38 research outputs found

    Rheological and Microstructural Changes of Oat and Barley Starches During Heating and Cooling

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    Microstructural and rheological changes in barley and oat starch dispersions during heating and cooling were studied by light microscopy and dynamic viscoelastic measurements. The two starch pastes showed similar viscoelastic properties after gelatinization, but during cooling the 20% barley starch pastes heated at 95°C underwent a sharp transition in viscoelastic behaviour probably due to the gelation of amylose. This transition was shifted to lower temperatures at 10% starch concentration. Microstructural studies of an 8% barley starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. The granules in starch paste heated to 95°C were poorly stained and amylopectin was fragmented. Microscopic examination of an embedded section of the cooled barley starch gel showed amylose to form a continuous phase in which starch granules were dispersed. G\u27 increased below 80°C during cooling of 10% oat starch dispersions preheated at 95 °C. No rheological changes occurred when they were preheated at only 90°C. Microstructural studies of an 8% oat starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. Part of the granule structure had already broken down. Heating to 95°C induced considerable changes in the granule structure of oat starch gels. Amylopectin formed a very fine network. Microscopic examination of embedded sections of the cooled, stored gel showed a much coarser structure compared with that of the smear

    Anaerobic oxidation of methane alters sediment records of sulfur, iron and phosphorus in the Black Sea

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    The surface sediments in the Black Sea are underlain by extensive deposits of iron (Fe)-oxide-rich lake sediments that were deposited prior to the inflow of marine Mediterranean Sea waters ca. 9000 years ago. The subsequent downward diffusion of marine sulfate into the methane-bearing lake sediments has led to a multitude of diagenetic reactions in the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ), including anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulfate. While the sedimentary cycles of sulfur (S), methane and Fe in the SMTZ have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about the diagenetic alterations of the sediment record occurring below the SMTZ. Here we combine detailed geochemical analyses of the sediment and porewater with multicomponent diagenetic modeling to study the diagenetic alterations below the SMTZ at two sites in the western Black Sea. We focus on the dynamics of Fe, S and phosphorus (P), and demonstrate that diagenesis has strongly overprinted the sedimentary burial records of these elements. In line with previous studies in the Black Sea, we show that sulfate-mediated AOM substantially enhances the downward diffusive flux of sulfide into the deep limnic deposits. During this downward sulfidization, Fe oxides, Fe carbonates and Fe phosphates (e.g., vivianite) are converted to sulfide phases, leading to an enrichment in solid-phase S and the release of phosphate to the porewater. Below the sulfidization front, high concentrations of dissolved ferrous Fe (Fe2+) lead to sequestration of downward-diffusing phosphate as authigenic vivianite, resulting in a transient accumulation of total P directly below the sulfidization front. Our model results further demonstrate that downward-migrating sulfide becomes partly re-oxidized to sulfate due to reactions with oxidized Fe minerals, fueling a cryptic S cycle and thus stimulating slow rates of sulfate-driven AOM (similar to 1-100 pmol cm(-3) d(-1)) in the sulfate-depleted limnic deposits. However, this process is unlikely to explain the observed release of dissolved Fe2+ below the SMTZ. Instead, we suggest that besides organoclastic Fe oxide reduction and reactivation of less reactive Fe oxides by methanogens, AOM coupled to the reduction of Fe oxides may also provide a possible mechanism for the high concentrations of Fe2+ in the porewater at depth. Our results reveal that methane plays a key role in the diagenetic alterations of Fe, S and P records in Black Sea sediments. The downward sulfidization into the limnic deposits is enhanced through sulfate-driven AOM with sulfate, and AOM with Fe oxides may provide a deep source of dissolved Fe2+ that drives the sequestration of P in vivianite below the sulfidization front.Peer reviewe

    Cable bacteria generate a firewall against euxinia in seasonally hypoxic basins

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    Seasonal oxygen depletion (hypoxia) in coastal bottom waters can lead to the release and persistence of free sulfide (euxinia), which is highly detrimental to marine life. Although coastal hypoxia is relatively common, reports of euxinia are less frequent, which suggests that certain environmental controls can delay the onset of euxinia. However, these controls and their prevalence are poorly understood. Here we present field observations from a seasonally hypoxic marine basin (Grevelingen, The Netherlands), which suggest that the activity of cable bacteria, a recently discovered group of sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms inducing long-distance electron transport, can delay the onset of euxinia in coastal waters. Our results reveal a remarkable seasonal succession of sulfur cycling pathways, which was observed over multiple years. Cable bacteria dominate the sediment geochemistry in winter, whereas, after the summer hypoxia, Beggiatoaceae mats colonize the sediment. The specific electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria generates a large buffer of sedimentary iron oxides before the onset of summer hypoxia, which captures free sulfide in the surface sediment, thus likely preventing the development of bottom water euxinia. As cable bacteria are present in many seasonally hypoxic systems, this euxinia-preventing firewall mechanism could be widely active, and may explain why euxinia is relatively infrequently observed in the coastal ocean

