32 research outputs found

    Application of Environmental-Based Scientific Approach to Improve Science Learning Activities and Outcomes in Grade IV Students of SD Inpres Koya, North Morowali Regency

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    This study aims to describe an increase in science learning activities and learning outcomes of fourth-grade students through the application of an environment-based scientific approach in the SD Inpres Koya. The research method uses the Hopkins model design, which consists of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The place for conducting the study was at SD Inpres Koya, from July to August 2018. The research subjects were 12 students. The data collection technique uses observation and test methods. Data analysis was done by analyzing data qualitatively and quantitatively. The results showed that the activity of students increased (15.33%) in the first cycle to the second cycle. Teacher activity increased (14.66%) from the first cycle to the second cycle. Data on student learning outcomes for pre-action classical absorption (57.50%), cycle I (74.14%), and cycle II (85.83%) increased (11.69%). For classical learning completeness pre-action (41.66%), cycle I (75.00%), and cycle II (100%) increased (25.00%). Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of an environment-based scientific approach can improve the activities and learning outcomes of science in the fourth grade of SD Inpres Koya. &nbsp

    Mushroom Diversity in the River Flow in The TAHURA Area of Palu City and Its Untilizaio as a Learning Media

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    This study aims to analyze the diversity of mushroom species in the watershed area of the TAHURA area of Palu City and to create a media poster regarding the types of fungi that exist in the river basin in the TAHURA area of Palu City that can be used in learning. This type of research is descriptive research. The method used in this research is the path method (Belt Transect). Sampling is divided into 3 stations in the TAHURA area of Palu City, along the river flow, 10 Belt Transects will be made and the distance between the transects is 20 m. Line length (Belt Transect) 100 m with a plot width of 2 x 2 m and a distance between plots of 2 m. The results found 16 species belonging to 2 divisions, where in the Basidiomycota division there are 15 types of mushrooms and in the Ascomycota division there is 1 type of fungus. medium category or the value of H '= 2.57. The results of the study were used as learning media in the form of posters about the diversity of mushroom species in the river basin area in the TAHURA area of Palu City, after going through validation by media validation lecturers and due diligence by 24 students who were divided into 2 groups, with a large group average score of 86, 8% and the small group 88.3%, the results obtained are classified as suitable for use as learning media

    Application of Contextual Teaching and Learning Using Power Point in Improving Learning Outcomes of Light Properties in Grade IV Students SDN 12 Palu

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    Teachers strive to improve student learning outcomes in science subjects through the use of approaches to classroom learning. As for the chosen approach to improve learning outcomes, foster a spirit of learning, diligence, and respect for each other is the approach of contextual teaching and learning (CTL) using power points. The study aims to: 1) describe the implementation of contextual teaching and learning using power points to improve the learning outcomes of light properties in grade IV students at SDN 12 Palu (2) describing increased learning outcomes on the properties of light in grade IV students at SDN 12 Palu through the application of contextual teaching and learning using power points. The research method uses the classroom action research design Mc. Taggart, consisting of 4 stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research location is at SDN 12 Palu. The research subjects (n = 24) consisting of 13 male students and 11 female students. Data retrieval techniques using observation methods and tests. Data analysis is conducted with qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The results showed that students' activity in Cycle I gained 71.33% or enough category, increasing in cycles of II 86.66% or very good category. Learning activities through the results of observation of teacher skills on cycle I, obtained 76% or good, and cycle II 90.66% or very good. Student learning data for the classical absorbent (DSK) cycle I (63%) and cycle II (80%). For the classical learning (KBK) cycle I (58%) and cycle II (83%). Based on these results, it was concluded that the implementation of contextual teaching and learning using power points can increase the activity and outcomes of science in class IV SDN 12 Palu

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Melalui Model Kooperatif Learning Tipe STAD Di Kelas 3 SD Inpres 1 Siney

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    As Tadulako ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPA kelas III di SD Inpres 1 Siney melalui model pembelajaran Kooperatif Learning Tipe STAD. Penelitian tindakan ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa berjumlah 13 orang terdiri dari 7 orang laki-laki dan 6 orang perempuan. Sumber data kualitatif adalah data hasil observasi aktivitas guru dan siswa dan data kuantitatif adalah data tes hasil belajar siswa. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian siklus I diperoleh aktivitas guru berada pada kategori kurang dengan persentase 55% pada pertemuan I dan 63% pada pertemuan II. Aktivitas siswa berada pada kategori kurang dengan persentase 56% pada pertemuan I dan 63% pada pertemuan II. Siswa yang tuntas secara individu sebanyak 4 siswa dari 13 siswa dengan ketuntasan klasikal 31% dan daya serap klsikal 60%. Hasil penelitian siklus II diperoleh aktivitas guru berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 80% pada pertemuan I dan 100% pada pertemuan II. Aktivitas siswa berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 81% pada pertemua I dan 100% pada pertemuan II. Siswa yang tuntas secara individu sebanyak 12 orang dari 13 orang siswa dengan ketuntasan klasikal 92% dan daya serap klasikal 89%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka penerapan Metode Kooperatif Learning Tipe STAD dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa di Kelas 3 SD Inpres 1 Siney

