13 research outputs found

    Application of Apriori Algorithm in Data Mining to Analyze Malnutrition (Case Study: Secanggang Village)

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    Malnutrition is a serious public health issue affecting quality of life in many rural areas. Comprehensive, evidence-based approaches are needed to identify dietary patterns associated with this condition. In this study, we applied the Apriori algorithm for data mining to analyze the relationship between dietary patterns and malnutrition prevalence in Secanggang Village. Using Apriori, we discovered significant associative patterns between foods and malnutrition. Our analysis showed several dietary patterns with sufficiently high support and confidence, indicating potentially strong associations with malnutrition. These patterns may include combinations of less diverse or nutritious foods, which could be risk factors for malnutrition. Our findings provide valuable insights for authorities and health institutions to formulate more effective intervention programs in tackling malnutrition in Secanggang Village. By understanding the relationship between dietary patterns and malnutrition, prevention and treatment efforts can be better targeted to positively impact community health and welfare. Further research and cross-sectoral collaboration are still needed to comprehensively address the complex challenges of malnutrition.

    Socialization and education on designing an automatic chili plant watering system in Kota Pari Village

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    This service activity aims to provide outreach and education to the people of Kota Pari Village about the design of an automatic chili plant watering system. This system was designed with the aim of increasing agricultural efficiency and productivity, especially in chili cultivation. Through this activity, it is hoped that the public can understand and apply the concepts and working principles of automatic watering systems in agriculture. The activity began with outreach to the public about the benefits and working principles of automatic watering systems as well as the potential for increasing agricultural yields that can be achieved through the use of this technology. Next, practical education was carried out regarding the installation and use of an automatic watering system for chili plants. Participants will be given a step-by-step guide in installing and operating an automatic watering system. Apart from that, this activity also involves direct assistance and monitoring of the implementation of the automatic watering system in the community's chili plants. The service team will assist in overcoming obstacles that may arise and provide direction and suggestions in using the system. Through this outreach and education activity, it is hoped that the people of Kota Pari Village can utilize and adopt automatic watering system technology to increase their agricultural yields. With this system, it is hoped that the efficiency of water use and labor can increase, so that the productivity and quality of chili plants can be improved.

    The Implementation of Kuliah Kerja Nyata Information System for Higher Education

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    This paper explores the implementation of a Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Information System for Higher Education. The KKN program is a mandatory community engagement program for Indonesian university students, which requires careful management and coordination between universities, students, and community partners. The paper discusses the benefits of implementing a KKN Information System, which can streamline the process of managing student placements, community partnerships, and program logistics. The paper also presents various research methods, such as system design, database design, information system design, testing, evaluation, and improvement, which can be used to effectively develop, test, and refine the KKN Information System to meet the specific needs of the university and its stakeholders. Ultimately, the implementation of a KKN Information System can help universities better manage their KKN programs, while providing students with a more meaningful and impactful community engagement experience

    Implementation of On-Page and Off Page SEO to Improve Tourism Promotion Websites

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    Promotion for Kota Pari Village. Effective search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for increasing online visibility and attracting potential tourists in an increasingly digital world. The research examines the strategic implementation of on-page SEO, with a focus on keyword research, content quality, page optimization, mobile-friendliness, and internal linking. In addition, this paper examines off-page SEO techniques, such as link building, local citations, social media marketing, online reviews, guest blogging, and local collaborations. By employing a combination of these techniques, tourism stakeholders in Kota Pari Village can effectively market their attractions, events, and experiences, ultimately driving organic traffic and fostering the tourism industry's sustainable growth

    Development of Sendudes Web-Based Application as a Digitalization of The Village Population Census: Study Case : Desa Kota Pari

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    This research aims to design and develop a web-based application called Sensudes as a digital record-keeping system for the population census in Kota Pari Village, using Agile Development Methods. Sensudes is created to facilitate the recording of population census data to obtain accurate and timely results. Agile Development Methods are utilized to produce a targeted product with a short development time. This research is expected to benefit the village officials in the Kota Pari Pantai Cermin subdistrict in recording population census data in an easier and more efficient manner. The research includes user requirement analysis, system design, application development, and application testing with users. The results of this research demonstrate that the web-based Sensudes application can ease and assist village officials in recording population census data. In addition, the findings of this research can be a reference for other villages and regions that want to develop efficient and user-friendly population census applications

    Implementation of SEO on Dusun Nusantara Web-based Application as Tourism Promotion Media

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    This study explores the implementation of SEO on the Dusun Nusantara web-based application as a tourism promotion media. This implementation aims to increase the number of tourist visits to Desa Kota Pari by improving the website's ranking in search engines like Google. The study analyzes the Google Analytics data for the last 90 days to evaluate the effectiveness of SEO implementation. The results show that the implementation of SEO has successfully increased the number of users and sessions on the application, indicating an increase in user interest in visiting the application. However, the high bounce rate of 76.76% needs improvement. Despite this, the average session duration of 1 minute 29 seconds indicates that users are interested in exploring pages in the application. The study concludes that implementing SEO in the DusunNusantara.com application is an effective strategy for promoting tourism in the area. By utilizing a web-based application, managers can provide complete and accurate information about existing tourism in Desa Kota Pari and Pantai Cermin, which can expand the reach of tourism promotion and increase the number of tourists visiting Desa Kota Pari. However, it is essential to improve the application's content to make it more exciting and relevant and to provide a more engaging and interactive experience to the app to increase visitor session duration. Thus, implementing SEO in the Dusun Nusantara application can be an effective strategy for promoting tourism and increasing tourist visits to the area

