contributes to 15% of global oceanic production. But unfortunately estuarine dynamics of tropical and subtropical estuaries have not yet received proper attention in spite of the fact that they experience considerable anthropogenic interventions and a baseline data is required for any future comparison. This study is an endeavor to this end to estimate the primary productivity (gross and net), community respiration and nitrification rates in different rivers and tidal creeks around Jharkhali island, a part of Sundarbans estuary surrounded by the mangrove forest during a period of three years starting from November’08 to October’11. RESULTS: Various physical and chemical parameters of water column like pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, suspended particulate matter, secchi disc index, tidal fluctuation and tidal current velocity, standing crop and nutrients were measured along with water column productivity. Relationship of net water column productivity with algal biomass (standing crop), nutrient loading and turbidity were determined experimentally. Correlations of bacterial abundance with community respiration and nitrification rates were also explored. Annual integrated phytoplankton production rate of this tidal estuary was estimated to be 151.07 gC m(-2) y(-1). Gross primary productivity showed marked inter annual variation being lowest in monsoon and highest in postmonsoon period. CONCLUSION: Average primary production was a function of nutrient loading and light penetration in the water column. High aquatic turbidity, conductivity and suspended particulate matter were the limiting factors to attenuate light penetration with negative influence on primary production. Community respiration and nitrification rates of the estuary were influenced by the bacterial abundance. The estuary was phosphorus limited in postmonsoon whereas nitrogen-limited in premonsoon and monsoon period. High algal biomass and primary productivity indicated the estuary to be in eutrophic state in most of the time throughout the year. Our study also indicated a seasonal shifting between autotrophic and heterotrophic conditions in Sundarban estuarine ecosystem and it is a tropical, well mixed (high tidal influx) and marine dominated (no fresh water connection) system

    Treatment Cost for Typhoid Fever at Two Hospitals in Kolkata, India

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    The purpose of this study was to estimate treatment cost for typhoid fever at two hospitals in Kolkata, India. This study was an incidence-based cost-of-illness analysis from the providers’ perspective. Micro-costing approach was employed for calculating patient-specific data. Unit costs of medical services used in the calculation were directly measured from the study hospital by standard method. The study hospitals were selected based on accessibility to data and cooperation. Eighty-three Widal-positive and/or culture-confirmed patients with typhoid fever during November 2003–April 2006 were included in the study. Most (93%) patients were children. Eighty-one percent was treated at the outpatient department. The average duration of hospitalization for child and adult patients was 8.4 and 4.2 days respectively. The average cost of treating children, adults, and all patients was US16.72,72.71,and20.77respectively(in2004prices).Recalculationbasedon80 16.72, 72.71, and 20.77 respectively (in 2004 prices). Recalculation based on 80% occupancy rate in inpatient wards (following the recommendation of the World Health Organization) found that the cost of treating children, adults, and all patients was US 14.53, 36.44, and 16.11 respectively

    Electroswitchable red-NIR luminescence of ionic clustomesogen containing nematic liquid crystalline devices.

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    International audienceWe describe in this work several polyionic hybrid mol. compds. combining, by electrostatic interactions, liq. cryst. ammonium cations and tailor made molybdenum hexanuclear dianionic cluster units. All hybrids show nematic liq. cryst. behavior below 100 °C, no matter the nature of the metallic cluster apical and inner ligands. They also retain the shiny deep red photoluminescence properties of their parent cluster in the nematic phase. This nematic phase remains however quite viscous for all compds. and mixing them with com. available nematic LCs seems mandatory to integrate them into electroswitchable devices. This particularity conducted us to insert the best candidate in terms of homogeneity and stability of the clustomesogen/com. LC mixt. into a LC cell and study the behavior toward the application of an elec. stimulus. We show that the application of 30 V AC voltage allows observing a reversible modulation of the photoluminescence signal by about 52%. This work presents the first deep red photoluminescent transition metal cluster contg. device directed towards optoelectronic applications
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