4,934 research outputs found

    Theoretical background of rock failure at hydraulic seam fracture and aftereffect analysis

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    Purpose. Theoretical substantiation of the methodological foundations of possible effects and aftereffects identification of the hydraulic seam fracture (HSF) technology. Methods. The research structure and procedure includes: studying the power engineering aspect of the rock failure, the acoustical wave effects; thermodynamic analysis of rock failure, analysis of surfaces mechanoactivation at rock failure and aftereffect of the primary pore space self-development at the HSF due to the Rebinder’s effect. Findings. It was established that among the fundamental consistent patterns that determine the formation and development of the HSF technology aftereffects during formations mining, are the methodological provisions and criteria for failure parameters prediction and grinding effects, namely: the average and local energy density of geoenvironment destruction, efficiency of grinding, the average particle and pore size, the specific surface area, the specific energy consumption per unit of the resulting surface. The connection between the parameters of the acoustic wave and the size of the fractures, which forms the basis of the acoustic emission (AE) method, is experimentally confirmed. Originality. It is established that the database for evaluating the expected fracture effects in the working zone of the HSF is: AE activity, specific acoustic radiation, spectrum of signals, characteristic amplitudes under the condition of physical modeling on the model samples of the geoenvironment behavior. It is shown that the critical state of a substance corresponding to the beginning of failure at the microlevel should be considered from the standpoint of thermodynamics as a phase change (evaporation, sublimation) near the critical point, based on the temperature critical values and the specific energy of the phase change. The presence of surfaces mechanoactivation in the rock failure is experimentally proved. The hypothesis concerning the rock pore space development aftereffect during hydraulic seam fracture due to the Rebinder’s effect is presented. Practical implications. It is proposed to size up the degree of geoenvironment destruction in the process of the HSF by the Kd parameter, which is equal to the product of the maximum amplitude of acoustic signals on the total acoustic activity of the destruction zone. It is established that the conditions for rock failure at the HSF are determined by the relationship between the rock pressure P and the volume energy density W of the failure. It is shown that the level of surfaces mechanoactivation can be estimated by adsorption characteristics – the adsorption potential and the pH of the newly discovered surfaces.Мета. Теоретичне обґрунтування методологічних основ встановлення умов прояву можливих ефектів і пост-ефектів технології гідравлічного розриву пласта (ГРП). Методика. Структура та послідовність проведення дослідження включає вивчення енергетичного аспекту руйнування гірського масиву, дії акустичних хвиль, термодинамічний аналіз руйнування гірського масиву, аналіз механоактивації поверхонь при руйнуванні гірського масиву та пост-ефекту саморозвитку первинного пористого простору ГРП внаслідок дії ефекту Ребіндера. Застосовано метод акустичної емісії, потенціометрії та рН-метрії. Результати. Встановлено, що до числа фундаментальних закономірностей, які визначають формування і розвиток пост-ефектів технології ГРП при відпрацюванні продуктивних пластів, відносяться методичні положення й критерії для прогнозу показників руйнування та ефектів подрібнення, а саме: середньої та локальної густини енергії при руйнуванні геосередовища, ККД подрібнення, середній розмір часток і пор, питома поверхня, питомі витрати енергії на одиницю одержаної поверхні. Експериментально підтверджений зв’язок між параметрами акустичної хвилі та розміром тріщин, що складає основу методу акустичної емісії (АЕ). Наукова новизна. Встановлено, що базу інформації для оцінки очікуваних у робочій зоні ГРП ефектів руйнувань складають активність АЕ, питоме акустичне випромінювання, спектр сигналів, характерні амплітуди за умови фізичного моделювання поведінки геосередовища на модельних зразках. Визначено, що граничний стан речовини, що відповідає початку руйнування на мікрорівні, слід розглядати з позицій термодинаміки як фазовий перехід (випаровування, сублімація) поблизу критичної точки, виходячи із критичних значень температури і питомої енергії фазового переходу. Експериментально доведено наявність механоактивації поверхонь при руйнуванні гірського масиву. Висунута гіпотеза щодо пост-ефекту розвитку пористого простору гірського масиву при ГРП у контексті дії ефекту Ребіндера. Практична значимість. Запропоновано оцінювати ступінь руйнування геосередовища у процесі ГРП показником Кр, що дорівнює добутку максимальної амплітуди акустичних сигналів на сумарну акустичну активність зони руйнування. Встановлено, що умови руйнування гірського масиву при ГРП детермінуються співвідношенням між гірським тиском Р і об’ємною густиною енергії W деформації. Показано, що ступінь механоактивації поверхонь може бути оцінена за характеристиками адсорбції – потенціалом адсорбції та показником рН нововідкритих поверхонь.Цель. Теоретическое обоснование методологических основ установления условий проявления возможных эффектов и пост-эффектов технологии гидравлического разрыва пласта (ГРП). Методика. Структура и последовательность проведения исследования включает изучение энергетического аспекта разрушения горного массива, действия акустических волн, термодинамический анализ разрушения горного массива, анализ механоактивации поверхностей при разрушении горного массива и пост-эффекта саморазвития первичного пористого прострагства ГРП в результате действия эффекта Ребиндера. Применен метод акустической эмиссии, потенциометрии и рН-метрии. Результаты. Установлено, что к числу фундаментальных закономерностей, определяющих формирование и развитие пост-эффектов технологии ГРП при отработке продуктивных пластов, относятся методические положения и критерии для прогноза показателей разрушения и эффектов измельчения, а именно: средней и локальной плотности энергии при разрушении геосреды, КПД измельчения, средний размер частиц и пор, удельная поверхность, удельные затраты энергии на единицу полученной поверхности. Экспериментально подтверждена связь между параметрами акустической волны и размером трещин, что составляет основу метода акустической эмиссии (АЭ). Научная новизна. Установлено, что базу информации для оценки ожидаемых в рабочей зоне ГРП эффектов разрушений составляют актитивность АЭ, удельное акустическое излучение, спектр сигналов, характерные амплитуды при условии физического моделирования поведения геосреды на модельных образцах. Определено, что предельное состояние вещества, отвечающее началу разрушения на микроуровне, следует рассматривать с позиций термодинамики как фазовый переход (испарение, сублимация) вблизи критической точки, исходя из критических значений температуры и удельной энергии фазового перехода. Экспериментально доказано наличие механоактивации поверхностей при разрушении горного массива. Выдвинута гипотеза относительно пост-эффекта развития пористого пространства горного массива при ГРП в контексте действия эффекта Ребиндера. Практическая значимость. Предложено оценивать степень разрушения геосреды в процессе ГРП показателем Кр, который равен произведению максимальной амплитуды акустических сигналов на суммарную акустическую активность зоны разрушения. Установлено, что условия разрушения горного массива при ГРП детерминируются соотношением между горным давлением Р и объемной плотностью энергии W деформации. Показано, что степень механоактивации поверхностей может быть оценен по характеристикам адсорбции – потенциалом адсорбции и показателем рН новооткрытых поверхностей.The authors express their gratitude to Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vilian Mykolayovych Bovenko for valuable advices when conducting research. In addition, thanks to Doctor of Engineering Sciences Anatolii Dmytrovych Aleksieiev for the opportunity to use a unique research unit of non-uniform triaxial load and research method revision. The authors thank to Candidate of Engineering Sciences Iryna Mykhailivna Yuriivska for consultations on the use of her original method of mechanoactivation study