    Bacterially-induced dissolution of calcite: the role of bacteria in limestone weathering

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    The interaction between microorganisms and the calcite mineral surface in aqueous solutions, under earth surface conditions, was the focus of this study. More specifically, we investigated if bacterial attachment and metabolism increase the dissolution rates of calcite crystals and alter their surfaces in solution. A natural microbial consortium, rather than model organisms, was used in the experiments. Weathered samples from the Trenton carbonates were collected on the flanks of Mount Royal in Montréal (Québec, Canada). The associated bacteria were identified using molecular biology DNA fingerprinting techniques. This information was used to determine the nutrient requirements of suitable growth media. Samples contained typical soil dwelling organisms from the phylum Actinobacteria, gram-positive heterotrophs. Bacteria were combined with cleaved Iceland Spar calcite rhombohedra in a low-ionic strength (10−2 M) NaCl solution at ambient pCO2 , 25°C and 1 atm pressure. The effect of solution chemistry (e.g. the presence of phosphate) on the calcite dissolution kinetics was also investigated. The dissolution rates in the presence of bacteria, did not vary significantly from abiotic conditions, but decreased notably in the presence of phosphate.Cette étude porte sur les interactions entre des micro-organismes et la surface de la calcite en solution aqueuse sous des conditions équivalentes à celles de la surface de la terre. Plus précisément, nous avons étudié si l'attachement des bactéries et leur métabolisme augmentent la vitesse de dissolution des cristaux de calcite et altérent leur surface en solution. Des communautés microbiennes naturelles ont été privilégiées à des organismes types pour les expériences. Des échantillons altérés provenant de carbonates de Trenton ont été récoltés sur les flancs du Mont Royal à Montréal (Québec, Canada). Les bactéries associées ont été identifiées par des techniques de biologie moléculaire utilisant leurs empreintes génétiques d'ADN. Ces informations ont servi à déterminer les besoins en nutriments des milieux de croissance. Les échantillons contenaient des organismes typiques de sols, hétérotrophes, à gram positif, du phylum Actinobacteria. Les bactéries ont été combinées avec des rhombohèdres clivés de calcite provenant de spaths d'Islande dans une solution de NaCl de faible force ionique (10−2 M) à pCO2 ambiante, 25°C et 1 atm de pression. L'effet de la composition chimique de la solution sur la cinétique de dissolution des calcites (en particulier, la présence de phosphates) a également été étudié. Les vitesses de dissolution augmentent en présence de bactéries ne varient pas de façon significative aux échantillons exposés aux conditions abiotiques. En revanche, la présence de phosphate das le milieu de culture masque l'effet des bactéries sur la vitesse de dissolution

    Cable bacteria control iron-phosphorus dynamics in sediments and water column at two sites of a Coastal Hypoxic Basin

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    Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for life. The release of phosphorus from sediments is critical in sustaining phytoplankton growth in many aquatic systems and is pivotal to eutrophication and the development of bottom water hypoxia. Conventionally, sediment phosphorus release is thought to be controlled by changes in iron oxide reduction driven by variations in external environmental factors, such as organic matter input and bottom water oxygen. Here, we show that internal shifts in microbial communities, and specifically the population dynamics of cable bacteria, can also induce strong seasonality in sedimentary iron-phosphorus dynamics. Field observations in a seasonally hypoxic coastal basin demonstrate that the long-range electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria leads to a dissolution of iron sulfides in winter and spring. Subsequent oxidation of the mobilized ferrous iron with manganese oxides results in a large stock of iron-oxide-bound phosphorus below the oxic zone. In summer, when bottom water hypoxia develops and cable bacteria are undetectable, the phosphorus associated with these iron oxides is released, strongly increasing phosphorus availability in the water column. Future research should elucidate whether formation of iron-oxide-bound phosphorus driven by cable bacteria, as observed in this study, contributes to the seasonality in iron-phosphorus cycling in aquatic sediments worldwid