19 research outputs found

    Kajian Dosis Pupuk Phonska pada Dua Varietas Semangka terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Buah Semangka

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji dosis pupuk majemuk phonska pada dua varietas semangka yaitu varietas New Dragon dan varietas Quality terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil buah semangka. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor dan diulang tiga kali. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) dengan petak utama adalah dosis pupuk phonska dan anak petak adalah varietas tanaman semangka. Dosis pupuk phonska terdiri dari 5 level, yaitu P1 : 600 kg/ha, P2 : 900 kg/ha, P3 : 1200 kg/ha, P4 : 1500 kg/ha dan P5 : 1800 kg/ha. Varietas terdiri dari dua level yaitu V1 : varietas New Dragon dan V2 : varietas Quality.Penentuan dosis pupuk phonska yanng tepat pada dua varietas semangka diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil buah semangka. Perlakuan kombinasi antara dosis pupuk phonska dan varietas semangka berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun pada umur 30 dan 48 hari setelah tanam, berat buah per tanaman dan kadar gula buah

    Theurapeutic Effectiveness of Rat Bone Marrow Stem Cells in Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Mice Model on Folliculogenesis, TGF-Ξ², GDF-9 Expression, and Estrogen, TNF- and Androgen Levels

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    Objectives: to identify therapeutic effectiveness of Rat Bone Marrow stem cell in PCOS rats model on folliculogenesis, TGF-beta and GDF-9 expression and on estrogen, TNF-a and androgen levels.Material and Methods: this study is a laboratory experimental research with using animal testing. PCOS was induced by the administration of testosterone propionate hormone into 30 mice. The subjects of this study are divided into 2 groups: stem cell group and control group. The mice were injected with testosterone then vaginal swab was performed to determine the mice cycle. After determining mice in anestrous cycle, stem cell was injected. TNF-a was measured with immunohistochemistry and androgen was examined using ELISA. The data was measured by student t-test.Result: The average number of TNF-a expression in control group was lower than stem cell group (5.35 vs 2.34; p= 0.0026). The average androgen level for stem cell group was lower than mean for control group (2.31 vs 0.40; p= 0.0026).Conclusion: In this study of polycystic model mice, stem cell decreased the expression of TNF-a and androgen leve

    Pengaruh Status Kesehatan Ibu terhadap Derajat Preeklampsia/Eklampsia di Kabupaten Gresik

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    Preeclampsia/eclampsia is one of the main causes of death in women, and the disease is unique in that it only occurs in pregnant women. The disease is known as "theoretical disease" because many theories explaining the causes of preeclampsia/eclampsia. Several risk factors have been identified to increase the risk preeclampsia/eclampsia. The incident of preeclampsia/eclampsia at Ibnu Sina District Public Hospital of Gresik increased in 2013 to 2015. The study aimed to determine the influence of maternal health to the degree of preeclampsia/eclampsia in Gresik. It was an analytical survey with a cross sectional design. Subjects consisted of 190 women with preeclampsia/ eclampsia and the number of samples taken was as many as 77 mothers, using simple random sampling. The variables were age, history of preeclampsia/eclampsia, descent, hypertension, and parity. Analysis of data was carried out using ordinal logistic regression. Data were obtained from interviews, medical records, and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) books. The influences a studies that there is significant descent (p=0,027), hypertension (p=0.001), and parity (p=0.000). The incidence of preeclampsia/eclampsia is affected by the descent, hypertension and parity. It suggests that the risk factors should be concerned by health professionals and mothers during pregnancy counseling

    Factor Analysis About Exclusive Breastfeeding Achievement Level Among Mothers Who Provide Breastmilk to Their Children

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    Introduction: The number of mother who breastfeed their babies exclusively in Indonesia is low. It caused by many factors such as high intensity of formula milk advertisement, lack of awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, working mother, social culture, family support and the role of health care provider. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors related with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: Design used in this research was analytic retrospective. The population were all mothers at Pacarkeling Public Health Center area. Sample obtained through purposive sampling. Total sample was 61 respondents. Independent variables were knowledge, information and promotion, family support, social cultural, role of health provider, work/occupation, education and breast physiology anatomy. The dependent variable was exclusive breastfeeding. Result: The result indicated that exclusive breastfeeding achievement level was related with information and promotion (r = 0.271), family support (r = 373), health care provider role (r = 231), mother occupation (r = 251), anatomy and physiology of breast (r = 293), while the knowledge (r = 108), social cultural (r = 180) and education (r = 093) not significantly related. Discussion: In conclusion, there was a positive correlation between information and promotion, family support, health care provider role, mother's occupation, anatomy and physiology of breast with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. While the knowledge, social cultural and education did not indicate significant result. Therefore it is suggested to increase the quantity and quality of information and promotion about exclusive breastfeeding to the society, health care provider and pregnant and breastfeeding mother

