24 research outputs found

    Analisis Kelayakan Finansial Internal Rate of Return (IRR) dan Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) pada Alternatif Besaran Teknis Bangunan Pasar Cinde Palembang

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    This paper discusses the feasibility analysis of financial internal rate of return (IRR) and benefit cost ratio (BCR) on Cinde market which is one of the oldest markets in Palembang. Feasibility analysis  is done by creating two design alternatives which  were different  from existing alternative and assumes revenues received later. By creating different alternatives, land area, kiosks and parking lot,  alternative A has a 26,08% IRR and BCR 1.18. This alternative makes buyers much easier to go directly to the floor or parking lot they want to go to. Effect of technical quantities of market building will greatly affect the financial feasibility with reference to the existing standard


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    Concrete is construction material which frequently used in the field of civil engineering. In constructing process, concrete material is a part of building structure with some superiorities, among others, are: high compressive strength, being able to be formed as needed, no serious maintenance needed, and relatively fireproof and weatherproof. Various studies and experiments in the field of concrete as part of efforts to improve the quality of concrete. One way to increase the strength of concrete is to increase the compacting, which minimizes pores or cavities formed in the concrete. The additive material used in this study is fly ash. Fly ash is a waste of coal burning. The fly ash in this study was taken from PLTU Bukit Asam Tanjung Enim. The type of fly ash used is fly ash F class, which is the result of burning of coal of anthracite/bituminous with low content of CaO, less than 10%.  Maximum density of concrete can be attained by compacting the fresh concrete. The main goal of compaction of the fresh concrete is to eliminate air cavities and to achieve maximum density. The concrete compressive strength will increase if the density of concrete also increases. The compaction of 75 kg / cm ² with no fly ash added   generates  the strength of compressive of concrete  41.08 MPa. The greater compaction of fresh concrete is given, the more compacted the concrete will be, surely the  weight of the concrete content will get heavier. This is because the concrete that has been compacted  will be more compacted, so that air pores in the concrete will be smaller than normal concrete. The maximum weight of concrete of compaction   75 kg / cm ² with no fly ash added is  2.518 ton / m³. In this study the crack tend to form columnar type


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    Perkembangan teknologi beton saat ini menuju ke beton yang memiliki mutu yang tinggi dan juga memiliki kinerja tinggi (workability rendah). Beton jenis ini dikenal sebagai beton yang dapat memadat sendiri (SCC: Self Compacting Concrete) yang saat ini telah dikenal luas di Jepang, Eropa dan Amerika.Untuk menunjang kinerja beton menjadi tinggi, maka digunakan ukuran agregat kasar yang lebih kecil (maksimum 10 mm) dan untuk mendapatkan workability dan viscositas yang baik dibutuhkan  penambahan aditif.Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan diantaranya pada perubahan ukuran agregat menjadi maksimum 10 mm maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen sebanyak 15%. Untuk penyesuaian komposisi sesuai syarat komposisi  beton SCC maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen menjadi total 22%, serta untuk memenuhi workability yang rendah dibutuhkan penambahan aditif jenis RP260 dan SP430 yang masing – masing 1,5 lt/m3 beton


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    A superintendent as executor of building project must have complete competency ranging from communicating with stakeholders, knowledge of OHS, as well as core competencies of the work namely foundation, structural, architectural work and finally making reports on the results of work implementation. Because of the large number of competencies, it requires many  time and cost to train a superintendant hence, on this occasion the service team agreed to limit activities by conducting training on structural work only. Most of the participants in the activity came from university education background where there was not much practical knowledge in the field. The partner of this service activity is the Association of Occupational Safety and Health Experts (A2K4) of the South Sumatra region which has been involved in various training and certification activities in various fields of construction work. The form of training is tutorial, provide insights on the rules underlying the demands of competency standards at the intended job position, provide technical knowledge about the work implementation process, and at the end of the activity, participants are given questions to find out the level of understanding of knowledge. The results shows that participants catch the knowledge well, marked by the high percentage of participants who answer the post test well

    Pengaruh Perubahan Ukuran Maksimum Agregat Kasar Terhadap Jumlah Semen Untuk Pembuatan Beton Scc Dengan Bahan Tambah Sp430 Dan Rp260

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    Perkembangan teknologi beton saat ini menuju ke beton yang memiliki mutu yang tinggi dan juga memiliki kinerja tinggi (workability rendah). Beton jenis ini dikenal sebagai beton yang dapat memadat sendiri (SCC: Self Compacting Concrete) yang saat ini telah dikenal luas di Jepang, Eropa dan Amerika.Untuk menunjang kinerja beton menjadi tinggi, maka digunakan ukuran agregat kasar yang lebih kecil (maksimum 10 mm) dan untuk mendapatkan workability dan viscositas yang baik dibutuhkan penambahan aditif.Pada penelitian ini dihasilkan diantaranya pada Perubahan ukuran agregat menjadi maksimum 10 mm maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen sebanyak 15%. Untuk penyesuaian komposisi sesuai syarat komposisi beton SCC maka dibutuhkan penambahan semen menjadi total 22%, serta untuk memenuhi workability yang rendah dibutuhkan penambahan aditif jenis RP260 dan SP430 yang masing – masing 1,5 lt/m3 beton


