150 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kesuburan Tanah terhadap Penyakit Blendok pada Pertanaman Jambu Mete

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    Soil fertility can pressure rate attack of gummosis disease on cashew nut plantation in Muna Regency South-East Sulawesi. Blendok disease or gummosis have disseminated on some cashew plantation in Muna Regency, South-East Sulawesi. There was a correlation between soil fertilities and disease spreading. This assessment was intended to know the level attack and damage which were resulted from disease of gummosis at cashew crop. The assessment was conducted at Fongkaniwa Village of Muna Regency South-East of Sulawesi in 2004, using the rural cashew nut plantation in 30 ha area. The assessment area was divided into three blocks, i.e. high, moderate, and low level of soil fertility. Result of study indicated that attack intensity of gummosis disease on cashew nut are 19.49 %, 30.43 %, and 50.03 % on each levels of soil fertility, while Rate of Attack by the score value of 0.16, 1.14, and 1.77. Result of study indicated that improvement of soil fertility of cashew plantation are very important to pressure of attack and damage of gummosis disease. Penyakit blendok atau gummosis telah menyebar di beberapa pertanaman mete di Kabupaten Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara. Meluasnya serangan penyakit diduga berkaitan dengan tingkat kesuburan lahan. Pengkajian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui tingkat serangan dan kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh penyakit blendok pada tanaman jambu mete. Kajian dilaksanakan di Desa Fongkaniwa Kabupaten Muna Sulawesi Tenggara tahun 2004 pada pertanaman jambu mete rakyat seluas 30 ha. Areal pengkajian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok berdasarkan tingkat kesuburan tanahnya yaitu kesuburan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Pengamatan penyakit blendok dilakukan dengan mencatat jumlah pohon menunjukkan gejala penyakit, yaitu keluarnya getah kental berwarna coklat pada pohon dan cabang. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa populasi terserang penyakit blendok masing-masing 19,49 % pada lahan kesuburan tinggi, 30,43 % pada lahan kesuburan sedang, dan 50,03 % pada kesuburan rendah. Tingkat Serangan masing-masing tergolong sedang pada kesuburan lahan rendah dan ringan pada lahan subur yaitu dengan nilai skor masing masing 0,16; 1,14; dan 1,77 pada setiap tingkat kesuburan tanah. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kesuburan tanah pada pertanaman jambu mete sangat penting untuk menekan tingkat serangan dan kerusakan penyakit blendok

    Strategi Akselerasi Peningkatan Pendapatan Petani Jambu Mete di Sulawesi Tenggara

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    The cashew nuts production in Southeast Sulawesi has been showed the indicated todecreasing productivity and production fluctuation for ten years between 1995 until 2004. Thecashew farming in Southeast Sulawesi especially in Muna district such as center productionshowed the low income on household farmers. The review of this paper showed the actualcondition with the cashew farmers in their villages in Muna district that there were manyfactors determinants, i.e. the availability capital, input production, cashew trees condition,land condition, technology, managerial, market institutions, farming instructors and financialinstitution. This paper has the objectives main to improving the cashew farmer\u27s conditionneeded to increase their income on household farmers. The strategy for improving the abovecondition i.e. integration farming system between animals and crops especially in their fieldof cashew trees, past harvesting, quality, and market and pattern crops for the landoptimization after the rehabilitation cashew trees. The five above condition is the crucialdeterminants as the good strategy hope to improving their condition especially to increase theproductivity and farmers income on household farmin

    Potensi Kecukupan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sebagai Media Penyerapan Karbondioksida (CO2) di Kota Tangerang Selatan

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    Hasil dari aktivitas pernaasan manusia, penggunaan LPG, kendaraan bermotor dan industri akan meningkatkan sisa-sisa ke udara yang akan menimbulkan peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca. Komponen penting dari gas rumah kaca ini adalah karbon dioksida (CO2). Kota Tangerang Selatan memiliki luas sebesar 147,2 km2, yang terbagi atas 7 Kecamatan dan 54 Kelurahan. Berdasarkan Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Tangerang Selatan, Kota Tangerang Selatan memiliki penduduk sebanyak 1.244.204 jiwa. Terdapat berbagai aktifitas penduduk di Kota Tangerang Selatan yang sangat berpengaruh dengan emisi karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan, akan tetapi penelitian mengenai perhitungan emisi karbon serta kecukupan RTH di Kota Tangerang Selatan masih belum pernah dilakukan. Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) memiliki fungsi yang penting, dimana hutan dan taman kota dapat membantu dalam menyerap karbon dioksida dengan proses fotosintesis. Peneltian ini akan membandingkan kecukupan RTH yang sudah ada dengan emisi karbon dioksida yang dihasilkan dari berbagai macam aktivitas manusia dan akan memberikan rekomendasi seperti penambahan vegetasi pada RTH jika untuk meningkatkan kualitas RTH di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan tahapan penelitian yaitu tahap pengumpulan data, tahap pengolahan data dan tahap analisa data. Sistem Informasi Geofrafis (SIG) dilakukan untuk analisis spasial untuk memetakan dan memodelkan kondisi wilayah dalam penyebaran emisi karbon dioksida dan menunjukkan dimana RTH ditempatkan. Perhitungan emisi karbon dioksida dihitung berdasarkan aktifitas manusia dan juga berdasarkan kecamatannya. Total beban emisi karbon dioksida dari seluurh aktifitas manusia adalah sebesar 1.779.715,25 ton/tahun. RTH yang sudah ada di Kota Tangerang Selatan masih belum mencukupi kecukupan sebagai penyerap beban emisi CO2. Besar beban emisi CO2 yang tidak terserap oleh RTH adalah sebesar 1.613.082,11 ton/tahun. Sehingga pada Kota Tangerang Selatan diperlukan adanya penambahan RTH dengan penambahan lahan sebesar 9,07 hektar dengan 1.123 pohon tambahan