    Genetic Diversity of Plant Species Mangrove Sonneratia Spp. in Central Sulawesi and Its Utilization as a Learning Media

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    The mangrove Sonneratia caseolaris that grows on land (Bora) has a different morphological form from Sonneratia alba which grows on the sea coast of Parigi and Donggala. This study aims to determine the genetic diversity of mangrove species Sonneratia spp. in Central Sulawesi and utilizing research results as a learning media in the form of a genetics practicum module. The results showed that the genetic diversity of the mangrove species Sonneratia spp. in Parigi, Donggala, and Bora showed a difference, namely that Sonneratia alba which grew in Parigi and Donggala had the same similarity index, namely 88.9%, while Sonneratia caseolaris which grew in Bora had a different similarity index, namely 71.3%. From these results, a learning media in the form of a genetics practicum guide module was made and was validated by content experts, design experts, media experts, and 10 students.   &nbsp


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    This research was carried out in Ponding-ponding village, on June and July 2014. The aim of the research is to identify structure, composition and environment condition of mangrove vegetation in Ponding-ponding Village District North Tinangkung Banggai Islands Regency. Research method used was belt transect method with position in nested plot, location of the study consisted of 3 stations are placed purposive sampling, data was analyzed using vegetation analysis. The results showed that the true mangrove species found in the village of Ponding-ponding are 6 type of Avicennia officinalis, Schyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Lumnitzera racemosa, Lumnitzera littorea, Rhizophora mucronata and Nypa fruticans. At station I, the highest IVI in the tree stratum, sapling and seedling is Avicennia officinalis with importance value each of it (257.52 %), (220.24 %) and (88.89 %). At station II, the highest IVI in the tree stratum is Schyphiphora hydrophyllacea (181.54 %), sapling and seedling stratum is Lumnitzera racemosa each of it have importance value (117.67 %) and (56.17 %). At station II, the highest IVI in the tree stratum, sapling and seedling is Nypa fruticans with details amount sapling (227,93 %) and seedling (200 %).Key words: Structure, Composition, Mangrove Vegetation, Ponding-ponding villag

    Meningkatkan Keterampilan Proses Sains pada Asisten Laboratorium Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNTAD melalui Bimbingan Praktikum Lapangan Ekologi

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    This study aims to determine the improvement of science process skills of laboratory assistants of Biology Education FKIP UNTAD through ecology field practicum guidance. The research method used in this research was descriptive by using this type of qualitative research. The subjects in this study were 30 laboratory assistants. Increasing science process skills through ecology field practicum activities including work safety indicators in practicum, skills using tools and materials, skills in making observations, ability to apply sampling methods and techniques, ability to analyze and interpret data, and ability to communicate practical results. Data were analyzed to count the Normalized Gain (N-Gain). Based on the Normalized Gain analysis on the six indicators of science process skills, the assistants overall have an average of 0.67 (classified as moderate). Furthermore, based on the hypothesis test, it showed the tcount (8.899) was greater than the ttable value (2.015) so that the H0 hypothesis was rejected, which means that there was an increase in science process skills at the Biology Education Laboratory Assistant FKIP UNTAD through ecology field practicum guidance


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    The Research entitled “Diversity of erect palm species and its Etnobotanical study at Tuwa Village Saluki Hamlet Gumbasa district, Sigi regency” has been conducted from October to December 2016. The research aimed to study the diversity of Arecaceae and its usefulness by local people in the studied area. The metode of collecting data and sample conducted a survey include exploration in the field without ignoring the abiotic factors include temperature and humidity, well as tte questionnaire interviews with responden 10 people. The results showed that 9 species of Arecaceae with aspects of their use people in the tuwa village saluki hamlet. The data analysis of Arecaceae plants untilized by the community that is 4 aspect, which consists of medicine (2 species), food (4 species), crafts (1 species), and building materials (3 species)