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    Palembang Toll Development Project - Simpang Indralaya is built on swamp land. The subgrade of this road is soft clay soil that has low bearing capacity of soil. Low bearing capacity of the soil will cause severe damage to the pavement on the soil heap. Therefore it is necessary to strengthen the base soil to be able to withstand and avoid sliding because it does not decrease.In this final project, there will be comparative analysis of 2 (two) alternatives to improve the embankment in reaching the same degree of consolidation. The first alternative is traditional preloading method and second alternative is vacuum preloading method.From the calculation results, obtained by using vacuum preloading method, the time required to achieve the same degree of consolidation can be shorter than the traditional preloading method


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    Pembangunan infrastruktur dari suatu daerah merupakan tolak ukur dari perkembangan otonomi daerah. Pembangunan jalan pada suatu ruas jalan disebabkan oleh kebutuhan, juga meningkatnya jumlah kendaraan yang melewati suatu daerah tersebut. Kebutuhan yang dimkasudkan seperti jalan telah rusak ataupun tidak ada akses jalan sama sekali untuk menuju kesuatu daerah seperti yang terjadi di Ruas Jalan Pampangan – Lebung Batang STA 0+000 – 6+039 Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir Provinsi Sumatera Selatan ini.Didalam merencanakan desain geometrik jalan raya, hal-hal yang menjadi acuan dalam perencanaan meliputi perhitungan alinyemen horizontal, alinyemen vertikal, serta menetapkan perkerasan apa yang akan digunakan.Dari hasil perhitungan-perhitungan diatas maka Jalan Pampangan-Lebung Batang ini merupakan jalan Arteri kelas I dengan kecepatan rencana jalan 60 km/jam, dan pada jalan ini menggunakan 4 buah tikungan diantaranya, 4 Full Circle, 2 Spiral Circle Spiral dan 2 Spiral Spiral. Lapisan permukaan jalan menggunakan Perkerasan Rigid dengan tebal lapisan 29,5 cm, sedangkan lapisan pondasi bawah menggunakan Lean Concrete dengan tebal 10 cm dan Aggregat Kelas A dengan tebal lapisan 15 cm. Pembangunan ruas jalan ini dilaksanakan dalam waktu 266 hari kerja dengan total dana Rp 123.828.951.800,00 (Seratus Dua Puluh Tiga Miliyar Delapan Ratus Dua Puluh Delapan Juta Sembilan Ratus Lima Puluh Satu Ribu Delapan Ratus Rupiah)Kata kunci : Jalan, Desain Geometrik, Tebal perkerasan kak


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    Design of a building consists of several stages including the optimization of the structure. The difficulty level of structural design depends on the size of the building, the complexity of the plan and the details are used in the construction. For multi-storey buildings and varying plan arrangements, elevations and component dimensions, the calculation needs to be considered in many aspects with high calculation complexity. Therefore we need tool that can be used to speed up the calculations, so that design efficiency can be obtained faster and get the geometric optimization. In this webinar and short course activity, the computer aids program used is ETABS, which is software specifically used for building design, especially multi-story buildings. Participants in the activity are graduates who have been and will be involved in the world of construction design, especially buildings. The form of short course is to do online tutorials on the design of multi-storey reinforced concrete structures. This service activity partner is the Association of Construction Work Safety and Health Experts (A2K4) in the South Sumatra region which has been involved in various training and certification activities in various fields of construction work. The results of the activity showed that all participants stated that the activities carried out were very important because in the increasingly complex world of work it required mastery of software in helping the work process


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    Education is one of the vital thing in a city. The good facilities will make a better education, one of the facilities is a comfortable building. In Muhammadiyah University itself, the need of a new building is neccecary to accommodate all students to be able to study. The purpose of this report is to plan and design a building that is useful for education. This building uses a reinforced concrete structure that is guided by the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). In the calculation of this development, it is also guided by the Indonesian National Standard as the basic regulations for Indonesia and books related to the design of concrete structures, for example the book Planning for Reinforced Concrete written by Agus Setiawan, Basic Concrete Design made by WC Vis and Gideon Kusuma and Structures Reinforced Concrete by Istimawan Diphohusodo. This building is planned to be built above ground level with an area of ​​22.4 x 14.5 m with a height of seven floors. For the concrete that will be used for this construction, the quality (fc') = 25 MPa and for the steel quality is 400 MPa. The results of the Planning for the Construction of the Lecture A Building of the University of Muhammadiyah Palembang, using piles measuring 30 x 30 cm while the interior is 15 m, and the pile cap using a size of 260 x 260 x 75 cm, sloof used is 30 x 60 cm. and 30 x 55 cm. The main beams are 35 x 70 cm, 30 x 60 cm, 30 x 55 cm and 25 x 45 cm, while the child beams are 20 x 40 cm, 30 x 55 cm, and 15 x 50 cm. In planning the column, the column dimensions are 70 x 70 cm, 65 x 65 cm, 60 x 60 cm, 55 cm x 55 cm, 50 x 50 cm, 45 x 45 cm and 40 x 40 cm. In the design of the floor slab, a slab thickness of 120 mm is used. Based on the results of these planning calculations, it can be concluded with an outline that the calculated structure is stable and safe, so it is very feasible to use