143 research outputs found

    Oneself as Another : Identification and Mourning in Patrick Modiano\u27s Dora Bruder

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    Taking off from Paul Ricoeur\u27s book Soi-mĂȘme comme un autre (Oneself as Another), this essay discusses two kinds of identification in Modiano\u27s relation to Dora: identification as appropriation, where the writer assimilates Dora\u27s story in order to explore his own relation to his parents, especially his father; and identification as empathy, where the writer underlines the differences between his and Dora\u27s stories and also seeks to come to a historical understanding of what happened to her. In that process, he also evokes the fate of other Jews who, like Dora and her family, were deported from France. I conclude that this kind of empathetic identification leads to mourning, which is the realization that the death of a person has left (as Jacques Lacan puts it) a hole in the real

    The Question of Readability in Avant-Garde Fiction

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    All avant-garde literature is in some sense «unreadable»—that is, unintelligible in terms of prevailing norms of intelligibility. Avant-garde fiction aggressively proclaims its transgressions of traditional narrative «logic,» and thus challenges at the same time the reader\u27s belief in his or her sense-making ability; the reader may react to this threat by counter-attacking, dismissing the text as «unreadable.» Paradoxically, the term «readable» has a negative value in Roland Barthes\u27s terminology, where the «readable text» is opposed to Barthes\u27s idealized notion of the truly modern «writable text.» According to Barthes, the «writable text» refuses commentary, defies all attempt at a logical, systematic reading. This view is a romantic one. Barthes suggests that the only appropriate way to read modern texts is by adopting their fragmentariness, yielding to them in a kind of ecstasy (jouissance). I suggest, however, that at least two other ways of reading such texts are possible, and desirable: one way consists in the discovery of new rules of readability, which admittedly tend to lead to new codifications and a new canon (this, I argue, is what has occurred in the case of Robbe-Grillet\u27s «transgressive» fictions); the other way consists in seeing how modern texts inscribe the question of their «unreadability» within themselves—in other words, how they thematize the opposition between readable and unreadable, unity and fragmentation, order and transgression. Maurice Roche\u27s Compact serves as the text of reference in this latter discussion

    Emotional Responses to Computer-Based Training Materials in Education

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    This paper discusses the results of an experiment that examines how emotional responses influence student satisfaction ratings with computer-based training materials. A comparison between tutorial-based and a simulation-based training showed significant differences in student emotional responses, satisfaction and continuance. The authors caution educators to consider the benefits and limitations of more automated assessment and learning simulation tools versus traditional application-embedded tutorials, as additional layers of training automation may lower student ease-of-use and satisfaction ratings, and ultimately, their interest in the subject

    After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future

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    Imre Kertész's fatelessness : fiction as testimony / J. Hillis Miller -- Challenges for the successor generations of German-Jewish authors in Germany / Beatrice Sandberg -- Recent literature confronting the past : France and beyond / Philippe Mesnard, translated by Terence Cave -- Performing a perpetrator as witness : Jonathan Littell's Les bienveillantes / Susan Rubin Suleiman -- The ethics and aesthetics of backward narration in Martin Amis's Time's arrow / James Phelan -- The face-to-face encounter in Holocaust narrative / Jeremy Hawthorn -- Knowing little, adding nothing : the ethics and aesthetics of remembering in Espen SÞbye's Kathe, always lived in Norway / Anniken Greve -- "When facts are scarce" : authenticating strategies in writing by children of survivors / Irene Kacandes -- Objects of return / Marianne Hirsch -- Narrative, memory, and visual image : W.G. Sebald's Luftkrieg und Literatur and Austerlitz / Jakob Lothe -- Which narrative of Auschwitz? A narrative analysis of Laurence Rees's documentary Auschwitz : the Nazis and "the final solution" / Anette H. Storeide -- Moving testimonies : "unhomed geography" and the Holocaust documentary of return / Janet Walker -- From Auschwitz to the Temple Mount : binding and unbinding the Israeli narrative / Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi -- The melancholy generation : Grossman's Book of interior grammar / Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan -- Fractured relations : the multidirectional Holocaust memory of Caryl Phillips / Michael Rothberg -- Hiroshima and the Holocaust : tales of war and defeat in Japan and Germany-a contrastive perspective / Anne ThelleItem embargoed for five year

    World Allergy Organization-McMaster University Guidelines for Allergic Disease Prevention (GLAD-P): Probiotics

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    Background: Prevalence of allergic diseases in infants, whose parents and siblings do not have allergy, is approximately 10% and reaches 20–30% in those with an allergic first-degree relative. Intestinal microbiota may modulate immunologic and inflammatory systemic responses and, thus, influence development of sensitization and allergy. Probiotics have been reported to modulate immune responses and their supplementation has been proposed as a preventive intervention. Objective: The World Allergy Organization (WAO) convened a guideline panel to develop evidence-based recommendations about the use of probiotics in the prevention of allergy. Methods: We identified the most relevant clinical questions and performed a systematic review of randomized controlled trials of probiotics for the prevention of allergy. We followed the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to develop recommendations. We searched for and reviewed the evidence about health effects, patient values and preferences, and resource use (up to November 2014). We followed the GRADE evidence-to-decision framework to develop recommendations. Results: Currently available evidence does not indicate that probiotic supplementation reduces the risk of developing allergy in children. However, considering all critical outcomes in this context, the WAO guideline panel determined that there is a likely net benefit from using probiotics resulting primarily from prevention of eczema. The WAO guideline panel suggests: a) using probiotics in pregnant women at high risk for having an allergic child; b) using probiotics in women who breastfeed infants at high risk of developing allergy; and c) using probiotics in infants at high risk of developing allergy. All recommendations are conditional and supported by very low quality evidence. Conclusions: WAO recommendations about probiotic supplementation for prevention of allergy are intended to support parents, clinicians and other health care professionals in their decisions whether to use probiotics in pregnancy and during breastfeeding, and whether to give them to infants