    Charging NO x Emitters for Health Damages: An Exploratory Analysis

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    We present a proof-of-concept analysis of the measurement of the health damage of ozone (O 3) produced from nitrogen oxides (NO x = NO + NO 2) emitted by individual large point sources in the eastern United States. We use a regional atmospheric model of the eastern United States, the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with eXtensions (CAMx), to quantify the variable impact that a fixed quantity of NO x emitted from individual sources can have on the downwind concentration of surface O 3, depending on temperature and local biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. We also examine the dependence of resulting ozone-related health damages on the size of the exposed population. The investigation is relevant to the increasingly widely used "cap and trade" approach to NO x regulation, which presumes that shifts of emissions over time and space, holding the total fixed over the course of the summer O 3 season, will have minimal effect on the environmental outcome. By contrast, we show that a shift of a unit of NO x emissions from one place or time to another could result in large changes in resulting health effects due to ozone formation and exposure. We indicate how the type of modeling carried out here might be used to attach externality-correcting prices to emissions. Charging emitters fees that are commensurate with the damage caused by their NO x emissions would create an incentive for emitters to reduce emissions at times and in locations where they cause the largest damage.surface ozone, NO x emissions, point sources, health impacts, mortality, morbidity, cap-and-trade

    Charging NOx Emitters for Health Damages: An Exploratory Analysis

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    We present a proof-of-concept analysis of the measurement of the health damage of ozone (O3) produced from nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) emitted by individual large point sources in the eastern United States. We use a regional atmospheric model of the eastern United States, the Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions (CAMx), to quantify the variable impact that a fixed quantity of NOx emitted from individual sources can have on the downwind concentration of surface O3, depending on temperature and local biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. We also examine the dependence of resulting ozone-related health damages on the size of the exposed population. The investigation is relevant to the increasingly widely used “cap and trade” approach to NOx regulation, which presumes that shifts of emissions over time and space, holding the total fixed over the course of the summer O3 season, will have minimal effect on the environmental outcome. By contrast, we show that a shift of a unit of NOx emissions from one place or time to another could result in large changes in the health effects due to ozone formation and exposure. We indicate how the type of modeling carried out here might be used to attach externality-correcting prices to emissions. Charging emitters fees that are commensurate with the damage caused by their NOx emissions would create an incentive for emitters to reduce emissions at times and in locations where they cause the largest damage.surface ozone, NOx emissions, point sources, health impacts, mortality, morbidity, cap-and-trade