    Consensus document on controversial issues for the treatment of hospital-associated pneumonia

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    Background: Hospital-associated pneumonia (HAP) remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality despite advances in antimicrobial therapy. Many aspects of the treatment of HAP caused by multi-resistant Gram-positive microorganisms have been extensively studied, but controversial issues remain. Controversial issues: The aim of this GISIG (Gruppo Italiano di Studio sulle Infezioni Gravi) working group – a panel of multidisciplinary experts – was to define recommendations for some controversial issues using an evidence-based and analytical approach. The controversial issues were: (1) Is combination antibiotic therapy or monotherapy more effective in the treatment of HAP? (2) What role do pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic antibiotic features have as a guide in the selection of treatment for HAP? (3) Is a de-escalation approach for the management of HAP effective? An analysis of the studies published up until April 2009 is presented and discussed in detail. Methods: A systematic literature search using PubMed, MEDLINE, and EMBASE databases and the Cochrane Library was performed. A matrix was created to extract evidence from original studies using the CONSORT method to evaluate randomized clinical trials and the Newcastle–Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale for case–control studies, longitudinal cohorts, and retrospective studies. The GRADE method for grading quality of evidence was applied. 2010 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserve

    Plantations, outgrowers and commercial farming in Africa: agricultural commercialisation and implications for agrarian change

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    Whether or not investments in African agriculture can generate quality employment at scale,avoid dispossessing local people of their land,promote diversified and sustainable livelihoods, and catalyse more vibrant local economies depends on what farming model is pursued. In this Forum, we build on recent scholarship by discussing the key findings of our recent studies in Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. We examined cases of three models of agricultural commercialisation, characterised by different sets of institutional arrangements that link land, labour and capital. The three models are: plantations or estates with on-farm processing; contract farming and outgrower schemes; and medium-scale commercial farming areas. Building on core debates in the critical agrarian studies literature, we identify commercial farming areas and contract farming as producing the most local economic linkages, and plantations/estates as producing more jobs, although these are of low quality and mostly casual. We point to the gender and generational dynamics emerging in the three models, which reflect the changing demand for family and wage labour. Models of agricultural commercialisation do not always deliver what is expected of them in part because local conditions play a critical role in the unfolding outcomes for land relations, labour regimes, livelihoods and local economies

    Women, wellbeing and Wildlife Management Areas in Tanzania

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    Community-based wildlife management claims pro-poor, gender-sensitive outcomes. However, intersectional political ecology predicts adverse impacts on marginalised people. Our large-scale quantitative approach draws out common patterns and differentiated ways women are affected by Tanzania’s Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). This first large-scale, rigorous evaluation studies WMA impacts on livelihoods and wellbeing of 937 married women in 42 villages across six WMAs and matched controls in Northern and Southern Tanzania. While WMAs bring community infrastructure benefits, most women have limited political participation, and experience resource use restrictions and fear of wildlife attacks. Wealth and region are important determinants, with the poorest worst impacted

    The new enclosures: critical perspectives on corporate land deals

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    The contributions to this collection use the tools of agrarian political economy to explore the rapid growth and complex dynamics of large-scale land deals in recent years, with a special focus on the implications of big land deals for property and labour regimes, labour processes and structures of accumulation. The first part of this introductory essay examines the implications of this agrarian political economy perspective. First we explore the continuities and contrasts between historical and contemporary land grabs, before examining the core underlying debate around large- versus small-scale farming futures. Next, we unpack the diverse contexts and causes of land grabbing today, highlighting six overlapping mechanisms. The following section turns to assessing the crisis narratives that frame the justifications for land deals, and the flaws in the argument around there being excess, empty or idle land available. Next the paper turns to an examination of the impacts of land deals, and the processes of inclusion and exclusion at play, before looking at patterns of resistance and constructions of alternatives. The final section introduces the papers in the collection.ESR