19 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Penduduk, Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Dan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Di Kota Surakarta Tahun 1991-2011

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    Pembangunan ekonomi akan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh dari jumlah penduduk, jumlah tenaga kerja dan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di kota surakarta tahun 1991-2011. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dilihat dengan menggunakan indikator Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB). Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui publikasi yang dilakukan oleh biro pusat statistik kota surakarta dari tahun 1991-2011. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan uji regresi berganda menggunakan Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa variabel Jumlah Penduduk dan variabel Jumlah Tenaga Kerja tidak berpengaruh terhadap variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi (PDRB), sementara variabel Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi (PDRB). Dalam uji kelayakan model (uji F) diketahui bahwa variabel independen secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap variabel dependen. 95,04% nilai pertumbuhan ekonomi (PDRB) dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel jumlah penduduk, jumlah tenaga kerja dan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD), sisanya dijelaskan oleh variabel diluar model

    Local Power And Muhammadiyah In Kotagede

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    There has been a few studies on Kotagede with given focus on local architecture,cultural tourism, local politics and identity and the post-2006 earthquake inquiry butnone of them has a calibre of that of Nakamura\u27s.Overall, it is must be acknowledged that not much been written on this subject with a great depthsince Nakamura did field work in early 1970s and this left a big gap on thescholarship on Kotagede. This gap of knowledge is seriously needed to be filledbecause the findings of Nakamura\u27s study were basically based from the political andsocial changes occurred in Kotagede over past four decades

    Whither aceh?

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    10.1080/01436590120061697Third World Quarterly223437-45

    The politics of universal free basic education in decentralized Indonesia: insights from Yogyakarta

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    Since the fall of Suharto's New Order, Indonesia's central government has substantially strengthened the legal and financial basis of universal free basic education (UFBE). Yet sub-national governments have varied considerably in their responses to the issue, with some supporting UFBE and others not. Why has this happened? What are the implications for the future of UFBE in Indonesia? And what does Indonesia's sub-national experience tell us about the political preconditions for UFBE in developing countries? We try to shed some light on these questions by examining the politics of UFBE in Bantul and Sleman, two districts in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. We argue (1) that these districts' different responses to UFBE have reflected the extent to which their bupati have pursued populist strategies for mobilizing votes at election time and there has been resistance to UFBE from groups such as business, the middle classes and teachers; (2) that Indonesia's sub-national experience suggests that there is an alternative pathway to UFBE besides organization of the poor by political entrepreneurs; and (3) that the future of UFBE in Indonesia thus rests on the nature of bupatis' strategies for advancing their careers and the strength of local groups opposed to UFBE.Andrew Rosser and Priyambudi Sulistiyant

    Leaders, elites and coalitions: The politics of free public services in decentralised Indonesia. Developmental Research Program Policy Paper 16

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    Since the implementation of decentralisation in Indonesia in 2001, district governments—which under the country’s decentralisation laws are assigned primary responsibility for health and education policy—have varied considerably in their response to the issue of user fees for basic education and health services. Many have done little to support the provision of free public services in their districts while a small number have adopted well-funded programs to support free basic education and health. The purpose of this report is to explain this cross-district variation and assess the policy implications for donors and other development actors interested in improving citizens’ access to basic education and health services. We argue that a key determinant of district governments’ varying responses to the issue of user fees has been the nature of district heads’ strategies for maintaining and advancing their political careers. Where district heads have pursued strategies of ‘political entrepreneurship’—that is, where they have sought to develop a popular base among the poor—and become dependent upon their electoral support to remain in power, district governments have been more likely to promote free public services than where political leaders have focused on consolidating patronage networks. At the same time, we suggest that these strategies have in turn reflected the incentives created by district head’s respective personal networks, alliances, and constituencies. In policy terms, we conclude that donors and other development actors need to find ways of enhancing the scope for political entrepreneurship at the local level, that they can make a contribution in this respect by supporting and collaborating with anticorruption institutions and promoting awareness of successful instances of political entrepreneurship, and that they should draw on political analysis in determining whether to engage in particular countries or, within countries, in particular regions

    Leaders, Elites and Coalitions: The Politics of Free Public Services in Decentralised Indonesia

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    Research Paper; 16Andrew Rosser, Ian Wilson and Priyambudi Sulistiyantohttp://www.dlprog.org/ftp/download/Public%20Folder/1%20Research%20Papers/The%20Politics%20of%20Free%20Public%20Services%20in%20Decentralised%20Indonesia.pd