    Aplikasi Cara Tanam Pada Dna Varietas Wijen, Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman

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    Wijen merupakan tanaman semusim, berbatang tegak dan basah. Agar dapat berproduksi maksimal, wijen menghendaki suhu tinggi dan produksi atau hasil panen wijen dapat dipengaruhi oleh cara tanam dan varietas.Cara tanam dengan menyebar benih, dapat menyebabkan pertumbuhan tanaman akan terhambat karena jarak tanam tidak terkontrol,sehingga terjadi persaingan. Selanjutnya cara tanam ditugal dengan jarak tanam tertentu akan mengurangi persaingan tanaman. Usaha untuk mengurangi persaingan tanaman akibat dari cara tanam dengan menyebar benih, dapat dilakukan dengan penjarangan tanaman.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aplikasi cara tanam pada dua varietas wijen, terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil. Parameter yang diamati meliputi ; tinggi tanaman, jumlah polong, berat polong dan berat biji per tanaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tinggi tanaman berpengaruh terhadap cara tanam pada umur pengamatan yang berbeda. Jumlah polong dan berat polong berpengaruh terhadap varietas dan cara tanam

    Hubungan Jumlah Kunjungan Anc dan Stigmatisasi dengan Keikutsertaan Ibu Hamil dalam Tes HIV Setelah Konseling oleh Petugas Kesehatan (di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Turi Lamongan)

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    HIV AIDS is considered as global threat due to the adverse impacts it brings to all sectors. The number of person with HIV-AIDS increases both in men and women. For pregnant women, HIV is not just a threat to the mother but also for the infant, therefore as to prevent the transmission and complication during pregnancy, screening should be made through an HIV test. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the number ofantenatal care and stigmatization on participation of pregnant women for HIV testing after counseling by Health Workers in the working area of Turi Public Health Center, Lamongan. This study applied cross sectional study. The population in this study consisted of 80 pregnant women. Simple random sampling was chosen for Sampling Technique and it was obtained as many as 42 respondents. Data collection was done using a questionnaire and interviews. Data were analyzed using frequency distribution tables and chi square test with significance level of 5% (p = 0.05). The results revealed that from as many as 42 pregnant women who made antenatal visit > 4 times, 100% of these pregnant women did not take HIV test while pregnant women who made only 2–4 times antenatal visit was as many as 16 individuals (64%) took the test, and only one pregnant woman who took the test on the first visit. Pregnant women who did not have the stigmatization, 100% took the HIV test. Statistical analysis showed no correlation between the number of antenatal visits (p = 0.000) and stigmastization (p = 0.000) of pregnant women for HIV testing after counseling by Health Workers. It is necessary to increase the provision of information and education for the pregnant women through health promotion concerning the importance of HIV testing and antenatal visits to the Health Care

    Deteksi Dini Risiko Ibu Hamil Dengan Kartu Skor Poedji Rochjati Dan Pencegahan Faktor Empat Terlambat

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    Tujuan: menganalisis kasus kematian maternal di RSUD Dr. Soetomo tahun 2011 – 2013 dengan tiga penyebab terbanyak (perdarahan pasca salin, preeklampsia berat dan penyakit jantung) ditinjau dari skor KSPR dan faktor empat terlambat.Bahan dan Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospektif observasional dengan desain studi deskriptif. Objek pada penelitian ini merupakan pasien yang meninggal sebagai kasus kematian maternal di RSUD Dr. Soetomo tahun 2011-2013, dengan jumlah 58 orang. Variabel penelitian ini adalah tingkat risiko kehamilan berdasarkan KSPR, faktor empat terlambat dan kematian maternal.Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan seluruh kasus kematian maternal mengandung unsur faktor risiko dalam KSPR dan faktor empat terlambat. KRST merupakan kelompok faktor risiko terbanyak (55,2%), diikuti oleh KRT 39,7% dan KRR 5,2%. Faktor terlambat mendeteksi tanda bahaya ditemukan sebanyak 82,8%, terlambat mengambil keputusan merujuk 56,9%, dan terlambat sampai di tempat rujukan 15,5%. Faktor terlambat mendapat pertolongan di tempat rujukan terakhir tidak ditemukan pada penelitian ini.Simpulan: KSPR masih relevan digunakan untuk deteksi dini faktor risiko ibu hamil. Pencegahan faktor empat terlambat penting untuk menurunkan angka kematian materna