62 research outputs found

    The Effect of Light and Nutrients on the Development of Fruit of Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea (L.). Merr.)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of light and nutrients to the fruit development of peanut (Arachis hypogaea). The study was conducted in the greenhouse of Biology Education Departement of Nusantara PGRI Kediri University by a completely randomized design with two factors, namely: nutrients, consists of six levels (complete nutrient, without K, Ca, P, Mg and without nutrients) and the light consists of two levels (dark and light condition). The nutrients provided is a Hoagland solution (1938). The parameters measured were the length of fruits, that were measured at the harvesting time. Data were analyzed by F test factorial, and if there is a significant, then continued by least significant difference (LSD) test, using the Stats program 6.2 version. The peanut fruit development is inhibited by light but its stimulated by the interaction between the dark and nutrients. The fruit is grown in the dark with a complete nutrient is the longest both fruits and seeds

    Morphological and Histological Structures of Gonad of Coconut Crab (Birgus Latro)

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    The study was aimed to investigate the secondary morphological and histological structures of gonad of coconut crab (Birgus latro). Morphologically, male and female gonads were described based on size, surface condition, colour and ocupied stage in abdomen. Histologically, male gonad was described based on appearance of spermatocyte, spematid and spermatophore using PAS-Hematoksilin method, while female gonad was described on oocyte development, nucleus condition, and deposit of oocyte using Hematoksilin-Eosin methods. Morphologically, testes are smooths, white-brownish, and occupied about 9-40% abdoment, while ovarium surface are smooth-granule, whitish, grey-dark, red, and occupied about 25-80% abdoment. Histologically, the testes showed spermatocyte, spermatid, and spermatozoa in spermatophore, while the ovarium showed oocyte at premature-mature conditions


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    Metode pembahasan yang dilakukan oleh penulis antara lain dengan melakukan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) , yaitu dengan mengadakan observasi melalui pendekatan langsung dengan cara meninjau langsung kinerja Customer Service di Bank Mandiri Kantor Cabang Pembantu Cisarua. Bank Mandiri kantor cabang pembantu mitra usaha cisarua memberikan produk – produk yang bergerak di bidang usaha mikro seperti kredit usaha mikro dan kredit usaha rakyat. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja Customer Service dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah yang diterapkan di Bank Mandiri kantor cabang pembantu mitra usaha Cisarua Bogor. Hasil pembahasan menunjukan bahwa pelayanan yang ada di Bank Mandiri sudah cukup memenuhi standar kualitas pelayanannya, walaupun masih ada yang harus di perbaiki untuk mengembangkan perusahaan menjadi lebih baik dan berkembang lebih cepat. Keywords : bank, Pelayana

    Pola USAha Masyarakat Nelayan Di Desa Majakerta, Kecamatan Balongan-kabupaten Indramayu (Business Pattern of Fishermen in Majakerta Village, Balongan District-indramayu Regency)

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    Capture fisheries business is a collective action in exploiting fisheries resources. It describes ability and dependency of community to capture fisheries resource that interestingly to be studied. The study was conducted for observing socio economic condition and analyzing small scale business of fishermen in Majakerta village Balongan Indramayu. The survey method was used in this study, with purposive random sampling for collecting samples as many as 10 respondents. The results showed that a small scale business of fishing had an important role for fishermen community in Majakerta village. Fishermen traditionally catch it, and they could be sustainable to do their business. It had financially profited with B / C ratio> 1.5 and payback period <= a year

    Length-weight Relationship and Condition Factor of Yellowstripe Scads Selaroides Leptolepis in Sunda Strait

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    Yellowstripe scad Selaroides leptolepis is important product of small pelagic fishery resources in Java Sea. This fish also has high economic value and mostly captured by fisherman. The purpose of this study was to determine length weight relationship and condition factor of yellowstripe scads Selaroides leptolepis in Sunda Strait. Sampling was conducted from April to August 2015 with stratified random sampling method from catch landed at Pelabuhan Perikanan Pantai (PPP) Labuan, Banten. The results showed that 757 fish captured consists of 337 females and 420 males. The length weight relationship was W= 0.00004L2.7176 for female and W= 0.00003L2.7871 for male. The results indicated that the length weight relationship was highly correlated (r > 95%). the relative condition factors of fish varied from 1.0061-1.1926, of which females were generally in better condition than the males

    Hubungan Jenis Kepiting Bakau (Scylla Spp.) Dengan Mangrove Dan Substrat Di Tambak Silvofishery Eretan, Indramayu (Relationship of Mudcrab (Scylla Spp.) with Mangrove and Substrate in Silvofishery Ponds, Eretan, Indramayu)

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    Mudcrab is one of the fishery commodity with high economic value in Indonesia. High market and price stimulated the development of the mudcrabs business in this country. The aim of this research was to evaluate interaction between habitat characteristics and the mudcrabs (Scylla spp.) species. The research was conducted in silvofishery ponds of Eretan village, Indramayu, West Java from September-November 2013 and August-September 2014. Sampling was conducted at five stations. They were BDR (Brackishwater dominated Rhizophora sp.), BDA (Brackishwater dominated Avicennia sp.), BCDR (Brackishwater cannal dominated Rhizopora sp.), BCDA (Brackishwater cannal dominated Avicennia sp.) and SMF (Side of the mangrove forest). The result showed there were two species of the mudcrabs Scylla paramamosain and Scylla olivacea. S. paramamosain was dominated than S. olivacea at all stations. Total number of the S. paramamosain was 107 ind (consisted of 67 male and 40 female), while total number of the S. olivacea was 28 ind (consisted of 17 male and 11 female). Composition of the mudcrabs species in each station was 91% S. paramamosain and 9% S. olivacea at BDR, 89% S. paramamosain and 11% S. olivacea at BDA, 86% S. paramamosain and 14% S. olivacea at BCDR, 68% S. paramamosain and 32% S. olivacea at BCDA, 73% S. paramamosain and 27% S. olivacea at SMF. Differences between kinds of mudcrab in each stations showed there are interaction between kinds of mudcrabs with habitat characteristics

    Komposisi dan Kelimpahan Larva Ikan di Estuaria Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa Tengah

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    Komposisi dan kelimpahan larva ikan telah diamati selama bulan November 2001 sampai dengan April 2002 di Estuaria Segara Anakan Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Pengambilan larva ikan dilakukan setiap bulan dengan menggunakan larva net pada sepuluh stasiun penelitian. Larva ikan yang diperoleh terbagi dalam 23 familia dan 38 genus. Familia Gobiidae merupakan penyumbang terbanyak dari seluruh total tangkapan (67.33%), diikuti dengan Engraulididae (19.39%), Apogonidae (8.27%) dan lainnya sebesar 4.96%. Kelimpahan larva ikan seluruh takson tertinggi terjadi pada bulan November 2001 dengan kelimpahan mencapai 2490 ind/100 m3 dan terendah pada bulan Januari dengan kelimpahan 295 ind/100 m3. Larva yang paling melimpah adalah Glossogobius diikuti Engraulis sp, Stolephorus sp, Apogon sp, Megalops cyprinoides, Acanthogobius sp dan Chirocentrus sp. Kelimpahan larva ikan cenderung rendah pada stasiun-stasiun yang memiliki salinitas dan kekeruhan yang tinggi. Faktor lingkungan yang berkorelasi dengan kelimpahan larva ikan total adalah kekeruhan. Beberapa larva ikan menunjukkan preferensi yang bervariasi terhadap kondisi lingkungan
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