    Building competitiveness through effective governance of national-expatriate knowledge transfer and development of sustainable human capital

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    © Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Purpose - This study aims to develop a theoretical model that specifies the most important factors hypothesised to facilitate reciprocal knowledge transfer between nationals and non-nationals in the context of workplace quotas. Design/methodology/approach - Expatriate labour is viewed as a form of contingent employment that provides firms with ready access to experienced and specialised knowledge. We argue that in a knowledge economy, the successful use of workplace quotas for nationals depends on effective management of both nationals and non-nationals. By drawing on scholarly contributions in the areas of strategic management, agency theory, knowledge management and absorptive capacity, this paper consolidates extant knowledge and proposes a new framework aimed at developing a more integrated agenda for future research. Findings - Three broad categories are posited as strategic enablers to effective knowledge management. First, senior leadership has a direct role in developing appropriate policies, promoting transparency and fostering a culture of trust and an indirect role through the establishment of incentives. Second, the influence of incentives on both knowledge management and process improvement is addressed. Third, the characteristics of each group with regard to qualifications, motivation and receptivity are discussed. Optimally, these factors work in concert to build competencies that ultimately satisfy customers and meet organisational goals. Originality/value - There is a gap in scholarly research that explicitly links important organisational and management concepts to the study of expatriate-national interactions. This article contributes to understanding how policy makers and leaders can strengthen the transformative forces that will drive successful development of human capital

    The Statistics of Crumpled Paper

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    A statistical study of crumpled paper is allowed by a minimal 1D model: a self-avoiding line bent at sharp angles -- in which resides the elastic energy -- put in a confining potential. Many independent equilibrium configurations are generated numerically and their properties are investigated. At small confinement, the distribution of segment lengths is log-normal in agreement with previous predictions and experiments. At high confinement, the system approaches a jammed state with a critical behavior, whereas the length distribution follows a Gamma law which parameter is predicted as a function of the number of layers in the system

    Delivering Live Multimedia Streams to Mobile Hosts in a Wireless Internet with Multiple Content Aggregators

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    We consider the distribution of channels of live multimedia content (e.g., radio or TV broadcasts) via multiple content aggregators. In our work, an aggregator receives channels from content sources and redistributes them to a potentially large number of mobile hosts. Each aggregator can offer a channel in various configurations to cater for different wireless links, mobile hosts, and user preferences. As a result, a mobile host can generally choose from different configurations of the same channel offered by multiple alternative aggregators, which may be available through different interfaces (e.g., in a hotspot). A mobile host may need to handoff to another aggregator once it receives a channel. To prevent service disruption, a mobile host may for instance need to handoff to another aggregator when it leaves the subnets that make up its current aggregator�s service area (e.g., a hotspot or a cellular network).\ud In this paper, we present the design of a system that enables (multi-homed) mobile hosts to seamlessly handoff from one aggregator to another so that they can continue to receive a channel wherever they go. We concentrate on handoffs between aggregators as a result of a mobile host crossing a subnet boundary. As part of the system, we discuss a lightweight application-level protocol that enables mobile hosts to select the aggregator that provides the �best� configuration of a channel. The protocol comes into play when a mobile host begins to receive a channel and when it crosses a subnet boundary while receiving the channel. We show how our protocol can be implemented using the standard IETF session control and description protocols SIP and SDP. The implementation combines SIP and SDP�s offer-answer model in a novel way

    Cortical Bone Thickness Assessment from Multi-frequency Ultrasound RF Data using a Convolutional Architecture with Multi-head Attention

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    Cortical bone thickness is an important predictor of bone strength and fracture risk, and accurate classification is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. The thinning of the cortical layer, indicative of compromised bone microarchitecture due to imbalanced formation and loss, underscores its significance. Nonetheless, quantifying bone thickness is challenging due to the diverse skeletal sites and subject variations in bone structure and properties.A potential solution lies in multi-frequency ultrasound assessment of cortical bone, enabling comprehensive property characterization across varying wavelengths and penetration depths. This research strives to establish a robust methodology for evaluating cortical bone thickness by leveraging a convolutional model with an attention mechanism to analyse multi-frequency ultrasound data

    The effects of childbirth on the pelvic-floor

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    Basically, vaginal delivery is associated with the risk of pelvic floor damage. The pelvic floor sequelae of childbirth includes anal incontinence, urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Pathophysiology, incidence and risk factors for the development of the respective problems are reviewed. Where possible, recommendations for reducing the risk of pelvic floor damage are given