    Aplikasi Peringatan Dini Cuaca Menggunakan Running Text Berbasis Android

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    Informasi tentang perannya sangat besar untuk kehidupan di berbagai bidang, seperti politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya, pertahanan dan sebagainya. Dalam kehidupan manusia, teknologi informasi berfungsi untuk memenuhi sebagian besar kebutuhan manusia. Teknologi juga digunakan untuk menyampaikan informasi di tempat-tempat umum terutama informasi yang disampaikan dan ditampilkan setiap saat selalu berubah sehingga informasi akan lebih efektif jika informasi disajikan dalam bentuk papan teks yang sedang berjalan. Menulis teks yang berjalan yang dikirim ke papan teks yang sedang berjalan saat ini masih bergantung pada perangkat koneksi USB (universal serial bus) baik dengan perangkat keyboard dan flashdisk yang mengharuskan pengguna untuk melakukan kontak fisik dengan papan teks yang sedang berjalan. Ini tentu saja dianggap tidak ramah pengguna kepada pengguna jika papan teks yang sedang berjalan berada di tempat yang sulit dijangkau. Dengan perkembangan teknologi nirkabel atau jaringan yang dapat membantu komunikasi nirkabel dan kolaborasi smartphone Android dapat memudahkan pengguna dalam mengirimkan informasi, terutama informasi tentang cuaca peringatan dini yang selalu diperbarui. Dalam penelitian ini penulis membuat aplikasi yang menjalankan teks yang dapat diperbarui menggunakan smartphone Android dengan kontrol mikrokontroler. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat ini dapat menjadi solusi alternatif untuk memperbarui informasi menjadi teks yang berjalan yang dapat dengan mudah beroperasi hingga jarak lebih dari 50 meter dan dapat berfungsi dari depan atau belakang teks yang sedang berjalan

    Implementation of On Page SEO for Gogalas Website

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    The study investigates various fundamental elements of On-Page SEO, encompassing the optimization of titles, the quality of content, the structure of meta descriptions and URLs, the speed of web pages, the establishment of trustworthiness, and the implementation of internal linking. The study endeavors to showcase the collective impact of these strategies on enhancing one's online profile through careful analysis and application. The implementation phase encompasses the strategic incorporation of pertinent keywords in titles and content, the optimization of meta descriptions to improve click-through rates, and the structuring of URLs for the purposes of clarity and user-friendliness. The study also examines the significance of page loading speed and security measures, both of which have pivotal roles in enhancing user experience and search engine results. Moreover, the study highlights the significance of internal linking in promoting smooth navigation and improving the overall structural coherence of the website. The study offers practical insights for website owners, digital marketers, and SEO practitioners that aim to optimize their online platforms by demonstrating the sequential adoption of various approaches. This study ultimately illustrates the efficacy of implementing On-Page SEO tactics in enhancing search engine visibility, augmenting organic traffic, and providing a more gratifying user experience for the "Gogalas" website and similar online platforms

    Implementation of Digital Marketing with SEO on Gogalas Website for Business Directory Listing

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    Gogalas is a website-based application that serves as a directory listing for services and products of small and medium enterprises in the village. The implementation of digital marketing with search engine optimization (SEO) has been applied to improve the visibility and searchability of the website. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of implementing digital marketing with SEO in improving the website's search engine rankings and visibility. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative research with data collection techniques through observation and documentation. The research data was analyzed using a comparative descriptive analysis technique to compare the website's search engine rankings and visibility before and after implementing digital marketing with SEO. The study results showed a significant improvement in the website's search engine rankings and visibility after implementing digital marketing with SEO. The website's visibility increased by 76,59% visitor bounce ratio in line with organic search in the search engine results page (SERP). This proves that implementing digital marketing with SEO is an effective method for improving and visibility of the Gogalas website

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Rekam Medis Menggunakan Metode Design Thinking (Studi Kasus : Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah)

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    Kebutuha informasi yang cepat, akurat dan tepat waktu merupakan suatu hal yang mutlak pada era yang serba cepat ini. Keterlambatan dalam  menyajikan informasi yang di butukan akan menyebabkan informasi tersebut tidak relevan lagi bagi penggunanya. Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Rekam Medis UPTD Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah terbentuk dari visi misi dan tujuan Puskesmas Simeulue Tengah tersebut. Yaitu terwujudnya pelayanan yang baik kepada masyarakat .sistem informasi ini akan memudahkan perose-proses pelayanan tersebut  sehingga pengolahan data Rekam medis akan lebih cepat mudah dan akurat serta memberikan kemudahan staff puskesmas  dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Metode yang dugunakan yaitu Design Thinking  adalah metode dengan serangkaian proses kognitif, strategis, dan praktis yang berulang digunakan untuk mencoba memahami pengguna dan kebutuhan mereka dalam  memecahkan masalah dan menciptakan solusi inovatif yang sebelumnya tidak terpikirkan,  tanpa membuat asumsi atau mendefinisikan ulang masalah. Desain Aplikasi menggunakan sistem UML (Unified Modelling Languange ) yaitu , terdiri dari Use case Diagram, Class Diagram, Activity Diagram dan Squence Diagram. Sedangkan Untuk Bahaas Pemograman Menggunakan Hypertext  preprocessor (PHP) dan MYSQL sebagai Databasenya. Kata kunci : Sistem Informasi, Rekam Medis,Puskesmas,Pelayanan, Design Thinkin