5 research outputs found

    Access of Clean Water and Sanitation with The Incidence of Environmental-Based Diseases in The Working Area of The Oesapa Sub-District

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    Sanitation is an effort to prevent disease that focuses on environmental health efforts for human life. The purpose of this study was to determine access to clean water and the condition of basic sanitation facilities in the Oesapa Village, Kupang City. Sources of clean water used by the people of Oesapa Sub District consist of 72% dug wells, 15% PDAM, and 12% tank water. Ownership of clean sir facilities: 78% use privately owned SAB and 22% use neighbor-owned (shared use). The condition of clean water facilities with a high-risk level of 53%, moderate 32%, high 13% and very high 2%. Condition of family latrines 38% high-risk level, 61% low-risk level. SPAL conditions have a low-risk level of 91%, a medium of 5% and a high 4%. There is a relationship between the condition of clean water facilities and the incidence of environmental diseases in the Oesapa sub-district and there is no relationship between the condition of the sanitation facilities (latrines and SPAL) and the incidence of environmental-based diseases in the Oesapa sub-district

    The Use of Various Filtaritaion Media in Lowering the Level of Water Hardness

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    Hard water is common in areas with thick topsoil and limestone formations. Because the topography of Kupang City is in the form of limestone, in the rainy season rainwater passes through the limestone soil layer so that the raw water becomes hard or very hard. Identification and analysis of field parameters and levels of raw water hardness before and after treatment to calculate the effectiveness of decreasing hardness of various types of filter media. This research is an experimental study. The object of inspection is raw water from Oenesu springs that have undergone filter media treatment. The filter media consists of activated carbon, silica sand, quartz sand, and zeolite with a residence time of 60 minutes. The results of laboratory tests are displayed in the form of tables and graphs and analyzed. The field parameters tested are smell, taste, color, temperature, turbidity, TDS and pH to meet water quality standards. The level of hardness before and after treatment obtained raw water hardness of 365.33 mg/L, activated carbon media 362.85 mg/L, silica sand media 236.53 mg/L, quartz sand media 239.01 mg/L and zeolite media 296.59 mg/L. The field parameters tested meet water quality standards according to Permenkes 32 of 2017. The level of water hardness treated by the filtration process with quartz sand media is more effective in reducing the level of raw water hardness, with a decrease efficiency of 35.26%

    Pelatihan Strategi Perubahan Perilaku Cuci Tangan Dengan Sabun Metode "RANAS" Bagi Tenaga Kesehatan Di Kabupaten Belu Dan TTU NTT

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    Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) merupakan perilaku sederhana namun dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pencegahan penyakit menular. Pendekatan RANAS (Risk, Atitude, Norms, ability dan self arrangement) merupakan model baru untuk promosi perubahan perilaku masyarkaat. Untuk memperkenalkan metode RANAS, dilakukan pelatihan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Tujuannya meningkatkan pemahaman perserta latih tentang strategi perubahan perilaku dengan pendekatan RANAS. Sasaran pelatihan adalah sanitarian dan promotor kesehatan kabupaten maupun puskesmas di Kabuaten Belu dan TTU. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan menunjukkan pemahaman meningkat setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan secara daring. Disarankan untuk melakukan evaluasi pasca pelatihan untuk mendapatkan informasi implementasi starategi RANAS dalam promosi perubahan perilaku.  Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun (CTPS) merupakan perilaku sederhana namun dapat memberikan manfaat bagi pencegahan penyakit menular. Pendekatan RANAS (Risk, Atitude, Norms, ability dan self arrangement) merupakan model baru untuk promosi perubahan perilaku masyarkaat. Untuk memperkenalkan metode RANAS, dilakuakn pelatihan secara daring (dalam jaringan). Tujuannya meningkatkan pemahaman perserta latih tentang strategi perubahan perilaku dengan pendekatan RANAS. Sasaran pelatihan adalah sanitarian dan promotor kesehatan kabupaten maupun puskesmas di Kabuaten Belu dan TTU. Hasil evaluasi pelatihan menunjukkan pemahaman meningkat setelah dilakukan kegiatan pelatihan secara daring. Disarankan untuk melakukan evaluasi pasca pelatihan untuk mendapatkan informasi implementasi starategi RANAS dalam promosi perubahan perilaku.   &nbsp

    Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (PHBS) of Elementary School Students Against Environmental-Based Disease Incidence in Kupang City in 2021

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    School-age is a period of vulnerability to diseases such as diarrhea, intestinal worms, caries, and anemia. This research is an analytical observational study with a cross-sectional research design with a sample of 937 elementary school students spread throughout the city of Kupang. The data analysis technique used the Chi-square test to determine the relationship between the variables studied with significant values with the help of the SPSS program. The incidence of environmental-based disease experienced by elementary school students is diarrhea and the lowest is malaria. The personal hygiene variable shows a good category, and the results of statistical tests show no relationship between personal hygiene and the incidence of environmental-based diseases. The results also show a relationship between the consumption of healthy food and the incidence of environmental-based diseases. The variable of using healthy latrines is in a good category. There is a relationship between the use of clean and healthy latrines with the incidence of environmental-based diseases. The variable presence of mosquito larvae showed free of larvae. The waste disposal variable shows that the highest level of waste disposal in the respondent's house indicates the category is not good. Hygiene variables, the presence of larvae, and waste disposal have no relationship with the incidence of environmental-based diseases in elementary school children, while the variables of healthy food consumption habits and use of latrines have a relationship with the incidence of environmental diseases. Disease-based primary school children

    Efektivitas Penurunan Escherichia Coli pada Air Bersih Menggunakan Tumbuhan Kelor (Moringa Olifera) dengan Variasi Konsentrasi

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    Kondisi air yang tercemar oleh E.coli dapat dilakukan pengolahan air untuk menurunkan kadarnya. Sehingga air yang tercemar dapat dikonsumsi. Pengolahan air dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan Desinfektan (Larutan atau ekstrak tumbuhan kelor). Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran efektivitas penurunan E.coli menggunakan tumbuhan kelor (biji kelor). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan efektifitas penurunan E. coli pada konsentrasi ekstrak biji kelor 100 mg/L adalah sebesar 64,8%, pada konsentrasi ekstrak biji kelor 200 mg/L adalah sebesar 84,6% dan pada konsentrasi ekstrak biji kelor 200 mg/L adalah sebesar 97,1%. Pemanfaatan biji kelor sebagai bahan desinfektan alami yang murah dan mudah didapatkan sangat dianjurkan sehingga masyarakat dapat mengkonsumsi air yang laik dan sehat. &nbsp